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questions concerning his possible relation to the Jewish, 126:3.11 (1391.1)Jewish, concept of the, 121:7.1 (1339.6), 135:4.3 (1499.3), 135:5.2 (1500.2), 136:1.0 (1509.3–1510.3)Mary’s concept of Jesus as the, 122:7.5 (1351.1)titles of the expected, 135:5.6 (1501.1), 136:1.1 (1509.3)Jewry’s expectancy of a, 121:2.7 (1334.1), 121:6.9 (1339.5), 135:5.2 (1500.2), 152:3.1 (1702.2)John questioned as to his being the, 135:9.4 (1505.4)Joseph’s concept of a spiritual, 122:5.10 (1349.6)Mary’s concept of a temporal, 122:5.10 (1349.6)relinquishing of the idea of Jesus’ being the, 128:7.7 (1417.6)no intimation by Gabriel of Jesus’ being the, 122:4.2 (1347.4)occupancy of David’s throne by the expected, 141:2.1 (1588.4)Peter’s attempt to convince the Jews that Jesus was the, 139:2.13 (1552.2)possible destiny of the, as the Prince of Peace, 97:10.1 (1075.6)Simeon’s and Anna’s belief in Jesus as the, 122:9.2 (1353.1)threefold office of the, 136:1.2 (1509.4)Zacharias’s concept of Jesus as the, 122:8.4 (1351.8)Messianicconcept, evolution of the, 136:1.0 (1509.3–1510.3)Psalm, Jews’ change of interpretation of, reason, 174:4.6 (1901.6)teaching, scriptural proof for different schools of, 136:1.1 (1509.3)Metabolismof nonbreathers, 49:3.4 (563.7)Metal(s)abundance of, on architectural worlds, 46:5.31 (526.6), 48:1.3 (541.6)belief in detection of, under the earth, a relic of the tree cults, 85:2.5 (946.1)carbonates of, on the planet’s superficial layers, 57:7.8 (659.7)combination of chlorine with various, in the early ocean, 57:8.3 (660.5)the first, to be worked by man, 81:3.5 (904.1)found today on earth’s surface, source of, 58:5.2 (668.4)growth of commerce in, conditions influencing, 79:1.4 (879.1)heavier, gravitation of, to the center of the earth, 57:7.5 (659.4), 57:8.16 (662.3), 58:5.2 (668.4)luminous, part of a structure on a system capital, 39:4.16 (436.2)mastery of, belief in a philosopher’s stone and the, 88:6.5 (972.5)presence of, in mountains surrounding the Garden, 73:3.5 (823.5)primitive man’s work with, 66:5.25 (748.6)red-hot, primitive man’s fear of, 66:5.25 (748.6)service of, in oxygenation of organisms, 65:6.4 (737.4)wars fought over natural deposits of, 69:4.6 (775.6)weapons of Tubal-Cain, 159:1.7 (1764.2)widespread use of, in early trading cities, 81:3.4 (903.6)working, Jesus’ acquaintance with, 124:1.11 (1367.7), 128:2.3 (1410.2)Metalworkingin China, time of appearance of, 79:7.5 (886.6), 79:8.15 (888.8)doors to, opened by fire, 69:6.8 (778.3)improvements in, among the Nodite-Andonite Syrians, 80:1.2 (889.4)part of suddenly appearing Sumerian culture, 77:4.7 (860.2)in the second Garden, 76:3.8 (850.4)skill of Andite emigrants to Crete, 80:7.2 (895.2)of the Egyptians, Andite artisans’ contribution to, 80:6.3 (894.4)of the smiths, and their reputation as magicians, 69:3.5 (774.4)a tool of civilization leading to cultural advancement, 81:6.8 (907.5)Metaphysicalassumptions of error, validity of spiritual experience notwithstanding, 103:9.1 (1140.7)dilemmas of mortal man, one source of, 118:4.1 (1298.1)sophistries, the Unqualified Absolute not merely a concept of, 0:11.8 (14.6)MetaphysicsBrahmanism’s reach into the domains of, 94:2.6 (1029.4), 94:3.1 (1030.1)a definition, 103:6.9 (1136.4)failure of, to affirm that the Gods of science and religion are one, 101:2.7 (1106.6)to bridge the morontia gulf, 103:6.12 (1137.2)Hindu religion one of, 5:4.7 (67.5)infinity a paradox of finite, 115:3.4 (1262.1)leaning of philosophy upon, result, 103:6.14 (1137.4)man’s futile effort to compensate for the absence of mota, 103:6.7 (1136.2), 103:7.8 (1138.6)motivation for Greeks’ interest in, 98:2.2 (1078.6)origin of, in man’s approach from the inside, 103:6.2 (1135.4)pantheistic concepts of, Unqualified Absolute not comparable to, 0:11.9 (14.7)potential of, to allow man to correlate science and religion, 103:7.9 (1139.1)religion’s survival despite confusion of, 101:3.1 (1107.8)vs. revelation, 101:2.7 (1106.6), 103:9.1 (1140.7)true, ascenders’ insight into, 47:5.3 (536.1)Meteor(s)capture, in origin of solar system worlds, 57:5.11 (656.7)a source of solar energy, 41:7.7 (463.7)by the sun, in the solar system stage, 57:6.1 (657.4)classification of, as minor space bodies, 15:6.4 (172.6), 15:6.12 (173.2)a component of the solar system type of creation, 41:10.2 (466.1), 57:4.2 (654.7)damage, protection against, on nonbreather worlds, 49:3.3 (563.6)decrease in bombardment by, time of, 57:8.5 (660.7)early belief regarding, 85:1.2 (944.6), 88:1.1 (967.3)energy and material of, 15:6.12 (173.2)eventual absorption of particles of shattered moon as, 57:6.3 (657.6)incoming, and destruction of early Urantia oxygen, 57:7.9 (660.1)material composition of, 41:3.2 (458.2)ocean bottom as affected by, 57:8.20 (662.7)and the origin of some dark islands, 15:5.10 (171.5)protection by later atmosphere against many, 57:7.10 (660.2)solar capture of, one cause of flares, 41:3.9 (459.3)system, origin of, 57:5.7 (656.3)as a source of heavier elements, 57:7.3 (659.2)Meteoricaccretion, planet growth by, 15:5.9 (171.4)bombardment of atmosphereless worlds, 49:3.2 (563.5)captures, continued, by solar system planets and satellites, 57:6.6 (658.3)combustion, role of, in primitive planetary atmospheric composition, 57:7.6 (659.5)era, 57:7.0 (658.9–660.2)showers, effect of, on planetary atmosphere during the volcanic age, 57:7.6 (659.5)space bodies, volume of, and nonbreather worlds in Satania, 49:3.2 (563.5)stones, influence of, on primitive man, 85:1.2 (944.6)Meteoritesentering the earth’s atmosphere, number and speed of, 49:3.3 (563.6)solar, formation of, at the approach of Angona, 57:5.5 (656.1)Mexicoto Alaska, outcroppings of ancient fossil-bearing rocks from, 58:7.4 (670.6)and Central America, destination of three groups of North American migrants of mixed ancestry, 64:7.5 (727.2)emergence of, result, 59:2.7 (675.6)racial founders of the enduring civilizations in, 79:5.8 (884.2)submergence of, 60:3.4 (689.3)Micahidentity and influence of, 97:5.4 (1067.1)message of, regarding sacrifice, 97:5.6 (1067.3)Micaiahidentity of, 97:2.2 (1064.3)Micereproduction of, vs. that of elephants, 49:1.6 (560.5)Michael(s)archangel of, 37:3.6 (409.3)-bestowal worlds, personal wards of the Master Sons, 20:4.5 (227.3)Creators, relation of, to the Eternal Son, 104:1.13 (1145.1)mortal-bestowal careers of, vs. those of Avonals, 20:6.5 (229.4)order of, the Creator Sons, 4:4.4 (58.9), 20:1.15 (224.5)original, first-born Creator Son, Havona bestowal of, 7:5.8 (87.2)Paradise Sons, Infinite Spirit’s probable contact with, 28:4.6 (308.5)probable function of, in outer universes, 56:7.7 (643.1)Son(s), administration of creatorship charge to, events concurrent with, 17:6.5 (204.1)life proclamation of, 34:1.1 (374.4)local universes ruled by, 15:2.5 (166.4)personality perfection of, 1:5.6 (28.3)position of, in local universe, 5:3.6 (66.2)relative independence of time of, 34:3.5 (377.1)sympathy of, for their many orders of created beings, 119:0.6 (1308.6)Michael of Nebadonabsence of, on his fourth bestowal mission, for over forty standard universe years, 119:4.3 (1313.6)accomplishments of, as the Son of Man, 120:2.2 (1327.2)Adam’s elevation to Urantia advisory council by, 45:4.11 (514.1)announcement by, of his imminent departure from Nebadon on an unexplained mission, 119:1.1 (1309.2)of Urantia’s selection for his final bestowal, 43:1.6 (486.5)announcement of policy toward the Lucifer rebellion by, 53:5.1 (605.5)appeal of Urantia’s need to, 76:5.7 (853.1)appearance of, on Salvington, after his second bestowal, 119:2.7 (1312.1)on Salvington, after his third bestowal, 119:3.4 (1312.5)on Urantia, a miracle, 120:4.5 (1331.5)assumption of unlimited sovereignty in Nebadon by, a result of, 43:4.7 (490.2), 136:2.2 (1511.1)attributes and qualifications of, 119:8.2 (1318.1)authority of, unquestioned, 120:0.5 (1324.2)as an average man, 122:1.3 (1345.2)avoidance by, of leaving anything potentially idolatrous on Urantia, 120:3.7 (1330.2), 121:0.1 (1332.1)banner of, description, 53:5.4 (605.8)beginning of Lucifer’s rebellion against, 53:2.3 (602.6)bestowal(s) of, Father’s love for man unaffected by the, 186:5.6 (2002.7)motivation and purpose of, 129:3.5 (1423.7)mystery of the technique of, even to Gabriel, 119:5.5 (1315.3)subject to the will of the Paradise Father, 120:0.7 (1324.4)and transfer of certain universe activities to Urantia, 45:3.7 (512.7)on Urantia, effect of, on our planet’s prestige, 41:10.5 (466.4)and supervision of seraphic activities, 38:6.3 (421.6)bestowal life of, revelation of God’s love, 2:5.10 (40.2)limitations of, 120:2.0 (1327.1–1329.1)plans formulated by, 120:2.1 (1327.1)of the Spirit of Truth on Urantia by, 120:2.6 (1328.3)board of planetary directors’ contact with, 114:2.2 (1251.5)career of, on Urantia, 119:6.4 (1316.1)certainty of sometime personal return of, 176:4.5 (1919.2)choice of Urantia, as planet of his final bestowal by, process of, 122:0.2 (1344.2)reason for, 76:5.7 (853.1)combination of the creature and Creator in, 120:0.1 (1323.1), 120:3.9 (1330.4)a comparison of the Supreme and, 117:6.3 (1288.2)completion of his universe experience by, 191:3.4 (2041.3)confusion of, with the Eternal Son, 6:1.5 (74.4)contribution to the sovereignty of the Supreme by, 120:2.6 (1328.3)counsel of, with Immanuel regarding Lucifer rebellion, 53:5.1 (605.5)creator of Nebadon, established universe from previously organized energies, 32:2.1 (358.3)and his earning of sovereignty, 119:8.2 (1318.1)incarnated

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