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carefully, trying not to hurt frozen other out, pushed his way between the doorway:

      «Can I touch it by the hand?»

      «You can only slowly.» – Answered the stranger.

      Dima touched the stiff body and walked into the room. The room was empty, except for one more stranger taller:

      «It’s the commander! – Said the boy spent a stranger. – It permits or denies.»

      Followed by the command to start and do not waste time. Dima scanned the room. Stood by the window shop, brightly painted in red, shining in the rays of a bright light bulb, color. The table also painted as the other bench, leaning against him.

      «Sit down at the table! – Heard it’s an order! – Not here, just move over to the right.»

      The boy moved:

      «Now put your hands on the table as a school desk.»

      Dima put his hands like in the classroom, on the desk.

      «You want to see a movie?»! – Heard the new proposal aliens.

      «I want!» – Answered.

      «Now the light will slowly fade and we will show you a movie. Look.»

      The stranger in white, the one that was lower growth, pressed the switch. The light bulb in the room slowly began to fade. At the site of sinking into the darkness of subjects appeared dark blue color chair in which suddenly found itself Dima. Elbows boy found ourselves on a narrow and short table. Between this table and the wall was built with a sloping trough slope to the drain opening. «It seems to drain.»? Conjecture flashed, soapy.

      Wall of the room with the windows gone, in its place arose a white screen in a movie theater. Dima heard words:

      «You can take off the helmet, let’s see who we are?»

      «Can you still in quarantine for another two weeks. Only warn him not to scare.»

      «Dima, we are just like you, only our sun fades. We have reached a level of development that surpasses your one hundred million years.»

      Boy with courage and curiosity began to see how the strings untied commander behind a guide, flashed his helmet, and silver skin- tight body suit came before him. Then, the helmet 90° rotation was carefully removed commander. The golden strands of wavy hair spilled over her shoulders. Woman with beautiful almond- shaped eyes, pale, stared at the boy’s eyes.

      «You saved my life. Commander I talked to repay you.»

      «Our world is not the same as yours. We have no long- pathogenic microbes, but there is no immunity. And should one microbe get to us, how to start an epidemic. Therefore, we take your immune system and are fueling your body.»

      «We have little time!» – Reminded commander.

      «But the ship still on the shady side of the earth.» – Objected woman, but complied.

      «We have come to fulfill your three wishes. Do you have a will? Tell them?»

      Dima thought, began to speak:

      «I would like to come up with a cure for death, and to make all men immOrtl.»

      On the woman smiled and said:

      «You people are immortal. Question is that you do not even realize.»

      «What is the second wish?» – Heard the boy question male stranger! – Maybe you’d like a lot of money? We’ll give them to you, but not soon, when you grow up and get married. "– Asked the commander of a leading question and answered it.

      The boy thought, said, as he taught in a boarding school as a true scout:

      «Do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends!» – What has puzzled strangers, and received the answer:

      «Friends you will not, because you get to see all of our knowledge through, guess the thoughts and sHortcomings of others, believe that people do not like.»

      «Man to Man – a wolf!» – Authoritatively stated commander. The woman added:

      «We are watching you for many historical periods, and it is. There is no person on earth that would have thought as much harm to another. There are only allies. And you shall know the language of birds and beasts, birds and animals is also do not always like it, so we will help you. not live without money, we will help you on your need. big money you will not, but of hunger you will not die.»

      Dima remembered all my friends, classmates at boarding school in Santiago, boys, friends, and no one, even a hint, not like a wolf. No, he is fundamentally disagree with this inference aliens. Reflections Dima woman interrupted:

      «What is your third wish?» – She asked.

      The boy replied:

      «I would like to have a drink delicious water, which I drank with faceted glass, when my mother took me to an exhibition of advanced computer technology, which was held in Santiago, Chile.»

      The aliens were again taken aback, they do not know what is called a faceted glass. The woman began to explain to the commander that is the capacity to drink only a glass, crystal- like shape.

      And, referring to Dima, said:

      «We will change your genetic code and show you your future!» – Hastened to explain:

      «The genetic code must be changed to ensure that you have acquired relevant skills and was able to live a new life.»

      She took a beaker of clear blue material with rounded edges and brought the boy to a half- filled transparent as crystal, viscous liquid.

      «It is necessary to drink. Hold your nose with your left hand, try not to breathe. Necessary to make three drinks. If you make three drinks, talk about what birds and animals is completely understandable. Only three sips.»

      The woman waited until he held his nose with his left hand, held out the beaker. Dima, stealthily, almost relaxed index finger pinching the nose and gently sniffed one nostril. Liquid sharp odor hit in the nose. Alien, seeing this, quickly ousted the container.

      «Do not inhale and then not be able to make a single gulp! And have three.» – She said. «Take a breath and a good pinch your nose.»

      Dima this time it has done wrong. Scored a deep breath and holding his nose in good faith, and brought the liquid to the mouth with the thought that such a trifle as three sips, cost nothing, and made the first. Liquid hard, biting the throat and pushed his way shrapnel went to the stomach, the second, third and even more breath of Dima could not physically do. He literally willed took another sip of the floor. Garlic Twisting nausea coming right up to the throat, scoring the breath as a pin. And, not thinking, what was provided in front of a trough, began to vomit lumps recently meat pie mixed with bile. Aliens commented:

      «One sip and a half, too bad, but three would be better.» – Says the man. To which the woman said:

      «It is enough, and one, with its sensitivity.»

      A boy with every urge all facilitated and facilitated, and when it seemed that everything had passed, and that the fresh coolness of the nausea goes away, the woman said:

      «Turned his head to the right, to the left.»

      He complied with the request, and the new wave of nausea exploded in it, but, barf, it was nothing.

      «We need to take another sample of the seventh, the last.» – With these words began to twirl alien chair in which he sat Dima on its axis, causing the boy nausea. And it succeeded. Finally, the seventh and the last sample was taken.

      Selected samples from the trough, a long glass tube with a rubber bulb on the end, she placed each one in a separate tube. The tubes were carefully installed in the cradle. Then, set in a wall safe with flashing colored lights buttons.

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