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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_0252765f-c10d-5d64-ad6a-f6fe74929972">128:4.0 (1412.4–1413.5)early manhood of, 128:0.0 (1407.1–1418.6)engagement of, as a tutor, 129:2.9 (1422.6)expertness of, as a yokemaker, 124:1.7 (1367.3)identities of, during his Mediterranean trip, 129:3.2 (1423.4)as an interpreter see Interpreter(s), Jesus' work asmeditations of, at carpenter’s bench, 126:3.11 (1391.1)in Mesopotamia, 133:9.0 (1481.3–1482.1)mining experience of, at Iron, 146:4.2 (1643.3)reputation of, as a boat designer, 129:1.3 (1419.6)skill of, as a carpenter, 127:1.6 (1396.3)time spent at the caravan repair shop by, 128:2.3 (1410.2)tour of, from Beersheba to Dan, 134:7.5 (1492.5)trip of, to Syria, 134:7.1 (1492.1)wages of, as a fifteen-year-old carpenter, 126:5.5 (1393.2)work of, in a smith’s shop, 124:1.11 (1367.7), 128:2.3 (1410.2)years of travel of, 129:1.15 (1421.5)Jesus-Parentsancestry of Joseph, the father of, 122:1.1 (1344.4)of Mary, the mother of, 122:1.2 (1345.1)denial of any connection with the house of David by, 122:4.4 (1347.6)disillusionment of, as to omniscience of his parents, 123:3.2 (1359.3)earth parents of, about, 122:5.0 (1348.1–1349.7)realization by, of superhuman aspect of their son, 124:4.4 (1372.1)his parents’ ignorance of their son’s identity as Universe Creator, 124:4.4 (1372.1)Joseph’s family’s attitude toward the teachings of, 122:5.10 (1349.6)awareness of the identity of, as a child of promise, 123:0.3 (1355.3)love of his parents for, 126:0.2 (1386.2)Mary’s belief in the Messianic mission of, 125:6.13 (1385.1)Jesus-Personalityattitude of, toward tradition vs. progress, 149:2.11 (1671.6)balanced character of, as appreciated by Thomas, 139:8.7 (1562.1)capacity of, for humor and play, 123:4.3 (1361.3)charm and personality of, 141:3.4 (1589.5)deliberate disassociation of his varying life episodes by, 128:4.5 (1413.1)differences of the adolescent, from other youths, 126:3.13 (1391.3)disinclination of, to use his power, 138:6.5 (1543.3)the divine nature of, 161:2.0 (1785.1–1787.2)emotional characteristics of, 129:4.4 (1425.3)temperament of, as inherited from his parents, 122:5.3 (1348.3)factors in the make-up of, 136:8.7 (1521.2)faith of, characteristics, 196:0.0 (2087.1–2090.1)freedom from subconscious delusions and superfluous illusions of, 100:5.11 (1100.2)the gracious and casual ministry of, 171:7.0 (1874.4–1875.5)influential characteristics of, 190:0.2 (2029.2)Joshua ben Joseph, 92:7.12 (1013.7), 98:7.8 (1084.7), 109:6.6 (1200.6), 117:3.4 (1281.6), 119:7.5 (1317.1), 122:1.1 (1344.4), 122:8.2 (1351.6), 128:1.2 (1407.7), 134:8.6 (1493.5), 136:2.3 (1511.2)of Nazareth, attainment by, of potential spirit personality, 1:6.8 (30.7), 100:7.1 (1101.5)identity of, 120:0.9 (1325.2)a strong and forceful personality, 141:3.5 (1589.6)organization of his mind by, method of, 127:2.12 (1398.4)perfect symmetry of character of, 100:7.0 (1101.5–1103.7)personality changes in, 134:9.9 (1495.6)presentation of perfected human personality in the life of, 129:4.6 (1425.5)spiritual charms of, 141:3.4 (1589.5)development of, as the Son of Man, 129:4.2 (1425.1)inspiration, a life of, as lived by, 140:10.3 (1585.1)strength and forcefulness of, on intellectual and spiritual levels, 141:3.5 (1589.6)Tiberius impressed by bearing and manner of, 132:0.1 (1455.1)tolerance of, 140:8.30 (1583.4)voice of, 125:5.1 (1382.3), 139:7.6 (1560.2), 143:5.4 (1613.2), 154:6.5 (1722.1), 183:3.5 (1974.3), 189:4.10 (2026.4), 190:2.3 (2032.1)Jesus-Reaction to Life Situationsdecision of, concerning personal necessities, 136:6.2 (1518.1)to deprive himself of all superhuman co-operation, 136:5.3 (1516.3)not to become an earthly father, 127:6.8 (1404.7)regarding his mortal bestowal, 158:3.5 (1755.5)as to use of his universe endowments, 136:9.6 (1522.5)destruction of all his permanent writing by, 136:4.2 (1514.3)difficult situation of, in the Zealot matter, 127:2.6 (1397.4)driving the animals from the temple by, 173:1.7 (1890.2)fairness of, to opponents, 125:5.8 (1383.1)inauguration of the bloodless Passover by, 127:6.7 (1404.6)indignation of, at presence of courtesans in the temple, 125:1.2 (1378.4)at scene of commerce, confusion, and ridicule in the temple, 173:1.6 (1890.1)life of, on earth, characteristics of, 195:10.2 (2084.2)mortal life of, reaction of his fellow mortals to, 129:4.6 (1425.5)noninterest of, in plans for study in Jerusalem, 124:6.13 (1375.7)reaction of, to Antioch, 133:8.2 (1480.7)to approach by two courtesans in Rome, 133:3.6 (1472.5)to ceremonies of day of atonement, 134:9.3 (1494.6)to Ezra’s and Rebecca’s proposal of marriage, 127:5.3 (1403.1)to Greek competitive games, 124:3.7 (1370.5)to separation of women from men worshipers, 125:0.4 (1377.4)to the slaughter scenes in the temple court, 125:1.4 (1378.6)reaction of Nicodemus to conference with, 142:6.8 (1602.7)rebuke of Martha for anxiety over trifles by, 162:8.3 (1798.1)lack of faith by, 168:1.12 (1845.3)tax problems of, 126:5.5 (1393.2)willingness of, to learn from even the humblest, 126:2.3 (1388.3)Jesus-Relation to Godcommunication of, with the Father, at the tomb of Lazarus, 168:2.2 (1846.1)concept of God held by, 5:4.13 (68.1)dedication of, to doing the will of the Paradise Father, 125:6.11 (1384.7), 129:3.5 (1423.7)the exemplification of the Paradise Father’s love, 133:1.3 (1469.2)the Father’s business, vs. world affairs in life of, 126:0.2 (1386.2)interest of, in making a fuller revelation of God, 125:5.8 (1383.1)life of, and mortal concept of God, 2:6.4 (41.2), 102:8.7 (1128.3), 103:9.4 (1141.2), 194:2.6 (2061.4)lone sojourn of, with God, on Mount Hermon, 134:8.0 (1492.8–1494.3)a most extraordinary day in the life of, 124:6.15 (1376.1)of Nazareth, a religious man doing the will of God, 196:1.1 (2090.2)oneness of the Father and, 120:4.3 (1331.3), 161:1.8 (1784.5), 161:2.9 (1786.4), 169:4.2 (1855.3)personal Deity referred to by, 1:7.1 (31.1)presents God as the Universal Father, 92:4.8 (1008.1), 196:0.9 (2088.4)refusal of, to acknowledge the wrath of God, 125:0.6 (1378.1)revelation of himself to God as a perfected son by, 142:7.15 (1604.10)the Son of even the Elohim God, 169:4.10 (1857.1)subjection of, to the will of his Paradise Father, 128:1.12 (1409.2), 128:7.2 (1417.1), 129:3.5 (1423.7)teaching of, concerning doing the Father’s will, 140:8.3 (1579.5), 142:2.4 (1597.4)trusted God, 100:7.7 (1102.4)and will of his Father in heaven, 125:6.11 (1384.7), 196:0.2 (2087.2)Jesus-Religious Lifearrangements made for Jerusalem study of, at fifteen, 125:2.11 (1380.6)attainment of high levels of conscious contact with his Thought Adjuster by, 129:1.14 (1421.4)attendance of, at his first Passover, 123:5.2 (1362.3)attitude toward accepting his family responsibilities, 126:2.3 (1388.3)asceticism, 136:3.3 (1512.7)earthly life and the world, 196:2.9 (2093.3)his being the Messiah, 126:3.6 (1390.1)lifework, 125:5.10 (1383.3)Mary’s attendance at the Passover, 125:0.4 (1377.4)personal combat, 124:2.4 (1368.6), 133:1.4 (1469.3)the Pharisees, 140:8.22 (1582.3)Philip’s foolish questions, 139:5.7 (1557.1)sinners, 188:5.2 (2018.1)use of superhuman power, 136:6.5 (1518.4)wholesome recreation, 124:3.9 (1371.2)communication of, with his Personalized Adjuster, 174:5.10 (1904.1)completion of the knowledge of creature life by, 128:1.1 (1407.6)of the mastery of his human mind by, 129:1.14 (1421.4), 134:8.4 (1493.3)confidence of, that no real harm could befall him, 133:1.4 (1469.3)frequent solitary retirement of, at Gilboa, 144:1.8 (1618.2)habits of, as to prayer, 126:1.1 (1387.1)meditation and prayer in the Bethany garden by, 125:4.1 (1381.3)of Nazareth, the earth life of, the highest religion in Nebadon, 102:8.7 (1128.3)no provision for self-examination in the religion of, 140:8.27 (1583.1)perfection of living of, 161:2.4 (1785.4)personal religion of, 140:8.19 (1581.6)positive quality of the morality of, 140:10.5 (1585.3)preparation of, for trip to Mount Hermon, 134:8.1 (1492.8)religion of, 5:4.5 (67.3), 99:5.3 (1091.2), 196:2.0 (2091.10–2093.5)religious life of, attained in the realistic world, 196:2.9 (2093.3)how to study, 5:4.15 (68.3), 196:0.10 (2088.5)nonportrayal of, by New Testament, 196:2.1 (2091.10)value of knowing the, 2:0.2 (33.2), 196:1.3 (2090.4)sinlessness of, 5:4.15 (68.3), 128:1.5 (1408.2)transformation of the difficulties of time into the triumphs of eternity by, 127:6.12 (1405.4)unawareness of his Adjuster’s arrival by, 123:2.1 (1357.5)was great because he was good, 100:7.17 (1103.5)youthful, and his prayers, 123:3.6 (1360.1)Jesus-School Experiencesacquirement of early education by, 123:2.3 (1357.7), 124:3.5 (1370.3)beginning study of Greek by, 123:3.1 (1359.2)challenge of chazan, concerning images, 124:1.3 (1366.4)chazan’s interest in the boy, 123:5.9 (1363.2), 124:3.5 (1370.3)date of graduation of, from the synagogue school, 124:5.4 (1373.4)a diligent pupil, 123:6.1 (1364.4)discontinuance of drawing and modeling by, 124:1.5 (1367.1)early education of, 123:2.3 (1357.7), 123:5.8 (1363.1)graduation of, from

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