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(371.5)physical records of, 25:2.9 (276.2)seizure of, by constellation government at time of rebellion, 53:7.14 (609.2)the three branches of, 15:12.1 (180.2), 70:5.3 (789.1), 70:5.9 (789.7), 70:12.1 (797.13), 70:12.5 (798.4), 71:8.1 (806.14), 71:8.3 (806.16), 72:2.3 (809.4), 72:4.5 (812.7), 114:5.1 (1254.1)tribal, red man’s early development of, 64:6.3 (723.2)on Urantia, perfection of, factors involved in, 70:12.20 (799.1)Governmentalsupervision, lessening of, during postbestowal Son era, 52:5.10 (597.1)Governor(s)acting, presence of an, on each of the seven mansion worlds, 47:0.4 (530.4)of advanced tribal relations, Tut’s Dalamatia council as, 66:5.28 (748.9)among the nations, God is, 131:2.5 (1444.5)boards of, rule of the synagogues of Palestine by, 154:2.1 (1718.2)constitutional tribunals acting as, preventing misuse of engines of representative government, 70:12.19 (798.18)energy, function of unclassified power centers as, 29:2.19 (322.3)general, presence of, as partial compensation for absence of Planetary Prince, 114:5.3 (1254.3)probable superseding of plan of sending one of twenty-four counselors to act as, 114:1.3 (1251.2)resident, about, 114:3.0 (1252.5–1253.3)assertion by a Vorondadek observer of authority in the presence of the, 109:7.7 (1201.8)cabinet of the, individuals constituting, 114:5.6 (1254.6), 114:6.2 (1255.1)execution of mandates of, by angels and midwayers, 114:0.3 (1250.3)frequency of designation of one of the Jerusem corps of planetary supervisors to serve as, 114:3.1 (1252.5)nature of authority in management of world affairs of, 114:3.2 (1252.6)one of the Jerusem council of twenty-four always on Urantia as the, 114:1.1 (1250.12)the present, opinion of, concerning possible time of release of twenty-four Urantia counselors, 114:2.6 (1252.4)representation of Salvington and Jerusem by, 114:3.5 (1253.3)supervision of Urantia by, notwithstanding that there is a vicegerent Planetary Prince, 45:4.16 (514.6), 114:1.2 (1251.1)time of term of Machiventa Melchizedek as, 93:10.10 (1025.6)Vevona currently attached to the staff of, 39:5.5 (437.4)returning, system office held by, 114:3.4 (1253.2)seraphim arriving on Urantia with the first, 114:6.1 (1254.7)general of isolated worlds, participation of, in the system council of world rulers, 45:2.4 (511.4)of Urantia, attendance of, at daily conference, 114:5.5 (1254.5)functions of the, 114:3.3 (1253.1), 114:5.2 (1254.2), 114:6.17 (1256.7)nature of office of, 114:5.1 (1254.1)past service of 1- 2- 3 the first as, 77:9.5 (866.4)regarded as planetary fathers by the midwayers, 114:3.2 (1252.6)the imperial, of Syria, residence of, 133:8.1 (1480.6)of the Jews, Pilate’s failure to comprehend his task as, 185:1.1 (1987.5)of Judea, evil doings of, 135:3.4 (1498.3)year Pontius Pilate began his rule as, 136:2.8 (1512.4)palace of the, at Caesarea, visit of Jesus, Ganid, and Gonod to the, 130:2.1 (1429.3)residence of the, Joseph fatally injured while at work on the, 126:2.1 (1388.1)Roman, consent of, required to legally execute death sentence, 184:3.13 (1983.5)custom of, to allow pardoning of a condemned man at Passover, 185:5.2 (1993.2)and rulers, Jesus’ warning to followers of being brought up before, 140:9.3 (1584.2), 176:1.1 (1912.3)state, in the continental nation, election of, 72:2.1 (809.2)functions of, 72:2.1 (809.2), 72:7.14 (816.5), 72:9.3 (817.7)time, of liberation, by-passing of, the iniquity of Lucifer and Caligastia, 118:8.7 (1302.4), 118:8.9 (1302.6)Graceadmixture of elements of, in acquiring of creature perfection, 32:3.9 (361.4)and beauty, reproduction of, vs. idolatry, 142:4.2 (1600.3)ceaseless progression in, the nature of life in the Father’s eternal creation, 181:1.2 (1953.4)and charm, woman’s new world of, 84:5.8 (937.5)entry of the child of God into, by the Father’s will, 144:4.3 (1621.2)of God, eventual ushering in of the advent of Trinity Teacher Sons by the, 52:7.14 (600.3)God’s saving, Jesus’ effort to help his apostles sense, 138:8.8 (1545.9)growth by, to spiritual adulthood, the Father’s requirement of kingdom entrants, 193:2.2 (2054.3)man’s fellowship by, 143:2.6 (1610.1)the means by which man receives sonship, 144:4.3 (1621.2)of personality, Jesus’ possession of, consequence, 137:7.2 (1534.1)of Salvation, Jesus’ talk on the, 169:1.0 (1850.8–1853.3)and truth, Jesus’ fullness of, 171:7.1 (1874.4)Gracefulnesscultivation of, 171:7.1 (1874.4)Graciousnessa definition of, 171:7.1 (1874.4)of the Eternal Son’s bidding, 6:8.8 (80.5)of God, 1:3.8 (26.2), 1:4.6 (27.1), 2:4.1 (38.1), 2:6.3 (41.1), 4:3.2 (57.7), 6:3.4 (75.9), 96:7.7 (1060.7), 126:4.3 (1392.1), 131:2.3 (1444.3), 131:4.6 (1449.1)of God’s kindness, 131:4.3 (1448.2)love, 144:5.66 (1623.15)promises, 150:8.6 (1685.4)will, 143:2.4 (1609.5)of Jesus, 129:1.9 (1420.6), 132:0.1 (1455.1), 164:2.3 (1810.5), 171:8.14 (1877.2)of Jesus’ words, 137:7.2 (1534.1), 141:7.15 (1595.1), 149:2.14 (1672.3), 150:5.4 (1683.1), 171:7.1 (1874.4)of Morontia Companions as hosts, 25:7.1 (282.5), 48:3.10 (546.3)of Paradise Citizens, 25:8.3 (283.4)of Paradise-origin ministers, 37:4.2 (409.7)in preaching, lack of, among Jesus’ followers, consequences, 95:7.3 (1051.1)of the present head of Satania, 45:2.3 (511.3)Gradantdecimal-system, build-up of the, 46:1.2 (519.3)Graduate Guide(s)about, 24:6.0 (269.5–270.7)admission of ascendant pilgrims to final Havona circle on orders of, 26:10.7 (296.3)affection of Havona Servitals for, 24:7.7 (271.6), 25:1.6 (274.3)assistants of, 25:1.5 (274.2)chief of supreme council of, 24:6.4 (270.2)connection of Supreme Being with creation of, 24:7.9 (271.8)differentiation between supremacy guides and, 26:6.1 (292.1)function of, 24:6.0 (269.5–270.7), 25:1.5 (274.2), 26:6.1 (292.1)Havona residents, 24:0.10 (264.10), 24:6.9 (270.7)length of association of, with pilgrims of time, 24:6.3 (270.1)member of the transit trio, 26:7.4 (293.2)newly created, training of, by senior guides, 25:1.5 (274.2)origin of, 24:7.0 (270.8–271.8)reason for name, 24:6.1 (269.5)Graduatesmansion world, spirit companions of, 39:4.17 (436.3)Graduatingexercises, comparison of Adjuster-fusion ceremonies to, 55:2.6 (623.6)Graduationto Edentia, from constellation training worlds, 43:9.1 (495.3)exercises of planetary schools of cosmic philosophy, morontia temple the venue for, 55:1.4 (622.4)to Jerusem, class formation for, on seventh mansion world, 47:9.3 (538.8)of Jesus, from synagogue school, at twelve, 123:5.2 (1362.3)from mansion worlds, denomination of ascending mortals from the time of, 48:8.1 (557.16)of mortals from time to eternity, certainty of, 25:1.7 (274.4)from synagogue schools of Jesus’ time, normal age of, 123:5.11 (1363.4)Graingrinding of, in Jesus’ childhood home, 122:6.2 (1350.1)harvest, Jesus’ boyhood experience of, 124:1.11 (1367.7)of mustard seed, gospel’s comparison with a, 178:1.15 (1931.6)kingdom likened to a, by Jesus, 151:4.2 (1693.8)plucking of, by the roadside, and accusation of Jesus and the apostles of Sabbath-breaking by Pharisees, 147:6.4 (1654.3)sprouting, superstitious and religious significance of, 85:2.2 (945.5)throwing of, upon newlyweds, ancient custom of, 83:4.5 (925.1)and vegetables, cultivation of, by island migrants, 80:7.9 (896.1)Grandassembly of Michael, of Paul’s vision, 47:10.3 (539.5)and awful times of creative expansion, 8:1.8 (91.5)Canyon of the Colorado River, ease of interpretation of ancient fossil-bearing rocks in the, 58:7.5 (670.7)Lama, in Tibet, 94:10.2 (1038.6)universers, future achievement of living of the will of God by, results, 117:0.2 (1278.2)Grand universeactivities of Trinity Teacher Sons in the, 7:6.6 (88.4)affairs, personalities concerned in administrative co-ordination of, 24:5.5 (269.4)and Almighty Supreme, 0:7.7 (11.1)angelic destination of, 39:8.7 (441.1)ascension and descension activities in the, 0:2.16 (4.10)assignment of omniaphim to, 28:2.1 (307.1)astronomical paralleling of administrative subdivisions of, 41:0.2 (455.2)attainment of light and life by the, at the end of the present universe age, 106:0.3 (1162.3)attitude toward Mystery Monitors in the, 107:1.1 (1177.2)beings concerned with energy regulation, in the, 29:0.5 (319.5)celestial artisans’ distribution throughout the, 44:0.1 (497.1)Census Directors’ awareness of birth of will in the, 24:2.2 (266.8)conciliators’ distribution in the, 25:3.15 (278.6)constitution and government of the, 15:2.2 (166.1)cosmic-mind circuits of, equalization and stabilization of, 13:4.3 (150.2)counterclockwise revolution of, about the central universe, 12:4.15 (134.4)Creator divinities of the, 0:8.10 (12.1), 22:7.11 (251.1), 56:6.2 (641.3)definition, 0:0.6 (1.6), 12:1.13 (129.11), 15:2.2 (166.1), 42:2.14 (470.5), 55:12.5 (636.6)distribution of mind to the, by the Seven Master Spirits, 9:4.3 (102.3)divinity, experiential unification of, in God the Supreme, 44:5.5 (505.2)encirclement of, by presence of the Paradise Deities, 29:4.3 (324.5)Eternal Son’s total spirit gravity functioning in the, at present, 12:3.9 (132.3)and evolution of Supreme Being, 0:8.10 (12.1), 106:2.1 (1164.4)field of activity of Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, 24:0.2 (264.2)of function of Supreme Power Centers, 29:1.1 (320.1)of Supreme Power Directors, 29:1.1 (320.1)of service of Sons of Attainment and Selection, 22:1.10–11 (244.1–2)finaliters’ experience in all seven segments of, 40:10.6 (453.1)function of Supreme Trinity Personalities in the, 18:0.10 (207.10)universal

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