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of, 21:1.3 (235.2)selection of universe site by, 57:3.8 (654.1)vs. Universal Father’s role, 1:2.9 (24.7)departure of, from Salvington, on his fourth bestowal mission, 119:4.1 (1313.4)on his second bestowal mission, 119:2.3 (1311.2)on his sixth bestowal, 119:6.2 (1315.5)for Urantia, first meeting with Gabriel since, 136:3.4 (1513.1)disappearance of, from Salvington, 120:3.12 (1330.7)dual purposes of, in seven bestowals, 120:0.4 (1324.1)Urantia mission of, 120:2.8 (1328.5)embodiment of personality presence of the Universal Father by, 33:1.2 (366.3)experiencing the enlightenment of the incarnation by, 120:1.1 (1325.3)farewell words of, at his departure for his first bestowal, 119:1.2 (1309.3)the fifth bestowal of, 119:5.0 (1314.4–1315.3)final and successful bestowal of, on Urantia, 119:8.1 (1317.5)the first bestowal of, 119:1.0 (1309.2–1310.3)the fourth bestowal of, 119:4.0 (1313.4–1314.3)Gabriel as administrator during possible Nebadon absence of, 55:10.10 (635.1)the chief executive of, 50:2.1 (573.2)Gabriel’s accompaniment of, on Urantia bestowal, 37:2.8 (407.8)responsibilities during absence of, 33:6.1 (371.3)God became man in, 2:1.7 (34.6), 120:4.2 (1331.2)the head of personality in Nebadon, 37:0.1 (406.1)headquarters of, 32:2.5 (359.2)identity of, 32:0.3 (357.3), 57:3.8 (654.1), 98:7.2 (1084.1), 119:0.7 (1309.1)Immanuel’s counsel to, regarding Lucifer rebellion, 54:5.8 (617.8)pre-bestowal counsel to, 120:2.0 (1327.1–1329.1), 120:3.0 (1329.2–1330.6)taking title after termination of Urantia secession, 120:2.3 (1327.3)incarnation of, as the conceived baby, Joshua ben Joseph, 119:7.5 (1317.1)on Urantia, Eternal Son’s relation to, 7:5.4 (86.5)incarnation guide for, impartation of, by Immanuel, 120:0.6 (1324.3)intrusting the command of celestial forces to Gabriel by, 119:3.2 (1312.3)as Jesus of Nazareth on Urantia, 120:0.9 (1325.2)Jesus’ progress from the humanity of Joshua ben Joseph to the divinity of, 117:3.4 (1281.6)limitations on personal power of, 33:2.2 (367.4)living of family life according to current customs by, 120:3.3 (1329.4)the ideal religious life on Urantia by, 120:2.5 (1328.2)Lucifer’s open challenge to, intent of, 53:4.5 (605.2)master of the experience of Supremacy, after his ascension, 101:6.5 (1112.1)as a Material Son, the great accomplishments of, 119:3.4 (1312.5)memorial, activities centered in the, 46:5.19 (525.1)time of creation of, and inscription on, 188:3.11 (2015.7)a mercy-dominated Son, 140:8.11 (1580.6)mortal demonstration of the ideal of perfected technique by, 120:2.8 (1328.5)nature of the seventh bestowal of, 120:0.7 (1324.4)Nebadon functions of, 37:0.1 (406.1)not a double personality, 120:4.2 (1331.2)not a member of the Paradise Trinity, 33:1.2 (366.3)oneness of God and, 120:4.3 (1331.3)passing of a message between Immanuel and, during Jesus’ tomb experience, 188:3.13 (2016.2)personal life on Urantia to be sole concern of, 120:1.4 (1326.1)message of, to Adam and Eve, 76:5.3 (852.2)sovereignty possibilities of, as a Creator Son, 120:0.3 (1323.3)Personalized Adjuster of, direction of Adjuster activity in this local universe by the, 109:6.4 (1200.4)the personification of the Father-Son in Nebadon, 33:2.3 (367.5)of the Paradise Deities to Nebadon, 33:1.4 (367.1)plan of, for saving Lucifer rebels, rejection of, 53:2.5 (603.1)planet of the mortal bestowal of, 57:8.6 (660.8)Planetary Prince of Urantia, 45:4.16 (514.6), 93:10.6 (1025.2), 114:0.8 (1250.8), 114:1.1 (1250.12), 119:8.8 (1319.1)possible reappearance of, effect, 114:2.6 (1252.4)space-activity limitation of universe hosts, by, 136:5.4 (1516.4)postbestowal reappearance of, on Salvington, 120:3.12 (1330.7)status of, 119:8.0 (1317.5–1319.1)power of, regarding his resurrection, 189:0.1 (2020.1)unlimited, 120:0.5 (1324.2), 120:2.9 (1329.1)preparation for the first bestowal of, time of, 119:1.1 (1309.2)presence of, at dedication of his Jerusem memorial, 46:5.19 (525.1)proclamation of, as Planetary Prince of Urantia, by Union of Days, 114:1.1 (1250.12)as settled ruler of Nebadon, 119:8.1 (1317.5)promise of, to return to Urantia, 20:4.5 (227.3), 93:10.8 (1025.4), 119:8.8 (1319.1), 176:4.0 (1918.4–1919.4)purpose of, in his seven bestowals, 120:0.4 (1324.1)purpose of Urantia mission of, 53:9.2 (611.1)requirement of, to earn his sovereignty by experience, 119:8.2 (1318.1)revelation of the Father by, 2:0.1 (33.1)of the Father’s divine love by, 117:1.8 (1279.6)right of, to reassume his universe authority, 120:1.6 (1326.3)rule of, as vicegerent during the three Nebadon rebellions, 53:5.2 (605.6)safety of Nebadon during the mortal incarnation of, 120:1.6 (1326.3)of Salvington, Adam’s and Eve’s oath of allegiance to, 74:1.4 (828.5)God-man of Nebadon, 32:0.3 (357.3)as the second Adam, 93:10.7 (1025.3)the second bestowal of, 119:2.0 (1310.4–1312.1)self-conscious realization by, of being both God and man, 120:4.2 (1331.2)service of, as a Melchizedek, on his first bestowal, 119:1.6 (1310.3)a sevenfold Master Son, 119:8.6 (1318.5)the seventh and final bestowal of, 119:7.0 (1316.4–1317.4)seventh-bestowal subjection to the Father’s will by, 120:1.2 (1325.4)several possible titles for, 119:8.8 (1319.1)single thought of the incarnation of, 120:1.5 (1326.2)six pre-Urantia bestowals of, 120:0.2 (1323.2)the sixth bestowal of, 119:6.0 (1315.4–1316.3)the Son of Man and the Son of God, 0:5.3 (8.3), 2:1.7 (34.6), 40:7.2 (448.9), 119:8.1 (1317.5), 120:3.11 (1330.6), 120:4.1 (1331.1)sovereignty of, and the human Jesus, 196:1.1 (2090.2)spiritual condition of Urantia at the incarnation of, 121:1.1 (1332.2)supreme ruler of Nebadon, 20:5.5 (228.2), 51:3.9 (584.2)the supreme spiritual purpose of bestowal of, 120:4.4 (1331.4)the third bestowal of, 119:3.0 (1312.2–1313.3)time of arrival on Salvington of staff of, 57:3.9 (654.2)timeless activities of, 34:3.5 (377.1)true evidence of the resurrection of, 189:2.9 (2024.2)twofold purpose of Urantia bestowal of, 128:0.2 (1407.2)universe father of Lucifer and his associates, 45:1.11 (510.9)of Nebadon, 35:0.1 (384.1)Urantia bestowal of, effect of, on Jerusem, 46:0.1 (519.1)the mortal home planet of, 49:5.26 (567.6)one of seven nativity spheres of, 176:4.1 (1918.4)vicegerent Son of the Universal Father, 53:2.1 (602.4)voluntary nature of the bestowal of, 120:1.2 (1325.4)winning of his sovereignty by, time, 134:8.9 (1494.2)Microscopicbodies, hosts of, in the animal organism, and the direction cells, 34:4.13 (378.7)foes, mortals’ struggles with, 49:4.6 (564.8)organisms, disease-producing, humans’ kinship with, consequences, 76:4.7 (851.5)Mid-breathersthe average breathing order of mortals, 49:2.13 (561.12)MiddleAges, disappearance of slavery during European, 69:8.7 (779.6)feudalism of European, a prestate condition, 71:1.24 (801.12)state of human rights during European, 70:9.15 (794.10)trumpet blasts of, mistake of calling modern man to spiritual battle with, 195:6.10 (2077.6)class, absence of, in Greco-Roman world, 121:1.8 (1333.1)of the first-century Mediterranean world, 121:3.4 (1335.3)MidianitesHebrew raid on, typical of ancient mores, 70:1.15 (784.11)historic reference to the conquering, 124:6.6 (1374.6)Mid-mammalsabout, 62:3.0 (704.6–706.4)compared to dawn mammals, 61:6.1 (700.2)function of first five adjutants in, 62:6.4 (709.5)origin of simian ancestry in, 61:6.1 (700.2)production of Primates by, 62:4.1 (706.5), 62:4.7 (707.6)Mid-phasecherubim, definition, 38:8.3 (423.3)place of, in the gap between material and spiritual worlds, 38:9.9 (425.1)of existence, Life Carriers’ usual level of functioning, 65:1.1 (730.8), 65:1.4 (730.11), 65:1.7 (731.2)Midsonitecreatures, function of, with finaliters in system stage of light and life, 55:8.4 (632.7)sojourn of, on midsonite worlds, length of, 36:4.3 (400.7)speculation concerning the future of, 36:4.8 (401.4)Orders of the Local Universes, 30:1.111 (334.5)world(s), direction of, eventual, 36:4.2 (400.6)identification of, 36:4.3 (400.7)Melchizedeks as Life Carriers to, 35:1.3 (385.2)number of, 36:4.1 (400.5)reception of Adjusters by Material Sons and Daughters on the, 55:4.27 (629.5)of Satania, 45:6.9 (517.2)Midsonitersaccumulating corps of, in Orvonton local universes, 36:4.8 (401.4)fields of activity of, 36:4.8 (401.4)and finaliters, teaching enterprises of, during system stage of light and life, 55:8.4 (632.7)male and female, 84:6.5 (938.9)new status of, in the event of Michael’s departure from Nebadon, 55:10.10 (635.1)nonexperience of death by, 36:4.4 (400.8)nonreproducing status after seraphic transport, cause of, 36:4.3 (400.7)not Adjuster indwelt, 36:4.4 (400.8)classified in general categories of evolutionary creature life, 49:5.9 (565.10)parentage of, 36:4.2 (400.6)possible endowment of, with the spirit of absonity, 36:4.8 (401.4)present status of, 36:4.4 (400.8)Midspace zonesconfiguration of, 11:7.1 (124.2), 11:7.3 (124.4),

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