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167:5.3 (1838.4)laws, uniformity of, in the continental nation, 72:3.8 (812.1)a legal ceremony, reason, 83:4.2 (924.5)man’s most exalted institution, 83:8.1 (929.4)a matter of self-maintenance, 84:0.2 (931.2), 84:6.8 (939.3)mores, racial, inconsistencies in, 82:5.10 (919.6)motives, vs. marriage morals, 83:7.5 (928.6)not a sacrament, 83:6.3 (927.4), 83:8.1 (929.4)a onetime community affair, 83:4.1 (924.4)the original function of, 82:4.2 (917.5), 83:1.5 (922.8)prerequisites to, in the continental nation, 72:3.8 (812.1)primitive, vs. modern, 83:1.5 (922.8), 83:2.1 (923.1)purpose of, 82:3.1 (915.4), 83:6.8 (928.1), 84:6.8 (939.3), 87:5.2 (962.3)relation of property and religion to, 82:4.1 (917.4)Rodan’s discussion of, 160:2.10 (1777.1)of Ruth and David, 190:1.10 (2031.4)a sociologic experience, 84:6.2 (938.6)successful, a definition, 83:7.6 (928.7)and sudden accelerated social evolution, 83:7.4 (928.5)two distinct realms of, 82:3.2 (915.5)regulating functions of, 83:1.1 (922.4)under the property mores, 82:4.0 (917.4–8)within the clan, prohibition of, 82:5.7 (919.3)Mars, the god of warthe Latins’ reverence for, 98:3.1 (1080.3)Marsatmosphere of, suitability of, for subbreathers, 49:2.13 (561.12)Martha, sister of Jesusassumption of home responsibilities by, 128:7.12 (1418.4)birth of, 124:1.7 (1367.3)characteristics of, 127:4.8 (1402.1)home improvements after birth of, 122:6.3 (1350.2)preparations of, for position as eldest daughter, 128:5.8 (1414.6)relation of the youthful Jesus with, 124:4.3 (1371.6)teaching of Ruth by, 127:1.5 (1396.2)wedding of, 129:1.6 (1420.3)Martha, sister of Jesus’ mothertarrying of, by Jesus’ tomb, 188:1.7 (2013.6)Martha, wife of Justusabout, 133:3.9 (1473.2)hospitality of, to two courtesans, 133:3.10 (1473.3)Martha of Bethanyabout, 124:6.9 (1375.3), 127:6.5 (1404.4)appearance of, to greet Jesus, after Lazarus’s death, 167:7.7 (1841.6)assumption of home responsibilities by, 162:8.2 (1797.5)complaint to Jesus about Mary by, 162:8.3 (1798.1)discussion with Jesus and Lazarus by, 127:3.5 (1399.4)fears concerning Lazarus’s resurrection, 168:1.12 (1845.3)and Mary, David’s assistance to, 171:1.5 (1869.1)departure of, for Perea, 168:5.3 (1849.7)Jesus’ family’s assembly crucifixion morning in the home of, 186:0.1 (1997.1)Mary, and Lazarus, fondness of Jesus for, 167:4.2 (1837.1)MartyrStephen the first Christian, 128:3.6 (1411.6), 194:4.12 (2068.2)MartyrdomJames the first apostle to experience, 139:3.8 (1553.4)Mary, mother of Jesusability as a homemaker, 122:5.7 (1349.3)alarm of, at strange ideas of Jesus, 126:3.13 (1391.3)announcement of Gabriel to, 122:3.0 (1346.4–1347.2)appearance of Gabriel to, 122:0.3 (1344.3), 122:2.6 (1346.1)appreciation of Jesus’ home responsibility by, 127:1.8 (1396.5)arrival of, at Golgotha, 187:2.7 (2007.6)conflicting love and fear of, for Jesus, 154:6.1 (1721.1)death of, 187:4.7 (2009.6)departure of, from Bethany, to see Jesus, 186:0.2 (1997.2)from Golgotha, with John and Jude, 187:4.7 (2009.6)disillusionment of, about Jesus’ responsiveness to her plans, 126:0.2 (1386.2)efforts of, to induce Jesus to join the Zealots, 127:2.3 (1397.1)inability of, to understand Jesus, 128:7.7 (1417.6)Jesus’ attention to, 134:1.3 (1483.5)visit to, at Capernaum, 137:3.1 (1527.4)John and Jude’s support of, at Jesus’ cross, 187:4.7 (2009.6)John’s taking of, to his Bethsaida home, 190:1.10 (2031.4)at Mark home, 193:6.1 (2057.8)plan of, to prevent the marriage of Jesus and Rebecca, 127:5.1 (1402.4)presence of, at Jesus’ crucifixion, 187:3.2 (2008.3)racial characteristics of, 122:1.2 (1345.1)reaction of, to Jesus’ statement "I have no mother," 154:6.6 (1722.2)to Jesus’ rebuke at the Cana wedding, 137:4.5 (1529.2)to Jesus’ silence after his Mediterranean trip, 134:1.5 (1484.2)recognition by, of Jesus as the real head of the family, 127:3.13 (1400.5)and Ruth, removal of, to the Capernaum home, 134:1.6 (1484.3)talk with Jesus about marriage, 127:6.8 (1404.7)temperament of, 122:5.2 (1348.2)visit of, to Elizabeth, 122:2.6 (1346.1)with Elizabeth, and their discussion about their sons’ futures, 127:3.11 (1400.3)Mary, wife of Clopaspresence of, at Jesus’ crucifixion, 187:3.2 (2008.3)Mary of Bethanyabout, 124:6.9 (1375.3), 127:6.5 (1404.4)anointing of Jesus by, at Simon’s banquet, 172:1.5 (1879.3)attention of, to Jesus’ teaching, 162:8.2 (1797.5)hope of, as to Lazarus’s resurrection, 168:1.12 (1845.3)talk with James by, 127:3.5 (1399.4)Mary Magdaleneaddition of, to the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5)addressing of the strange "garden caretaker" by, 189:4.10 (2026.4), 190:0.5 (2029.5)boldness of, in speaking to the presumed caretaker, significance of, 190:0.5 (2029.5)the chief spokesman for the women’s corps, 190:0.5 (2029.5)departure of, on the Sunday mission to anoint Jesus’ body, 189:4.4 (2025.5)effectiveness of, as a gospel teacher, 150:2.3 (1680.2)entry of, into the open sepulchre, 189:4.6 (2025.7)Jesus’ morontia appearances witnessed by, 190:3.2 (2033.2)the Master’s second appearance to, 189:5.4 (2027.8)a member of the women’s corps, 150:2.3 (1680.2)Peter’s and John’s reaction to Jesus’ resurrection story by, 189:4.13 (2027.3)presence of, at Jesus’ crucifixion, 187:3.2 (2008.3), 187:5.4 (2010.5)tarrying of, by Jesus’ tomb after his burial, 188:1.7 (2013.6)at the tomb, Jesus’ second morontia appearance made to, 190:2.1 (2031.5)winning of, for the kingdom, 150:2.2 (1680.1)Massof central universe, 12:1.10 (129.8)formation, differential, time of Andronover’s, 57:2.4 (652.7)of a giant Orvonton sun, 41:4.7 (460.4)linear gravity’s grasp of, 42:11.5 (482.3)materialization, of Nebadon, 32:1.4 (358.1)in matter, effect of, on energy velocity, 15:8.3 (175.6)motion as related to, 133:5.10 (1477.5)in space, relation of density to, 41:4.2 (459.6)weight influenced by, 15:8.3 (175.6)Massacreof Bethlehem infants, date of, 122:10.4 (1354.3)Massageearly use of, 90:4.5 (991.4)Master(s)circuits of the grand universe, source of, 34:4.5 (377.9)creation, the Trinity Ultimate’s destined co-ordination of the, 106:4.2 (1166.5)Creator Sons, and associated Creative Spirits, the local universe experience of the, significance, 33:3.3 (368.3), 116:4.9 (1273.1)chronoldeks, broadcast of system time by the, 46:1.2 (519.3)energy circuits of the grand universe, regulators of the, 29:2.10 (321.2)Michaels, definition, 21:0.3 (234.3), 21:5.8 (241.2)minds, of Architects of the Universe, 31:9.1 (351.2)of philosophy, function of, 27:6.0 (302.5–303.4), 28:5.11 (311.3)of the self, children born of the spirit as, 143:2.6 (1610.1)seraphim of planetary supervision, influence of, on the human mind, 114:6.19 (1256.9)vs. servant, 140:3.1 (1570.2)vs. slave, 69:3.7 (774.6)Master-Architectsa function of, 31:9.14 (352.7)of Havona level, number of, 31:9.4 (351.5)senior, function of, 31:9.1 (351.2)seven levels of, 31:9.2–9 (351.3–352.2)total number of, 31:9.10 (352.3)wards of the, 31:9.13 (352.6)see also Architect(s) of the Master UniverseMaster-Force Organizersabout, 29:5.0 (329.1–7)Associate Transcendental, 29:0.3 (319.3), 29:5.3 (329.3), 30:1.98 (333.6), 42:2.12 (470.3)distinction of, from power directors, 29:0.10 (319.10), 31:9.12 (352.5)function of, 32:1.1 (357.5)members of the Council of Equilibrium, 29:4.2 (324.4)mobilizing energies for gravity response, 56:9.12 (645.7)Primary Eventuated, 29:0.2 (319.2), 29:5.2 (329.2), 30:1.97 (333.5), 42:2.8 (469.8)temperatures and physical conditions of functioning of, 29:5.7 (329.7)Master-Physical Controllersactivity of, in the materialization of Machiventa, 93:1.3 (1014.5)assistants to constellation power centers, 43:8.1 (493.7)of Life Carriers on Urantia, 62:7.6 (710.5)classification and functions of, 29:4.0 (324.3–328.7)collaboration of adjutant mind-spirits with, 36:5.14 (403.2)collective energy control of, 29:4.21 (326.3)examination of activities of all seven orders of, by ascending mortals, 18:5.3 (211.8)frandalanks the most numerous, 29:4.36 (328.5)function of, in the local system organization, 41:2.1 (456.5), 45:0.3 (509.3)with seraphim, 113:3.5 (1244.6)grand rendezvous of, 15:13.5 (181.5)local space velocity of, 29:4.1 (324.3)morontia material created by the, 48:1.3 (541.6)and nonteachable mind, 36:5.14 (403.2)Satania Power Centers’ relation to, 41:1.5 (456.4)seven orders of, 30:2.100 (337.1)Master-Son(s)definition, 21:3.15 (238.9)Gabriel vicegerent of, 39:2.3 (429.7)identity of, with Creator Sons, 21:4.6 (240.2)of the local universe, the Adjuster’s willingness to present the morontia soul to the, 109:5.5 (1199.6)of Nebadon, acquirement of "all power in heaven and earth" by the, 21:4.5 (240.1), 33:2.3 (367.5)Michael the, 37:0.1 (406.1)special concerns of, 33:7.1 (372.5)possession of highest qualifications of solitary sovereignty by, 33:2.4 (367.6)reason for the classification of, as a special order, 21:4.6 (240.2), 33:2.4 (367.6)responsibility to already designed and created beings, 21:5.6 (240.8)sevenfold, definition, 21:4.5 (240.1)Michael both a Creator Son and a, 119:8.6 (1318.5)Universe Mother Spirit as co-ordinate of the, 38:1.2 (418.5)Master-Spirit(s)and Ancients of Days, concurrence of, in superuniverse decisions, 15:12.4 (180.5)attributes and functions of, 16:4.0 (189.2–190.9)blending

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