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creations of the, of the quasi-material order, 116:4.5 (1272.4)collectively, near-equivalation of, to divinity level of Trinity of Paradise Deities, 17:8.4 (205.5)commission of Paradise Companions by a, 25:8.2 (283.3)contact of Ancients of Days with, 28:4.9 (309.3)contribution of, to last level of God the Sevenfold, 17:8.8 (206.3)creation of secondary supernaphim by, 17:8.2 (205.3)dominance of each, in his superuniverse, 25:2.4 (275.4)each superuniverse reflective of one, 117:6.15 (1290.1)executive worlds of, a point in transit between superuniverses, 23:2.15 (259.1)force-focal headquarters of, indication of whereabouts of, 29:1.3 (320.3)functions of, 15:12.4 (180.5), 17:8.3 (205.4)God the Supreme actualizing in the, 0:8.10 (12.1), 116:2.2 (1269.6), 116:4.2 (1272.1)headquarters, location of, 17:1.1 (198.1)influence of, on finite energy and spirit, 116:3.2 (1270.13)and life bestowal on a new planet, 36:6.7 (404.5)mind level of, and reflectivity, 17:3.3 (201.1)Mother Spirit’s resemblance to her superuniverse, 34:1.3 (375.2)nature and functions of, Number Five, 16:3.10 (187.7)Number Four, 16:3.8 (187.5)Number One, 16:3.2 (186.6)Number Seven, 16:3.14 (188.2)Number Six, 16:3.12 (187.9)Number Three, 16:3.6 (187.3)Number Two, 16:3.4 (187.1)nature of Reflective Spirits as related to, 17:3.1 (200.5)Number Seven, avenue of function of Father, Son, and Spirit acting together, 16:1.2 (185.2), 16:3.16 (188.4)and Reflective Spirits, 116:4.4 (1272.3)a representative of the Supreme, 16:3.19 (188.7), 116:4.2 (1272.1)spheres of activity believed influenced by, 16:4.8 (190.2)sponsors comprehension of ascension candidates of undivided Deity of Supremacy, 16:3.18 (188.6)trinitization authorization by, 22:7.5 (249.5)of Orvonton, ascending mortal endowed with cosmic-mind endowment of, 112:6.4 (1236.2)possible contact of, with mortal minds, 16:5.3 (191.1)rank and characteristics of, 34:2.6 (376.3)relation of, to natives of Nebadon, 17:0.12 (197.12)Paradise area of, 25:1.3 (273.12)prayer of identification of, 17:6.5 (204.1)reflection of, in superuniverses, 25:2.2 (275.2)relation of each, to a superuniverse, 13:4.6 (150.5)Supreme Power Directors to, 29:2.1 (320.5)secondary supernaphim created by, 26:2.5 (287.4)seven, a definition, 105:7.16 (1160.14)sevenfold channel of river of life, 36:6.7 (404.5)source of the cosmic mind, 16:6.1 (191.4), 116:4.3 (1272.2)supervision of the Reflective Spirits by the, 116:4.4 (1272.3)the Supreme Power Directors’ dependence on the, 116:6.5 (1275.5)Master-Theapostles’ loyalty to, 138:9.1 (1546.3)ascension of, as a man as well as God, 196:1.1 (2090.2)no different from other morontia disappearances, 193:5.3 (2057.5)attitudes toward, 149:3.3 (1672.6)Capernaum revulsion against, 153:5.2 (1715.2)a character sketch of, 139:8.7 (1562.1), 141:7.13 (1594.7)characteristics of, in dealing with men, 141:3.4 (1589.5)effort of, to dissociate destruction of Jerusalem from his second coming, 176:2.2 (1914.3)family of, John Zebedee’s responsibility for, 139:4.1 (1553.6)the Father incarnate, 182:1.9 (1965.3)final departure of, from the temple, 175:1.25 (1908.9)instructions of, to his apostles before entering Jerusalem, 172:2.1 (1880.2)influence of refusal of, to write out his teachings, 121:8.3 (1341.4)Jesus, 138:6.2 (1542.7), 149:2.12 (1672.1)name of, apostles’ offense at others’ teaching in the, 159:2.3 (1765.1)ordination prayer of, 140:2.1 (1569.5)origin of Jesus’ title, 129:1.11 (1421.1)personal gospel of, Christianity’s neglect of the, 98:7.11 (1084.10)promise of, to come again, 37:3.4 (409.1), 176:2.0 (1914.2–1915.6)reply of, to David, regarding the plot to kill him, 178:2.3 (1932.6)respect and sympathy of, for all humans, 138:8.9 (1545.10)teachings of, Pharisees’ four objections to the, 169:0.3 (1850.3)at Urmia, difficulty of adaptation of, to problems of twentieth century, reason, 134:3.8 (1486.3)termination on Mount Hermon of the human career of, 134:7.7 (1492.7)weeping, Andrew’s first sight of, 141:0.2 (1587.2)wisdom and fairness of, with his apostles and disciples, 141:3.4 (1589.5)yoke of, is easy, 141:3.7 (1590.2)Master-Universeabsonite architects’ attitude toward the, 106:7.7 (1169.6)upholders of, 0:1.10 (2.10)activities, the Absolutes’ relation to, 12:6.7 (136.5)appearance of infinity of the, to finite creatures of the grand universe, 106:7.7 (1169.6)Architects of the, 0:12.6 (16.3)administrative co-ordination of the master universe by the, 106:3.2 (1165.7)eventuated transcendental beings, 30:1.94 (333.2)Personalized Adjusters the powerful executives of, 109:7.3 (1201.4)the unsearchable plans of the, 12:2.1 (130.3)see also Architect(s) of the Master Universebeings concerned with force control in the, 29:0.1 (319.1)a concept periphery to the, 105:3.7 (1156.4)the concept of the, a reality of the transcendental level, 105:7.6 (1160.4)definition, 0:0.6 (1.6)dimensions of pervaded space as related to the, 11:7.6 (124.7)enormousness of, 12:0.1 (128.1)and eventuation of God the Ultimate, 0:9.1 (12.4)existentially in the overcare of the Paradise Trinity, 12:6.8 (136.6)extension of pervaded space beyond periphery of, 11:7.4 (124.5)Father’s presence patrols the, 3:1.3 (45.1)field of activity of Master Force Organizers, 29:5.1 (329.1)four absolute-gravity circuits of the, 12:3.1 (131.4)function of Stationary Sons of the Trinity as regards the, 19:4.9 (219.1)a function of the Ultimate in the, 12:6.13 (137.3), 22:7.14 (251.4)law rules God’s action in the, 4:2.1 (56.5)major philosophic proposition of, 56:9.2 (644.4)nucleus of, 12:1.11 (129.9)number of suns in the, 15:6.10 (172.12)only a partial revelation of the Infinite, 105:1.7 (1153.4)outer space levels included in, 12:1.16 (130.2)Paradise the only stationary unit in, 12:4.1 (133.3)participation of, in space respiration, 12:4.12 (134.1)and post-Havona Trinities, 0:12.1 (15.7)present potential of the, not absolute, 106:6.1 (1167.6)space levels of the, 12:1.0 (128.4–130.2)Transcendentalers’ concern with, 31:8.2 (350.5)the Trinity a necessity to the, 10:0.3 (108.3)twofold Deity mechanism of the, 0:7.1 (10.6)unfinished state of the, 12:0.3 (128.3)unification of, 10:8.2 (116.3)Masteryof evil, by goodness, 130:2.4 (1430.2)intellectual, transcendence of, over physical appetites, 136:6.10 (1519.3)Jesus’, of his human mind, 128:5.6 (1414.4), 129:1.14 (1421.4), 129:4.1 (1424.5)over modern man, secularism’s threat of, 195:8.4 (2081.4)power, of the Creator divinities, expansion of, 106:2.3 (1164.6)of self, cited in a model prayer, 144:5.46 (1622.42)definition, 28:6.13 (315.6)faith in the indwelling spirit and, 143:2.7 (1610.2)inward journey in the task of, 113:1.6 (1242.1)the lesson on, 143:2.0 (1609.2–1610.3)the moral heights beyond, 109:3.2 (1197.4)role of prayer in, 91:4.5 (998.3)of the seven cosmic circles, and a human’s progress, 49:6.8 (569.3), 110:6.1 (1209.1), 110:6.9 (1210.4), 110:6.18 (1211.3), 110:6.21 (1211.6)of the spirit, subjection of animal nature to the, 34:6.9 (381.3)striving of spirit for the, of energy-matter, 112:0.6 (1225.6), 116:6.4 (1275.4), 116:7.3 (1276.4)in the realm of personality, 12:8.14 (140.10), 116:6.1 (1275.1)of truth, beauty, goodness, achievements in, on planets in light and life, 55:3.10 (625.9)Mastodon(s)continental migration of, in Miocene period, 61:3.4 (696.8)in Pliocene period, 61:4.4 (698.6)preferred habitat of, 61:7.14 (702.4)presence of, in North America, 61:5.7 (699.8)red man’s extermination of the, 61:7.14 (702.4)Matadormusattendance of, at Nicodemus’s meeting, 164:2.1 (1810.3)decision of, and aftermath, 163:2.7 (1802.3), 163:2.9 (1802.5)lessons for the apostles from the, 163:3.1 (1803.3), 163:3.3 (1803.5)identification of, 163:2.4 (1801.7)Matchmakersoriginal, purpose of, 82:3.8 (916.4)professional, the barbers and priests, 83:2.1 (923.1)Materialabodes of intelligent creation, 11:0.1 (118.1)achievement, the danger of outrunning the evolution of worship-wisdom by, 118:8.6 (1302.3)affairs, Jesus’ nonattention to, 142:7.17 (1605.2), 165:4.1 (1821.1)beings, Material Sons’ descent to status of, results, 51:1.4 (581.1)nonexistence of, in outer space, 12:2.5 (131.2)secondary midwayers’ attachment to the ministry of, 77:8.10 (865.3)transformation of, to morontialike state, 46:5.26 (526.1)body(ies), fate of the, after death, 112:3.5 (1230.3)similar function of morontia forms and, 112:6.2 (1235.6)body of Jesus, 189:2.0 (2022.5–2024.2)comfort, man’s striving for ever higher standards of, 81:5.2 (905.7)prebestowal instruction to Michael concerning priority of ministering to man’s, 120:2.5 (1328.2)-comfort era of world development, characteristics of, 50:5.6 (577.1)creation(s), decimal system’s relation to, 42:9.2 (479.7)evolutionary, origins of, 57:2.1 (652.4)God the foundation of coherence of the, 3:1.7 (45.5)Jesus’ body a, 189:2.3 (2023.2)creatures, and Infinite Spirit’s ministry, 8:2.7 (93.1)Mother Spirit’s relation to, 8:4.4 (94.6)Paradise wonders beyond comprehension of, 11:0.2 (118.2)seraphic association with, 38:5.4 (421.3)Daughters, as descending Sons, 40:2.1 (444.1)and Material Sons, equality of, 51:1.3 (580.6)enjoy a dual nutrition, 51:1.4 (581.1)the Mother Eves, 36:4.1 (400.5)development, acme of, 55:5.0 (629.10–630.3)differentiation, electrical stage of, 42:3.5 (472.3)dominance, in personality relationships, of the spiritual over the, 25:1.4 (274.1)energy, the domain of

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