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concept formulations, 195:7.3 (2078.6)fact, abandonment by the progressing scientist in favor of cosmic truth, 102:6.10 (1125.5)fetters of so-called science, a poor trade for freedom from cultural bondage, 101:7.4 (1114.2)panic precipitated by scientists, assurance of positive outcome of, 195:6.1 (2076.6)philosophy, one physiochemical fact that contradicts, 12:9.3 (141.4)praying, a characteristic of childhood, 91:4.4 (998.2)disillusionment destined to be brought by, 91:4.4 (998.2)incompatibility of, with ethics, 91:4.1 (997.6)possible benefits from, 91:4.4 (998.2)a pseudomagical technique, 91:2.2 (995.7)pursuits, importance for youth to avoid devoting themselves to, 111:4.3 (1220.2)science, untenable position of, 132:1.3 (1457.2)secularism destined to be conquered by religion of Jesus, 195:9.2 (2082.7)sociologist of today, vs. unlearned Galileans of nineteen hundred years ago, 195:6.9 (2077.5)tendencies, surmounting of, by God-knowing individual, 102:7.6 (1126.6)present challenge of, to religion, 195:4.5 (2075.3)viewpoint a handicap to man’s comprehension of divine wisdom and kindness, 3:2.10 (48.2)Materialist(s)certainty of religionist not to be disturbed by the doubting, 103:8.5 (1140.5)man an accident to the unbelieving, 102:0.1 (1118.1)the mind of the, agility of, disproving its own mechanistic assertions, 195:6.6 (2077.2)mortal, ability of, to deny supernatural reality, significance, 112:2.9 (1228.4)as one extreme of philosophy, 160:4.14 (1779.6)only two kinds of peace possible for, 181:1.7 (1954.4)pessimism of the, as proof that his universe is not wholly material, 195:7.8 (2079.3)scientist’s nonpossession of right to declare himself either idealist or, 132:1.2 (1457.1)Materialization(s)atomic, of space-energy in a dual universe, number of, 42:7.4 (477.6)of the central core of creation, with coming of Conjoint Actor, 10:1.4 (109.2)eternal, on Paradise and in central universe, 42:3.13 (472.11)force-charge of space ancestor of, 15:4.1 (169.1)mass, energy-matter, stage of, at which Creator Sons appear, 32:1.5 (358.2)of Nebadon, compared to that of other universes, 32:1.4 (358.1)of the Melchizedek Son at Salem, how achieved, 93:1.3 (1014.5)nonwitnessing of, by human eyes, 93:2.1 (1015.1)a morontia form of, organized by Morontia Power Supervisors, 48:1.5 (542.2)of one billion worlds, and the existence of sufficient gravity, 8:1.4 (91.1)Paradise the absolute, 104:4.13 (1148.12)of physical realities, role of Universe Spirit in, 34:0.3 (374.3)a single form of, the substance of Paradise, 11:2.9 (120.1)slowing of energy to the point of, a power of the Conjoint Actor, 9:3.4 (101.4)space, in the Andronover region, detection of, 57:2.2 (652.5)in the superuniverses, the electronic stage of energy the basis of all, 42:5.6 (475.2)of these revelations in the English language on Urantia, fortuitous circumstances of, 114:7.9 (1258.1)the transmutation of, undergone by lower living things of the central universe, 14:4.9 (157.1)universe, the initial problems of, resolution of, by Creator Sons, 21:2.9 (236.7)space conditions during the earlier times of, 58:3.1 (666.8)of visible matter from pre-existent energy, by the Creator Sons, 32:2.1 (358.3)Materializedenergy, basic units of, the ultimatons, 42:4.3 (473.1)partaking of, by physical beings and Material Sons, 51:1.4 (581.1)physical, and linear-gravity response, 42:11.5 (482.3)and humanized midway creatures, among groups of administrators in light and life era, 55:3.17 (626.6)staff of the Planetary Prince, loyalist descendants of the, accomplishment of, 50:4.13 (576.3)physical characteristics of, 66:4.7 (744.6)regarded as the original source of royal blood, 70:6.4 (790.1)utilization of the fruit of the tree of life by, 73:6.4 (826.1)but superhuman beings, the midwayers, 37:9.11 (415.3)Material-mindednessthe world’s long winter of, 176:2.6 (1915.3)Maternalaffection, influence of, on primitive infanticide practices, 68:6.9 (770.6)on woman’s place in industry, 84:5.13 (938.3)impressions, prenatal, and superstition regarding the evil eye, 87:5.5 (962.6)instinct, one source of institutions of self-perpetuation, 69:1.4 (772.7)relative strength of, vs. other motivations, 84:1.7 (932.4)Mathematicalcauses and effects, Conjoint Actor’s integration of, with purposes of the spiritual level, 115:3.14 (1263.1)cosmos, faith-transformed man no longer a slavish part of the, 101:10.8 (1117.2)divorcement of the, from the volitional, first attempted by the violet race and their heirs, 103:6.10 (1136.5)equation, God not a, 12:7.6 (138.1), 102:7.3 (1126.3)facts, likening of the universe to a scientist who classifies, 195:7.22 (2080.7)form of the cosmic discrimination, the causation level, 16:6.6 (192.2), 16:8.16 (195.3)formula, materialism’s view of man as a mere symbol in a, 195:6.8 (2077.4)level of the energy universe, man’s nondiscernment of personality survival in, 101:10.1 (1116.2)of physical cause and effect, and mind’s ability to control energy, 111:6.4 (1222.3)of the presence of the Absolute, and the failure to absonitize one more Master Architect, 31:9.10 (352.3)logic of the senses, recognition of matter-energy by, 16:6.10 (192.6)pride, a possible weakness of the physical scientist, 133:5.4 (1476.6)prodigies, seraphim as, 38:2.3 (419.3)Mathematiciana Master, the necessary cause of the universe of mathematics, 195:6.8 (2077.4)Mathematicsdomain of, function of, to the finite mind, 118:0.11 (1294.11)the field of, 12:9.3 (141.4)inability of, to predict liquid water, 12:9.3 (141.4)insight, and mind logic, need of, 103:7.4 (1138.2)Jesus’ youthful interest in, 123:6.3 (1364.6)the language of, how taught to man, 81:6.10 (907.7)and magic numbers, 88:6.5 (972.5)of the mind, and the life of science, 195:7.20 (2080.5)morontia, a contributor to dimensional values of the morontia level, 112:1.11 (1227.1)reliability of, in application to things physical, 133:5.5 (1476.7)science the thought domain of, 103:7.12 (1139.4)the slavery of, science’s fight for deliverance from, 12:9.5 (141.6)ultimate universe reality not grasped by, 1:7.5 (31.5)Matingbasis of operation, social architects not concerned with, 39:3.6 (432.7)great advance in evolution of, 84:1.8 (932.5)impulse, racial, and perpetuation of the human species, 82:1.8 (914.4)an innate propensity, 84:6.2 (938.6)instinct, the, 82:1.0 (913.4–914.6)self-perpetuation and self-gratification in, 84:0.2 (931.2)Matteratomic organization of, and operation of linear gravity, 42:6.2 (476.4)a characteristic of, 12:8.10 (140.6), 42:7.4 (477.6)classification of, 42:3.0 (471.8–472.11)collapsed, definition, 42:3.12 (472.10)in cosmic evolution, 12:8.15 (140.11)decimal system’s relation to, 42:9.2 (479.7)definition, 0:6.1 (9.3), 12:8.10 (140.6), 42:1.2 (467.4), 42:2.12 (470.3)effect of gravity, heat, and cold on, 15:8.10 (176.5)of internal solar states on, 42:4.8 (473.6)and energy, prerequisite for maintaining equilibrium between, 15:8.4 (175.7)transmutations of, 42:4.0 (472.12–474.4)-energy, reality of, 12:8.15 (140.11)energy contained in each unit of, 15:6.9 (172.11)Father overcontroller of, 1:3.6 (25.6)First Source and Center transcends, 1:7.7 (31.7)formation of, 42:7.1 (477.3)higher spirit forms’ passage through, 44:0.15 (498.6)identicalness of, 42:3.1 (471.8)independence of time of levels of gravity response for, 42:11.4 (482.2)influence of the Conjoint Actor over, 9:1.4 (99.3), 10:3.19 (112.3)inherent energy of, apparent, 42:1.2 (467.4)limitations of, 195:6.12 (2077.8)man’s intellectual approach to the universe of, 56:10.15 (647.6), 103:6.6 (1136.1)mass in, effect of, on energy velocity, 15:8.3 (175.6)mind, and spirit, 12:8.0 (139.4–141.1), 36:6.0 (403.6–404.5)mind’s dominance over, 42:12.15 (484.3), 65:8.5 (740.1)molecular, component units of, 42:3.9 (472.7)one level of the true unity of the universe, 133:5.9 (1477.4)organized, disintegration of, and conversion of energy into matter, 15:8.5 (175.8), 42:6.1 (476.3)origin of, in open space, 15:5.1 (170.4), 42:4.9 (473.7)-permeation, of Orvonton space, by calcium, 41:6.2 (461.6)personality not of origin in, 9:6.4 (104.2)powerlessness of scientists to create, 42:1.4 (468.1)radioactive, disorganizing tendency of heavier elements as, 42:3.11 (472.9)relation of, to energy, 42:3.0 (471.8–472.10), 42:6.1 (476.3)temperature and gravity in evolution of, 42:4.10 (473.8)resting, rule for computing work capacity of, 42:4.11 (474.1)science’s assumption of the reality of, 103:7.11 (1139.3)space traversal by, linear-gravity response affected by, 42:11.5 (482.3)space the womb of some, 11:5.9 (123.2)and spirit, in harmony, on Havona, 116:6.7 (1275.7)swinging true of, to the circle of eternity, 42:4.2 (472.13)transmutation of energy into, 42:1.5 (468.2), 42:4.10 (473.8)types of, in the universe, 42:3.2 (471.9)unification of human experience with, 56:10.15 (647.6)universe, gravity energy the ancestor of, 42:2.12 (470.3)from the viewpoint of personality, 7:1.3 (82.2)visible, component units of, 42:3.9 (472.7)Matthewage of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:7.1 (1559.5)banquet given by, 138:3.2 (1540.5)characteristics of, 139:7.3 (1559.7)death of, 139:7.10 (1560.6)declaration of his love for Jesus by, 138:7.6 (1544.5)the fiscal agent of the apostolic corps, 138:10.6 (1547.6)gratitude of, for his apostleship, 139:7.3 (1559.7)the human Jesus portrayed by, 196:2.3 (2092.1)identification of, 138:2.4 (1539.7), 139:7.1 (1559.5)individualistic

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