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to the brand new neat two- story mansion with a broken outside each house front garden where flowers are grown and recently planted trees.

      – So, ladies from now on you will live in these houses. Each of you will get one of them in perpetuity, and completely free! – A solid voice that brooked no opposition, said von Fiers.

      – What the numbers? – Cried Anna Sobinova. Anya also froze with his mouth open in a pose of a cornered animal, and only her eyes sparkled, brimming with tears.

      – I want to look at our house! – Suddenly said Dima. His remarks caught Fiers background:

      – Well come on, Dima, come on, let’s see, what will you choose? – And, without thinking twice, Firs and Dima got out of the jeep and proceeded to the next house. Anya could not recover from a sudden shock, which did not give her son to stop, enthusiastic background Fiers.

      Hey, Annie, your idea was to rush to find husbands? What a fool I was, that she agreed to this reckless adventure! – She took from its road handbags handkerchief and wiped her nose and tears. Anya was silent. She did not seem selected the speech, and it seemed that this is only a dream, that he is now and will be all formed. Anya did not notice his son’s return. Dima opened the door of the jeep and called his mother: – Mama! Mom! – He cried enthusiastically. Anya heard his voice and turned her head toward him. Eyes full of tears, she could not even make out his smiley face, but her maternal instinct and love for his son pushed him. She quickly climbed out and grabbed Dima in his arms, hugged her tightly.

      – Mom, you’re human! – Choking maternal embrace, only had time to utter a boy.

      The Son, forgive me a fool, I’m sorry!

      – For The- I should forgive you? – Dima asked in bewilderment.

      Anya could only utter that now, and only those words. But Dima was not clear their meaning, especially when it was then, as it seemed, all are better than ever. And again he made a half- hearted attempt to say about this mother:

      – Mom, I know where our dad! – Suddenly he blurted out. But now Anna had not heard the meaning of these words, but only as a mad kept saying: – Forgive me, forgive me, son!

      Dima said again: – Mom, I know where our dad!

      Only now, she caught the meaning of these words. Then, almost mechanically repeated:

      – What did you say? Where is our father?

      Yes, Mom, I know where he is!

      Has finally realized that she did not hear it, Anya harder asked the son:

      – What did you say? Where is he, you know?

      – Yes! – Dima affirmatively nodded and continued, – He’s in Eden, is going to Uncle Peter here to us here in this house. I have already found us a house, and there we wait our dad.

      – What did you say? – Called out of the jeep Anna Sobinova. – Say!

      – What my dad and uncle Peter and another uncle Alex, they have come to us from some Eden. This is my uncle Fiers said. – Gordo said Dima.

      – I cannot believe. – Said Anna – What else did he tell you? – Anna got out of the jeep and pulled the boy from her mother’s arms, turned him around to face him and began shaking his shoulders.

      – Tell me what he’s told you?

      – What have you heard? – There was, velvety voice background Firs, who came to the women noticed. Both turned their heads towards the mine approached with question on dejected faces and with a silent question in his eyes.

      – Ladies, I was tasked with bring you here in order to relocate your family in a specially reserved for this place where your meeting is to take place with their husbands. Everything else will tell you they are. I have fulfilled its function. I advise you to decide on the place of residence, and take the apartment, where the family will live.

      It’s not only Anna, but Anya opened mouths of astonishment. At this point, until Anya finally came:

      – And we have to believe in this story? You know, Mr. Firth us for round idiots are taking? – What background Fiers coolly remarked:

      – I am telling the truth, madam!

      There intervened Sobinova:

      Well, if this is true, then you should not resist, and give us the opportunity to meet with Frau Elsa Eduardovna that our data resides here with her husband and two year old son.

      – And then we will believe you and define our houses. – Anna picked up the idea.

      Background Fiers, without thinking twice, ordered:

      – Climb up in the Jeep, I’ll take you to the Garinova Elsa.

      Women in extreme excitement, as the Panthers jumped to their seats in the car. Anya is now firmly held Dima in his arms and lost her cry of joy or shake with fear.

      – Mom, I do not soul, I breathe hard!

      Anya slightly weakened arms. Jeep drove up to this time exactly in exactly the same mansion as the pictures sent by Ana’s letter of demand.

      Chapter 3

      – Lord, I invited you to set new goals dictated by the prevailing circumstances. – I started to say the High Priest of Shambhala Theo gathered in his office Garinov, Leonid, Peter, Copernicus and background FIERS. He paused, sighed, then continued:

      – It’s time to start a new page in the history of Mankind. Union highly developed civilizations of the galaxy the Milky Way has decided to contact with Humans of Earth. To fulfill this mission, established the Embassy, or in other words Office envoys from other worlds who will carry out direct contacts with the governments of the planet Earth. Meet and maintain these messengers from another world rests with you, gentlemen. One word on the team Garinova. Mr. Firth will inform you who will have to find where and how to accompany it all to perform. It will take you a curator, acting as a liaison between me or in other words between the Scientific Council of Shambhala and you. That’s all. To perform these tasks, you should be in good shape and in full spirits. To this end we have provided you with exceptional conditions. Fiers background and I have prepared a surprise to you, find out what on arrival at the place of your new deployment. That’s all. Mr. Firth, be engaged with their subjects.

      Firs in the military clicked his heels:

      – Yes, Your Rule! – Then turned to Garinov and his subordinates. – Follow me!

      Peter could not resist not to speak:

      – With things, or how?

      On that background Fiers said coldly:

      – Everything you need is already in place, where you will immediately be taken by my participation. Follow me! – Repeat the commanding tone that brooked no argument.

      And minted in the military step, Fiers out of the office, followed in single file by removing all the rest…

      Dima fiddling with a radio- controlled toy machine on a concrete path that led from the porch, his chosen home, where she and her mother moved the day before. Stood on the rare sunny day in autumn this Chilean autumn. The temperature was about eighteen degrees Celsius, and the boy felt that it is summer, because at this time in Moscow in late May was kept the same temperature in air. He was even more surprised that all week while they were here in a foreign country were endless rain, and now, at last, has established this sunny weather. Dima looked at the sky to see if and how long the sun will shine? And suddenly, what he saw there made the kid to make round eyes in surprise, and quickly ran into the house.

      – Mama! Mom!

      In the living room cabinet Anya laid out the things you brought with you. The woman turned around and said irritably:


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