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to the nationalist movement, 127:2.8 (1397.6)the untiring patience of, 127:3.15 (1400.7)willingness of, to defend self against one other than a son of God, 133:1.4 (1469.3)Jesus-Baptism and Forty Daysage of, at baptism, 136:2.8 (1512.4)announcement of "my hour has come" by, 135:8.3 (1504.1)appearance of, at end of forty-day isolation, 136:10.1 (1523.6)baptism of, about, 136:2.0 (1510.4–1512.4)discussion with his brothers prior to, 135:8.2 (1503.5)and the forty days, 136:0.0 (1509.1–1523.6)significance to his public career, 128:1.8 (1408.5)decisions of, during the forty days, concerning establishing the kingdom in power, 136:9.0 (1521.4–1523.5)self-preservation, 136:7.0 (1519.5–1520.1)supernatural help, 136:5.0 (1516.1–1517.2)use of his creator prerogatives, 136:6.0 (1517.3–1519.4)divine powers to attract attention, 136:8.0 (1520.2–1521.3)the will of the Father, 136:10.0 (1523.6)defeat of Caligastia on Mount Hermon by, 134:8.6 (1493.5), 136:3.1 (1512.5)disappearance of, after his baptism, 135:8.6 (1504.4)end of purely human life of, 136:2.7 (1512.3)forty-day postbaptismal retirement of, 136:3.0 (1512.5–1514.1)habitat of, during his forty-day isolation, 136:4.14 (1515.8)the Immanuel conference as recalled on the day of his baptism by, 129:3.9 (1424.4)meeting of John the Baptist and, 135:8.0 (1503.4–1504.5)plans of, for public work, 136:4.0 (1514.2–1515.8)postbaptismal forty-day seclusion of, purpose, 136:3.3 (1512.7)vision of his heavenly status at baptism, 136:2.4 (1511.3)Jesus-Crucifixion and Resurrectionburial of, 188:1.0 (2012.4–2013.7)on the cross, reaction of Judas to sight of, 186:1.4 (1998.2)smile of, at sight of his mother, brother, and sister, 187:2.8 (2007.7)the crucifixion of, about, 187:0.0 (2004.1–2011.7)events during, 187:2.0 (2006.5–2008.1)immediately following, 187:6.0 (2011.5–7)preceding, 186:0.0 (1997.1–2003.3)those who saw, 187:3.0 (2008.2–7)death of, about, 187:5.0 (2010.2–2011.4)date, 186:5.1 (2002.2)time, 187:5.5 (2011.1)discovery of the empty tomb of, by his human associates, 189:4.0 (2025.2–2027.4), 189:5.0 (2027.5–2028.1)disposition of the material remains of, 189:2.0 (2022.5–2024.2)events between the burial and resurrection of, 188:2.0 (2014.1–3), 188:3.0 (2014.4–2016.5)experience of death by, 129:4.5 (1425.4)first postresurrection act of, 189:1.10 (2022.1)journey of, to Golgotha, 187:1.0 (2004.5–2006.4)last hour of, on the cross, 187:5.0 (2010.2–2011.4)lessons from the death of, 188:5.0 (2017.9–2019.6)meaning of the death of, 188:4.0 (2016.6–2017.8)prediction of events of his death and resurrection by, see Sayings of Jesus, predictionsrefusal of, to avoid the cross, 188:5.11 (2019.4)the resurrection of, about, 189:0.0 (2020.1–2028.1)date, 189:1.1 (2020.4)events immediately following, 189:3.0 (2024.3–2025.1)preceding, 189:0.1–3 (2020.1–3)in morontia form, 189:1.0 (2020.4–2022.4)status of, during the tomb experience, midwayers’ indefiniteness as to the, 188:3.5 (2015.1)and the thief on the cross, 187:4.0 (2008.8–2010.1)time in the tomb, 188:0.0 (2012.1–3)willingness of, to subject himself to the cross, 188:5.11 (2019.4)Jesus-Family Lifeadjustments of his feelings and impulses to needs of family welfare by, 123:3.9 (1360.4)of his views of religious practices to those of his parents by, 124:4.9 (1372.6)attendance of, on Jude, in Jerusalem prison, 128:6.6 (1415.6)attitude of, toward baby brother James, 123:2.4 (1358.1)toward Ruth and her playmates, 128:6.10 (1416.3)avoidance of partiality toward members of his family by, 128:1.14 (1409.4)Bethlehem sojourn of family of, reason for, 122:8.4 (1351.8)care of his family, the first obligation of, 126:3.5 (1389.8)compassion of, for his mother at Cana, 137:4.9 (1530.1)conformity of, to his family usages, 125:6.12 (1384.8)a dutiful son, 126:0.2 (1386.2)family-rearing experience of, 124:5.2 (1373.2), 127:1.7 (1396.4)as a father to his brothers and sisters, 126:3.2 (1389.5)formulation of the "Lord’s Prayer" by, 126:3.3 (1389.6)forsaken by his family, 154:6.9 (1722.5)his family’s arrival at Capernaum, 154:6.0 (1721.1–1723.3)inability of, to understand forbidden Sabbath play, 123:4.3 (1361.3)Joseph’s and Mary’s temptation to favor, 124:3.2 (1369.8)love of, for his family, 129:0.2 (1419.2)a man of peace, influence of, on his family, 128:7.4 (1417.3)Mary’s recognition of, as head of the family, 127:3.13 (1400.5)modification by, of family’s religious forms, 124:4.8 (1372.5), 127:4.9 (1402.2)number of brothers and sisters, 126:2.2 (1388.2)Passover trip of, with Jude, 128:6.3 (1415.3)pledge of obedience of, to his earthly parents, 125:6.11 (1384.7)reaction of, to the birth of sister Miriam, 123:2.3 (1357.7)to his parents’ attitude toward the temple episode, 125:6.8 (1384.4)refusal of, to accept special consideration by his parents, 124:3.2 (1369.8)reply of, to his mother’s rebuke in the temple, 125:6.7 (1384.3)responsibilities of, as head of his father’s family, 126:2.2 (1388.2)Sabbath afternoon strolls of, with his brothers and sisters, 127:3.8 (1399.7)walks of, 123:5.12 (1363.5)seeming indifference of, to possible worry of his parents, 125:6.1 (1383.4)separation of, from the Nazareth family, 129:0.3 (1419.3)solicitude of, for his mother, 129:0.1 (1419.1)success of, as a father to Joseph’s family, 127:1.8 (1396.5)taking of James to his first Passover by, 127:3.1 (1398.5)teaching of his brothers and sisters by, 126:1.3 (1387.3)weaning of Nazareth family by, 128:2.4 (1410.3)willingness of, to conform to the desires of his earthly father, 125:6.12 (1384.8)Jesus-Human and Divine Naturebeginning self-consciousness of his divinity and destiny by, 126:0.1 (1386.1), 128:1.8 (1408.5)combined nature of, his gift to the world, 153:2.12 (1711.4)consciousness of, of his potential power, 128:7.1 (1416.6), 161:3.1 (1787.3)contact of, with human experience, 123:5.6 (1362.7), 126:5.2 (1392.9)craving of, for confidential friendship, 126:3.14 (1391.4)the creator of all Nebadon, 124:6.17 (1376.3), 132:7.9 (1467.5)as Creator and creature, 128:7.6 (1417.5), 136:1.6 (1510.3)decision of, to adopt the title "Son of Man," 126:3.8 (1390.3)divine humanity of, 101:6.17 (1113.6)a divine Son, 119:7.5 (1317.1), 120:4.5 (1331.5), 122:5.3 (1348.3), 136:2.7 (1512.3), 157:4.2 (1746.6), 169:4.13 (1857.4), 178:0.1 (1929.1), 194:3.19 (2065.7)escape from both social extremes of human existence by, 129:4.4 (1425.3)experience of human feelings and emotions by, 129:4.5 (1425.4), 168:1.2 (1844.1), 182:3.7 (1969.2)living by, (1405.7) 127:6.15, 127:6.15 (1405.7), 127:6.15 (1405.7)genuineness of the humanity of, 136:8.7 (1521.2)growing awareness of his creatorship by, 128:1.13 (1409.3)of his pre-existence by, 127:0.1 (1395.1)of the nature of his bestowal by, 126:1.1 (1387.1)human, about, 129:4.0 (1424.5–1426.1)consciousness of, asleep between death

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