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Jesus at the turn of a dispensation, 174:5.4 (1903.1)gospel belongs to both, 143:1.5 (1608.2), 191:6.2 (2044.3)potential of, to carry the new gospel to the world, 121:7.0 (1339.6–1341.1)healed lepers who were, obedience of, to instructions to go to priests, 166:2.4 (1827.9)independence of, threefold reason for, 121:2.8 (1334.2)at Jerusalem, vs. the Jews of Philadelphia, 166:5.3 (1831.6)Jesus a, 141:7.7 (1594.1)kingdom concept of the, 170:1.9 (1859.2), 170:5.11 (1865.1)lack of humor of, 156:2.8 (1736.5)a Levantine race, 121:1.1 (1332.2)Mesopotamian taboos assumed by the, 95:1.2 (1042.3)Messianic concepts of the, 136:1.0 (1509.3–1510.3), 136:9.2 (1522.1)a name for certain tribes of Semites, 96:2.3 (1055.1)of Nazareth, liberal attitude of, toward the gentiles, 123:5.7 (1362.8)no recorded secular history of the, 97:8.1 (1070.4)not a miraculous people, 97:9.29 (1075.5)Paul’s attempt to remake Jesus’ teachings to please the, 166:5.4 (1831.7)racial sin a theory of the, 136:1.4 (1510.1)reaction of, to Pilate’s reference to Jesus as the "king of the Jews," 185:5.9 (1994.3)relation of, to Abraham, 130:3.4 (1432.4)a religion without science of the, 155:1.4 (1726.1)and Samaritans, 124:6.1 (1374.1), 137:7.11 (1535.3), 143:3.1 (1610.4), 143:4.0 (1612.1–3), 143:5.1 (1612.4), 162:0.1 (1788.1), 164:1.4 (1810.2), 166:2.1 (1827.6), 185:1.6 (1988.5)spiritual stagnation of the, 155:3.3 (1727.3)superb family life of the, influence of Egypt on the, 95:5.8 (1048.2)superiority of family devotion of the, 121:3.10 (1335.9)theory of the, of a sin-cursed human race, 136:1.4 (1510.1)world mission of, spiritual, not political, 121:2.8 (1334.2)Jewelsof mentation, transmission of, by the Voices of Wisdom, 28:5.7 (310.9)modern peoples’ veneration of their, 85:1.3 (945.1)Jewishauthorities, coolness of, to Judas, 186:1.2 (1997.5)refusal of, to know the Father, 180:6.1 (1951.2)surprise of, at Jesus’ preaching in the temple, 162:1.8 (1789.7)beliefs, Hellenized, effect of contemporary philosophies on, 121:6.3 (1338.6)birthmark, Christian morality a, 121:7.7 (1340.5)brethren, Jesus’ suggestion to Matthew regarding work with his, 181:2.13 (1957.3)captives, Isaiah the second’s comfort to the, 97:7.7 (1069.2)ceremonial system, loyalty of apostles and believers to the, 194:1.5 (2060.5)reaction of the boy Jesus to the, 125:2.4 (1379.5)training of the boy Jesus in the, 122:5.4 (1348.4)children, play life of, 123:4.2 (1361.2)and Christian Bibles, the origin of the, 97:9.20 (1074.2)consciousness, origin of, in Judah, 97:9.2 (1071.7)culture, Jerusalem the center of, 123:6.8 (1365.3)family groups, strength of, and cultural stability, 84:7.1 (939.4)life, investigation of, by Family Commission of Twelve, 122:0.2 (1344.2)two outstanding examples of, 177:2.6 (1922.4)guards, flight of, from the tomb to their homes, 189:2.4 (2023.3)history, Jesus’ recall of traditional events of, 126:1.2 (1387.2), 127:3.3 (1399.2), 128:1.14 (1409.4)influence on European civilization, 121:1.6 (1332.7)law, and the death sentence, 184:3.13 (1983.5)neighbor as defined by, 164:1.2 (1809.4)leaders, appearance of, at Golgotha, purpose, 187:2.6 (2007.5)assault of Jesus on, 153:1.2 (1708.1)believing, meeting of, at home of Nicodemus, 164:2.1 (1810.3)bribing of the guards by the, 189:2.5 (2023.4)desire of, to kill Jesus, reason, 162:7.3 (1796.5)sensed by apostles, 178:2.2 (1932.5)Messiah, Jesus’ question as to his relation to a possible, 126:3.6 (1390.1)Paul’s proclamation of a, 121:1.2 (1332.3)morality, in Paul’s Christianity, 121:7.7 (1340.5)nation, Jesus’ concern for the coming tragedy for the, 175:1.5 (1906.2), 176:1.2 (1913.1), 187:1.7 (2005.5)people, cultural stability of the, cause, 84:7.1 (939.4)Jesus’ growing pity and love for the, 126:0.3 (1386.3)last appeal to, 175:0.1 (1905.1)rejection by, consequences for, 174:5.7 (1903.4)situation of the, in the times of Jesus, 121:2.0 (1333.3–1334.6)practices, Paul’s attitude toward, 194:3.9 (2064.1)priests, altering of Hebrew history by the, 74:8.11 (838.3), 97:8.7 (1071.5)unintentional influence of, on Occidental world, 97:7.3 (1068.3)religion, Ganid’s interest in the, 133:3.1 (1471.5)of the Old Testament, origin of, time and place, 97:10.0 (1075.6–1076.6)rulers, apostles’ awareness of determination of, to exterminate Jesus, 178:2.2 (1932.5)plan of, regarding the disposal of Jesus’ body, 188:1.1 (2012.4)sacred writings, gift of, to the child Jesus from Egyptian friends, 123:0.3 (1355.3)soldiers, Salem doctrine’s spread in Europe by, 98:0.3 (1077.3)spiritual leaders, noneffect on individual Jews of rejection of Jesus by, 175:2.1 (1909.1)teachers, older, belief of, regarding reincarnation, 164:3.4 (1811.5)theology, Melchizedek teachings the basic doctrines of, 98:0.4 (1077.4)mistake of effort to connect gospel teaching directly to, 149:2.3 (1670.4), 181:2.23 (1961.2)tutor, Jesus as the, 129:3.2 (1423.4)view of religion, vs. that of Jesus, 140:8.30 (1583.4)JezebelJesus’ parents’ story about, 124:6.3 (1374.3)Jezreelapostolic visit to, 149:0.1 (1668.1)Joabringleader of plot to make Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)Joannaa member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5)reading of Scriptures at apostolic Sabbath services at Tiberias by, 150:3.1 (1680.3)at the tomb, 189:4.4 (2025.5), 189:4.7 (2026.1)treasurer of women’s corps, 150:1.2 (1679.1)wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, 150:1.1 (1678.5), 189:4.4 (2025.5)Joashidentity of, 97:9.21 (1074.3)JobBook of, an example of the teachings of the Salem school, 95:1.10 (1043.5)direct appeal of, to God, 148:6.8 (1663.6)drama of, significance of the, 97:8.2 (1070.5), 148:6.0 (1662.3–1664.4)reply of, to counsel of his friends, 148:6.6 (1663.4)story of, a masterpiece of Semitic literature, 148:6.2 (1662.4)JogbehahThe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)John the Baptistabout, 135:0.0 (1496.1–1508.7)Abner and his associates rumored to be followers of, 156:6.7 (1741.7)advance proclamation of the kingdom by, 191:4.3 (2041.6)apostles of, conference of, with Jesus’ apostles, 144:6.0 (1624.12–1626.1)Jesus’ special teaching of, 144:7.2 (1626.3), 162:9.3 (1798.4)apostles’ retirement at Gilboa to await the fate of, 144:0.2 (1617.2)arrest of, 135:10.3 (1506.5), 135:12.1 (1508.1)attack of, on Herod Antipas, 135:10.2 (1506.4)baptism of Jesus by, 128:1.8 (1408.5), 129:3.9 (1424.4), 135:8.4 (1504.2)by, purpose, 135:6.4 (1502.2), 137:8.10 (1536.7)begins to preach, 135:6.0 (1501.4–1502.6)beheading of, 135:12.7 (1508.7)birth of, 135:0.1 (1496.1)bitter prison experience of, 135:11.1 (1506.6)childhood visit of, with Jesus, 123:3.4 (1359.5), 135:0.3 (1496.3)as the coming Messiah’s advance herald, 135:3.3 (1498.2)comparison of, with Elijah, 135:4.5 (1499.5)confusion of, concerning the coming kingdom, 135:3.3 (1498.2), 135:7.1 (1503.1)conversation of, with Jesus at Jesus’ baptism, 135:8.7 (1504.5)conviction of, of the approaching end of the old order, 135:3.2 (1498.1)counsel of, to disciples, teachers, and various others, 135:6.8 (1502.6)death of, 135:12.0 (1508.1–7), 144:9.1 (1627.6)Judas’s reaction to, 157:7.2 (1751.1)disappointment of, at Jesus’ failure to contact him, 135:11.3 (1507.2)disciples of, Jesus’ apostles’ difficulties in harmonizing with, 143:3.1 (1610.4), 144:0.2 (1617.2)early teachings of, basis of, 135:4.3 (1499.3)effect of Jesus’ last message on, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.6 (1627.3)Elizabeth’s son, date of birth of, 122:2.7 (1346.2), 135:0.1 (1496.1)Gabriel’s prediction of the mission of, 122:2.3 (1345.5)fame of, in Palestine, 135:8.1 (1503.4)final leave-taking of Jesus by, 135:9.9 (1506.2), 137:2.1 (1526.1)finish of the earth work of, 135:11.3 (1507.2)first preaching of, 135:6.1 (1501.4)visit of, with Jesus, 123:3.4 (1359.5), 135:0.3 (1496.3)followers of, concern of, over Jesus’ leaving John in prison, 141:1.4 (1588.2)forty days of preaching by, 135:9.0 (1505.1–1506.2)general instruction by, 135:6.8 (1502.6)Herodias’s hatred of, 135:12.2 (1508.2)Herod’s superstitious fear of, and his attitude toward Jesus, 145:3.12 (1633.3), 154:0.2 (1717.2)a heroic but tactless preacher, 135:6.7 (1502.5)Jesus’ favorable word for the message of, 135:8.1 (1503.4)last message from, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.1 (1626.6)reference to, as the Elijah of prophecy, 158:2.2 (1754.2)use of the cult of, 92:5.13 (1010.1)kingdom concept of, 170:1.3 (1858.5)last questions of, to Jesus, 135:11.4 (1507.3)loneliness of, in prison, 135:11.1 (1506.6)meeting of Jesus and, during Jesus’ eighteenth year, 127:3.11 (1400.3), 135:2.2 (1497.4)at the site of baptism, 135:8.0 (1503.4–1504.5)normal childhood of, 135:0.2 (1496.2)onetime camp of, at Pella, 163:5.1 (1806.2)physical description of, 135:1.4 (1497.2)preaching of, immediate appeal of, to Jewish nation, 136:1.5 (1510.2)preaching of repentance by,

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