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140:6.1 (1576.1)varying opinions concerning the, 144:1.7 (1618.1)believers, desired aim of, to share Jesus’ faith, 196:1.5 (2091.1)hunger of, for righteousness, 150:5.5 (1683.2)Jesus’ admonition to, to become one with him, 184:4.6 (1985.1)gift of eternal life to, 141:7.3 (1593.4), 190:0.2 (2029.2)need of, to maintain faith and bear spirit fruits, 176:3.3 (1916.3)successive generation of, apostles’ bewilderment at Jesus’ allusion to, 178:2.1 (1932.4)of believers, relation of, to secular governments, 178:1.2 (1929.3)builder, attitude of, toward obstacles, 156:5.5 (1738.4), 156:5.21 (1740.8), 176:3.2 (1916.2), 181:2.22 (1961.1)to come, Jesus’ promise to apostles to sit down with them in the, 179:2.2 (1938.1)in the next life, Jesus’ promises to Simon concerning the, 181:2.11 (1957.1)coming, the apostles’ failure to comprehend the, 135:7.1 (1503.1), 138:7.3 (1544.2), 176:2.3 (1914.4)concept, 170:1.0 (1858.3–1859.10)change of, into the cult of eternal life, 170:2.25 (1861.7)a definition, 140:1.3 (1568.6), 170:5.11 (1865.1)divided against itself cannot stand, 153:4.3 (1714.2)of the divine brotherhood, certain emergence of, 170:5.21 (1866.4), 196:2.11 (2093.5)division of the Hebrew nation into two, time of, 97:2.1 (1064.2)on earth, new revelation of, Jesus’ promise of a, 170:4.15 (1863.13)unimportance of, to the Creator of a universe, 136:9.6 (1522.5)earthly, necessary use of physical force by, 178:1.2 (1929.3)entering the, unavoidable responsibilities of, 159:3.7 (1766.3)establishment of, Jews’ belief in role of Messiah in the, 135:5.6 (1501.1)faith, and entrance into the, 137:8.17 (1537.4), 140:1.4 (1569.1), 140:8.28 (1583.2)family of the Father, faith as assurance of entry into the, 146:3.4 (1641.6)Father’s eternal, apostles promised to sometime sup with Jesus in the, 179:5.9 (1943.2)freedom of entrance into, 150:5.2 (1682.4)prerequisite to continuance in, 150:5.2 (1682.4)foundation, proclamation, and establishment of the, 155:1.2 (1725.3)of God, about, 135:5.0 (1500.1–1501.3)a definition, 170:2.18 (1860.13)early Christians’ abandonment of the term, reason, 170:2.24 (1861.6)an everlasting dominion, Jewish idea of, 135:5.4 (1500.4)of heaven, Daniel’s prophecy of, 135:3.2 (1498.1)is at hand, 136:1.5 (1510.2), 170:5.19 (1866.2)is not meat and drink, 34:6.13 (381.7)and kingdom of good, 2:5.12 (40.4)the long-looked-for, 141:2.1 (1588.4)the Messiah’s relation to the, 135:5.6 (1501.1)the new age of, as related to the Jewish national history, 136:1.1 (1509.3)proof of being in the, 137:8.17 (1537.4)the result of the persistent pursuit of divinity, 54:0.1 (613.1)the sometime actuality of the, in every man’s heart, consequences, 118:10.17 (1306.6)superhuman, identification of, 170:4.4 (1863.2)vs. the visible church and Christ’s second coming, 170:5.19 (1866.2)within you, Jesus’ reference to the, 170:2.24 (1861.6)God’s, everlasting nature of, 131:2.7 (1445.1)gospel of the, effect of feeding of the five thousand on furthering the, 152:5.6 (1704.5)of heaven, about, 170:0.0 (1858.1–1866.4)apostles’ concept of the, as the glorified rule of the Jewish people, 141:2.1 (1588.4)picture of the inauguration of the, 138:1.3 (1539.1)tendency to seek preferred places in the, 158:6.2 (1758.3)apostles taught by Jesus about the, 139:0.2 (1548.2), 157:3.4 (1746.1), 170:2.16 (1860.11)believers’ inability to grasp the spiritual concept of the, 157:5.3 (1748.3), 171:1.3 (1868.5)concepts of the, 170:1.0 (1858.3–1859.10)a definition, 99:3.2 (1088.3), 134:4.2 (1486.5), 141:2.1 (1588.4), 141:6.4 (1592.6), 144:4.3 (1621.2), 149:6.8 (1676.2), 153:2.4 (1710.2), 155:3.1 (1727.1), 155:5.13 (1730.1), 163:7.4 (1808.6), 178:1.2 (1929.3)a divine family, 155:5.13 (1730.1), 170:2.12 (1860.7)vs. earthly kingdoms, 170:0.1 (1858.1), 178:1.1 (1929.2)an evolutionary experience, 142:7.3 (1603.4)foundation of the, 134:4.2 (1486.5)of the brotherhood of the, 157:4.5 (1747.3)four groups of ideas of the, 170:1.8 (1859.1)humility a prerequisite to progress in the, 158:8.1 (1761.2)the ideal of doing the will of God, 170:2.11 (1860.6)is at hand, John the Baptist’s message, 135:6.8 (1502.6), 142:1.2 (1596.4), 163:1.4 (1801.1)Jacob’s question to Jesus about God’s welcoming men into the, 142:2.1 (1597.1)Jesus’ choice of method of establishing the, reason, 136:8.6 (1521.1)definition of the, 141:2.1 (1588.4)designation of the spiritual brotherhood as the, 169:4.1 (1855.2), 169:4.6 (1856.4)explanation of the, as apostles’ personal experience, 170:2.16 (1860.11)intent to clarify meaning of, 170:0.0 (1858.1–2)likening of, to the king in the parable of the steward, 159:1.4 (1763.1)to a mustard seed, 140:8.27 (1583.1)promise of, to those who would receive, 138:3.6 (1540.9), 175:1.6 (1906.3)purpose to establish the, 140:6.1 (1576.1), 169:4.1 (1855.2), 169:4.6 (1856.4)teaching of the truth concerning the, 178:3.2 (1934.4)of Jesus’ concept, slumbering in the cocoon of the Christian church, 170:5.21 (1866.4)Jewish belief as to number who would enter the, 166:3.2 (1828.6)Jews’ varying beliefs concerning the, 135:5.4 (1500.4)John’s preaching of the, 136:0.1 (1509.1)keys of, 39:4.14 (435.7)the love of wealth and the, 163:2.10 (1803.1)meaning of, to Palestinian Jews, 135:5.2 (1500.2), 136:1.5 (1510.2)mediocre human foundation of the, 139:10.9 (1564.3)necessity of being "born again" to enter the, 103:2.1 (1130.6)the new age, 135:3.2 (1498.1)not an economic order, 99:3.2 (1088.3)meat and drink, 137:8.13 (1536.10), 155:3.1 (1727.1)a social order, 99:3.2 (1088.3)and the poor in spirit, 140:5.7 (1573.9)a spiritual brotherhood, 152:3.2 (1702.3), 154:0.2 (1717.2)technique of Jesus’ disciples’ entrance into the, 137:8.7 (1536.4), 160:5.10 (1782.1)three essentials of the, 140:10.9 (1585.7)within you, Jesus’ reference to the, 108:6.2 (1193.1), 170:1.11 (1859.4), 171:0.3 (1867.3)is within you, 170:1.13 (1859.6)Jesus’, not of this world, 190:5.4 (2035.1)vs. the outward church, 170:5.21 (1866.4)Jesus’ admonition to apostles concerning standing in the, 179:3.9 (1940.1)answer to Pilate concerning the nature of his, 185:3.3 (1991.3)attempt to explain the nature of his, 138:6.3 (1543.1), 142:7.1 (1603.2), 170:0.1 (1858.1), 170:2.20 (1861.2), 170:5.14 (1865.4), 170:5.19 (1866.2), 196:0.8 (2088.3)discourse on five phases of the, 170:4.0 (1862.9–1863.14)instruction to his apostles as to the method of the coming of his, 137:6.5 (1533.3)promise concerning the coming of the, 141:4.8 (1591.4), 171:8.5 (1876.2)reference to one phase of the, to the future, 170:4.16 (1863.14)sermon on the, 137:8.0 (1535.7–1537.5)Urmia lectures on the "Kingdom of Men" and the, 134:3.5 (1485.7)teaching about the, 170:4.0 (1862.9–1863.14)John’s new notes of preaching concerning the coming, 135:9.2 (1505.2)of Judah, David’s proclamation as king of, 97:9.7 (1072.5)later, and possible future, concepts of the, 170:5.0 (1864.1–1866.4)law of the, 142:1.5 (1596.7)laying hold of, by Nicodemus, 142:6.9 (1603.1)of life, Jesus frequent use of the term, 170:2.24 (1861.6)Matthew’s definition of the, 139:7.4 (1559.8)of Men, Jesus’ Urmian lectures on the Kingdom of God and the, 134:3.5 (1485.7)Most Highs rule in the, 3:5.2 (51.1), 43:3.4 (488.6), 43:5.17 (491.13), 43:9.4 (495.6), 50:2.6 (574.1), 97:8.5 (1071.3), 114:0.1 (1250.1), 114:6.8 (1255.7), 114:7.9 (1258.1), 134:5.3 (1488.1), 136:9.6 (1522.5), 175:1.8 (1906.5)Nathaniel’s attitude toward the, 139:6.4 (1558.5)proclamation of the, in India and Mesopotamia, 139:6.9 (1559.4)necessary to be born of the spirit to enter the, 142:6.7 (1602.6)need of establishment of, in individual souls, 170:4.14 (1863.12)the new, not a reign of power and plenty, 137:8.13 (1536.10)northern, restoration by Elijah of a God concept to, 97:2.1 (1064.2)Peter’s Capernaum sermon on, 145:2.1 (1629.2)place in establishing the, 139:2.10 (1551.6)prerequisites for entrance into the, 137:8.7 (1536.4), 141:6.4 (1592.6)as presented by Jesus to his apostles, 170:1.13 (1859.6)progress in the, mature faith a prerequisite to, 102:1.1 (1118.4)Simon Zelotes’ misconceptions of the, results, 181:2.9 (1956.4), 191:0.8 (2038.3)southern, transgressions of, and appearance of the first Isaiah, 97:5.1 (1066.5)spiritual, comparison of, to a butterfly, 170:5.21 (1866.4)the Father as the center and circumference of the, 157:6.5 (1749.4)Jesus’ attempted techniques of leading his followers into the, 136:9.2 (1522.1), 140:8.1 (1579.3)of this world, Jesus not to reform the, 137:8.7 (1536.4), 140:6.6 (1576.6)the three, of men, angels, and God, a common misinterpretation of Melchizedek’s circles insignia, 93:3.3 (1016.5)Kingshipof David, editing records to establish divine background for, 97:9.4 (1072.2), 97:9.6 (1072.4)divine, cited in a model prayer, 144:5.45 (1622.41)hereditary, reasons for, 70:6.3 (789.10)of Jesus, freely admitted, at the time of his death, 187:5.6 (2011.2)Kinshipfactors, manifestation of, on all levels, 49:5.30 (568.1)to God, mortals’, Thought Adjuster’s revelation of, 34:6.12 (381.6)of the mind of mortals, 49:4.8 (564.10)physical, of the worlds

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