
A young lord undertakes the restoration of his family's fortunes and honor in this gripping retelling of a 15th-century Japanese epic. Gripping and evocative, it recounts the rebellions, plots, and battles that culminate in a vendetta's thrilling resolution. James S. de Benneville's Western-style narrative offers an exceptionally faithful retelling. 44 black-and-white illustrations.


"O delivery my heart from this fearful gloom and loneliness," prays the passionate Eustacia Vye, who detests her life amid the dreary environs of Egdon Heath. With the return of Clym Yeobright from Paris, her escape for the heath and its brooding isolation appears to be at hand. Clym finds in Eustacia the same dark mystery of his native heath, and his irresistible attraction to them both leads to a clash of idealism and realism.Thomas Hardy's timeless tale of a romantic misalliance embodies his view of character as fate and underscores the tragic nature of ordinary human lives. Despite his grim outlook Hardy charms readers with the warmth and vitality of his characters, his loving portraits of the English countryside, and his realistic re-creations of local dialect. Shakespearean in its intricate plotting and deft irony, The Return of the Native ranks among the author's greatest works.


“What does a mathematician do?” someone once asked the author, and from that simple inquiry sprang this entertaining and informative volume. Designed to explain and demonstrate mathematical phenomena through the use of photographs and diagrams, Dr. Steinhaus’s thought-provoking exposition ranges from simple puzzles and games to more advanced problems in mathematics.For this revised and enlarged edition, the author added material on such wide-ranging topics as the psychology of lottery players, the arrangement of chromosomes in a human cell, new and larger prime numbers, the fair division of a cake, how to find the shortest possible way to link a dozen locations by rail, and many other absorbing conundrums.This appealing volume reflects the author’s longstanding concern with demonstrating the practical and concrete applications of mathematics as well as its theoretical aspects. It not only clearly and convincingly answers the question asked of Dr. Steinhaus but also offers readers a fascinating glimpse into the world of numbers and their uses.


Two Nobel Laureates present a systematic, comprehensive account of the theory, techniques, experimental data, and interpretation involved in the study of microwave spectroscopy—a subject relevant to nuclear physics, molecular structure, chemical kinetics, quantum electrodynamics, and astronomy. The material in this volume is discussed critically, systematically, and in the simplest form. The simplicity of the wording and mathematics makes most of the contents accessible to those with a very elementary knowledge of quantum mechanics and atomic physics. Although the treatment is continuously developed, each of the 18 chapters is self-contained. Nearly 200 tables and figures augment the text. Appendixes supply most of the background for research and interpretation of microwave spectra; they also contain extensive data on nuclear and molecular constants, including essentially all those determined by microwave techniques. «Equally suitable for use as a fundamental reference or advanced textbook.» — U.S. Quarterly Book Review.


A modern classic, this clearly written, incisive textbook provides a comprehensive, detailed survey of the functions of mathematical physics, a field of study straddling the somewhat artificial boundary between pure and applied mathematics.In the 18th and 19th centuries, the theorists who devoted themselves to this field — pioneers such as Gauss, Euler, Fourier, Legendre, and Bessel — were searching for mathematical solutions to physical problems. Today, although most of the functions have practical applications, in areas ranging from the quantum-theoretical model of the atom to the vibrating membrane, some, such as those related to the theory of discontinuous groups, still remain of purely mathematical interest.Chapters One and Two examine orthogonal polynomials, with sections on such topics as the recurrence formula, the Christoffel-Darboux formula, the Weierstrass approximation theorem, and the application of Hermite polynomials to quantum mechanics.Chapter Three is devoted to the principal properties of the gamma function, including asymptotic expansions and Mellin-Barnes integrals. Chapter Four covers hypergeometric functions, including a review of linear differential equations with regular singular points, and a general method for finding integral representations.Chapters Five and Six are concerned with the Legendre functions and their use in the solutions of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates, as well as problems in an n-dimension setting. Chapter Seven deals with confluent hypergeometric functions, and Chapter Eight examines, at length, the most important of these — the Bessel functions. Chapter Nine covers Hill's equations, including the expansion theorems.


No mathematical background is necessary to appreciate this classic of probability theory, which remains unsurpassed in its clarity, readability, and sheer charm. Its author, British logician John Venn (1834-1923), popularized the famous Venn Diagrams that are commonly used for teaching elementary mathematics. In The Logic of Chance, he employs the same directness that makes his diagrams so effective.The three-part treatment commences with an overview of the physical foundations of the science of probability, including surveys of the arrangement and formation of the series of probability; the origin or process of causation of the series; how to discover and prove the series; and the conception of randomness. The second part examines the logical superstructure on the basis of physical foundations, encompassing the measurement of belief; the rules of inference in probability; the rule of succession; induction; chance, causation, and design; material and formal logic; modality; and fallacies. The final section explores various applications of the theory of probability, including such intriguing aspects as insurance and gambling, the credibility of extraordinary stories, and approximating the truth by means of the theory of averages.


The king of Prussia from 1740 to 1786, Frederick the Great ranks among eighteenth-century Europe's most enlightened rulers. In addition to abolishing serfdom in his domains and promoting religious tolerance, he was an ardent patron of the arts and an accomplished musician. «Diplomacy without arms,» he observed, «is like music without instruments.» Frederick's expertise at military matters is reflected in his successful defense of his territory during the Seven Years' War, in which he fought all the great powers of Europe. His brilliant theories on strategy, tactics, and discipline are all explained in this vital text."War is not an affair of chance," Frederick asserted, adding that «a great deal of knowledge, study, and meditation is necessary to conduct it well.» In this book, he presents the fundamentals of warfare, discussing such timeless considerations as leadership qualities, the value of surprise, and ways to conquer an enemy who possesses superior forces. The soundness of his advice was endorsed by Napoleon himself, who once advised, «Read and re-read the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar . . . and Frederick. This is the only way to become a great captain and to master the secrets of the art of war.»


This influential 1851 work was written by the French libertarian socialist and journalist whose doctrines later formed the basis for radical and anarchist theory. This is his vision of an ideal society, in which frontiers are abolished, national states eliminated, and authority decentralized among communes or locality associations, with free contracts replacing laws.


This exceptionally fine needlecraft guide from the turn of the twentieth century includes instructions for projects that range from drawn-thread work — one of the oldest and simplest forms of art needlework — to the attractive novelty of bead embroidery on netting.Abundantly illustrated directions for «fancy stitchery» also provide tips for such exquisite creations as reticella lace and Venetian crochet, elegant hardanger and hedebo work, macramé, cross-stitch, ancient cut-work, and embroidery on flannel.A useful manual for anyone who enjoys re-creating needlecraft projects from an earlier era and a valuable reference for collectors of antique laces and dress trimmings, this volume also provides a captivating glimpse of needlework from a bygone era.


This lighthearted work uses a variety of practical applications and puzzles to take a look at today's mathematical trends. In nine chapters, Professor Pedoe covers mathematical games, chance and choice, automatic thinking, and more.