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of, on the sayings and doings of Jesus, 139:7.5 (1560.1)Jesus’ personal salutation to, 174:0.2 (1897.2)talk on morality with, 140:10.5 (1585.3)Levi, 138:2.4 (1539.7), 139:7.0 (1559.5–1560.6)Jesus’ final personal admonition to, 181:2.12 (1957.2)a man of moderate wealth, 139:7.1 (1559.5)participation of, in the Pentecost preaching, 194:1.2 (2060.2)reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.8 (1885.3)record of, of Jesus’ life, destruction of, 121:8.6 (1342.1)sale of his last piece of Capernaum property by, 157:6.1 (1748.4)Selta’s story copied into the Gospel of, 176:2.8 (1915.5)technique of, for supplying apostolic funds, 157:6.1 (1748.4)wife of, a member of the women’s corps, 163:7.3 (1808.5)Matthiasapostles’ announcement of, as the new apostle, 193:6.6 (2058.5)the appointed treasurer, 192:0.2 (2045.2)had little part in subsequent activities of apostles, 193:6.3 (2058.2)Matureentreaty for moral growth, one possible type of prayer, 91:8.6 (1001.10)God-knowing man, morontia progressor resident in, 115:3.16 (1263.3)human being, attitude of, toward other mortals, 160:1.6 (1773.3)of immortality potential, growth into, as the circles are traversed, 110:6.11 (1210.6)man, vs. immature man, 160:3.3 (1778.1)mind, ability of, to grasp the first two beatitudes, 140:5.10 (1574.3)personality(ies), receipt of additional spiritual influences by, 34:6.1 (380.2)recognition of the character of, by one’s fellows, 160:3.2 (1777.3)self, greater reaches of the, into the past and into the future, 118:1.8 (1295.8)Maturityage, of dawn mammals, 62:2.2 (704.1)of first humans, 62:5.3 (708.1)of Primates, 62:4.5 (707.4)approaching, of mankind, and prospects for appreciation of real religion and truth, 92:1.2 (1003.7)ascendant mortals’ attainment of, 14:5.8 (159.4)the balance of, 160:4.0 (1778.4–1780.2)the characteristics of, 118:1.6 (1295.6)the civilization of mortal, the social basis of, 160:2.10 (1777.1)and the co-ordinate relationship of past-present-future, 118:1.8 (1295.8)of the developing self, the past and future used to illuminate the present, in the, 118:1.5 (1295.5)emotional, self-control, and the end to war, 52:6.6 (598.1)a factor in justice, 54:1.2 (613.4)lures of, 160:3.0 (1777.2–1778.3)maximum universe, reaching of, by all ascenders, and the Supreme, 117:6.21 (1290.7)of the race, attainment of, a problem of society, 160:1.6 (1773.3)realization, the psychic circles as stages of, 110:6.12 (1210.7)relative, of the mortal being, and the completion of the first circle, 110:6.1 (1209.1), 110:6.21 (1211.6)of a religion, the measure of, the concept of a personal God, 1:5.10 (28.7)of righteousness exhibited by Jesus, 161:2.4 (1785.4)social, definition, 160:1.4 (1773.1)and the substitution of higher meanings for personal pleasure, 100:1.1 (1094.3)and the unit of time consciousness, 118:1.3 (1295.3)work and energy requisites to, 160:3.1 (1777.2)May Daythe sex festivities of, 82:2.4 (915.2), 88:6.4 (972.4)Maypolerelation of, to tree worship, 85:2.5 (946.1)Mazaconnection of, with feast of tabernacles ceremony, 162:4.4 (1794.3)Mealtimethanksgiving, commands of "The Father’s Way" as, 66:7.16 (751.11)Meaning(s)comprehension of, man’s capacity for, 160:1.5 (1773.2)of the death on the cross, 188:4.0 (2016.6–2017.8)a definition, 100:3.4 (1097.1)eternal, relation of art and philosophy to contemplation of, 5:4.4 (67.2)the Father the source of, 6:0.3 (73.3)higher, maturity’s substitution of, for personal pleasure, 100:1.1 (1094.3)intellectual, the Supreme as the truth of, 117:1.1 (1278.5)Jesus’ suggestion of his, 179:5.4 (1942.3)manifestation of Paradise-absolute, 0:1.13 (2.13)man’s experience in and with, objective validation of, 16:6.10 (192.6)of meanings, man’s consciousness of the, 160:1.5 (1773.2)mind, 0:1.1 (2.1), 9:4.5 (102.5), 102:2.5 (1120.2)and mind, 9:4.6 (102.6)new, emergence of, amid conflict, 100:4.1 (1097.5)on transcendental levels of ultimate universe significance, 21:6.3 (242.2)possibility of modification of, 115:2.2 (1261.2)reality of, the mind’s discovery of, 100:4.4 (1098.1)as relating to personality, 112:1.10 (1226.14)relation of, to God, 5:4.2 (66.6), 9:0.4 (98.4)seven variations of, reason for, 10:2.8 (110.6)stereoscopic effect of mota on, 48:6.28 (554.2)of the transfiguration, 158:3.0 (1755.1–6)of universal reality, 0:0.3 (1.3)-value, irreplaceable, in the finite, the personality of each human an, 117:4.5 (1284.1)and values, cosmic growth’s dependence on, 100:1.7 (1095.2)of mortal mind, not having perished with the mortal intellect, 112:6.4 (1236.2)of values, new, an indicator of growth, 100:1.3 (1094.5)-of-the-whole, interassociation of purposes of six superuniverses into a, 15:14.3 (182.2)Means and endsthe moral being’s insight in discrimination within both, 16:7.4 (193.3)virtuous conduct in the selection of both, 16:7.10 (193.9)the wise man’s distinguishing between, 160:4.11 (1779.3)Measurefor measure, not a kingdom rule, 140:6.9 (1577.3)Measurementcomparative, a definition, 16:7.7 (193.6)Measuringrod, applied by Jesus to society and religion, 126:2.5 (1388.5)Meatabsence of, in the diet of Adam and Eve, 76:3.7 (850.3)and drink, kingdom of heaven not a matter of, 137:8.13 (1536.10), 155:3.1 (1727.1)-eating habits of evolutionary races, 66:4.7 (744.6)first humans to cook, 63:6.7 (716.6)Material Sons and Daughters do not eat, 52:3.8 (593.7)Meccablack stone fetish at, 95:7.5 (1051.3)Mechanicalage, disastrous possibilities of a, 81:6.22 (909.3)contrivances, spornagia’s use of, in soil culture, 46:7.2 (527.16)controllers, functions of, 29:4.19 (326.1), 41:1.4 (456.3)relation of, to power centers, 29:4.20 (326.2), 41:1.4 (456.3)and transport departure, 39:5.14 (438.7)creation, the inexorable progress of, 117:4.11 (1284.7)development, co-ordination of, with intellectual attainment on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)of post-Adamic age, 52:3.6 (593.5)dominance, insurance of stability without progress by, 118:8.3 (1301.8)instruments, of star students, 30:3.4 (339.1)mind, definition, 24:1.14 (266.4), 42:10.3 (480.6)-nonteachable levels of organismal response, physical controllers’ domains, 42:10.3 (480.6), 65:0.6 (730.6)Urantia’s confusional combinations involving, 65:7.4 (738.7)technique, of architectural worlds, perfection of, 46:2.7 (521.4)Mechanism(s)absolute, of Paradise, 195:6.14 (2077.10)creation of material, mind’s reaching out toward, 42:12.2 (483.2)of creature existence, factors of, 42:12.9 (483.9)a definition, 118:9.5 (1303.6)false philosophies of, belied by their own cleverness, 195:6.6 (2077.2)inability of, to progress, 195:7.14 (2079.9)vs. organisms, 112:1.13 (1227.3)qualified, in the cosmos, 195:6.14 (2077.10)twentieth-century, triumph of the teachings of Jesus over, 195:9.3 (2082.8)universe, 118:9.0 (1303.2–1304.2)Mechanist(s)homage of, to law-Creator, 3:6.4 (53.2)vs. idealists, 195:7.19 (2080.4)modern, the inconsistency of, 195:7.3 (2078.6)mortal, erroneous ideas of, regarding creation and evolution, 58:2.3 (665.6)Mechanisticphilosophy of life, inability to be scientific, 195:7.9 (2079.4)Mechanizationinfluence of, on religion, 99:4.7 (1090.3)Mechanizerof universes upon universes, Unqualified Absolute the, 0:11.4 (14.2)Mediatorbetween the material and the spiritual, man’s mind the, 160:4.9 (1779.1)Father’s forgiveness not dependent on a, 2:6.6 (41.4)MedicineChristianity and, 195:0.3 (2069.3)vs. magic, 81:2.9 (901.12)man(men), a check on kings, 70:6.6 (790.3)as chiefs, 70:5.8 (789.6)epileptics as, 88:1.9 (968.4), 90:1.2 (986.5)mental or physical abnormalities qualifications for being, 90:1.2 (986.5)magic of, purpose of, 88:6.2 (972.2)ritual’s domination by, 90:0.1 (986.1)under the shamans, 90:4.0 (990.6–992.1)Mediocrecaptives, saving of, as slaves, effects on Cro-Magnon culture, 80:3.9 (892.3)descendants of Danubian slaves, effect of multiplication of, on Aegean culture, 80:7.6 (895.6)human foundation, the kingdom of heaven can be built on a, 139:10.9 (1564.3)individual, transformation of, by dynamic religious living, 100:0.1 (1094.1)judgment, fetishistic exaltation of, as public opinion, 88:3.4 (970.5)seconaphim’s inspiration of the, with performances of the best, 28:5.18 (312.5)Mediocrityof Alpheus twins, the disciples’ good-natured recognition of, 139:10.5 (1563.6)challenge of, by difficulties, 48:7.7 (556.7)dominance of, with coming of freedom, danger of, 70:12.10 (798.9)effects of, on a nation, 72:9.8 (818.3)evolutionary, realization of aspirations of, 44:8.3 (508.1)vs. genius, in man, 111:7.5 (1223.7)glorification of, a danger of democracy, 71:2.2 (801.14)Jesus’ warning against the dangers of the dullness of, 149:4.3 (1673.3)of the majority of Roman slaves, 121:3.6 (1335.5)not exalted by primitive form of communism, 69:9.2 (780.5)vs. progress, 48:7.29 (557.13)Meditation(s)function of, 160:3.1 (1777.2)on God, results of, 131:4.7 (1449.2)mystic, living faith of Jesus not a, 196:0.4 (2087.4)religion not born of, 101:1.5 (1105.2)practice of, by Jesus, 124:3.10 (1371.3), 124:6.14 (1375.8), 125:4.1 (1381.3), 125:4.4 (1382.2), 126:1.1 (1387.1), 126:3.13 (1391.3), 126:5.9 (1393.6), 128:6.10 (1416.3), 136:3.3 (1512.7), 136:4.4 (1514.5), 136:6.1 (1517.3), 137:5.3 (1532.1), 146:5.2 (1644.4), 160:1.10 (1774.2)and prayer, short periods of, practiced by Jesus

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