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valley by barbarian herdsmen and hunters, 78:8.3 (875.7)of Europe, the Andite, 80:4.0 (892.4–893.2)of Europe by Andonites, racial elements included in, 80:9.6 (898.1)by blue men, following retreat of ice, 64:7.8 (727.5)by Mesopotamians, effect of, on Cro-Magnons, 80:3.9 (892.3)of Greece, effect of, on Greek religion, 98:1.2 (1077.6)Greek naval, of Egypt, and the flight of Moses’ people, 96:3.5 (1056.2)of India, addition of Andite stock by, to racial blend, 79:2.1 (879.7)the Aryan, about, 79:4.0 (882.1–883.1)the Dravidian-Andite, genetic effect of, on China, 79:6.7 (885.4)entry of the Sethite priesthood during, effect of, on culture, 79:3.3 (881.3)the Mohammedan, timing of, relative to spiritual awakening, 79:4.8 (882.8)of lands of the Levant by the cult of Ishtar, 95:1.7 (1043.2)of man by spirit of Universal Father, 48:1.6 (542.3)of new levels of experience, courage required for, 101:7.2 (1113.8)nomadic, of third millennium before Christ, effect of, on trade between Mesopotamia and China, 79:7.6 (886.7)of space by divinity manifestations, and expansions of Deity functional-revelation, 56:7.5 (642.5)by surrounding hostile peoples, defense against, in the continental nation, 72:11.4 (819.3)Inventionand cultural development, 81:6.9 (907.6)modern mechanical, effect of, on institution of slavery, 69:8.9 (779.8)of post-Adamic age, 52:3.6 (593.5)stimulation of, by cold and hunger, 64:1.3 (718.5)Inventive endowmentthe inventor’s fair share of the rewards of, 132:5.20 (1464.4)Invertebrate-animalage, 59:2.0 (674.7–676.4)Investiturematerial, the limitations of, Adjusters’ hope of delivery from, 107:6.2 (1182.4)morontia, appearance of dispensation survivors in readiness for their, 189:3.2 (2024.4)initial, location of fused souls’ receipt of, 49:6.19 (570.8)Investment(s)of Adam and Eve with kingly robes, 74:2.7 (830.2)of Ancients of Days with powers concerning extinction of will creatures, 18:3.7 (210.1)of Andonite germ plasm contributors with Satania life currents, how accomplished, 77:2.7 (857.4)of authority in the group, Jesus’ reasons for, 159:1.6 (1764.1)of certain phases of planetary authority in a System Sovereign, and exceptions in cases of rebellion, 43:3.7 (489.2), 45:2.2 (511.2)early religion not, for future, but insurance for short term, 87:0.1 (958.1), 89:0.2 (974.2)of excess earnings, the Master’s belief concerning, 132:5.7 (1463.1), 163:2.11 (1803.2)of faithful Planetary Princes with new powers, at the dawn of light and life, 55:1.1 (622.1)with full universe authority, Jesus’ declining of, at the transfiguration, 158:1.4 (1752.6)of Jesus’ earnings in property by John Zebedee, results, 129:2.4 (1422.1)material, limitations of, deliverance of Adjusters and mortal souls from, 107:6.2 (1182.4)of the mind, the body as the, 12:8.16 (141.1)of Michael with power and authority, his continued interest in the affairs of this world after, 176:2.3 (1914.4)of morontia personality forms, for fused souls, 49:6.19 (570.8)purpose of, 112:6.2 (1235.6)mortal, Jesus’ deliverance from, and his ability to return in the spirit, 181:1.1 (1953.3)mind of, humans’ journey in, from seventh to first circle, 113:1.6 (1242.1)survivors’ deliverance from their, in favor of morontia forms, 50:3.6 (575.1)of a Mother Spirit with the overcontrol of a Creator Son’s spiritual presence, 21:2.11 (237.1)of narrated events with emotional and intellectual reality, in memory reconstruction after survival, 40:9.6 (451.2)of one generation in the welfare of the next, a foundation of civilization, 84:7.27 (941.8)of personality response with fullness of recognition, in memory reconstruction after survival, 40:9.8 (451.4)of power product of time and space with personality, a function of experiential Deity, 106:2.4 (1165.1)of the presence of the Father and the Son by the glory of the Infinite Spirit, 11:1.1 (118.3)primitive marriage as an economic, 82:4.2 (917.5)of rebellion in Nebadon with automatic seed of annihilation, a decree of the Ancients of Days for the duration of Michael’s bestowal, 120:1.6 (1326.3)for survivors at the dispensational resurrection, 189:3.2 (2024.4)of talents by the faithful servant in the parable, 176:3.4 (1916.4)in titles and degrees by modern man, and the savage’s purchase of a name, 88:5.5 (971.7)of Urantia mortals by the Spirit of Truth, 47:10.6 (540.2), 56:10.13 (647.4)Invincibilityof Jesus as a mortal, 182:3.11 (1970.1)Invisibilityof the Adjusters, possible reason for the, 107:4.4 (1180.7)of certain children of Adamson and Ratta, 77:5.6 (861.6)of the Great Supreme, 131:8.3 (1452.1)of secondary midway creatures, 51:3.6 (583.5)of spirit beings, 1:3.1 (25.1)Invitation-commandof the Universal Father, 7:5.1 (86.2), 26:4.12 (290.2)Ionizationof atmospheric oxygen, cause of, 58:2.6 (666.3)solar, calcium’s resistance to, 41:6.2 (461.6)of upper atmosphere, cause of, 58:2.9 (666.6)Ionized matterdefinition, 42:3.8 (472.6)Ionosphere upperof Jerusem, reflection of light-energy from the, 46:1.6 (520.2)Iranorigin of Mithraism in, 98:5.2 (1082.3)IranianAhura, worship of, in Arabia, 95:7.2 (1050.7)Andites, appearance of, in Europe, 80:9.6 (898.1)conceptions of good and evil, influence of, on the Hebrew religion, 96:0.3 (1052.3)cult of Mithras, popularity of, in the Greco-Roman world, 98:4.5 (1081.8)IronAge, simultaneous existence of, with Stone and Bronze Ages in different localities, 81:3.4 (903.6)apostolic work in, 146:0.1 (1637.1), 146:4.1 (1643.2)lines, in solar spectra, reason for excess of, 41:6.7 (462.5)mines of North America and Europe, location of, as regards rock layers, 58:7.10 (671.3)ores, Andite artisans’ working of, in Egypt, 80:6.3 (894.4)Iroquoisfederation, failure of, to become a state, causes, 71:1.3 (800.5), 84:2.2 (932.8)funeral custom reforms of, result, 87:2.10 (960.4)IsaacAbraham’s attempt to secure a wife for, among his own people, 93:9.4 (1023.1)willingness to sacrifice, 89:6.8 (981.5)birth of, significance, 93:6.5 (1021.1)faith of, in Melchizedek teachings, 93:9.5 (1023.2)the sole inheritor of Abraham’s property, 93:9.8 (1023.5)Isadorescape of, from Jerusalem, 121:8.7 (1342.2)Gospel of Matthew written by, 121:8.5 (1341.6), 121:8.7 (1342.2)narrative by, of Jesus’ sayings and doings, 139:7.5 (1560.1)Isaiah (the first)change in concept of God’s nature from Moses’ time down to days of, 142:2.2 (1597.2)encouragement of, to the fear-ridden and soul-hungry, 97:5.3 (1066.7)the Father’s use of, 155:6.2 (1730.6)growth of concepts of Yahweh from Samuel to, 159:4.5 (1768.1)Hosea’s introduction to the God concept later presented by, 97:4.7 (1066.4)Jesus’ synagogue reading from, 137:6.1 (1532.3), 145:2.2 (1629.3), 150:8.9 (1686.1)John the Baptist especially impressed by the writings of, 135:4.4 (1499.4)preachings of, concerning a beneficent king-deliverer, 97:8.3 (1071.1)prediction of, regarding Jerusalem, 97:9.22 (1074.4)and a Universal Creator, 142:3.7 (1598.8)Isaiah (the second)appearance of, 97:7.4 (1068.4)eloquence of, 97:7.9 (1069.4)influence of, on the Jewish priesthood, 97:7.4 (1068.4)magnificent concept of, rejection of, by the Hebrews, 97:10.2 (1075.7)Isaiahs (the two)doctrines of, high concepts of God in the, 96:4.9 (1057.5)Ishtaridentity and influence of, 95:1.5 (1042.6)Isiscult of, in Egypt, 95:1.7 (1043.2), 95:5.12 (1048.6), 98:4.8 (1082.1)Islamdominance of, over Buddhism in northern India, 94:2.8 (1029.6)effect of Jewish theology and Christian teachings on, 92:6.19 (1011.17)an evaluation of, 95:7.6 (1051.4)overwhelming of Abnerian kingdom concepts by, 171:1.6 (1869.2)some quotations from, 95:7.6 (1051.4)on Urantia today, 92:6.19 (1011.17), 95:7.6 (1051.4)see also Mohammed; Mohammedanism; MohammedansIslamicfaith, followers of the, failure of, to grasp the idea of the Trinity, 104:1.9 (1144.6)religion, establishment of the, 95:7.5 (1051.3)Island(s)of the Aegean, migration of Andites to Italy from, 80:7.11 (896.3)one route of Andite entry into Europe, 80:4.1 (892.4)in the Alexandria harbor, site of the Pharos lighthouse, 130:3.2 (1432.2)the Cincinnati, 59:4.8 (679.1)considered as possible locations for the Garden, 73:3.1 (823.1)of Crete, reorganization of churches on, by Titus, 130:5.1 (1436.2)unique early settlement of, by superior Andites, 80:7.2 (895.2)visit of Jesus, Ganid, and Gonod to, 130:4.12 (1435.4), 130:5.0 (1436.2–5)of Cyprus, sojourn of Jesus, Ganid, and Gonod on, 133:7.1 (1479.1)time of settlement of, by progressive Mesopotamians, 80:7.10 (896.2)dark, see Dark islandsEaster, a onetime center of Andite civilization in the Pacific, 78:5.7 (873.3)of eastern Mediterranean, onetime site of a superior civilization, 80:7.1 (895.1)of focal attention, a characteristic of the mystical state, 100:5.9 (1099.7)large, onetime, off the southern coast of California, 60:1.8 (686.4)of Malta, visit of Jesus, Ganid, and Gonod to, 130:8.1 (1440.1)of the Mediterranean, migration of Adamson’s descendants to, 77:5.10 (862.4)pouring of adventurous peoples from the fertile crescent to the, 80:7.9 (896.1)westward movement of civilization to, 78:6.8 (874.5)Mediterranean peninsula occupied by the Garden virtually an, 73:3.3 (823.3)near Urmia, the site of Cymboyton’s temple of religion, 134:3.1 (1485.3)onetime, higher

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