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’ll pick, i.e., at the end of May, and you will go with me to a boarding school in Santiago.

      – What training there at age six? – Anya said.

      – Yes! You will be able to visit him once a month, and it will always break spend with your family. – Firs bowed.

      – Do you know! – Having waited for the guest when the door closed, Anya! – And I’m glad. I cannot believe how everything is arranged in our lives.

      Leonid philosophically silent. He was lost in thought, what lies behind this boarding school, and what will happen to them…

      Boarding «Edelweiss» for gifted children, i.e. children, parents who have had a good capital or a family budget that allows you to pay tuition at that institution, was in the picturesque neighborhood of Santiago. It was a one- story building built in the form of the letter «P», and was located next to a residential complex, a dormitory for students. Each student has been put governess, whose duties, included child care assigned to it, the student or the student. I mean, just follow the meals and bedtime of a schoolboy, schoolgirl. The children lived in separate rooms. Each room has its own dining area, where hosted governess. They also wash and iron clothes and clean the school on the premises. Governesses were formed with a university education. This work was prestigious, and every year hold a contest for a seat, because with the arrival of the first class and up to eleventh grade student was accompanied by a governess, and together with the outlet ball retirement. Rarely age pensioners was over thirty- six years. Candidates for the role of the governess was enough. At one place claimed to ten graduates from universities of the world come to try their luck took this job.

      When Leonid Krazimov appeared in the doorway with Dima principal’s office, against, behind his desk, ran squab with a big friendly smile and a pleasant view of blacks, as two huge black olives, eyes:

      – Ah, Mr. Krazimov! – Leonid shaking hands, soft hands, he said, velvety and pleasant baritone! – Come in, sit down! – A hand pointing to the sofa in brown leather.

      – Thank you, Mr. Director! – Leonid politely rapped in Spanish, sitting down at a specified location.

      – I’ve heard of you, Mr. Krazimov. I must say that your patrons are generous to charities for our boarding and woven significant amount to our bank account. So the doors to your son here is wide open and I hope that all the eleven years he is worthy to hold, as a student, within the walls of our «Edelweiss.» – He spoke, and the kind and friendly smile never left his lips, in turn, settling down at his desk. Then the phone dialed the extension number, and the study included a beautiful girl in a white apron, as befits a governess, and a dark- brown dress. She was wearing a blouse with long sleeves of the same color as the dress. Gleaming friendly smile pearly white teeth shone loose on her face.

      – Hello! – Greeted the newcomer. – I will be your son’s governess, Mr. Krazimov! My name is Elena Mazur, I’m from France. This year, she graduated from the Sorbonne!

      – With a Difference! – Added the director, and smiled at her. – We’ve got a rigorous screening candidates for this position.

      – Well, if for some, we cannot reason, the female candidates circumstances change and it will not be able to fulfill their

      responsibilities? – Worried Leonid.

      – At this point we have a staff swing and they are nobody, value their work. – Parry director.

      Leaving his son in the care of a governess, Leonid came home on a double sports plane, taken in the hangar of the colony.

      Chapter 4

      Summer. Vacation. Dime twelve years. He spends the summer at home. Among the blooming peony, roses, apples and plums. Among the puddles and fascinating stories, fictional and telling his friend Miguel neighborhood boys in a circle. Cherry orchards in the colony were everywhere in the yards of neighbors. The boys crowd, then here and there, going to and climbed trees. Helped clean up the adult cherry harvest. Adults, then, took the basket of cherries and attributed to the workshop of canning factory for processing.

      Dima friendship with local children is not interrupted and rallied the narrator Miguel. Incredible Adventures swarmed in his little head, and, boys, mouths open, listened and laughed to tears.

      And when there was nothing and did not want to listen, because the rain was over, and it was possible to run through the puddles. We ran barefoot on warm water, spraying from head to toe. Ran the paper boats to distant lands on the fast mountain river that flowed nearby.

      A lot of children’s games knew these boys who grew up here among the luxurious nature on the mountain air.

      And the birds were singing in the garden. On the road, the trucks rumbling brisk, cows mooing in the distance, from the barnyard and up to the boys nobody cared. Wonderful time, all the same childhood.

      Dima lived next door Dima Garinov. Garin not for years was an intelligent and clever boy, he was nearly ten, from Dima under two years.

      A neighbor girl Veronica over from Dima year. Across the street, right in front of the house Krazimov grown garden and apiary colony housed there Dignidad. Bees buzzed in the crowns of fragrant lime trees, scurrying through the flowers, gathering pollen. One summer Chilean February day was hot summer weather. Dima came out into the garden, to look for something over the fence and saw Veronica. She was in a bathing suit. Dime suddenly wanted to see her naked, and he came up to the fence.

      – Hey! – He said hello.

      – Hello! – She replied.

      – Where is Miguel? – Veronica’s brother.

      – He’s in town with her mother. What are you doing? – Asked Veronica.

      – Oh, nothing.

      – What can go apples in the garden.

      Dima was glad the proposal, and they went. Climbed over the fence and found themselves under an apple tree early grades.

      On the ground, there were many fallen fruits, and Dima proposed to assemble.

      – He’s out there, there’s more! There’s more delicious apples. – Veronica gestured to branchy apple tree. – That one apple!

      In the bottom of the garden was quiet and mysterious. From what they were in someone else’s farm garden, the sense of danger and constant vigilance excited children. Dima said suddenly:

      – Listen to me, show me your pussy. – He did not look at the girl, but she was silent, pretending not to hear.

      – Can you hear me? – He repeated his question.

      – I hear you! – Replied the girl. Her bloodshot ripening breast Thirteen girls were already well sharpness nipples and roundness.

      – Well, show me? There’s no one.

      She was silent again, then somehow get her to Dima said:

      – I’ll show you my. Be surprised! – And he unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect segment.

      And then the girl threw her piece swimsuit, showing off her flesh is covered with a surprisingly girlish boy fuzz of black curls. They were extremely excited and choked with emotion. Dima came closer, said:

      – Come as your mom and dad do. Try it!

      – But how? – Asked the girl.

      – You lie down here on the hay! – He showed his hand on a scented mop. – Well, I’m on top.

      Veronica lay down, and Dima was taking aim, but her crotch was so conveniently located that you could not in any way take advantage of the sweetness of the forbidden fruit.

      Suddenly jumped out of the bushes a whole crowd of boys. And whooping laughed at caught surprise «lovers.» Girl and Dima rushed

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