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function of, 11:5.6 (122.6), 12:5.4 (135.3)relative absoluteness of, 106:7.7 (1169.6)Midwaycreature(s) about, 38:9.0 (424.1–425.5), 77:0.0 (855.1–867.4)ascending, direction of spornagia by, 46:7.2 (527.16)parenthood experience of, 45:6.5 (516.3)vs. cherubim, 38:7.7 (422.7)citizens of Urantia, 37:9.11 (415.3)classification of, 38:9.1 (424.1)differences in, 31:6.2 (349.5)disloyal, Caligastia’s organization of, for rebel activities, 53:1.5 (602.2), 67:3.3 (756.4)energy intake employed by, 49:2.25 (563.2)as evil spirits and demons, 77:7.4 (863.5)function of, with seraphim, 113:3.5 (1244.6)glorified, ascendant course of, 31:3.1 (347.4), 31:6.2 (349.5)guardianship of Jesus by the, 123:2.2 (1357.6)humanization of, in the morontia, 55:4.9 (627.7)kinship of, to human races, 48:3.4 (545.5)leader of the loyal, during Caligastia’s betrayal, 45:4.18 (514.8)liberated, role of, in first planetary stage of light and life, 55:4.8 (627.6)limit of velocity of, 23:3.2 (260.6)loyal, function of, as contact guardians of human minds, 77:7.5 (863.6)guarding of loyalists by, during rebellion in Dalamatia, 67:3.4 (756.5)number of, 73:2.5 (822.9)vs. Material Sons and evolutionary creatures, 37:9.11 (415.3)of nativity on inhabited worlds, 26:1.14 (286.2)origin of, 37:9.11 (415.3)primary, joining Caligastia, 67:3.2 (756.3)number of, on every planet, 38:9.3 (424.3)origin of, 50:3.5 (574.7), 66:4.10 (744.9)reason for trinitization of, 22:5.4 (248.3)relation of, to mortals, 55:4.8 (627.6)release of, from planetary duty, occasion for, 40:3.1 (444.3)safeguarding of men and women of destiny by, 123:4.7 (1361.7)secondary, origin of, 38:9.2 (424.2), 51:3.6 (583.5), 77:2.1 (856.4)translated, release of, from planetary duty, 40:3.1 (444.3)as Trinitized Sons of Selection, 22:1.11 (244.2), 22:5.2 (248.1)unknown basic energies used by, 29:4.14 (325.7)Van the commander in chief of the, 67:6.5 (759.8)visibility of, to mortals in first stage of light and life, 55:4.8 (627.6)culture of Urantia, character of, 77:9.7 (866.6), 77:9.9 (866.8)fellows, part of an organization dedicated to the Paradise plan, 77:9.12 (867.3)helpers, the spironga of Jerusem, 46:4.7 (523.1)messengers, function of, 77:8.6 (864.7)ministers, function of, on Urantia, 37:9.11 (415.3)leadership of, 38:9.10 (425.2)temporal guardians of the child Jesus, 123:4.6 (1361.6)types of organisms between vegetable and animal, 65:2.2 (731.6)Midwayer(s)activities of, on normal, vs. isolated worlds, 38:9.11 (425.3)Adamic, 40:3.1 (444.3)amalgamation of the two groups of, 77:8.1 (864.2)attitude of, toward the resident governor general, 114:3.2 (1252.6)Commission, presenters of Papers 121–196, Part IV, 121:0.1 (1332.1)commission of three, presenters of restatements of Jesus’ Urmia teachings, 134:3.8 (1486.3)the continuing planetary regime of, 77:9.2 (866.1)destiny of, eventual, 38:9.13 (425.5)intellect, in last two adjutants, 42:10.4 (481.1)motto, 77:9.3 (866.2)origin of, 77:0.2 (855.2)permanent citizens of Urantia, 37:9.11 (415.3), 77:9.1 (865.7)planetary status of, after fourth stage of light and life, 55:4.10 (627.8)pledge of, not to leave to planet, 77:9.4 (866.3)presence of, at Cana wedding, 137:4.12 (1530.4)primary, choices of, at time of rebellion, 77:7.1 (863.2)destiny of, 40:3.1 (444.3)function of, 38:9.10 (425.2), 55:4.10 (627.8), 77:1.6 (856.2)numerical designation of, 77:8.2 (864.3)origin of, 38:9.3 (424.3), 77:1.0 (855.3–856.3), 77:6.1 (862.5)and secondary, differences between, 38:9.8 (424.8), 77:8.10 (865.3)total number produced, 77:1.4 (855.6)rebel, 77:7.0 (863.2–864.1)secondary, alphabetical designation of, 77:6.4 (862.8), 77:8.2 (864.3)apostate, the leader of, 77:7.4 (863.5)choices of, at time of rebellion, 77:7.2 (863.3)destiny of, 31:6.2 (349.5), 40:3.1 (444.3)origin of, 38:9.4 (424.4), 77:5.1 (861.1), 77:5.6 (861.6), 77:6.0 (862.5–863.1)role of, in restating Jesus’ Urmia teachings, 134:3.8 (1486.3)time of appearance of, on Urantia, 77:0.2 (855.2)types of, 38:9.7 (424.7)translated, 40:3.1 (444.3)Trinity-embraced, function of, 18:4.5 (211.1)union of loyal primary and secondary, since Pentecost, 51:3.8 (584.1)United, 77:8.0 (864.2–865.6), 77:9.3 (866.2), 77:9.10 (867.1), 114:3.2 (1252.6), 121:8.14 (1343.3)Urantia, assistance of, in disposal of Jesus’ body, 189:2.3 (2023.2)character of, 77:9.9 (866.8)visibility of, to Adam and Eve, 76:4.5 (851.3)Mid-weekholiday, Jesus’ establishment of the, 138:6.2 (1542.7)Midwiferyorigin of the practice of, 84:4.6 (935.6)the shamanesses’ adeptness at, 90:4.4 (991.3)Mid-zoneof nether Paradise force center, functions of, unknown, 11:5.6 (122.6)Might and rightsome perspectives on, 70:11.13 (797.11), 81:5.6 (906.4), 81:6.15 (908.4), 84:5.3 (936.7)Mightiestwork of Jesus’ bestowal, performance of, in Bethany, 172:3.1 (1880.7)Mighty Messenger(s)about, 22:2.0 (245.1–246.1)ascendant experience of, 22:2.3 (245.3)attachment of, to governments of Perfections of Days, 18:4.4 (210.7)experiences necessary to assignment as, 22:2.3 (245.3)function of, in trinitized evolutionary trios, 19:3.7 (217.6)in Uversa courts, 15:12.1 (180.2)glorified ascendant mortals, 15:10.12 (178.12)identification of a, 44:0.18 (498.9)material and spirit realities visualized by, 44:0.18 (498.9)number in each class of, 22:2.5 (245.5)origin, 15:10.12 (178.12), 22:2.3 (245.3), 54:5.12 (618.1), 54:6.5 (619.2)presenter(s) of Papers 22, 28, 30, 32, 34, 40, 42, 52, 54–56, 115–118, 22:10.10 (255.1), 28:7.5 (318.3), 30:4.35 (344.3), 32:5.9 (365.5), 34:7.9 (383.3), 40:10.15 (454.4), 42:12.16 (484.4), 52:7.17 (600.6), 54:6.11 (620.3), 55:12.6 (636.7), 56:10.22 (648.5), 115:7.9 (1267.3), 116:7.7 (1277.1), 117:7.18 (1293.2), 118:10.24 (1307.5)senior, identity of, 22:2.4 (245.4)service of High Son Assistants to, 22:10.1 (253.3)time of Havona experience of, 15:10.12 (178.12)as Trinitized Sons, 40:10.12 (454.1)Trinitized Sons of Attainment, 22:1.10 (244.1)Trinity embrace of, 22:1.2 (243.7), 117:2.4 (1280.4)Migrationof the human twins, direction of, 62:5.9 (708.7)Milchaa member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5)Milefirst and second, in winning souls, 159:5.15 (1770.7), 195:10.5 (2084.5)standard, of Jerusem, equivalent of, in Urantia miles, 46:1.2 (519.3)Militarismcharacteristic of, 70:2.18 (786.9)influence of, on status of woman, 84:5.3 (936.7)Mithraism’s encouragement of, 98:6.4 (1083.4)Militaryalliances, outmarriage and, 82:5.9 (919.5)captives, fate of, 69:8.2 (779.1)class, professional, avoidance of, in the continental nation, 72:11.2 (819.1)conquests, influence of, on the spread of culture, 81:3.7 (904.3)defense, a right of society, 70:9.4 (793.14)force, association of, with the promulgation of Islam, 95:7.6 (1051.4)headquarters, of northern Andites, Denmark the, 80:5.2 (893.4)leader, Moses a, 96:5.1 (1057.6)organization, purposes of, 69:5.2 (775.10), 87:5.2 (962.3)preparedness in the continental nation, 72:11.0 (818.7–819.4)projects, Abraham’s interest in, 93:5.10 (1019.7)service, woman’s exemption from, among industrialized races, 84:5.9 (937.6)Milky Wayconstitution of, 15:3.2 (167.18), 15:4.8 (170.2), 42:5.5 (475.1)relation of, to Orvonton, 15:3.1 (167.17), 32:2.11 (359.8)Millennialgatherings of the central universe, participation of primary supernaphim in, 27:0.1 (298.1)registration on Salvington, count of Material Sons and Daughters at last, 45:5.4 (515.3)resurrections in earlier ages of inhabited worlds, 49:6.3 (568.6)on Urantia, 52:5.5 (596.3), 189:3.3 (2024.5)roll calls, occasion of repersonalizations in probationary nursery, 49:6.11 (569.6)roll calls of Uversa, 119:4.1 (1313.4)tourists, a courtesy colony of Uversa, 28:7.1 (317.4)Millenniumactivities of Supreme Executives each Paradise, 17:1.8 (199.2), 17:1.10 (199.4), 17:3.11 (201.9)changes in Assigned Sentinels every local universe, 24:5.3 (269.2)conclaves of divine Sons taking place every Paradise, 7:6.1 (87.6)of cosmic enlightenment, the spiritual age, 20:9.1 (231.5)enlistment period with celestial artisans a minimum of one superuniverse, 44:0.4 (497.4)oncoming social order not to settle down for a, 99:1.1 (1086.4)recesses of finaliter companies every Havona, 22:7.4 (249.4)reign of Teacher Sons for one planetary, 20:9.3 (232.1)seraphic reunions every, 38:4.4 (420.5)training in their first and second, 38:5.1 (420.6)service of defeated Deity-adventure candidates for one, 26:8.5 (294.4)of Uversa star students for at least one, 30:3.3 (338.21)settledness in light and life of youngest world for one system, resulting status, 55:7.4 (632.3)special resurrections at least every planetary, 49:6.2 (568.5)MillstoneJesus’ symbolic reference to a, 158:8.1 (1761.2)priests as, about the neck of the races, 90:5.8 (993.2)Mimicryalleged magical power of, 88:6.4 (972.4)Mind(s)actuals, vs. spirit potentials, 102:5.2 (1124.1)awareness of sequentiality of, relation of, to time, 12:5.1 (134.6)Caligastia’s, effect of his deliberate sin on, 67:1.3 (754.4)central controls of, Creator Sons not concerned with, 7:6.4 (88.2)creature, domination of basic reactions of, by the Master Spirits, 16:6.2 (191.5)dependence of, on facts, 111:6.6 (1222.5)derived only from mind, 36:6.2 (403.7)of evolutionary

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