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above the waters of the expanded Mediterranean, 61:1.12 (694.4), 61:3.8 (697.3)northern, of the Mediterranean, path of Adamsonites into Greece, 80:7.3 (895.3)of the Pacific, breaking away from mother continent by, time of, 57:8.23 (663.1), 58:4.3 (668.1)diversity of races on the, 79:6.3 (884.6)presence of composite races on, at dawn of historic times, 81:4.1 (904.5)spread of Mesopotamian culture to, 78:5.8 (873.4)peoples of the Pacific, improvement of, by Andites, 79:1.6 (879.3)Philippine, and certain traditions of man’s creation, 74:8.4 (837.3)Polynesian, biological modification of natives of, by Andite sailors, results, 78:5.7 (873.3)region of the Aegean, as the Occidental center of culture, 80:7.5 (895.5)of the southern Pacific basin, site of rich fossil beds, 60:1.12 (686.8)off the southern seacoast of Asia, population of, by the brown race, 64:7.6 (727.3), 64:7.16 (728.5), 78:3.8 (871.4)universes, many, relationship of, to Orvonton, 12:2.3 (130.5)Isle of Lightascendant pilgrims, final training of, on the, 27:4.2 (301.3)Eternal Son’s abode, 56:4.5 (640.4)keepers of formal archives of, 25:5.1 (281.2)and Life, 11:0.2 (118.2), 27:4.1 (301.2)Isle of Paradiseabout, 11:0.0 (118.1–127.7)Adjuster-fused mortals’ destination, 40:8.4 (450.1)the center of gravity, 5:6.11 (71.6), 9:1.7 (100.1), 9:3.1 (101.1), 11:8.2 (125.5), 12:4.1 (133.3), 29:5.5 (329.5)characteristics of, 0:5.5 (8.5), 42:2.3 (469.3)circular-gravity presence of the, 41:5.6 (461.2)coherence of the far-flung physical universe in the, 2:7.7 (42.8)degree of power of control and co-ordination in the, 3:4.2 (49.6)description, 0:4.12 (7.10)energy facts of the, embraced in the unity of Deity, 103:7.3 (1138.1)everlasting, 20:10.4 (233.1)function of, 1:5.16 (29.6), 9:1.4 (99.3), 9:3.1 (101.1), 12:8.2 (139.5)functioning of First Source and Center in patterns of, 1:2.10 (24.8)home of Trinity-origin beings, 13:2.4 (148.3)and impersonal reality, 0:4.10 (7.8)one of the seven Absolutes, 0:3.5 (5.4), 104:3.9 (1147.1)the original pattern, 42:1.1 (467.3)physical relation of Havona to the, 14:1.10 (153.1)presence circuit of the, 3:1.6 (45.4)and puissant energy, 29:5.5 (329.5)reality and eternity of the, 8:1.10 (91.7)relation of universal beauty to, 56:10.17 (647.8)removal from direct action by, on creative activity in uncharted space, 115:6.2 (1265.3)residence of the Infinite Spirit, 23:1.8 (257.3)a sanctuary of divine service, 27:7.2 (303.6)and spiritualizing influences of Third Person of Deity, 13:0.5 (143.5)and Universal Father’s physical control of the master universe, 12:6.2 (135.12)upholder of all things material, 7:0.3 (81.3)see also ParadiseIsle of PatmosJohn’s banishment to the, 139:4.13 (1555.6)Isolatedpersonality, Judas an, 193:4.2 (2055.5)worlds, allowability of student visitors on, 48:3.10 (546.3)definition, 35:9.9 (394.1)primary supernaphim as commanders of seraphic hosts on, 27:0.2 (298.2)readmission of, into system family, 46:8.2 (529.1), 53:9.6 (611.5)re-establishment of lines of communication with, 35:9.9 (394.1), 46:8.2 (529.1)of Satania, interest of Lanaforge in, 45:2.4 (511.4)Most High emergency administrator’s relation to, 43:5.10 (491.6)Isolationcreature personality, Jesus’ revelation of triumph over fears of, 184:4.6 (1985.1)effect of, 68:2.1 (764.4), 160:2.9 (1776.3)Jesus’ memorable, 136:10.1 (1523.6)of Mesopotamian peninsula, 62:1.3 (703.4)nothing lives in, 56:10.14 (647.5)of personality, prayer’s influence in preventing, 91:2.7 (996.5)prolonged, undesirability of, 100:5.8 (1099.6)personality’s inability to perform in, 112:1.16 (1227.6)planetary, cause of, 24:1.12 (266.2), 35:9.9 (394.1), 67:2.3 (755.5), 102:1.3 (1119.2)effect of, on revelation of truth on Urantia, 102:1.3 (1119.2)imposition of, method, 67:2.3 (755.5)selfish, Jesus’ labor to break down all forms of, 140:8.11 (1580.6)social and fraternal, Jesus’ warning against, 193:4.1 (2055.4)Israelchildren of, Deity concept of, compared to tribal gods, 96:5.8 (1058.6)deliverer of, Mary’s growing conviction that Jesus was the, 125:6.13 (1385.1)history of, Jesus’ interest in, 123:3.5 (1359.6)John’s baptism for the good of, 136:2.1 (1510.4)vs. Judah, 97:9.11 (1073.1)post-Moses struggle of, to know God, 155:6.10 (1732.3)quandary of, as to their subjugation to gentile overlords, 135:5.1 (1500.1)reaction of, to Samuel’s proclamation: "The Lord enriches and impoverishes," 97:1.6 (1063.3)repudiation of the Son of God by, 175:3.2 (1910.1)the throne of, Mary’s idea of Jesus as successor of David to, 122:8.4 (1351.8)Israelite(s)actual number of tribes of, in Palestine, 97:9.1 (1071.6)idea of kingdom as community, 170:5.11 (1865.1)reaction of, to Hosea’s pronouncements regarding God’s love for other than the "chosen people," 97:4.6 (1066.3)representative, Jewish concept of the Messiah as the, 136:1.2 (1509.4)reversion of, to foundation sacrifices after Moses’ death, 89:6.6 (981.3)Isthmusof Gibraltar, destruction of the, 80:2.4 (890.8)IT ISthe, the highest deity level of Hindu theology, also known as the Brahman, 94:4.3 (1031.4)ItalySalem missionaries’ lack of success in, 98:3.2 (1080.4)ItineraryThomas’s management of the apostolic, 138:10.7 (1547.7), 139:8.5 (1561.5)

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