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135:8.2 (1503.5)post-Jesus connection of, with the Christian movement, 154:6.9 (1722.5)reaction of, to Jesus’ nonparticipation in temple discussions, 127:3.5 (1399.4)reception of, into the commonwealth of Israel, 127:3.5 (1399.4)religious nature of, 127:3.2 (1399.1)James Alpheusespecially loved the Master’s simplicity, 139:10.6 (1563.7)identification of, 138:2.6 (1539.9)and Judas Alpheus, about, 139:10.0 (1563.2–1564.5)assigned to the management of the multitudes, 138:10.8 (1547.8)the call of the twins, 138:4.0 (1541.3–1542.1)Jesus’ last words to, 181:2.19 (1959.3)sent out by Jesus two and two, 150:4.1 (1681.8)selection of, by James Zebedee, 138:2.6 (1539.9)see also Alpheus twins; Judas AlpheusJames of Safedidentification of, 158:4.2 (1755.8)James Zebedeeabout, 139:3.0 (1552.5–1553.5)the first apostolic martyr, 77:8.12 (865.5), 139:3.8 (1553.4)frequent fishing trips of, with Jesus, 129:1.5 (1420.2)giving the charge to the new evangelists by, 149:0.2 (1668.2)grasp by, of a truth of the kingdom, 140:8.25 (1582.6), 141:2.3 (1589.1)inquiry of, regarding Jesus’ interpretation of divine forgiveness, 174:1.1 (1898.1)Jesus’ final personal admonition to, 181:2.15 (1958.2)roles of primary interest to, 129:1.12 (1421.2)and John, compatibility of, 139:3.5 (1553.1)inquiry of Jesus by, as to their place in the new kingdom, 137:1.6 (1525.3)mother of, a member of the women’s corps, 163:7.3 (1808.5)offering of selves to John the Baptist for baptism, 135:8.1 (1503.4)preaching partners, 150:4.1 (1681.8)reaction of, to Jesus’ rebuke, 137:1.7 (1525.4)relations of Andrew with, 139:1.1 (1548.5)request by, to punish the inhospitable Samaritans, 162:0.2 (1788.2)sponsors of James and Judas Alpheus, 139:10.1 (1563.2)joining of John the Baptist’s cult by, 135:8.1 (1503.4)labors of, at Philadelphia, 159:5.1 (1769.3)opposition of, to proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)outstanding feature of the personality of, 139:3.4 (1552.8)participation of, in the Pentecostal service, 194:1.2 (2060.2)personal influence of, on the evangelists’ theology, 148:1.2 (1658.1)private conference of, with Jesus, 140:6.14 (1578.1)question of, regarding divorcement, 140:6.6 (1576.6)reaction(s) of, to Jesus’ foresight, 141:7.13 (1594.7)to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.4 (1884.3)request of, for a prayer to teach believers, 144:3.1 (1619.5)selection of James Alpheus by, 138:2.6 (1539.9)serious illness of, 154:2.4 (1718.5)suggestion of, that the apostles go to the tomb, 191:0.5 (2037.5)a well-balanced thinker and planner, 139:3.7 (1553.3)JamniaJesus’ visit to, 134:7.4 (1492.4)Jansadidentity of, 76:3.3 (849.6)JapanAndite penetration of, 78:5.6 (873.2)outstanding religion of, in present day, 92:6.16 (1011.14)Japaneseexpulsion from the mainland of ancestors of, time of, 79:6.3 (884.6)Salem missionaries’ penetration to the, 93:7.2 (1021.6)Japhiaapostolic visit to, 149:0.1 (1668.1)Jaram the Hittiteidentity of, 93:5.5 (1019.2)JavaAndonic migration to, 64:1.6 (719.1)man, Andonites’ relation to, 64:1.6 (719.1)Jealousyability of, to turn love into hate, 177:4.11 (1926.4)effect of, on the evolving soul, 110:1.5 (1204.3)for man, but never of him, God’s attitude of, 4:3.1 (57.6)man’s possible transcendence of, 52:6.5 (597.6), 160:3.5 (1778.3)racial, need of moral conscience to condemn, 52:6.5 (597.6)source of, 153:3.5 (1712.5)JebusDavid’s establishment of the capital of the united kingdom at, 97:9.11 (1073.1)six wives from the women of, 97:9.10 (1072.8)identification of the city of, 93:2.4 (1015.4)Jehoashidentity of, 97:9.20 (1074.2)Jehonadabdestruction of the real estate agents of Baal by Jehu and, 97:9.19 (1074.1)JehuJesus’ parents’ story of, 124:6.3 (1374.3)Jellyfishan example of single-celled animals in community, 65:2.5 (732.3)in late invertebrate animal age, 59:2.11 (676.2)Jephthahand his daughter, 89:6.3 (980.8)Jeramyidentity of, 133:2.5 (1471.4)Jeremiahassertion by, of Yahweh’s being the God of all nations, 97:6.2 (1067.5)fate of, 97:6.4 (1067.7)the fearless, 97:6.0 (1067.4–7)Jesus’ quotation from, in Capernaum sermon, 145:2.5 (1630.1), 149:6.12 (1677.1)during the evening conference at Gamala, 149:6.12 (1677.1)presentation of God by, as just and loving, 97:6.3 (1067.6)suggestion by, for the surrender of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, 97:6.4 (1067.7)teaching of, about the tendencies of the human heart, 143:2.5 (1609.6)regarding an era of inner righteousness, 97:8.3 (1071.1), 121:7.5 (1340.3)unhesitating proclamation of downfall of Jerusalem by, 97:9.22 (1074.4)JerichoAndrew’s assignment of apostolic couples to, 141:8.1 (1595.2)blessing the children of, 167:6.1 (1839.6)discussions of Joseph and Mary at the inn in, 122:7.6 (1351.2)ford, John the Baptist begins preaching near the, 135:6.1 (1501.4)historical significance of, 135:6.1 (1501.4)Jeroboamidentity of, 97:9.20 (1074.2)Jerusalemacademies, Jesus’ inspection of, 129:2.7 (1422.4)apostles’ reaction to Jesus’ prediction of the destruction of, 175:4.1 (1910.3), 176:1.0 (1912.3–1914.1)apostolic corps’ departure for, 152:7.1 (1706.2), 173:0.1 (1888.1)belief of apostles regarding kingdom establishment after the destruction of, 171:0.3 (1867.3)believers, Antioch believers’ financial assistance to, 194:4.7 (2067.2)bestowal of the Spirit of Truth not limited to, 194:3.17 (2065.5)brethren, Paul’s controversy with, 194:3.9 (2064.1)church, Abner’s disagreement with Peter and James in regard to the, 166:5.4 (1831.7)James, Jesus’ brother, head of the, 163:2.7 (1802.3), 166:5.3 (1831.6)John a chief supporter of the, 139:4.11 (1555.4)deputation to determine John the Baptist’s identity, 135:9.4 (1505.4)destruction of, by the Babylonians, 97:9.26 (1075.2)former identity of, 93:2.4 (1015.4)holy temple of, center of Jewish theology, 121:6.8 (1339.4)Isaiah’s and Jeremiah’s predictions regarding, 97:9.22 (1074.4)Jesus’ and the apostles’ departure from, cause, 143:0.1 (1607.1)journey to, for the Passover, 147:2.1 (1648.3)sojourn in, prior to the Capernaum crisis, 152:7.2 (1706.3)appearance in, followers’ reaction to, 162:1.3 (1789.2)conviction against going to study at, 124:5.6 (1373.6)decision concerning his public entry into, 152:7.2 (1706.3)first conscious visit to, effect of, 125:0.1 (1377.1)and John Zebedee’s trip to, 134:9.1 (1494.4)journey to, with his parents, 124:6.0 (1374.1–1376.4)last descent into the city of, 172:3.7 (1881.5)thoughts of coming tragedy of, 187:1.7 (2005.5)two-month sojourn in, as a young man, 129:2.6 (1422.3)warning of future trouble for, 176:2.6 (1915.3), 177:0.1 (1920.1)the Master’s last human journey to, 171:8.15 (1877.3)officers, appearance of, to arrest Jesus, 154:7.1 (1723.4)persecution of believers in, 143:6.6 (1616.2)reaction of, to Abraham’s espousal of Jesus’ teachings, 148:8.1 (1665.4)vs. Rome as a field for Jesus’ study of mankind, 132:4.3 (1461.1)scribes and believing disciples, gathering of, at the apostolic camp, 158:4.1 (1755.7)shall be trodden down by the gentiles, 176:1.4 (1913.3)the shrine of the Hebrews’ faith, 185:1.1 (1987.5)temple of Baal and one of Yahweh in, 97:9.21 (1074.3)Jerusemacknowledgment of installation of Urantia’s rulers, time of arrival of, 74:4.5 (832.5)activities of, varieties, 46:5.29 (526.4)Adam and Eve on, 74:1.0 (828.2–829.2)Adamites, self-government of, 45:5.6 (515.5)Adams and Eves, parenthood training of nonreproducing ascenders by, 45:6.5 (516.3)administrative mount of, 53:1.1 (601.3)Andon’s and Fonta’s fusion with their Adjusters on, 63:7.2 (717.3)an architectural sphere, 41:1.3 (456.2)ascendant citizens, resistance of, to Lucifer’s proposals, 53:3.2 (603.3), 53:7.12 (608.8)ascending mortals’ preparation on, for constellation sojourn, 15:7.6 (174.6), 47:7.4 (537.4)for, on fifth mansion world, 47:7.4 (537.4)astronomic observatory of, location, 46:5.30 (526.5)beauty of, human words inadequate for archangel to describe, 46:4.9 (523.3)broadcasts, 46:3.1 (522.1)children of any Adam and Eve, immortality of, 51:1.8 (581.5)circles, classification of, 46:5.0 (523.4–527.2)identity of, 46:4.2 (522.6)location of four and twenty counselors in center of, 45:4.1 (513.4)citizen(s), day of clearance of, for Edentia, 47:10.6 (540.2)nonindwelling of Adam and Eve as, by Thought Adjusters, 76:5.2 (852.1)citizenship, about, 47:10.0 (539.3–540.3)attainment of, by Andon and Fonta, 63:7.1 (717.2)by Jesus, 191:3.3 (2041.2)Melchizedek schools of, 45:7.3 (517.5), 114:2.1 (1251.4)reattainment of, by Adam and Eve, 76:6.3 (853.4)a stage in mortal ascension career, 39:4.8 (435.1), 43:8.4 (494.3)class graduation from seventh mansion world to, 47:9.3 (538.8)corps of twenty-four, designation of a resident governor general for Urantia every hundred years by the, 114:3.1 (1252.5)council of one thousand, function, 45:7.4 (517.6)current ruler of, 35:9.1 (393.1)definition, 32:2.11 (359.8), 34:4.11 (378.5), 67:3.1 (756.2)distance

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