
«Зимний солдат» Дэниела Мейсона – шокирующе достоверный роман о войне и медицине, ошибках и искуплении. Люциуш Кшелевский – студент-медик из аристократической польской семьи, оказавшийся в эпицентре первой мировой войны. Надеясь пройти практику в военной хирургии, юноша попадает в опустошенную тифом импровизированную больницу, которая располагается в старой деревянной церкви среди Карпатских гор. Медперсонал, за исключением таинственной медсестры-монахини, разбежался, и Люциуш становится единственным квалифицированным врачом, хирургом без единой операции за спиной. И однажды, когда из снега приносят солдата без сознания, чье спасение кажется невозможным, Люциуш принимает судьбоносное решение, которое навсегда изменит его жизнь. Критика ставит «Зимнего солдата» в один ряд с романами «Доктор Живаго», «Английский пациент» и «По ком звонит колокол». Сочетая масштабность и интимность, жесткость и нежность, эта история потрясает достоверностью и напоминает о любви к жизни. А дополняет и завершает этот бестселлер послесловие переводчиков романа, Александры Борисенко и Виктора Сонькина, которые раскроют тайны и сложности работы над романом, поделятся интересными историями и приподнимут «кулисы» своего творческого процесса. Пресса о книге: «Дэниел Мейсон, практикующий врач-психиатр, вдруг оказался одним из лучших прозаиков-стилистов современной американской литературы, он успешно использует мышление клинициста для построения внутренних миров» New York Times Magazine «Захватывающий роман. Эпизоды, в которых описываются госпиталь, его обитатели, ученичество Люциуша, как медицинское, так и чувственное, – настоящая магия. „Зимний солдат“ делает то, что делают все лучшие романы: предлагает мир, в котором читатель может затеряться» Newsday Исполнители: Алексей Багдасаров, Александра Борисенко (послесловие), Виктор Сонькин (послесловие) © Daniel Mason, 2018 © Александра Борисенко, Виктор Сонькин, перевод, 2022 © Андрей Бондаренко, оформление, 2022 © ООО «Издательский Дом Фантом Пресс», издание, 2022 Запись произведена Аудио Издательством ВИМБО ©&℗ ООО «Вимбо», 2022 Продюсеры: Вадим Бух, Михаил Литваков


В пособии представлены примеры заданий отборочного и заключительного этапов Олимпиады школьников СПбГУ по математике за 2020/2021 учебный год. Все задачи сопровождаются подробными решениями; также даются общие методические указания с разбором типичных ошибок участников. Издание предназначено для подготовки к участию в Олимпиадах школьников СПбГУ.





DIATOM MICROSCOPY The main goal of the book is to demonstrate the wide variety of microscopy methods being used to investigate natural and altered diatom structures. This book on Diatom Microscopy gives an introduction to the wide panoply of microscopy methods being used to investigate diatom structure and biology, marking considerable advances in recent technology including optical, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and spectroscopy as applied to diatoms. Each chapter includes a tutorial on a microscopy technique and reviews its applications in diatom nanotechnology and diatom research. The number of diatomists, diatom research, and their publications are increasing rapidly. Although many books have dealt with various aspects of diatom biotechnology, nanotechnology, and morphology, to our knowledge, no volume exists that summarizes advanced microscopic approaches to diatoms. [b]Audience The intended audience is academic and industry researchers as well as graduate students working on diatoms and diatom nanotechnology, including biosensors, biomedical engineering, solar panels, batteries, drug delivery, insect control, and biofuels.


When the Treasury lost control of interest rates to the Bank of England in 1997, its status looked under threat. However, it quickly reasserted its power by dominating policymaking across Whitehall and diminishing other ministries in the process. It also successfully fought off attempts by Prime Ministers, from Blair to Johnson, to cut it down to size. In this fascinating insider account, based on in-depth interviews with the Chancellors and key senior officials, Howard Davies shows how the past twenty-five years have nonetheless been a roller-coaster ride for the Treasury. Heavily criticized for its response to the global financial crisis, and for the rigours of the austerity programme, it also ran into political controversy through its role in the Scottish referendum and the Brexit debate. The Treasury’s dire predictions of the impact of Brexit have not been borne out. Redemption of a kind, though a costly one, came from its muscular response to the COVID crisis. Anyone with an interest in economic policymaking, in the UK and elsewhere, will find this a valuable and entertaining account.


There were only a few women economists who made it to the surface and whose voices were heard in the history of economic thought of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Maynard Keynes, and Milton Friedman – right? Wrong! In this book, distinguished economist Edith Kuiper shows us that the history of economic thought is just that, a his -story, by telling the her story of economic thought from the perspective of women economic writers and economists. Although some of these women were well known in their time, they were excluded from most of academic economics, and, over the past centuries, their work has been neglected, forgotten, and thus become invisible. Edith Kuiper introduces the reader to an amazing crowd of female pioneers and reveals how their insights are invaluable to understanding areas of economics ranging from production, work, and the economics of the household, to income and wealth distribution, consumption, public policy, and much more. This pathbreaking book presents a whole new perspective on the development of economic thought. It will be essential reading for all students and scholars of the history of economic thought and feminist economics.


Provides an overview of state-of-the-art research on the science of reading, revised and updated throughout The Science of Reading presents the most recent advances in the study of reading and related skills. Bringing together contributions from a multidisciplinary team of experts, this comprehensive volume reviews theoretical approaches, stage models of reading, cross-linguistic studies of reading, reading instruction, the neurobiology of reading, and more. Divided into six parts, the book explores word recognition processes in skilled reading, learning to read and spell, reading comprehension and its development, reading and writing in different languages, developmental and acquired reading disorders, and the social, biological, and environmental factors of literacy. The second edition of The Science of Reading is extensively revised to reflect contemporary theoretical insights and methodological advances. Two entirely new chapters on co-occurrence and complexity are accompanied by reviews of recent findings and discussion of future trends and research directions. Updated chapters cover the development of reading and language in preschools, the social correlates of reading, experimental research on sentence processing, learning to read in alphabetic orthographies, comorbidities that occur frequently with dyslexia, and other central topics. Demonstrates how different knowledge sources underpin reading processes using a wide range of methodologies Presents critical appraisals of theoretical and computational models of word recognition and evidence-based research on reading intervention Reviews evidence on skilled visual word recognition, the role of phonology, methods for identifying dyslexia, and the molecular genetics of reading and language Highlights the importance of language as a foundation for literacy and as a risk factor for developmental dyslexia and other reading disorders Discusses learning to read in different types of writing systems, with a language impairment, and in variations of the home literacy environment Describes the role of contemporary analytical tools such as dominance analysis and quantile regression in modelling the development of reading and comprehensionPart of the acclaimed Wiley Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology series, the second edition of The Science of Reading: A Handbook remains an invaluable resource for advanced students, researchers, and specialist educators looking for an up-to-date overview of the field.