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Man, 134:8.6 (1493.5)the valiant and courageous hero, an identity overlooked by some, 92:7.12 (1013.7)Josiah, the born-blind beggarabout, 164:3.7 (1812.1)do you believe in the son of God? Jesus’ question, 164:5.4 (1816.1)final testimony of, as to his healing, 164:4.11 (1814.7)Jesus’ visit to home of, 164:5.4 (1816.1)knowledge of the healing of, by the blind man Bartimeus, 171:5.1 (1873.1)Pharisees’ second questioning of, 164:4.9 (1814.5)recital by, of Jesus’ healing him of blindness, 164:3.10 (1812.4), 164:4.0 (1813.4–1815.1)subsequent status of, 164:5.6 (1816.3)Josiah, a disciple of Abnerbaptism of a lawyer by, 174:4.4 (1901.4)Josiah, of the Old Testamentattack on Necho by, 97:9.24 (1074.6)Jesus’ recall of the defeat of, by the Egyptians, 126:1.2 (1387.2)Judah’s status under the rule of, 97:9.23 (1074.5)Jotapataapostolic work in, 146:0.1 (1637.1), 156:6.2 (1741.2)Mary Magdalene’s and Rebecca’s setting apart as teachers at, 150:2.3 (1680.2)mission, distinguishing feature of the, 146:2.1 (1638.1)Jovepresent significance of, 96:1.14 (1054.4)Joy(s)apostles’ proclamation of, to fear-bound mortals, 140:3.2 (1570.3)of the assurance of sonship, Jesus’ prayer for his apostles’, 182:1.5 (1964.2)clearinghouses, 28:5.16 (312.3)in the divine spirit, of the sons of God, 147:7.2 (1655.4)early believers in Jesus filled with, 194:4.6 (2067.1)ecstatic, of Adjuster-fusion occasions, 55:2.5 (623.5)effort not always productive of, 48:7.10 (556.10)excursion, Gods not taking ascenders on an eternal, 48:8.3 (558.1)of Existence, assignment of, to Divine Counselors, 28:5.4 (310.6)functions of, 28:5.16 (312.3)and Satisfactions of Service, functioning of, 28:5.17 (312.4)a fruit of the sprit, 34:6.13 (381.7)and gladness, Jesus’ purpose to bring to men, 139:6.5 (1558.6)in heaven over repentant sinners, 159:1.2 (1762.4), 167:7.5 (1841.4), 169:1.2 (1850.9), 169:1.4 (1851.2)in the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God, 137:8.9 (1536.6)Jesus’ promise of, in his Father’s service, 137:6.5 (1533.3)in sonship, 174:5.3 (1902.4)purpose to bring, in giving the new commandment, 180:1.2 (1944.5)proclaim, to socially downtrodden, 138:3.6 (1540.9)replace sorrow with, 149:6.5 (1675.6)words to the anointing woman to go on in the, of the kingdom of heaven, 147:5.4 (1652.1)of living, vs. the fear of existence, 86:2.5 (951.7)mutuality of experience of, in the universe, 56:8.3 (644.1)power, and glory, believers’ feeling of, after the arrival of the Spirit of Truth, 194:0.6 (2059.6)present, provision for, 169:2.2 (1853.5)prophetic, "all things work together for good," 48:4.7 (548.2)a result of spiritual growth, 100:4.3 (1097.7)of salvation, Jesus’ offer of, 162:2.7 (1792.1)scriptural promise of, to those who mourn, 190:5.4 (2035.1)and sorrow(s), conflict between, one source of a guardian seraphim’s difficulties, 111:7.5 (1223.7)human, common sources of, 108:5.6 (1192.1)in the spirit, a fruit of divine sonship, 149:5.4 (1674.6)supreme, Jesus about to experience the, 180:1.2 (1944.5)the result of loving service, 180:1.6 (1945.3)Joyouslife compatibility of a, and a realization of eternal destiny, 110:3.4 (1206.2)salvation, found by all entering the kingdom, 137:8.15 (1537.2)wings of a new and living spiritual liberty, 179:5.4 (1942.3)Jubilee(s)of eternity, occasion of the first, 27:7.8 (305.1)of jubilees, the enthronement of a Creator Son, 33:3.5 (368.5)pledge of Divine Minister at the time of, 33:3.5 (368.5)of settling of an entire local universe in light and life, 17:3.11 (201.9)the seven, of ascendant mortals, events marked by, 27:7.8 (305.1)Judahconcentration of land in the hands of a few in, 97:9.21 (1074.3)divine kingdom of, purpose of building up the fiction of, 97:9.11 (1073.1)fate of, after attack by Nebuchadnezzar, 97:9.26 (1075.2)under the rule of Manasseh, 97:9.23 (1074.5)identity of, as the remnant of the vanished northern kingdom of Israel, 97:9.21 (1074.3)king(s) of, David proclaimed the first, 97:9.7 (1072.5)destruction of records of the doings of the, 97:8.1 (1070.4)many non-Hebrew elements in, 97:9.7 (1072.5)one hundred years of paying tribute to Assyria by, 97:9.22 (1074.4)the origin of the Jewish consciousness in, 97:9.2 (1071.7)Pharaoh’s later enslavement of, 97:9.17 (1073.7)princes of, and Jeremiah’s prophecies, cited by Jesus, 153:2.2 (1709.3)tribe of, added to edited story of a battle, 97:9.3 (1072.1)cosmopolitan character of David’s, 97:9.11 (1073.1)wars between Israel and, outcome, 97:9.18 (1073.8)Judahitesvs. the Ephraimites, 97:9.2 (1071.7)Judaismappeal of and objections to, to Romanized Greeks, 195:2.9 (2073.4)content of Salem teachings in, 95:1.10 (1043.5), 96:0.3 (1052.3), 131:2.1 (1444.1), 131:5.1 (1449.4)early believers in Jesus a sect within, 194:1.5 (2060.5)Greek proselytes to, the backbone of the early Christian church, 195:3.6 (2074.1)philosophic reasoning of, an ingredient in Paul’s gospel of Jesus, 121:7.9 (1340.7)influence of Zoroastrianism on, 95:6.7 (1050.3), 98:7.6 (1084.5)Jesus’ and Ganid’s selection from the teachings of, 131:2.0 (1444.1–1446.2)one of the most advanced religions of ancient times, 92:6.14 (1011.12)Pilate’s wife Claudia a partial convert to, 185:2.6 (1990.2)renaissance of, and the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures, 121:6.2 (1338.5)requirements of, apostles’ attempts to impose, upon converts, 194:3.9 (2064.1)rigorous moral standards of, 5:4.5 (67.3)the soil out of which Christianity grew, 97:9.29 (1075.5)theology of, an element in the Christian religion, 92:6.18 (1011.16)Judas Alpheusdrawn to Jesus because of his unostentatious humility, 139:10.7 (1564.1)identification of, 138:2.7 (1539.10)inability of, to understand Jesus’ answer to his question, 180:4.6 (1949.2)made bold and asked Jesus if he would favor the apostles, 139:10.10 (1564.4)selection of, by John Zebedee, 138:2.7 (1539.10)see also Alpheus twins; James AlpheusJudas Iscariotabout, 139:12.0 (1565.9–1567.7)absence of, from the Gethsemane camp, 178:0.1 (1929.1), 182:2.1 (1966.1)adverse reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.12 (1886.4)age of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:12.2 (1566.1)Andrew’s awareness of impending trouble with, 139:1.8 (1549.6), 157:7.1 (1750.10)anticipated appearance of, before Sanhedrin, 186:1.2 (1997.5)apostles’ attitude toward, 139:12.5 (1566.4)the apostolic treasurer, 139:12.3 (1566.2)approach of, to accost Jesus in the garden, 183:3.2 (1973.4)attitude of, at Gilboa, concerning the kingdom, 144:1.7 (1618.1)causes of the downfall of, 193:4.0 (2055.4–2057.2)characteristics of, 139:12.5 (1566.4), 143:3.5 (1611.3)and the chief priests, 177:4.0 (1924.5–1927.1)choosing of the seat of honor at the Last Supper by, 179:1.4 (1937.2)conclusion of, as to his decision to desert the Master, 176:2.9 (1915.6), 177:4.2 (1924.6), 179:3.4 (1939.2)conference of, with the captain of the temple guards, 182:2.13 (1968.1)craving of, for worldly honor, 177:4.10 (1926.3)education of, 139:6.2 (1558.3)a faith adventure, to Jesus, 139:12.7 (1566.6)favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)financial administration of, 163:2.11 (1803.2)loyalty of, 139:12.5 (1566.4), 172:5.12 (1886.4), 177:4.4 (1925.1), 178:2.10 (1933.7)first conscious thought of deserting by, 153:1.5 (1708.4)great mistake of, indulgence in fear and doubts instead of communing with spiritual forces, 157:7.4 (1751.3)identification of, 138:2.9 (1540.2)inability of, to serve as a witness at Jesus’ trial, 184:3.6 (1982.7)Jesus’ call to, 138:5.1 (1542.2)a onetime follower of John the Baptist, 139:12.1 (1565.9)reaction(s) of, to foot washing episode, 179:3.4 (1939.2)to his reward, 186:1.3 (1998.1)to Jesus’ rebuke at Simon’s banquet, 172:1.7 (1879.5)to Mary’s anointing of Jesus, 172:1.5 (1879.3)realization by, of the true nature of his sin, 186:1.6 (1998.4)secret criticism of Jesus by, 139:12.4 (1566.3)selection of, by Nathaniel, 138:2.9 (1540.2)suicide of, 139:12.13 (1567.6), 186:1.7 (1998.5)treasurer of the apostles, 138:8.1 (1545.2), 138:10.5 (1547.5)a victim of resentment, 139:12.9 (1567.2)Judas Maccabeeinfluence of, on Jewish nationalism, 121:2.7 (1334.1)removal of Jews from Perea during the times of, 165:0.3 (1817.3)restoration of Mosaic services by, 123:3.5 (1359.6)Jude, brother of Jesusabsence of, from the apostles’ study sessions, reason, 137:7.1 (1533.5)arrest of, in Jerusalem, 128:6.5 (1415.5)arrival of, at Golgotha, 187:2.7 (2007.6)attitude of, toward belligerent playmates, 127:4.5 (1401.5)baptism of, date, 135:8.6 (1504.4)belief of, in Jesus, declaration of, 137:5.2 (1531.6)following baptism experience, 137:3.3 (1527.6)in resurrection of Jesus, 190:2.5 (2032.3)birth of, 124:3.4 (1370.2)career choice of, 128:7.8 (1417.7)characteristics of, 127:4.7 (1401.7)contributions of, to Nazareth family support, 128:7.11 (1418.3), 129:2.1 (1421.6), 129:2.11 (1423.2)effects of his marriage on, 128:7.4 (1417.3)graduation of, 128:6.3 (1415.3)and John Zebedee, the only men believers present at Jesus’ death, 187:5.1 (2010.2)patriotic outbursts of, results, 128:6.7 (1415.7)recognition of Jesus’ greatness by, 129:1.13 (1421.3)support of his mother at Jesus’ cross by, 187:4.7 (2009.6)wedding of, 134:1.4 (1484.1)Judeacities of, workers sent from Abner’s center at Bethlehem to, 162:9.2

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