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Diplomatic corps novella

      V. Speys

      © V. Speys, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-5150-0 (т. 8)

      ISBN 978-5-0053-4959-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      The Book-8. «Diplomatic corps», novella of the novel «FAYETON» tells about the country Edem, which is located in the internal cavity of the Earth. Here is the preparation of the Earthlings civilization for entry into the Galactic Union of highly developed civilizations of the Milky Way galaxy. The heroes of the book are destined to land new and sometimes dangerous adventures… Pleasant readings, your author V. Speys.

      Book-VIII. Diplomatic corps, novella

      Chapter 1

      The hotel’s restaurant, which included, Anya Krazimova with Dima and Anna Sobinova at this early hour there was no one. On the door was still hanging a sign saying in Spanish «CLOSED». In an empty room was already laid a single table by the window. They marched right up to him Politely smiling in a white apron and the white towel on his right hand, they hurried waiter on duty, especially the administration left the restaurant early for their service at the request of background. Fiers it was not. Obviously, Fiers has decided not to bother with their presence and enable women to be alone.

      – Do you think Annie, this Fiers very suspicious character?

      Anya, gnawing a chicken leg with his mouth, something not clearly mumbled in response, continuing to chew.

      Anna, swallowing saliva, and he began to eat. Soon she forgot her question, drinking tart dish Chilean red wine. Dima did not want to have. He greedily drank orange juice poured by the waiter in advance, and reached for the jug with juice, intending to fill the empty glass. But this process is interfered with Anya, who has already managed to chew:

      First- eats the small fish, then you will drink a juice.

      Dima looked bored stewed trout with mushroom sauce, and said:

      – Mom, I’m not hungry.

      Anya looked questioningly at her son still sleepy, took pity and poured him a glass of orange juice jug. Dima was greedily drinking another glass of juice. Having finished until the end, said:

      – Thank you, Mom!

      During the meal no one noticed as they were approached background Fiers.

      – Hello, ladies! Bon appetite!

      Anna first responded to the greeting:

      – Hello, Mr. guide! And we are tired of waiting for you, not pleasing to have breakfast with us?

      – Thank you, I have! So I’ll wait for you in the jeep, right?

      Yes, yes, of course! – For all Anya said. Dima also impatiently said hurriedly:

      – Mommy, can I have with my uncle Firs?

      – Yes! Come on, what’s wrong about it!

      After receiving official permission, the boy ran around behind the retreating figure of the guide. Women are left alone, food washed down with strong coffee.

      – So that’s what I, Annie, that is too much going smoothly with this guide work. After all, you, when you went to a travel agency, there is no word, no one, not even mention some guide that we should follow in Dignidad?

      Anya, took a sip of coffee, for those with a reflection moment, replied:

      Yeah, yeah, you know, I just realized that this question did not come. What we bring to Dignidad ordinary bus, where we will have to introduce the prison administration and show here these invitations.

      She rummaged in her bag and took out a colorful three blank invitations at all.

      – Let me see it? – Anna took the invitation, they turned it over in his hands.

      You know, I checked the route that are moving in the direction of the colony, it is exactly the same, so long as we’re going in the right direction.

      You know, that Sobinova, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

      – You, Annie, do you want to say whether that will be, but we still will move with this guide, and where do we go?

      Members and still a prominent big man, protection, minimal kind, and all the rest. But the most significant thing is that the hotel is aware of who and where we are headed! – Tried to disperse fears girlfriend, not a little alarmed by Anya. From these words, Anna has calmed down. Fear seemed to have abandoned her. Calmed down and Anya. And absolutely dispelled fears when women saw a smiling good- naturedly Firs, holding on her lap Dima, who both hands clutching the steering wheel jeep and spit it, then left, then right. Both were so passionate about what did not notice the woman, hiding from the rain on the heads of the sexes strained jackets, approached the car.

      – Here we go! – Opening the door, said Anne. Fiers, gently put off the boy with his knees on the seat beside him. Anya picked up and Dima transferred to the rear seat, and she hoisted near Firs.

      Well, what can go? – Anna could not stand, calling sitting next to the boy.

      Yes, ladies! – Answered Fiers, starting the engine. – We’re going to go in the direction of San Carlos. The road goes further south. There, in the Coastal Cordillera mountain range, is the purpose of our visit.

      – And how to go there? How much longer? – Restless Anna started asking question after question Firs, distracting him from the traffic.

      By my count, one hundred and fifty miles away. But given the rise in the mountains, the rate will be much lower than on the highway, on which we are now bode move, and eventually after three hours we arrive at the place.

      Outside the window, flashed groomed cabin houses Talca, which raced past the jeep, splashing rain puddles, almost instantly form a whipped by rain from the sky. Pour over oncoming passenger cars SUV fair portion of splashing, but the car had a high chassis and spray fell on tires and bumpers. A trip to the rainy weather was particularly fond of Dime. He enjoyed the fact that outside the car was a real bad weather, and inside the cabin warm and cozy. Only a muffled grunt engine, but gentle rocking on the comfy seats, supplemented with a sense of comfort. And moving along the highway with cars of different brands have entered the headlights jeep into a universal ensemble of a rainy day. Outside the city, the road was already lying in farm land in the South.

      Sped past the manicured golf, and it was evident even initiate, as local farmers carefully apply to every scrap of land. Harvested the crop expanses of fields in this rainy winter, looked dank and damp, it seemed that now go under a stream of cold rain of a cozy cabin even need is not no way. After thinking about it, Anna Sobinova fidgeted in the back seat and moved closer to the boy. And Dima, feeling her warm and soft side, closed his eyes and blissfully asleep, lulled by the gentle rocking of the car moving through the downpour. Twenty kilometers beneath blue- gray rain showers popped a small village Maule. Jeep, carrying over the houses of the local farmers, cutting the gray haze day that, even after nine kilometers to cross a small rivulet, and found himself in the vicinity of the town of San – Javier – de – Lonkomilya. The town is located to the right of movement of the jeep on the shore of a small reservoir that supplies drinking water to residents. Further down the highway a little bit away from the left appeared town of Linares. Watching these settlements, flickering through the windows jeep, Anya thought «What, perhaps, is cozy and comfortable to live in this quiet provincial town of pure mountain air and nature.»

      Further, approximately the same distance from each other, it’s miles away from five to ten, ran one after the other two small farmsteads Longavi and Retiro. Then another eight kilometers to the right of the highway town of Paroral arose. Next on the freeway was wide delimited strips planted with trees and bushes on a neat square and rectangular sections. And on both sides of the highway constantly swept monastery farmers who huddled close to the most highway. The unique location, which obviously is a good incentive for the rapid delivery of products grown in all corners of this

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