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luck; Ill, luckLuckydays sought for ancient weddings, 83:4.5 (925.1)numbers, of ancient man, derivations of, 88:1.6 (968.1)nonvalidity of, 150:3.8 (1681.3)or unlucky stars, birth under, still a belief today, 90:2.7 (988.3)Lukeattitude of, toward Peter’s night vision, result, 152:4.4 (1703.4)date of death of, 121:8.8 (1342.3)the human Jesus portrayed by, 196:2.3 (2092.1)identity of, 121:8.8 (1342.3)knowledge of, of conversion of the dying thief, source, 187:4.3 (2009.2)the physician, belief of, in social equality, result, 140:8.16 (1581.3)and the "raising" of the widow’s son, 146:6.4 (1646.1)record of date of Jesus’ baptism according to, 136:2.8 (1512.4)LuminosityGod the source of, 131:5.2 (1450.1)Luminous Personsembrace of servitals by, results of, 24:7.2 (271.1)Lunarmonth of Dalamatia, 66:7.17 (751.12)Lunatic(s)early beliefs about, 85:6.2 (948.2), 88:1.9 (968.4)Jesus’ understanding of difference between, and those possessed, 77:7.6 (863.7)of Kheresa, crowd’s reaction to Jesus healing the, 151:6.5 (1696.3), 152:0.1 (1698.1)the episode of the, 151:6.0 (1695.4–1697.1)Lungsevolution of swim bladders into, 59:5.5 (680.7)Lure(s)adventure, of time, vs. the eternity impulse, 14:5.7 (159.3)of established beliefs vs. that of pursuit of unexplored possibilities, 160:1.4 (1773.1)of a great ideal, and the pursuit of difficult goals, 160:1.8 (1773.5)necessity for, to stimulate man’s spiritual forces, 160:3.1 (1777.2)one of three great drives of human life, 160:1.2 (1772.3)Lustafter a woman, the intent to, and the commission of adultery in the heart, 140:6.5 (1576.5)for power, and lowering of Christian ideals, 195:9.9 (2083.5)for selfish power, Jesus’ portrayal of deliverance from, 141:3.8 (1590.3)Lutand his board, disloyalty of, 67:4.1 (757.4)introduction of bathing by, 66:5.21 (748.2)leader of sanitation council, 66:5.17 (747.7)Lutentiadeposed, probable identity of the successor to the, 119:2.4 (1311.3)identity of, 119:2.2 (1311.1)Luxortemple at, depiction on the walls of a, significance, 111:0.5 (1215.5)Luxuryearly man’s attitude toward, 69:5.11 (776.9)vs. necessity in material-comfort era, 50:5.6 (577.1)Lyddaon the way to Nazareth, 123:0.6 (1356.3)Lynchlaw, basis of, 70:10.16 (796.6)LysimachiaMatthew’s death at, 139:7.10 (1560.6)

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