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pictured by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, 196:2.3 (2092.1)will of, technique of making one with will of his Father, 182:3.6 (1969.1)human and divine minds of, his ability to use one or both at will, 137:4.2 (1528.5), 161:3.0 (1787.3)nature of, evidence of, 127:1.2 (1395.6)coexistence of, 196:2.3 (2092.1)heart of, torn by opposing desires, 136:4.11 (1515.5)life of, a transcendental bestowal of God in the form of man, 195:10.2 (2084.2)a true and genuinely human life, 129:4.7 (1425.6)living of a normal and natural life by, 129:4.3 (1425.2)of a perfected life by, 140:8.19 (1581.6)the man, 196:1.0 (2090.2–2091.9)a man among men, 6:8.6 (80.3), 55:11.7 (635.9), 100:7.7 (1102.4), 121:8.3 (1341.4), 128:1.4 (1408.1), 128:4.9 (1413.5), 129:4.1 (1424.5), 136:5.5 (1517.1), 140:5.2 (1573.4), 141:7.14 (1594.8)man as well as God, 136:8.3 (1520.4)mastery of hard realities of life by, 194:3.4 (2063.2)of his human mind by, 128:5.6 (1414.4), 129:1.14 (1421.4)natural growth of, as a child of the realm, 128:0.1 (1407.1)of Nazareth, the Father’s incarnated Son, 7:5.4 (86.5), 32:0.3 (357.3), 98:7.2 (1084.1), 120:4.5 (1331.5), 128:0.1 (1407.1), 169:4.10 (1857.1)the Planetary Prince of Urantia, 136:3.1 (1512.5)sovereign ruler of a universe, 176:4.1 (1918.4)the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia, 93:0.2 (1014.2)Nebadon’s fascination with the unfolding life of, 124:5.3 (1373.3)the perfected man of a universe, 100:7.17 (1103.5)son of the realms, 142:7.15 (1604.10)possession of unlimited power by, 138:6.5 (1543.3)prays like a man but performs like a God, 161:2.6 (1786.1)preparation for career of, as a perfected God-man, 129:1.15 (1421.5)purely human, final act of, 136:2.3 (1511.2)a revelation of man to God, 120:2.8 (1328.5), 141:7.4 (1593.5), 184:4.6 (1985.1), 186:2.11 (2000.3), 186:5.6 (2002.7)at his best, 16:9.6 (196.2)self-consciousness of, of his two existences and his combined natures, 137:4.2 (1528.5)sign of the divinity of, 173:5.4 (1895.2)the Son of God, 161:1.8 (1784.5), 196:2.2 (2091.11)the sovereign ruler of our universe, 176:4.7 (1919.4)was the truth, 100:7.2 (1101.6), 130:1.1 (1428.1), 141:7.6 (1593.7)the youth, and the creator, 124:1.8 (1367.4)Jesus-Infancy and Childhoodaccident to, in his seventh year, 123:4.5 (1361.5)age of, at return to Nazareth from Alexandria, 123:1.2 (1356.5)Alexandrian believers’ gift to the baby, 123:0.3 (1355.3)arrival of Thought Adjuster of, 123:2.1 (1357.5)birth of, date, 122:8.1 (1351.5)the only supernatural announcement of, 119:7.6 (1317.2)a brilliant and lovable child, 126:1.5 (1387.5)student, 123:5.9 (1363.2)childhood activities of, 123:1.6 (1357.3), 123:3.4 (1359.5)trips of, to Galilean cities, 124:1.12 (1368.1)early childhood of, 123:0.0 (1355.1–1365.4)play life of, 123:4.3 (1361.3)favorite childhood stroll of, 122:6.1 (1349.8)first farm experience of, 123:1.7 (1357.4)freedom from responsibility of, 125:0.1 (1377.1)harvesting of grain by, 124:1.11 (1367.7)illness of, 123:2.15 (1358.12)Passover trip of, 124:6.1 (1374.1)flight to Egypt with the baby, 122:10.4 (1354.3)friendship of, with Jacob, 123:1.4 (1357.1)health of, during the Alexandrian sojourn, 123:0.3 (1355.3)infancy of, 122:0.0 (1344.1–1354.3)language achievements of the boy, 123:2.14 (1358.11), 123:5.1 (1362.2)later childhood of, 124:0.0 (1366.1–1376.4)of Nazareth, birth of, 122:8.0 (1351.5–1352.3)a Jew by natural birth, 175:2.1 (1909.1)normal development of the child, 123:2.16 (1359.1)weaning of the baby, 123:0.1 (1355.1)youthful, trips of, with his father, result, 123:3.8 (1360.3)Jesus-and John the Baptistconversation of, with John at his baptism, 135:8.7 (1504.5)first visit of John with, 123:3.4 (1359.5), 135:0.3 (1496.3)joining of, by John’s disciples, 135:10.3 (1506.5)last message of, to John the Baptist, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.3 (1626.8)meeting of, with John, during his eighteenth year, 127:3.11 (1400.3), 135:2.2 (1497.4)refraining of, from delivering John from prison, explanation, 135:11.4 (1507.3)see also John the BaptistJesus-Love and Ministryaffection of, for the Bethany family, 127:6.5 (1404.4), 167:4.2 (1837.1)association and communication of, with man, 161:1.8 (1784.5)blessing the little children, 167:6.0 (1839.6–1840.5)character of the love of men and women for, 127:6.1 (1403.5)comparison of the love of his heavenly Father with that of his earthly father by, 125:0.6 (1378.1)counseling the rich man, 132:5.0 (1462.2–1465.4)desire of, as to the Jews, 125:6.9 (1384.5)evening conferences of, at Zebedee’s home, 129:1.10 (1420.7)fatherhood of God revealed by, 2:6.4 (41.2)God of love revealed by, 5:4.6 (67.4), 132:4.2 (1460.6), 136:9.7 (1522.6), 143:1.6 (1608.3), 159:4.5 (1768.1)high evaluation of man by, 100:4.4 (1098.1)identification of, with different types of men, 139:11.8 (1565.5)interest of, in the individual, 138:8.9 (1545.10), 140:8.11 (1580.6)learning by, of how various people lived, 125:2.12 (1380.7)love of, for children, 128:6.11 (1416.4)and service of, for mortal men, 188:4.9 (2017.4), 196:3.19 (2095.3)love of God perceived by the young, 125:0.6 (1378.1)a merciful and understanding sovereign ruler, 128:1.7 (1408.4)personal contact with the sick in Bethsaida hospital by, 148:2.1 (1658.4)counsel of, to a certain rich man, 132:5.14 (1463.8)love of, for men, effect, 188:5.3 (2018.2)ministry of, 132:4.0 (1460.5–1462.1)work of, with the religious teachers in Rome, 132:0.4 (1455.4)requirement of a life of loving service by, 191:5.3 (2043.1)respect of, for sincere scribes and Pharisees, 126:0.3 (1386.3)social ministry of, 132:6.0 (1465.5–7)tarrying time of, in Galilee, 137:0.0 (1524.1–1537.5)the technique of social contact of, 132:4.2 (1460.6)an understanding comrade, 138:8.9 (1545.10), 171:7.5 (1874.8)an unpretentious layman, 196:1.4 (2090.5)went about doing good, 141:3.6 (1590.1), 161:2.9 (1786.4)Jesus-Mission and Gospelactivity(ies) of, during second preaching tour, 149:0.3 (1668.3)in Pella, 137:0.1 (1524.1), 169:0.1 (1850.1)assurance of, of the friendliness of the universe, 133:1.4 (1469.3)beginning of public work of, time, 136:0.1 (1509.1), 141:0.1 (1587.1)brotherhood, identification of the, 194:4.9 (2067.4)concept of the kingdom held by, 170:2.0 (1859.12–1861.7)earth life of, 117:5.4 (1286.2)emphasis of, on his teachings rather than on his achievements, 128:4.6 (1413.2)the exemplification of a new and original plan of life, 141:7.7 (1594.1)experience of mortal life on worlds settled in light and life by, 129:4.5 (1425.4)inability of, to disclose the idea of his mission, 127:2.7 (1397.5)life and death of, for a whole universe, 188:4.6 (2017.1)the light of mankind, 122:4.1 (1347.3)mission of, to the world, 126:3.8 (1390.3), 127:0.1 (1395.1), 136:6.8 (1519.1), 140:6.2 (1576.2), 142:2.2 (1597.2), 143:1.4 (1608.1), 148:6.10 (1664.2), 153:2.4 (1710.2), 153:2.6 (1710.4), 153:3.2 (1712.2), 156:4.2 (1737.3), 162:4.1 (1793.5), 165:3.2 (1820.1), 169:1.2 (1850.9), 175:1.7 (1906.4), 180:3.9 (1947.8), 180:6.8 (1952.4)for the universe through bestowal on Urantia, 4:5.6 (60.5), 21:4.5 (240.1), 120:0.4 (1324.1), 120:0.7 (1324.4), 120:1.4 (1326.1), 128:0.2 (1407.2), 128:7.6 (1417.5), 136:6.3 (1518.2), 141:7.9 (1594.3), 157:6.3 (1749.2), 188:5.11 (2019.4)the new and living way from man to God, 101:6.17 (1113.6), 129:4.7 (1425.6)a new revelation of, the great hope of Urantia, 195:9.2 (2082.7), 195:10.1 (2084.1), 195:10.16 (2086.2)the one objective of, 136:9.6 (1522.5)the Prince of Peace, 68:3.5 (766.6), 93:10.7 (1025.3), 136:9.7 (1522.6), 137:8.7 (1536.4), 175:2.1 (1909.1)quandary of, concerning the claim of his mission, 126:3.10 (1390.5)real career of, beginning of, 126:5.12 (1394.1)realization of, of the purpose of his earth existence, 127:0.1 (1395.1)recall of his pre-bestowal Paradise experience by, 129:3.9 (1424.4)restatement by, of his purpose in coming to Urantia, 145:3.9 (1632.8)a statement of his mission by, 132:6.3 (1465.7)supreme mission of, 127:6.16 (1406.1)teaching of, about the kingdom, 170:4.0 (1862.9–1863.14)vs. those of mystery cults, 121:5.13 (1337.9)the terminator of one age and the inaugurator of a new dispensation, 136:1.3 (1509.5)the world’s deliverer, 122:4.2 (1347.4)see also Sayings of Jesus; Sermons of JesusJesus-Occupations and Travelsacquaintance of, with north Palestine, 128:3.2 (1411.2)at Antioch, 133:8.0 (1480.6–1481.2)as boatbuilder and fisherman, 129:1.5 (1420.2)caravan trip of, to the Caspian Sea region, 134:2.0 (1484.5–1485.2)a carpenter from Nazareth, 20:6.3 (229.2), 129:1.7 (1420.4)creation of new style of boat by, 129:1.3

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