
This carefully crafted ebook: «The Complete Plays: The Importance Of Being Earnest + Salome + A Woman Of No Importance + Lady Windermere's Fan and more» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Oscar Wilde wrote nine plays in all between 1879 and 1894. His fame as a dramatist rests on four comedies, Lady Windermere's Fan, A Woman of No Importance, An Ideal Husband, The Importance of Being Earnest and the tragedy Salomé. His plays continue to dazzle audiences even a century after his death. Table of Contents: Vera The Duchess Of Padua Lady Windermere's Fan A Woman Of No Importance Salomé Salome (English Version) An Ideal Husband The Importance Of Being Earnest La Sainte Courtisane A Florentine Tragedy Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Anglo-Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and critic. He is regarded as one of the greatest playwrights of the Victorian Era. In his lifetime he wrote nine plays, one novel, and numerous poems, short stories, and essays. Wilde was a proponent of the Aesthetic movement, which emphasized aesthetic values more than moral or social themes. This doctrine is most clearly summarized in the phrase 'art for art's sake'.


This carefully crafted ebook is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. This collection of the works of Emily, Anne and Charlotte Brontë includes the following novels: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, published in 1847 Shirley by Charlotte Brontë, published in 1849 Villette by Charlotte Brontë, published in 1853 The Professor by Charlotte Brontë, was published after her death in 1857 Emma by Charlotte Brontë (unfinished), she wrote only 20 pages of the manuscript which was published in 1860. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, published in 1848 Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë, published in 1847 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë, published in 1848 The Brontë Sisters (1818-1855), Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë were sisters and writers whose novels have become classics. Before writing novels, the sisters first published a volume of poetry in 1846. Many novels of the Charlotte, Emily, and Anne are based on women in Victorian England and the difficulties that they faced like few employment opportunities, dependence on men in the families for support, and social expectations.


This carefully crafted ebook: «The Original Version of Alice's Adventures Under Ground + Alice's Adventures in Wonderland» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. This is the original version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with Carroll's own original illustrations and John Tenniel's original illustrations. It was hand-written by Lewis Carroll for Alice Liddell between 1862 and 1864. The tale was first told by Carroll on 4 July 1862 to the three young daughters of Henry Liddell, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, on a river boat trip. At Christmas 1886, the manuscript was published in a facsimile edition. This edition is certainly well worth reading, although it is shorter than the final form of the story-the later «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland» being about twice the length of the original «Alice's Adventures under Ground». Charles Lutwidge Dodgson better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll (1832 – 1898), was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer.


Este ebook presenta «Colmillo Blanco (texto completo, con índice activo)» con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Colmillo Blanco es una novela de Jack London, así como el nombre de su protagonista. Inicialmente aparecida por entregas en la revista Outing, fue publicada en 1906. La historia transcurre en el Territorio del Yukón, Canadá, durante la Fiebre del oro de Klondike a fines del siglo XIX, narrando el camino hacia la domesticación de un perro lobo salvaje. La mayor parte de la novela está escrita desde el punto de vista del personaje canino, permitiéndole a London explorar la forma en que los animales ven su mundo y como estos ven a los humanos. Colmillo Blanco examina el violento mundo de los animales salvajes y el igualmente violento mundo de los humanos. Jack Londonm (John Griffith su verdadero nombre) (1876-1916) fue un escritor estadounidense, autor de Colmillo Blanco, La llamada de la selva), y otros cincuenta libros. Además de un prolífico escritor y lector empedernido, fue un hombre de acción y trabajó en los oficios más dispares: se alistó en el ejército, fue buscador de oro en Alaska, pescador furtivo de ostras, surcó el Pacífico en un barco que se dedicaba a la caza de focas, vagabundeó por el país, etc…En el plano de las ideas, comulgó con el socialismo y apoyó el derecho de sufragio de las mujeres.


This carefully crafted ebook: «The Truth of Masks: a Note on Illusion (an essay of dramatic theory)» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. It is an essay written by Oscar Wilde, first publisched in 1886. «The Truth of Masks» speaks about the power and necessity of illusion in Shakespeare's plays and the importance of the costumes. He goes on and on about it, and then ends the essay with the following statement: «Not that I agree with everything that I have said in this essay. There is much with which I entirely disagree. The essay simply represents an artistic standpoint, and in aesthetic criticism attitude is everything. For in art there is no such thing as a universal truth. A Truth in art is that whose contradictory is also true. And just as it is only in art- criticism, and through it, that we can apprehend the Platonic theory of ideas, so it is only in art-criticism, and through it, that we can realise Hegel's system of contraries. The truths of metaphysics are the truths of masks.» Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish poet and dramatist, famous for The Importance of Being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray. His controversial, open lifestyle was the reason he was charged and eventually convicted for the crime of sodomy.


Давно это было. Четыре расы в мире жили веками в доброте и согласии. Светлые альгары – справедливость хранили, изиорды зеленых братьев опекали и взращивали, подземники камни ворошили, а водяники за морским порядком следили. Долго жили народы в добре и согласии. Но пришло время вновь созданных и родилась новая раса – людская. А с ней в мир пришли изменения. Худыми али добрыми они для древних будут? О том в первой книге сказ пойдет. Первая книга трилогии.


«Тесты на знание грамматики английского языка» составлены на основе теоретического материала, изложенного в серии «Английский язык. Теория и практика», и охватывают всю английскую грамматику, необходимую для успешного прохождения таких международных экзаменов по английскому языку, как TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System) и других. С правильными ответами и разъяснениями вы можете ознакомиться в учебном пособии «Ответы на тесты на знание грамматики английского языка».


Автобиография Королева Дениса Александровича – ведущего солиста Государственного академического Большого театра России, заслуженного артиста России, лауреата международных конкурсов в Мюнхене и Бухаресте.


Эта повесть ничего не говорит о Боге, оставляя ее героя, мальчика Мишаню, октябренком, мечтающим о пионерах. Но при всем нынешнем (если вспомнить жанровые игры современных литераторов) «стендапстве» и « палп-фикшнстве» озорного строя повесть полна христианского света, потому что озарена любовью, так и что и самая чертовщина происходящего, где даже и Леониду Ильичу Брежневу сыщется краткая роль, летит на ангельских крыльях лучшей, редеющей сегодня и потому особенно необходимой юношеской литературы. Рассказы и стихи также раскрывают тему детства.


Повесть-сказка «На левом берегу» рассказывает об удивительных приключениях героев русского эпоса Лешего и Бабы Яги в современном городе. Они дивятся нелепостям и несуразностям человеческой жизни. Попадая в смешные ситуации, они становятся невольными орудиями борьбы со злом и его обличителями.