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action a cause of, 61:7.1 (700.6), 61:7.10 (701.9)inland, Andite migrations around, into Europe, 79:1.1 (878.2)a characteristic of later reptilian age, 60:2.5 (687.6)drying up of, during climatic transition stage, 59:6.6 (683.3)of the Mediterranean trough, early maritime commerce on, 80:1.1 (889.3)of Italy, identity of tribes dwelling on, 80:8.3 (897.1)visit of Jesus, Gonod, and Ganid to, 132:7.1 (1466.1)of Jerusem, 46:2.2 (520.7)Superior region, ease of interpretation of ancient fossil-bearing rocks in, 58:7.5 (670.7)Urmia, Jesus’ tarrying at, after completing caravan trip, 134:2.5 (1485.2)Van, location of descendants of Adamson, 93:7.2 (1021.6)of the Vanites, 77:4.11 (860.6)mingling of Nodites and Amadonites near, 73:1.6 (822.3)Lamb(s)among wolves, gospel messengers to be sent as, 163:1.3 (1800.5)feed my, 192:2.2 (2047.6)gathering of, in the arms of the Deliverer, 97:7.8 (1069.3), 190:5.4 (2035.1)Jesus’ contemplation of a Passover without the, 125:2.3 (1379.4)paschal, first celebration of Passover by devout Jews without the, 127:6.7 (1404.6)Jesus’ bringing of, to Bethany, 127:3.4 (1399.3)partaking of, vs. serving of, by Jesus, 179:0.3 (1936.3)slaughter of, effect on Jesus of, during his first temple visit, 125:2.1 (1379.2)Passover, sacrificing of, nonconnection of, with death of Son of Man, 186:5.1 (2002.2)symbolic significance of, in early evolutionary religion, 85:3.4 (946.6)Lamechexultation of, referenced by the Scriptures, 159:1.7 (1764.2)identification of, 159:1.7 (1764.2)Lamentationsof certain tribes over each new sunrise, 86:2.2 (951.4)Lanaforgeapproval by, of Melchizedeks’ selection of biologic uplifters for Urantia, 74:1.3 (828.4)cabinet of, nomination of the commission of twenty-four by the, 114:2.1 (1251.4)distinguished service of, 45:2.3 (511.3)first message of, to constellation Father of Norlatiadek, 53:7.12 (608.8)frequent visits of, to Urantia, 45:2.4 (511.4)kept in touch with rebellion-isolated worlds by twenty-four counselors, 114:2.4 (1252.2)Lucifer’s successor, 45:2.2 (511.2), 45:3.2 (512.2)a member of the Jerusem executive council, 45:3.11 (512.11)number of, in the primary order of Lanonandeks, 45:3.2 (512.2)orders of, for resurrection of Adam and Eve, 76:6.2 (853.3)permission of, for a Melchizedek to present information about the continental nation on another planet, 72:0.1 (808.1)presiding of, over the system council of world rulers, 45:2.4 (511.4)relations of, with Urantia, 45:2.4 (511.4), 93:3.2 (1016.4)the System Sovereign, 45:2.2 (511.2), 45:3.2 (512.2), 45:3.11 (512.11), 93:3.2 (1016.4)Land-and-air mortal types, percentage of in Satania, 49:2.18 (562.2)-animal life, disappearance of, 60:2.1 (687.2)animals, continuity of life of, only in parts of Africa, 60:1.2 (685.4)development of, at close of Oligocene period, 61:2.13 (696.4)sudden appearance of, 59:5.5 (680.7)the Baal cult’s concern with, 97:3.3 (1064.7)of Babel, region of, 77:3.9 (859.3)bridge(s), between Africa and South America, 61:4.6 (698.8)between England and France, 64:2.6 (719.9)between Mediterranean and Indian Ocean, 64:7.13 (728.2)connection of Europe and North America by, 59:4.14 (679.7), 61:4.6 (698.8)cultivation, early use of man power in, 81:6.21 (909.2)elevation, circumpacific, length of, 60:3.11 (690.2)a factor in climate fluctuations, 57:8.22 (662.9)emergence, of early invertebrate-animal age, extent of, 59:2.2 (675.1)in early reptilian age, 60:1.6 (686.2)epoch, Urantia’s first great, 57:8.19 (662.6)life, premammalian era of, 60:4.6 (692.4)-life era, early, period covered by, 59:0.5 (672.5)periods, beginning of, 60:1.5 (686.1)-man ratio, agricultural and industrial population relative to, favoring higher culture in cities, 68:6.5 (770.2)for agriculture, effect of China’s population relative to the, on peace, 79:8.2 (887.2)agriculture’s influence on, 68:5.10 (769.2)dependence of mores on, 68:5.1 (768.1)multiplication of numbers beyond optimum, result, 81:6.11 (907.8)relation of, to social civilization, 68:6.1 (769.6)masses, density of, vs. that of the sea bottoms, 58:5.6 (668.8)worldwide emergence of, 59:2.7 (675.6)negotiability of, 69:9.15 (782.2)of Nod, Cain’s departure for the, 74:8.8 (837.7), 76:2.9 (849.3)definition, 67:4.2 (757.5)ownership, Judah’s Hebrews’ and non-Hebrews’ devotion to the idea of, 97:3.2 (1064.6), 97:9.7 (1072.5)path, England to Java, time of, 64:1.5 (718.7)plants, changes in, during climatic transition stage, 59:6.7 (683.4)early, burial of, beneath the ice of Greenland, 59:4.14 (679.7)southern migration of, 61:4.6 (698.8)rising and sinking of, slow progress of, 59:1.15 (674.1)and the Roman state, 71:1.17 (801.5)scarcity, war caused by, 70:1.8 (784.4)sinking of, during trilobite age, factors in, 59:1.7 (673.7)situation, necessity for man’s adjustment to the, 68:5.1 (768.1)submergences of, depth of, in life-dawn era, 58:7.9 (671.2)techniques, 68:5.0 (768.1–769.5)vegetation, distribution of, in the vegetative land-life period, 59:4.13 (679.6)Landingon Edentia sea of glass by Lanaforge and his staff, 53:7.12 (608.8)by transport seraphim, 43:1.10 (487.1)fields on peripheral Paradise, 11:4.1 (121.2)of Grandfanda on Havona, 26:2.7 (287.6), 26:5.1 (291.1)on shores of Divinington, high spiritual orders enjoined never to attempt a, 107:3.6 (1179.9)Landownersa check on kings, 70:6.6 (790.3)Landscapeattractive appearance of the world’s, during Cenozoic age, 61:0.2 (693.2)beautification of Eden, the work of, 73:4.2 (824.1)changes of vegetative land-life period, 59:4.2 (678.3)of Edentia, beings participating in beautification of, 43:6.7 (492.7)gardeners of Jerusem, spornagia the, 46:7.2 (527.16)glory of Eden, 73:3.6 (823.6)of Jerusem, characteristics of, 46:2.1 (520.6)of Mesopotamia, in time of Dalamatia vs. later times, 66:3.2 (743.3)of time, viewing of, from the broader perspective of maturity, 118:1.8 (1295.8)Language(s)acquirements of early passenger birds, 52:1.5 (590.1)advances in, in early ages, 81:6.17 (908.6)alphabet and words in, 195:7.21 (2080.6)of Andonic clans, 63:4.6 (714.4)ascending mortals’ acquirement of new, technique of, 48:3.13 (546.6)a barrier to the complete blending of the Occidentals, 80:9.16 (899.3)of Caligastia one hundred, 66:4.7 (744.6)common, a prerequisite to universal peace, 52:3.10 (594.1), 52:5.10 (597.1), 81:6.18 (908.7)development of, and trade relations, 70:3.4 (787.4)differing, influence of, on racial segregation, 52:2.5 (591.5)early, relation of appearance of, to ethical judgment, 52:1.6 (590.2)evolution of, from gestures to alphabets, 81:6.17 (908.6)human, inadequacy of, 44:0.20 (499.1)Jesus’ knowledge of, 123:2.14 (1358.11), 123:5.1 (1362.2)little need for, in central universe, 44:4.3 (503.3)of the local universes, 44:4.3 (503.3), 48:3.13 (546.6)number of, on worlds in light and life, 55:3.1 (624.7)one, a prerequisite to planetary progress beyond first stage of light and life, 55:3.22 (626.11)prevalent in Palestine at times of Jesus, 121:6.2 (1338.5)racial development of separate, 52:2.5 (591.5)reason for animals’ inability to develop, 130:2.8 (1431.3)sign- and word-based, worked out by the first human twins, 62:5.7 (708.5)of the spirit, vs. language of the flesh, 142:7.17 (1605.2)of the superuniverses, 44:4.3 (503.3)of time, a handicap in presenting the relationships of absolutes in eternity, 105:3.10 (1157.1)universal, benefits of a, 81:6.18 (908.7)written, vs. concept patterns, 44:4.5 (503.5)Lanonandek(s)administrative teachers, identity of, 35:10.1 (394.3)bestowal, Michael’s revelation of the will of the Father and the Son on his, 119:8.4 (1318.3)Caligastia a, 66:1.1 (741.3)classification of, 35:8.8 (392.8)functions of, 35:8.0 (392.1–15), 46:5.16 (524.7)Jerusem abode of the, 46:5.16 (524.7)nonprogression of, from one group to another, 35:8.7 (392.7)nonreproductive, 35:8.7 (392.7)number of, in Nebadon, 35:8.3 (392.3), 35:8.8 (392.8)origin of, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:0.2 (384.2), 35:8.1 (392.1)primary, appraisal of ability of, 35:8.15 (392.15)functions of, 35:8.4 (392.4)Hanavard a, 45:3.8 (512.8)Lanaforge a, 45:3.2 (512.2)Lucifer a, 53:0.1 (601.1)Michael’s bestowal as a, 119:2.4 (1311.3)number of, in Nebadon, 35:8.4 (392.4)Satan a, 53:1.4 (602.1)System Sovereigns, 39:4.2 (434.2), 45:2.1 (511.1)rebellion, the Lucifer insurrection a, 53:7.4 (607.5)rulers, 35:9.0 (393.1–394.2), 39:4.3 (434.3)salvaged, functions of, 35:10.4 (394.6)secondary, assistants to Planetary Princes on some worlds, 50:2.3 (573.4)Caligastia a, 53:1.4 (602.1), 66:1.1 (741.3)certification of, by Melchizedeks, 50:0.1 (572.1)Daligastia a, 66:2.2 (742.2)Fortant a, 45:3.7 (512.7)functions of, 35:8.5 (392.5)majority of planets under jurisdiction of a, 39:4.3 (434.3)number of, in Nebadon, 35:8.5 (392.5)presenter of Papers 50 and 51, 50:7.4 (579.3), 51:7.6 (588.5)representation of, among rebellion participants, 35:9.6 (393.6)supervision of reserves of, by the junior Most High associate, 35:9.4 (393.4)Son(s), arrival of, on average world, significance, 66:0.1 (741.1)Local Universe Sons of God, 20:1.10 (223.15)Michael’s second bestowal as a, 119:3.6 (1313.1)Planetary Princes considered a distinct group of, 50:0.1 (572.1)primary, as System Sovereigns, 39:4.2 (434.2), 45:2.1 (511.1)Satan a, 67:1.1 (754.2)tertiary, functions of, 35:8.6 (392.6)Holdant a, 45:3.5 (512.5)Mansurotia a, 45:3.3 (512.3)number of, in Nebadon, 35:8.6 (392.6)possible assistants to Planetary Princes, 50:2.3 (573.4)representation of, among rebellion participants, 35:9.6 (393.6)Sadib a, 45:3.4 (512.4)Vilton a, 45:3.6 (512.6)three classes of, division into, by Melchizedek testing, 35:8.3 (392.3)groups of, mingling of, when in their Jerusem abode, 46:5.16 (524.7)training of, on Melchizedek

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