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56:9.10 (645.5)contribution of Michaels, Avonals, And Daynals to actualization of, 20:10.4 (233.1)a creative participant in his own deity actualization, 117:3.7 (1282.2)creature’s consciousness of the reality of, 117:6.15 (1290.1)definition, 0:2.15 (4.9), 0:9.4 (13.2), 0:12.4 (16.1), 115:7.3 (1266.4), 118:9.9 (1304.2)discovery of, by all creatures simultaneously, 117:6.21 (1290.7)by ascenders in Havona, 118:2.2 (1296.4)divinity of, and the experience of man and Adjuster, 117:5.11 (1287.2)efforts to comprehend the new revelation of, the philosophical focus of a world in light and life, 55:6.4 (630.7)an experiential Deity, 0:7.9 (11.3), 9:1.6 (99.5), 56:7.8 (643.2), 106:2.4 (1165.1)finaliters’ recognition as personalities of, 117:5.3 (1286.1)the full personalization of, administrative implications of, 25:6.5 (282.3)the function of the Conjoint Actor in the conjoining of the Almighty Supreme and, 115:4.7 (1264.6)future relationship of, with Paradise Deities, 10:7.3 (115.5)growth in knowledge of, during seventh stage of light and life, 56:10.1 (646.2)in Havona, 0:7.7 (11.1), 16:3.19 (188.7), 118:2.2 (1296.4)importance of achievement to, 115:0.1 (1260.1)incomplete actualization of sovereignty of, in present universe age, 31:10.12 (353.8)the indispensable focalizer, summarizer, and encompasser of evolutionary experience, 115:7.6 (1266.7)inevitable on relativity levels, 115:7.6 (1266.7)a manifestation of divine ubiquity, 118:2.3 (1296.5)method of becoming manifest to evolutionary creatures by, 106:1.3 (1164.2), 116:2.14 (1270.11)Michael’s augmentation of the sovereignty of, 119:8.3 (1318.2)ministry of, in human experience, 34:6.2 (380.3)new revelations of, focus on, by worlds advancing in light and life, 55:6.4 (630.7)not the Paradise Trinity, 116:2.14 (1270.11)origin and future of, 0:9.5 (13.3), 56:6.2 (641.3), 115:4.0 (1263.7–1264.6)possible future administration of the seven superuniverses by, 56:7.9 (643.3)future overcontrol of, by the Ultimate, 118:2.4 (1296.6)power-actualizations of, in the doings of the Creator Sons, Ancients of Days, and Master Spirits, 116:2.2 (1269.6)prerequisites to the emergence of, 117:1.2 (1278.6)present-known limits of a creature’s consciousness of the reality of, 117:6.15 (1290.1)probable future headquarters of, 15:14.3 (182.2)reason for, 0:8.10 (12.1), 0:12.2 (15.8), 117:7.7 (1292.1)in relation to the Paradise Trinity, 0:8.10 (12.1), 22:7.11 (251.1), 115:5.0 (1264.7–1265.1), 116:2.2 (1269.6)representation of, by the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme, 55:12.4 (636.5)Seventh Master Spirit revelatory of, 16:3.15 (188.3)spirit nature of, 14:6.23 (161.10), 16:3.15 (188.3), 22:7.11 (251.1), 115:5.1 (1264.7), 116:2.2 (1269.6)spiritual reality of, the central universe source of time-space unity, 26:6.2 (292.2)the Trinity as comprehended by finite creatures, 117:7.7 (1292.1)is truth, beauty, and goodness, 117:1.7 (1279.5)God(s)-the Ultimateputting an actualizing in second place, 0:9.0 (12.4–13.3), 0:12.2 (15.8)the Ultimate, about, 0:9.0 (12.4–13.3)an actualizing Deity, 0:7.1 (10.6), 0:12.2 (15.8)the challenge of, to perfected citizens of time, 27:7.10 (305.3), 117:7.17 (1293.1)effect upon, of unification of Ultimate Trinity, 0:12.6 (16.3)eventuation of, 106:6.2 (1168.1), 115:7.6 (1266.7)an experiential Deity, 0:7.6 (10.11), 9:1.6 (99.5), 104:5.12 (1151.12), 106:6.2 (1168.1)finding, and rediscovery of the eternal God, 56:9.10 (645.5)foreshadowing by, of his overcontrol in age of light and life, 56:7.5 (642.5)God the Supreme’s contribution to, 115:7.6 (1266.7)identity of, 0:2.17 (4.11), 0:9.0 (12.4–13.3), 0:12.6 (16.3), 10:8.2 (116.3), 106:4.2 (1166.5)a member of the Absolute Trinity, 0:12.7 (16.4)and midsoniters’ future endowment with spirit of absonity, 36:4.8 (401.4)as a person, 106:5.2 (1167.3)speculation about the future of, 106:8.19 (1172.4), 118:2.4 (1296.6)a supersupreme eventuation of Deity, 0:9.2 (12.5)transcendental absonite spheres of the domain of, 109:7.3 (1201.4)Transcendentalers’ relation to, 10:8.2 (116.3), 31:8.3 (350.6)vague discernment of ministry of, during seventh stage of light and life, 56:10.1 (646.2)God(s)-and the Universe-as-pattern, the Universal Controller, 105:2.6 (1154.5)attainment, comparative ambition for, in central and outlying universes, 14:2.7 (155.1)the individual’s divine right of, 54:6.4 (619.1)attitude of, toward the total and the individual, 2:6.4 (41.2), 12:7.1 (137.4)the Father, Paradise and central universe created by, 1:2.9 (24.7)and nature, 4:2.0 (56.5–57.5), 101:2.11 (1107.1)nature of, 2:0.0 (33.1–43.6), 2:5.9 (40.1), 3:2.12 (48.4), 4:5.2 (60.1), 6:7.3 (79.3), 97:7.4 (1068.4), 102:4.4 (1123.4), 142:3.9 (1599.1), 182:1.26 (1965.20)relation of, to a local universe, 32:4.0 (362.5–364.2)to the universe, 0:7.1 (10.6), 4:0.0 (54.1–61.1)rule of, on a planet, the actuality of, 118:10.17 (1306.6)and the universe, not identical, 102:7.1 (1126.1)Godadpossible influence of, on Gautama, 94:7.4 (1035.4)Godheadsdifferences between, 5:3.1 (65.3)proof of the possession of personality by all three of the, 161:1.7 (1784.4)Godlikeimportance of the human desire to be, 110:3.2 (1205.6), 160:1.12 (1774.4)Jesus’ desire to make all men, 140:8.18 (1581.5)striving to be, a continuous effort, 103:5.7 (1134.5)Godlikenessa definition, 12:8.5 (140.1), 28:6.22 (317.3), 44:7.4 (507.5)Goingapart by himself, purpose of Jesus’, 160:1.11 (1774.3)into Jerusalem, Jesus’, 172:0.0 (1878.1–1887.1)through Samaria, Jesus’, 143:0.0 (1607.1–1616.11)Gold-bearing quartz, of the Sierras, origin of, 60:3.3 (689.2)draining away of, a factor in the decline of the Roman Empire, 195:3.9 (2074.4)the first metal to be sought by man, 81:3.5 (904.1)images of, no longer likely to be confused with the Creator Father, 142:4.3 (1600.4)in the temple, Jesus’ denunciation of dishonest teaching about, 175:1.16 (1907.8)travel by modern man in quest of, 63:5.6 (715.6)Goldenage(s), approach of, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.5 (599.1)basis for legend of the, 68:1.7 (764.3), 89:2.3 (975.7)of exploration, the post-Adamic dispensation usually a, 52:3.6 (593.5)of the home, dawn of, 52:2.7 (591.7)hypothesis of a onetime, and the theory of the fall of man, 74:8.13 (838.5)of light and life, about, 55:3.0 (624.7–626.11)of mammals, 61:3.4 (696.8)a myth, 68:1.7 (764.3), 74:8.14 (838.6), 89:2.3 (975.7)of primitive man, the days of Onagar, 63:6.9 (717.1)calf, Aaron and the, Peter’s sermon on, 146:1.1 (1637.3)a symbol of Yahweh to the Bedouin tribes, 96:1.12 (1054.2), 96:4.3 (1056.5)rule, ability of ethical and moral beings to live in accordance with, 50:5.8 (577.3)brotherly love as fulfillment of the, 140:5.1 (1573.3)the civil codes of the, one of the seven heads of the Garden’s laws, 74:7.18 (836.7)compatibility of practice of the, with defense of society against exploitation, 71:4.16 (804.16)a definition, 101:5.11 (1111.1)desire of men to practice the, in a social order of genuine brotherhood, 71:4.16 (804.16)different levels of human recognition of the, 180:5.6 (1950.1)faith and the religionist’s living of the, 101:8.4 (1115.1)function of "birthday text" of Jewish pupils as a, for their studies, 123:5.11 (1363.4)highest interpretation of the, true cosmic meaning of, how revealed, 180:5.8 (1950.3)of human fairness, opposition of, to deprivation of other beings’ liberties, 54:1.8 (614.3)instruction in the, by the western schools of the Garden, 74:7.5 (835.8)Jesus’ positive restatement of the, 140:10.5 (1585.3), 159:5.16 (1770.8)response to Nathaniel’s question about interpreting the, 147:4.0 (1650.2–1651.4)literal interpretation of the, possible negative consequences of, 180:5.5 (1949.7)misinterpretation of the, and the worship of animals, 85:3.4 (946.6)necessity of spiritual insight for living the, 52:6.5 (597.6)not properly understood as a dogma or precept, 180:5.11 (1950.6)possibilities of practical application of, in postbestowal Son age, 52:5.8 (596.6)realization of true meaning of the, by mortals, results, 180:5.8 (1950.3)teaching of the, to the early Andonites, 70:1.2 (783.5)a vital factor in Jesus’ religion, 196:2.10 (2093.4)GolgothaJesus’ and his executioners’ journey to, 187:1.0 (2004.5–2006.4)relation of time of Jesus’ arrival at, and Mary’s arrival in Jerusalem, 186:0.2 (1997.2)GoliathDavid and, as tribal duelists, 70:1.19 (785.2)vs. Moses, 140:5.16 (1575.1)Gomorrahdestruction of, time of, and Melchizedek’s departure, 93:8.1 (1022.3)Sodom and, fact and fiction relating to, 93:6.7 (1021.3)Gonodattempt of, to persuade Jesus to go to India, 130:0.7 (1427.7), 130:5.2 (1436.3)business activities of, in Alexandria, 130:3.4 (1432.4), 130:3.9

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