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growth, 100:1.8 (1095.3)spiritual, a healthful attitude of, practices where found, 100:5.10 (1100.1)modern man’s idea that he is too busy for, 195:6.7 (2077.3)timesaving function of the habit of, 160:3.2 (1777.3)the value of, to be taught by experience, 192:2.2 (2047.6)worshipful, devoted, a factor favoring Adjuster contact, 91:7.1 (1000.2)the value of, 160:1.10 (1774.2)Mediterraneanbasin, origin of, 58:4.3 (668.1)connection of Arctic Ocean with, during Eocene period, 61:1.12 (694.4)fringe, mixed-race occupants of, 78:3.5 (871.1)an inland salt sea, time of, 61:3.8 (697.3)islands, eastern, onetime superior civilization on, 78:6.8 (874.5), 80:7.1 (895.1)journey of Jesus, John Zebedee’s nondisclosure of his knowledge of, 129:2.10 (1423.1)world’s ignorance of, 134:1.2 (1483.4)race, some physical characteristics of the, 80:9.10 (898.5)regions, and life of the early reptilian age, 60:1.12 (686.8)Sea, an obstacle to primitive man’s migrations, 64:1.1 (718.3)retreat of, reason for, 64:7.1 (726.8)separation of, from the Indian Ocean, 64:7.13 (728.2)tour, diversity of opinion as to Jesus’ whereabouts during his, 129:3.3 (1423.5)world, characteristics of, at times of Jesus, 121:1.1 (1332.2)Jesus’ tour of the, 129:3.1 (1423.3)Meekguidance in judgment of the, by the Lord, 131:2.3 (1444.3)happy are the, 140:3.5 (1570.6)man, ideal, Jesus the, 140:5.11 (1574.4)-mannered teacher, Jesus as a, 185:5.6 (1993.6)preaching of good news to the, 97:5.3 (1066.7), 123:5.11 (1363.4), 126:4.2 (1391.6)shall inherit the earth, 131:2.9 (1445.3), 140:3.5 (1570.6), 140:5.11 (1574.4)Meeknesscommendability of, 149:6.10 (1676.4)a definition, 140:5.11 (1574.4)a fruit of the spirit, 34:6.13 (381.7)genuine, importance of, 149:6.11 (1676.5)nonrelation of, to fear, 140:5.11 (1574.4)Humility and, a talk by Jesus, 150:6.1 (1683.3)of Jesus, vs. his fearlessness, 161:2.4 (1785.4)vs. his relentlessness before perverted ideas of Christianity, 159:3.9 (1766.5)perverted ideas of Christianity about the, 140:8.20 (1582.1)Jesus’ discourse upon, 140:5.5 (1573.7)Moses also a man of, 140:5.16 (1575.1)a spiritual charm of Jesus, 141:3.4 (1589.5)Meetingof Jesus and John, 135:8.0 (1503.4–1504.5)Megantaschool of, Rodan’s teaching of philosophy in the, 161:2.12 (1787.2)Megiddoapostolic visit to, on second preaching tour, 149:0.1 (1668.1)international battlefield of Palestine, 127:6.4 (1404.3)Jesus’ view of, from the hill of Simeon, 126:1.2 (1387.2)Mekadvancement of Andonite culture by, 66:5.26 (748.7)leader of the art and science corps, 66:5.23 (748.4)loyalty of the council of, 67:4.1 (757.4)MelaninAndonic skin pigment, 63:4.1 (713.7)Melchizedek(s)of Abraham’s time, reason for incarnation of, 35:4.5 (389.4)advice of, to Adam regarding racial blending, 73:7.3 (827.2)as assistants to Magisterial Sons on world missions, 20:2.9 (225.8)association of, with mortal chief executive, 55:4.23 (629.1)attitude of, toward Manotia, 53:6.4 (606.7)certain scribes’ raising of Abraham above even, 93:9.9 (1023.6)chairman of the revelatory commission, editing of the restatement of Jesus’ Urmia teachings by, 134:3.8 (1486.3)Chief of the Supervising Revelatory Corps, 36:6.8 (405.1)church, creed of the members of the, 93:4.1 (1017.3)College of Spiritual Endowment, teachers in the, 35:3.21 (388.8)colleges on Edentia, 43:1.6 (486.5)commission of Mansion World Teachers by, 37:7.1 (413.2), 48:5.4 (550.5)concept of Deity, vs. the evolutionary ones, 96:0.1 (1052.1)council, a constellation tribunal, 43:2.3 (487.5)function of, 43:2.4 (487.6)covenant, of, with Abraham, 93:6.0 (1020.4–1021.4), 94:0.1 (1027.1)decision of, to depart, 93:8.1 (1022.3)description of, 93:2.5 (1015.5)destruction of records about, 93:9.9 (1023.6)as educators, 35:4.1 (388.10), 45:7.4 (517.6)emergency, time of arrival of, on Urantia, 67:3.10 (757.3)as emergency Sons, 35:4.2 (389.1), 93:0.1 (1014.1)Father, about, 35:1.0 (384.8–385.3)appeal of the planetary receivers to the, 93:1.2 (1014.4)conference of, with Jesus, during the transfiguration, 158:1.6 (1753.2), 158:3.6 (1755.6)coparent of Melchizedeks, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:1.3 (385.2)of the spironga, 37:10.2 (416.2)first assistant of Gabriel, 33:6.2 (371.4), 35:1.2 (385.1)function of, with the Associate Inspector, 55:10.3 (634.3)in a future age, 55:10.10 (635.1)head of the College of High Ethics, 35:3.22 (388.9)home of, a function of the temple located near the, 119:1.4 (1310.1)a member of the life-determining trio of Nebadon, 36:1.2 (396.3)mistaken for Elijah by the three apostles during the transfiguration, 158:1.8 (1753.4)release of Machiventa by, 93:10.2 (1024.4)speaking of the representative of the Infinite Spirit through, at the transfiguration, 158:3.3 (1755.3)father of midsoniters, limited sojourn of, on midsonite world, 36:4.2 (400.6)formal covenant of, with Abraham, 93:6.3 (1020.6)forming of a group of believers by, 93:2.4 (1015.4)future field of activity of, 55:10.11 (635.2)gospel, absorption of the, in other cults, 93:7.3 (1022.1)headquarters world, relation of, to Salvington, 35:3.1 (387.2)incarnation of, 35:4.4 (389.3)insignia of three circles of, 93:2.5 (1015.5), 93:3.3 (1016.5), 95:1.4 (1042.5), 104:1.3 (1143.6)king of Salem, was the priest of the Most High, 43:5.17 (491.13)Life Carriers, 36:4.0 (400.5–401.4)classification of, by the, 36:1.3 (396.4)loyalty of, to Michael during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.4 (607.5)Machiventa, present status of, 93:10.0 (1024.3–1026.1)see also MachiventaMichael’s first bestowal experience as a, 119:1.0 (1309.2–1310.3), 119:8.8 (1319.1)missionaries, 92:5.10 (1009.4), 93:7.0 (1021.5–1022.2), 131:4.1 (1447.5)and modification of life designs, 36:2.15 (398.2)Morontia Companions’ training by, 48:3.2 (545.3)and the Most High God, 142:3.4 (1598.5)of Nebadon, creators of, 35:1.3 (385.2)Paradise substance named by, 11:2.9 (120.1)presenters of Papers 38, 39, 43, 45, 49, 53, 56, 66–72, 90, 92–106, 120, 38:9.14 (425.6), 39:9.4 (442.2), 43:9.6 (496.1), 45:7.9 (518.5), 49:6.22 (571.1), 53:9.9 (612.1), 56:10.22 (648.5), 66:8.8 (753.4), 67:8.6 (762.5), 68:6.12 (771.1), 69:9.19 (782.6), 70:12.21 (799.2), 71:8.16 (807.12), 72:12.6 (820.4), 90:5.9 (993.3), 92:7.16 (1013.11), 93:10.12 (1026.2), 94:12.8 (1041.6), 95:7.7 (1051.5), 96:7.9 (1061.2), 97:10.9 (1076.6), 98:7.13 (1085.2), 99:7.6 (1093.4), 100:7.19 (1103.7), 101:10.10 (1117.4), 102:8.8 (1128.4), 103:9.13 (1142.4), 104:5.13 (1151.13), 105:7.19 (1161.1), 106:9.13 (1175.2), 120:0.1 (1323.1)nonmilitaristic attitude of, 93:5.11 (1019.8)number of, in Nebadon, 35:2.9 (387.1)observers, function of, on Urantia, 65:4.9 (735.8)origin of, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:0.7 (384.7)permit for transfer to finaliter world as associate parents, 45:6.8 (517.1)as planetary custodians, 35:4.4 (389.3)preparation by, for Michael’s bestowal, 96:0.2 (1052.2)program for Adamic world organization, 73:7.3 (827.2)rating of Lucifer, 53:0.1 (601.1)receivers, adherence of loyal secondary midwayers to, 77:6.6 (863.1)departure of, and loneliness of Adam and Eve, 75:1.4 (839.5)and light of life on Urantia, 35:4.5 (389.4)Machiventa’s contact with the, 93:2.8 (1016.2)midwayers’ service with, 77:6.5 (862.9)planetary, administrative assistants’ assignment to, 39:4.3 (434.3)service of, by loyal midwayers, 77:1.7 (856.3)and temporary Urantia government, 74:3.6 (831.3)of Urantia, warnings of, to Adam and Eve, 51:3.4 (583.3)work of the, 67:6.6 (760.1)as receivers of planetary government, 35:4.4 (389.3)of record, narrative of life of Jesus sponsored by, 121:0.1 (1332.1), 121:8.14 (1343.3)refusal of, to advise Adam, reason for, 75:6.1 (844.3)revelatory director, supervisor of midwayer commission sponsoring, Part IVsee also Mantutia Melchizedekof Salem, the two cardinal precepts of the teaching of, 92:4.7 (1007.7)Salvington spheres, under oversight of the, 36:2.1 (397.1)schools, about, 45:7.0 (517.3–518.4)foreign students in the, number of, 35:3.22 (388.9)many headed by Teacher Sons, 20:8.2 (231.2)a self-governing order, 35:1.3 (385.2)seven commandments of, 93:4.6 (1017.8)Sons, about, 20:1.6 (223.11), 35:2.0 (385.4–387.1)function of, in Jerusem education, 45:7.3 (517.5)modified, function of, on midsonite worlds, 36:4.1 (400.5)special work of the, 35:4.0 (388.10–389.4)as teachers, 35:2.7 (386.5)teaching corps, administration of Nebadon educational system by, 37:6.1 (412.1)Teaching Counselors as secretaries to, 39:1.13 (428.7)teaching of, regarding the function of Solitary Messengers, 108:3.10 (1190.1)teachings of, about, 93:3.0 (1016.3–1017.2)the basis for all the Occidental and Oriental religions, 98:7.4 (1084.3)deep root of, in Egypt, 95:2.1 (1043.7)entrance of, into Europe, 98:0.1 (1077.1)in the Levant,

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