

She is Helena Bosman, from a tiny little town lost in the vast expanses of the Northern Cape, but Grandpa and Grandma call her Vaselinetjie. She is their little angel from the veldt, the beginning and the end of their world. But when Vaselinetjie is ten years old, two officials from Welfare step in and she is sent away to a boarding school in Gauteng.It’s a strange, hard, dangerous world where no one bothers about anyone else, and where you too learn not to give a damn. But as the months turn into years, one name crops up again and again: Texan Kirby. And that name does strange things to Vaselinetjie’s heart.


Set in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, the action surrounds the cricket team of St Barnabas, or Saints, as they’re called. When a new learner, Brian Lawson, joins the team, he has to show that he is not the arrogant show-off his team mates expect, having captained the KwaZulu-Natal Colts while at his former school in Durban. He also has to get used to the girls on the team!A great read for boys 9-11 years


Mandla is a young Swazi boy training to be a sangoma. After completing the quest for his muti bag, he is initiated into the mysteries of Nkosatana, the Princess of Heaven, and becomes a heaven-herd by catching a bird of lightning. But this is only the start of his path toward maturity: he participates in the annual Incwala ceremony, where he uncovers a plot to kill the King. This is a coming-of-age story with and exciting and symbolic narrative that is sure to appeal to young readers and adults alike.


Die Van Vuurens van Pretoria besit die Blou Bul Slaghuis in die Mall. Daar is drie seuns en ‘n laatlam-sussie. Die hoofkarakter is die jongste seun, Willem, wat ’n besondere band met sy jonger sussie het.Ondanks druk van sy pa om as rugbyspeler uit te blink, wil hy eerder kunsklasse loop. Hy is ook verlief op Oom Ravi, sy pa se vennoot, se dogter Alesea.Teen die agtergrond van die “Pa van die Jaar”-kompetisie, waarvoor die seuns hulle pa inskryf, speel die alledaagse bestaan van dié deursnee Afrikaanse gesin af. Dis ’n boek sonder “issues” en sedepreke: Net ’n lekker storie oor ’n seun wat groot word.


Идеальный самоучитель по шитью от авторитетного немецкого издательства! Подробное и наглядное руководство сопровождает начинающих и опытных мастериц шаг за шагом по пути создания самых современных проектов, от первой строчки до готовой модели модной одежды. На примере интересных проектов и образцов автор объясняет традиционные и новаторские приемы и техники, а благодаря огромному количеству полезной информации даже опытные мастера получат новые бесценные навыки и творческие идеи. Вы научитесь работать со сложными фасонами и самыми разными тканями, сконструируете и сошьете впечатляющие модели для ежедневного гардероба. В кратком вводном разделе вы узнаете все о выборе материалов, тканей, ниток, постигнете науку построения выкройки и ее трансформации под конкретную модель и фигуру. Незаменимая книга для современной женщины!



Kendall Mullins hates high school as much as life at home, but that all changes when Craig Baumgarten joins his class. Craig makes school almost bearable, until bullies set their sights on the new best friends and Craig hatches a plan to fight back, with devastating consequences. As Kendall is drawn in deeper he finds himself in a situation he can’t escape from and it is up to his brother Justin to protect him. The Mullins brothers flee the suburbs in an attempt to outrun the law and the wrath of their father, but on the streets of Cape Town they find that life can get even tougher. S.A. Partridge is the author of the critically acclaimed The Goblet Club, which won the I am a Writer competition in 2007 and the M.E.R Youth Prize in 2008. This, her second novel, was shortlisted for the Percy Fitzpatrick Prize in 2010. For her third book Dark Poppy’s Demise she won the M.E.R Youth Prize in 2012. Her fourth book Sharp Edges has just been published (2013). Visit her blog at http://sapartridge.book.co.za



LyricPop is a children’s picture book collection by LyricVerse and Akashic Books launching in June 2020. LyricPop presents your favorite song lyrics by renowned songwriters as illustrated picture books, instilling a love of music and song among young readers.Fleetwood Mac has sold over 100 million albums worldwide which makes them one of the best-selling bands of all time.The band, including McVie, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998."Don't Stop," was McVie's biggest hit with Fleetwood Mac, reaching #3 on Billboard's music charts; it also reached #1 on Canada's RMP Top Singles chart.One of the numerous video uploads for the hit song on YouTube has 1.7 million views alone.Rumours, the album that «Don't Stop» first appeared on, is one of the best-selling albums…EVER. It reached #1 on both US and UK music charts.The album, Rumours, won numerous awards, including the American Music Awards' Favorite Pop/Rock Album (and Fleetwood Mac won Favorite Pop/Rock band that same year) and a Grammy Award for Album of the Year.The band, including McVie, performed at Bill Clinton's 1993 inauguration.More recently, in 2018, the band released a greatest hits album, 50 Years–Don't Stop, which opened with a remastered version of the title song.Fleetwood Mac has over 4.5 million likes on Facebook and 172 thousand Twitter followers.