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(638.7)discernment of God in, 56:10.2 (646.3)elevation of, an essential to culture enhancement, 50:6.4 (578.4)endless progression by, 116:1.5 (1269.4)endowment, equality of, in male and female, 49:4.4 (564.6)human, moral intuition a component of, 16:7.1 (192.8)evolution, factor causing delays in, 65:8.4 (739.8)evolving animal, God-seeking but not God-knowing, 42:11.8 (482.6)material, spirit ministry to, 8:4.1 (94.3), 16:5.3 (191.1), 36:5.1 (401.5), 56:2.2 (638.6), 56:3.3 (639.3), 65:7.6 (739.2), 111:1.2 (1216.3), 113:3.1 (1244.2)finite, Father’s goodness incomprehensible to the, 4:3.6 (58.4)revelation of infinite values to the, 56:10.9 (646.10)of God, the mind of man becoming the, 136:4.4 (1514.5)human, agreement of, explanation, 16:6.3 (191.6)built up of consciousness of physical sensations, 133:7.10 (1480.2)evolution of the, 62:6.2 (709.3)source of, 36:2.18 (398.5), 36:6.3 (404.1)time and space relations of, 12:5.5 (135.4)inferior, attitude of, toward culture, 50:6.4 (578.4)of man(men), becoming the mind of God, 136:4.4 (1514.5)dwelling place of the spirit of God, 12:7.13 (139.2), 107:6.2 (1182.4), 137:8.7 (1536.4), 156:6.10 (1742.2), 159:3.2 (1765.4), 160:4.9 (1779.1), 163:6.2 (1807.1)Jesus’ purpose to comfort the, 140:6.6 (1576.6)limitations of, 1:6.7 (30.6)Michael to emancipate from age-old fears the, 120:2.5 (1328.2)mortality of, 49:4.9 (565.1)persuading, vs. compelling, 178:1.12 (1931.3)possible attainments of, reason, 196:3.6 (2094.5)material, significance of worship to the, 5:3.7 (66.3)ministry of the Spirit, mortals’ first experience with, 34:5.3 (379.3)mortal, origin of, 56:3.5 (639.5)racial, differences in, 155:6.8 (1732.1)-reason, recognition of moral duty by, 16:6.10 (192.6)self-conscious animal-origin, spiritual activation of, 133:7.7 (1479.7)on Urantia, character of, 9:5.6 (103.4)Mind(s)-Infinite Mind of Deitythe absolute, 9:4.0 (102.1–6)cause of, in the Universal Father, 133:5.10 (1477.5)Father overcontroller of, 1:3.6 (25.6)God of, 9:1.5 (99.4)God’s function as, 1:2.10 (24.8)the Infinite, abode of the personality presence of, 14:6.34 (162.9)the function of the Infinite Spirit, 116:1.3 (1269.2)a title of the Third Source and Center, 8:2.2 (92.3)infinite, characteristics of, 9:4.4 (102.4), 9:6.6 (104.4), 42:11.2 (481.6), 42:11.8 (482.6)control of the universes by one, 56:0.1 (637.1)demonstrations of reality of, 28:3.2 (307.4)infallible will of the, 3:2.9 (48.1)source of the cosmic mind, 16:9.15 (196.11)origin of, 36:2.18 (398.5), 101:10.4 (1116.5)presence of Deity, determination of, 5:2.1 (64.4)of God, manifestation of, in finite creations, 3:1.8 (45.6)seeming transcendence of, by the Absolutes, 4:1.8 (55.6)universal and divine, and the all-pervading spirit, 8:5.1 (95.4)of Universal Father, and determination of justice, 2:4.5 (38.5)universe co-ordinated by, 42:11.7 (482.5)Mind(s)-Jesus’combined, of Jesus, idea of, in addition to first human thought, 167:4.2 (1837.1)divine, of Jesus, possibility of foreknowledge by, 168:1.7 (1844.6)of Michael and human heart of Jesus, similar reactions of, 146:4.3 (1643.4)varying reactions of, 182:3.9 (1969.4)human, of Jesus, characteristics of, 123:2.3 (1357.7), 127:3.1 (1400.7), 128:6.2 (1415.2), 136:8.7 (1521.2), 141:3.4 (1589.5), 181:1.8 (1954.5)his choice to be guided by limited knowledge of, in certain events, 154:6.10 (1723.1)maintenance of consecrated dedication by, 109:6.5 (1200.5)neglect to remember creator prerogatives in, possible results, 145:3.11 (1633.2)normal functioning of, 136:8.7 (1521.2)techniques of, in coping with sorrow and stress, 182:3.10 (1969.5), 187:5.2 (2010.3)human and divine, Jesus’, about, 161:3.0 (1787.3–5)of Jesus, availability of, to man, 48:6.26 (553.7), 100:7.18 (1103.6), 128:1.6 (1408.3)knowledge of his divinity in, 129:3.9 (1424.4)the mind of a first-century human being, 136:8.7 (1521.2)record of human emotions and divine thoughts in, 168:1.2 (1844.1)Jesus’ divine, possibility to transcend the human intellect, 136:8.7 (1521.2)subservience of his human mind to, 136:8.3 (1520.4)Mind(s)-Levelsof the Adjuster and the mortal, status of, at the finaliter levels, 107:5.6 (1182.2)and all related influences, an antecedent to the morontia soul, 111:2.4 (1218.2), 156:5.2 (1738.1)character of, in Havona, 42:10.7 (481.4)in Orvonton, 42:10.7 (481.4)on Paradise, 42:10.7 (481.4)creative ability of, 42:12.1 (483.1)determination of types and patterns of, 21:2.7 (236.5)effect on, of passage from morontia to spirit, 30:4.20 (342.3)experience in eternity progression, 37:6.6 (412.6)experiential, lower levels of, ministers of, 36:5.5 (402.2)levels, descending, relation of, to space, 9:4.4 (102.4)evolutionary, 65:7.0 (738.4–739.4)function of, 9:4.1 (102.1)highest unification of, 56:3.4 (639.4)preadjutant, definition, 36:5.14 (403.2)living, nonteachable, the domain of Master Physical Controllers, 36:5.14 (403.2)meanings, deity activities on level of, 0:1.1 (2.1)mechanical levels of, 36:2.18 (398.5), 36:5.6 (402.3), 36:5.14 (403.2)mortal, not instantaneously transformed by death into perfected spirit, 48:0.2 (541.2)submission to spirit direction the hope of survival of, 42:12.15 (484.3)nonteachable levels of, 36:2.18 (398.5), 36:5.14 (403.2)Paradise level of, nonspatial time in, 12:5.3 (135.2)perception, levels of mortal man’s, 6:6.1 (78.4)phenomena in Havona, unpredictability of, 14:2.9 (155.3)not all divine, 9:5.5 (103.3)reaction of unidentified level of, unpredictability of, 12:6.6 (136.4)seven goals of, 42:12.1 (483.1)spirit, about, 6:6.0 (78.4–7)of the spirit, endowment of ascenders with, 6:6.4 (78.7)-spirit level, truth a phase of the, 130:4.10 (1435.2)variation of, on each Havona world, 14:6.20 (161.7)Mind(s)-Personalityco-operative, a factor in stability, 12:6.1 (135.11)co-ordination of the personal and nonpersonal by, 0:12.1 (15.7)endowment not personality, 5:6.3 (70.4)entity, and personality, 30:1.113 (334.7)function of, in personality, 0:6.8 (9.10)liberty of, inviolate personal possession of, 131:3.4 (1447.1)personalities, spirit associated, 30:1.113 (334.7)of a personality, capacity of, for spirit receptivity, 65:6.10 (738.3)personality not of origin in, 9:6.4 (104.2)systems, unification of, a prerequisite to mental efficiency, 100:4.3 (1097.7)Mind(s)-Willability of, to function independent of space, 130:7.6 (1439.4)arena of choice, 111:1.0 (1216.2–1217.4), 116:3.2 (1270.13)the builder of the spirit-born soul, 42:12.12 (483.12)a cosmic instrument played on by the human will, 111:1.6 (1217.1)a function of, in physical life, 42:10.3 (480.6), 100:4.4 (1098.1)on supermaterial levels, 12:8.5 (140.1), 12:8.8 (140.4)function of the lower and upper adjutants, difference in recording of, 36:5.3 (401.7)importance of, to mortals, 116:7.3 (1276.4)of man, demonstration of superior, creative, and purposive qualities of, 42:12.1 (483.1)a prerequisite to creature volition, 112:6.5 (1236.3)response of, to logic and reason, 154:6.8 (1722.4)unification of human experience with, 56:10.15 (647.6)universe reality subject to mortal will, 111:1.5 (1216.6)and will, the personal human’s possession of, 110:2.5 (1205.3)of will dignity, universe reaction to existence on Urantia of, 62:7.3 (710.2)Mindalenergy, indistinguishability of, from material or spiritual on absolute level, 3:2.5 (47.3)one system that may be animated to constitute life, 36:6.6 (404.4)one of the three original phases of divine energy, 44:5.5 (505.2)-energy and physical-energy personalities, 30:1.113 (334.7)unity with Deity, 0:1.15 (3.2)Mindedthe attribute of being, a definition, 6:6.2 (78.5)qualities, disclosure of, by many orders of prepersonal entities, 107:5.4 (1181.7)spirit always, 6:6.2 (78.5), 9:4.2 (102.2)universe, and reflectivity, 29:4.37 (328.6)Mindednessapparent presence of, in Adjusters, 107:6.4 (1182.6)of God, human mind’s identification with the, 110:2.6 (1205.4)implication of, in a self-maintaining universe, 42:11.6 (482.4)of the Infinite, creative spirit-mind, 42:11.8 (482.6)of the Thought Adjuster, evidence of, 107:5.3 (1181.6)a mystery of the, 28:5.22 (313.4)Mindlesscausation, limitations of, 130:4.5 (1434.4)MinerJesus’ experience at Iron as a, 146:4.2 (1643.3)Mineraldeposits, source of, 59:3.4 (677.1)embellishments on architectural worlds, 43:6.1 (492.1)of the cities of Planetary Princes, 50:4.2 (575.3)Mingdynasty, and progressive transfer of self-determination in the East, 134:5.9 (1488.7)Minister(s)divine, Paradise Sons, 20:1.12 (224.2)see also Divine—;Personalities, Minister(s)merciful, Eternal Son a, 6:7.3 (79.3)midwayers as, 77:9.2 (866.1)universal and divine, Infinite Spirit a, 9:0.3 (98.3)Ministeringpersonalities of the Infinite Spirit, 6:3.3 (75.8)spirit(s), of the central universe, 26:0.0 (285.1–297.6)field of operations of, 26:1.12 (285.13)eligibility of, as Technical Advisers, 25:4.13 (280.1)functional grouping of, 26:1.11 (285.12)of the grand universe, classification of, 26:1.2 (285.3)of the local universe(s), 26:1.14 (286.2), 38:0.0 (418.1–425.6)one of the highest honors of, 25:8.2 (283.3)on Planetary Prince’s staff, 50:1.2 (572.4)seven orders of, 30:2.82 (336.29)source of, 17:8.2 (205.3)of the superuniverses, 26:1.13 (286.1), 28:0.0

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