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peered at Dima, frozen with fear, chilling, waiting, what, then, did this happen on someone else’s kid knows not where dumped in their children’s game in ghosts.

      And Dima, feeling light and strong push hands, he realized that his mission is over, and heroically went back to his seat. Another minute standoff continued. In my head, Dima became a thought:

      «We’ll be back, to thank you enough! Nothing just happens, should pay for everything! Goodbye! See you soon!»

      Two figures suddenly turned and entered the gate. They went into the girl’s house and hid there. A crowd of children, devoured by curiosity, began to cry out to Mary was the name of the girl:

      – Come and see where they ran away?

      A girl came up against. She was scary, what if bringing it will enchant and it will turn into a mummy? Or even worse do something to her and she dies? But the inexorable kids persevered. Yes, and Mary herself overcame the fear of curiosity, and she gave up.

      Dima was listening to children and was not surprised that he understands the Spanish language, as they say in the same way as he speaks in Russian. Anyway, so it seemed.

      Meanwhile, Maria timidly approached the house porch. But inside was hesitant to enter, afraid. Began to look in the window.

      – Well, what? Is there anyone? – Not appeased her cousin Teresa, a little under half a year older.

      Finally curiosity got the better, and Mary decided to enter the cabin. Did not have with her for about ten minutes. Everyone has become boring. The boys ran away, the girls were alone, and Dima.

      Mary appeared in a puzzled and surprised look, talking about the fact that she was unable to find anyone in the house.

      – You lie all! – Unable to stand, blurted Teresa. – I know you’re with these assholes agreed to scare us so?

      – What are these assholes, eh? – Onset usually quarrel between friends, who are often at this age, and which, as suddenly come to an end as it began.

      Dima was bored and sad because he has no other and that his father does not love him. Consumed by these feelings he sadly trudged home.

      Home all seemed to be the same. Only strange moans could be heard from my mother’s parents’ bedroom. Dima thought that bad parents and decided to see what was going on. With rapid strides up the stairs, carpeted green carpet from the living room to the second floor where the master bedroom. Pulling the door handle, he tried to open it, but all in vain, the door is locked.

      – Mama! Mom! Are you ill? – Became alarmed call.

      Groans immediately stopped. Behind the closed door started any fuss. Then, in the doorway appeared mom in a pink terry- cloth robe.

      – Son you’ve come?

      Yes, Mom! And, whatever you have done, you do not get sick?

      Anya looked up in surprise at his son. In her eyes there was fear. She has carefully considered the boy:

      – Repeat what you said, Dima?

      – You do not get sick? – Dima not less surprised look on her mother, who was even more surprised and told the room:

      – Leon! Our son speaks some gibberish! Come on, if he did not get sick!

      – I hear you! This is pure Spanish! – Krazimov said.

      – How? Where did he get the Spanish language? – Anya cried out in surprise.

      – Sonny, what you looking at me so offended that he spoke to some gibberish? – Anya was not appeased. She could not believe that his son spoke in Spanish here so suddenly nor grained, no reason. And Dima, in turn, could not understand what was wanted of him, as he also says parents in Russian and understands them.

      – Mommy, what are you, I’m telling you in Russian? – He said that when he heard in the said foreign language not understood by him. It scared the boy in earnest. He suddenly looked at with fear which seemed father. Leonid son looked worried. He stood in front of Dima such a high and mighty in the black family shorts, and the boy seemed at that moment the most reliable father in the world, which can solve any problem and trouble. And he turned to his father:

      Papa I speak in Russian! I do not understand why these self out unfamiliar words? – Bob suddenly spoke in Russian. All breathed a sigh of relief. Anya pulled her son to her. Pressed him to robe and gently stroked on the head, still lamenting:

      – My little son! Well, thank God all cost! Do you have a dad so scared that I nearly died of fright!

      – I’m sorry, Mom! I’m sorry, Dad! I do so I will not do!

      Saying these words, Dima firmly decided not to tell his parents what had happened in those moments when he was with the Chilean kids.

      – Where is your car? – Asked the father.

      – I put it in the garage! There is a garage for him, in a corner of the yard. I built it myself and the car drives very well inside. – Proudly said Dima.

      – Well done, son! – Leonid gently took her son from the embrace of Ani and raised high above his head, saying, – You’re such a big and clever boy!

      Peace was restored, and life regained its rhythmic cycle in the life of Dima Krazimova…

      And two weeks later, suddenly appeared in the house Krazimov background Firs:

      – Good day! – Came in without knocking, he is to his home.

      The seed was sitting in the kitchen and had breakfast. Leonid stood up from the table and walked slowly into the living room.

      – What do you instilled in our house? – Leonid asked warily.

      – Sit down. – A gesture pointing to the chair at the coffee table, said von Fiers, the voice is not very soft and smacked the order.

      – Sit down and you, Mr. von Fiers. – Friendly Leonid said.

      – Thank you! – Coined the guest and plopped down in the second chair. Between men, who were sitting in chairs, coffee table stood, it Fiers laid some papers. Leonid curiously watched him. There was a painful pause.

      – Here’s looking at you, Leonid, and wait, and when you start asking me about the purpose of my visit?

      Leonid carefully examined his massive figure, hard to fit in the chair, said:

      – And yet, what brought you to us so early?

      – This is the case of your son. – Fiers has made a deliberate pause. Leonid expectantly silent, waiting for the word guest.

      – We have a special formula for our organization there is a special program that we make from childhood.

      Leonid barely restrained from surging wave of indignation, but continued effort will contain the emotions. A guest again in a hurry. Again, a long pause, and only then, when Leonid took the paper from the table, Firth said:

      It features on- Dmitry Krazimova and you and your wife for a special boarding «Edelweiss.» At the boarding school, children from families that we choose in the world, teach all that is necessary for the continuation of their studies in the universities of the world, which we recommend. We need educated and well- trained professionals to work with representatives of the alien.

      – And my son belongs to you, not my wife? – Concealing his anger, holding back from surging annoyance, forced a Leonid.

      – Yes and no, if you’re up against, we cannot pay any attention to him. But just think, you still need to learn. And what will happen to him in the future, a priest, or, in extreme cases, prison guard Dignidad. That’s it.

      During the conversation men do not notice how Anna came. She could hear everything said background Fiers, and everything about her son.

      – I agree! –

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