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and talk about his first fun. But he was silent. And it betrayed an intriguing mystery in his first trial. These rumors reached the Clementine’s, that girl, that first fearlessly went to call her a ghost. Girl back then struck another boy’s courage and fell in love with him as a hero of a fairy princess to fall in love jousting. Clementine is eleven and a half years. And it is often to Veronica. And they became best friends. And to address the poor boy flew taunts and ridicule from friends. Miguel, the older brother of Veronica, used to say, maintaining neutrality:

      – Duma’s sorry, but that’s my sister. I cannot fight her.

      And supports their image ally harmful girls. A Dime wanted so much friendship. So wanted to be with someone in a good friendly relationship. And he often caught myself thinking that the days and weeks pass, and the other is not. Garin was younger Dima, a full two years and Krazimov was not interested in this gloomy and too self- contained boy. Even though my mother often led Dima Garinova to him, but the chill in their relationship interfere with friendship. And Krazimov grew up in a circle of Chilean boys, free and bold, early become older children. But loneliness is bad and scary entangles him and when it was intolerable, he looked at the pugnacious rooster. Up to him, caught him and stroked who stood on his hind legs feathers on the neck. Rooster tried to pull away, then stepped on the boy threw like a mad dog, the boy, and the game began. Loneliness disappeared, replaced by the excitement came the player.

      Dima studied win alone. From this he Steven cold selfish for Chilean children but the children did their best to push him on occasion, humiliate, ridicule him, exciting and leading him to a protective reaction. And he ceased to notice others, scorning, and at times mocked them.

      My cousin Mary, Teresa, lived for a time in the house of Mary. But when she gave in marriage, she began to live separately, but have been raided in the old house, apparently believing it to her. She had her neighborhood friends, peers and they often visited each other. In the evening, playing cards, and sometimes drink, but not much. Playing cards told different stories and shared experience uncomplicated, helped each other advice.

      Teresa was sHort with a massive jaw, close- set little yellow near the nose, the eyes. Above them were almost faded eyebrows and upper lip protruded sharp nose. He was badly bullied up, giving the face with a massive ape jaw stupid expression. Theresa was incredible cunning, vindictive temper and never forgive offenses. Dima she just did not like, she hated him with all your heart, all by nature, just like all the men and boys in the world.

      One hot summer morning Dima woke up early. Mother had already gone to his aunt Elsa. Dear went on grazing herd of cows from a local farm. Cows mooing. The elder brother of Veronica Miguel pass a herd of cows colony, it was his turn. And yet collected from house to house cows that are kept in their yards working colony, adding to the farmer’s herd.

      Dima ran into the yard and see who now drives a herd? This is Miguel! Eccentric older brother of Veronica, a joker and make- believe. Dima, a twig, hurried passing by lagged behind the herd cow Star. And the cow and quickly ran outside the fence. A herd of cows mooing it met friendly. Dima conducted animal eyes.

      – Come quickly to me! – Miguel shouted at him! – And then the cows wander off without you!

      It was thin and long and muscular boy with long arms. He was holding a whip with rawhide and deftly slapped them in the air. After seeing Miguel envious eyes, Dima returned to the yard and went into the house. We had to bring myself up, brush my teeth wash. After water treatment, he went to the kitchen and breakfast, pre- heated in a microwave oven is hot. Then he ran out into the yard. Above it, on the house and garden, green garden blue, blue sky. The wooden hallway near the ceiling, a swallow’s nest.

      Swallows darting about in the sky, one by one, shouting fly into the corridor and from there distributed peeps chicks. The boy goes to the strawberries. Red berries flavorful and delicious. Aunt Elsa silently thanked for the fact that she insisted that my mother broke the beds, and planted some kind of greens and strawberries. He rips juicy fruit, and sweet melting in the mouth, they fill the aroma of breath, refreshing juicy flesh and a sweetness in this hot morning. The sun rises higher and higher, bakes in the head. With a basket of potatoes passed by Teresa. Dima saw and immediately appealed to him:

      – I’d take yes for lumped compote! – Cocky she grumbled! – I’m a little currants, cherries and collected. That will compote.

      Listen, Teresa, what do you need a whole basket of potatoes and more!

      She pulled out of the basket, a cloth that was lying on the potatoes. And shook the rag in the air, which turned red berries:

      – None of your business! – Muttered in response to the boy moved farther down the road.

      Dima has not listened to, he hurried into the shadow of a spreading apple trees. Found a pair of juicy apples, wiped them on his pants and began to eat with gusto.

      The second half of the day. The afternoon heat. The sun, as disgruntled burning voraciously. «You have to go to the river,» – thought Dime…

      Chapter 5

      There was a wedding. Teresa’s cousin, Mary, married. They called all the relatives and neighbors. At the wedding was twelve and Dima. Musicians, consisting of an accordionist, a drummer and a flute player, playing endless Chilean polka. The musicians were all dressed up in a huge Mexican hats and colorful, poncho thrown over their shoulders. Tables were set on the courtyard and relatives ran into the house and out of the house, over the strong Chilean moonshine, over the food. At the site, guests had fun, danced and rocked in a wide linen blanket girl. Four men held firm linen blankets on the ends. Others, drunken, girls caught and thrown into the painting. It was a shriek and din. Bayan under rampant whistle flute and drum rattling deduced polka, the key word fun beater. On the threshold that led into the hallway at home, appeared and disappeared boyfriend tied with colorful ribbons with the regular portion of booze.

      Dima with Miguel ate delicious pasties with poppy seeds and honey and happy. Then he started a game of catch- up, and when Dima ran for Miguel, his eye fell on the saddle, standing there in a white jumpsuit, fully shrouded, alien and lured him to his gestures. Boy surprise stopped dead. Miguel teasing friend said:

      – What, you cannot catch up? Ha- ha- ha!

      – Miguel, look, he is «ghost» out there!

      He looked in the direction of a stopped Dima:

      – Yes, there’s nothing there.

      The stranger was still standing on the thresholds, implying Dime that await him.

      «Come to us. We arrived as promised, thank you!» – Mentally flowed information. «Can you meet us mentally.»

      Dima dumbfounded said in his mind:

      «I will not go alone!» – The fear crept into his shirt, was afraid to go alone.

      «We have only to thank you!» – Replied the stranger, then paused and said:

      «Wait a minute, I’m now»! – Went to the house.

      Dima was amazed. No stranger did not see but him. Soon the stranger reappeared:

      «No, just you. Fear not, we’ll not do anything wrong. Price to pay, so we have come to thank you.»

      «How can I go?»

      «Come and play with Miguel in the game of» Freeze!»

      – Miguel! – Said Dima. – Let’s play «Freeze».

      – Come on. Only you yell «Freeze!»

      Dima looked at the nut, there was a stranger in anticipation:

      – Freeze! – Garinov boy shouted.

      In an instant, everything stopped and stood still. There was a ringing silence. The leaves on the trees have stopped making noise, the wind ceased. The guests were in their seats. A girl taking off on a poncho, froze in the air and hung

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