
Streben Sie nach einem harmonischen, glücklichen Arbeitsplatz? Dann bereiten Sie sich auf schlechte Leistungen vor!<br> In ihrem Buch teilt Rachael Robertson, die ehemalige Leiterin einer Antarktis-Expedition, ihre wirklich einzigartigen Erfahrungen an diesem weltweit vielleicht schwierigsten Arbeitsplatz. Untermauert durch umfangreiche Forschungsarbeiten zeigt sie, warum die leistungsstärksten Teams diejenigen sind, die sich nicht so sehr auf Harmonie, sondern auf gegenseitigen Respekt und Meinungsvielfalt konzentrieren. Das Ergebnis sind außergewöhnliche Leistungen und Ergebnisse. Man könnte sogar sagen: Harmonie am Arbeitsplatz ist überbewertet und kann sogar gefährlich sein. Vor allem Respekt ist der Schlüsselbestandteil einer Hochleistungskultur. Eine Konzentration auf Respekt statt auf Harmonie verbessert alles – von der Moral bis zur Produktivität.<br> <br> Dieses praktische und ansprechende Buch bietet bewährte Instrumente, um:<br> – eine Kultur der offenen und direkten Kommunikation zu schaffen,<br> – vorurteilsfreie Vielfalt und Integration zu fördern,<br> – die kleinen Probleme zu identifizieren, die oft ein Symptom von Respektlosigkeit sind,<br> – dem Klatsch und der Negativität ein Ende zu setzen,<br> – die Zusammenarbeit und Innovation zu verbessern.<br> Das Buch wird Ihnen helfen, belastbare, anpassungsfähige und leistungsstarke Teams aufzubauen und die Vorteile persönlicher Unterschiede und Diversität zu maximieren.<br>


Like most industries around the world, the energy industry has also made, and continues to make, a long march toward “green” energy. The science has come a long way since the 1970s, and renewable energy and other green technologies are becoming more and more common, replacing fossil fuels. It is, however, still a struggle, both in terms of energy sources keeping up with demand, and the development of useful technologies in this area. To maintain the supply for electrical energy, researchers, engineers and other professionals in industry are continuously exploring new eco-friendly energy technologies and power electronics, such as solar, wind, tidal, wave, bioenergy, and fuel cells. These technologies have changed the concepts of thermal, hydro and nuclear energy resources by the adaption of power electronics advancement and revolutionary development in lower manufacturing cost for semiconductors with long time reliability. The latest developments in renewable resources have proved their potential to boost the economy of any country. Green energy technology has not only proved the concept of clean energy but also reduces the dependencies on fossil fuel for electricity generation through smart power electronics integration. Also, endless resources have more potential to cope with the requirements of smart building and smart city concepts. A valuable reference for engineers, scientists, chemists, and students, this volume is applicable to many different fields, across many different industries, at all levels. It is a must-have for any library.



Explores soil as a nexus for water, chemicals, and biologically coupled nutrient cycling Soil is a narrow but critically important zone on Earth’s surface. It is the interface for water and carbon recycling from above and part of the cycling of sediment and rock from below.  Hydrogeology, Chemical Weathering, and Soil Formation places chemical weathering and soil formation in its geological, climatological, biological and hydrological perspective. Volume highlights include: The evolution of soils over 3.25 billion years Basic processes contributing to soil formation How chemical weathering and soil formation relate to water and energy fluxes The role of pedogenesis in geomorphology Relationships between climate soils and biota Soils, aeolian deposits, and crusts as geologic dating tools Impacts of land-use change on soils The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.






Discover who you are and unlock your potential with the power of the Enneagram Fans of Myers Briggs, The Five Love Languages, and Everything DiSC are loving the Enneagram test. The Enneagram is a personality typing system that describes patterns in how people interpret the world, manage their emotions, and experience their inner lives. The Enneagram describes nine different personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram to illustrate how each type relates to one another. From bestselling books, popular podcasts, online courses, workshops, even around the dinner table, the Enneagram is having a moment and is likely here to stay.But what does your number represent? Are you a three, a seven, a nine, or something in between? And how do you use your Enneagram number to better relate to loved ones, friends, and colleagues? Enneagram For Dummies is here to help. Written by Enneagram expert and author Jeanette van Stijn, Enneagram For Dummies offers a step-by-step approach for using the Enneagram as a tool for personal transformation and development.You'll discover: Which Enneagram type best matches your personality Advice on overcoming challenges that your personality type often faces Interpersonal skills you should develop to succeed with people of other Enneagram personality types Ways to use your knowledge of Enneagram types to navigate the twists and turns of the workplace How the Enneagram aligns itself with many of the world's spiritual traditions Whether you're the Helper, the Investigator, the Peacemaker, or another personality type altogether, Enneagram For Dummies shows you how to overcome your inner barriers, recognize your unique gifts and strengths, and truly connect with the world around you.


By presenting novel methods for the efficient preparation of fluorinated compounds and their application in pharmaceutical and agrochemical chemistry as well as medicine, this is a valuable source of information for all researchers in academia and industry!