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Corinth, 133:4.14 (1476.2)in Joppa, 130:1.1 (1428.1)in Naples, 130:8.4 (1440.4)in Rome, 132:0.2 (1455.2)carrying of greetings from princes of India to Roman emperor by, 132:0.1 (1455.1)farewell of, to Jesus, 133:9.4 (1481.6)identification of, 130:0.6 (1427.6)Jesus’ talk with, on religion, effect, 130:5.2 (1436.3)reaction of, to Jesus’ message to man mistreating his wife, 133:2.3 (1471.2)recognition of Jesus as a philosopher by, 132:6.3 (1465.7)travels of, to China, 130:0.6 (1427.6)Goodall things work together for, 48:4.7 (548.2), 54:4.7 (616.6)and bad spirit ghosts, 87:4.0 (961.2–962.1)beautiful, and true, God the source of the, 130:2.7 (1431.2)cheer, dispensing of, by Jesus and Ganid in Naples, 130:8.5 (1441.1)gospel message of, 142:2.2 (1597.2), 147:3.2 (1649.2)Jesus’ approval of social, 138:3.6 (1540.9)exhortation to be of, 100:7.9 (1102.6), 137:1.6 (1525.3), 152:4.2 (1703.2), 153:5.4 (1715.4), 158:1.6 (1753.2), 181:1.6 (1954.3)spreading of, 130:8.5 (1441.1), 138:8.9 (1545.10), 147:3.2 (1649.2), 171:7.0 (1874.4–1875.5)spiritual, common people’s hunger for, 138:2.1 (1539.4)choice of, by Havona inhabitants, 3:5.16 (52.2)deeds, instruction to the apostles regarding doing, 140:6.11 (1577.5)a definition, 75:4.3 (842.5), 102:3.15 (1122.11)and evil, ability of imperfect beings to choose between, and sin potential, 54:0.2 (613.2)choosing between, 16:7.6 (193.5), 97:8.3 (1071.1), 108:2.2 (1187.1), 153:1.3 (1708.2), 196:3.17 (2095.1)concept of, as cosmic co-ordinates, 87:4.7 (962.1)concurrent existence of, reason for, 130:1.6 (1429.2)Eve’s consent to practice, 75:4.3 (842.5)evil as a stimulant in the choice between, 55:3.10 (625.9)God’s ability to see both, 131:5.2 (1450.1)influence of Persian ideas of, on Christian church, 170:5.3 (1864.3)Jesus’ discussion of, with Gadiah, 130:1.5 (1429.1)with Mardus, 132:2.0 (1457.4–1458.7)Jews’ belief in Yahweh’s creation of, 142:3.9 (1599.1), 156:5.4 (1738.3)necessity of causes for, 131:9.3 (1453.1)sun shines on both, 140:3.16 (1571.3)Zoroastrianism’s beliefs regarding, 95:6.5 (1050.1)for evil, attitude of fatherly love toward returning, 140:5.24 (1575.9)Jesus’ admonition to return, 140:6.9 (1577.3), 159:5.14 (1770.6)or evil, man’s ability to choose, a universe reality, 54:3.1 (615.3)over evil, in Persian concept of a divine kingdom, 170:1.6 (1858.8)experience, characteristics of a, 132:2.5 (1458.2)fight of faith, the reward of the, 166:3.4 (1829.1)fruit(s), and good trees, 135:6.7 (1502.5), 140:3.19 (1571.6), 153:4.4 (1714.3)of improved moral conduct, source of, 170:2.18 (1860.13)humor, inspiration of Jesus’, 159:3.10 (1766.6), 172:2.5 (1880.6)Jesus’ exaltation of the, 127:4.2 (1401.2)Jesus went about doing, 159:5.10 (1770.2), 171:7.9 (1875.4)kingdom of, vs. kingdom of God, 2:5.12 (40.4)luck, about, 86:1.0 (950.3–951.2)association of, with good spirits, 86:6.4 (955.9)definition, 86:1.3 (950.5)man’s efforts to win, 87:6.2 (964.1)often really bad luck, 118:10.9 (1305.4)omens of, denounced by Jesus as superstition, 150:3.8 (1681.3)as sign to tribal man that ghosts are pleased, 87:4.1 (961.2)still believed in by some civilized people, 88:6.7 (972.7)why feared by savages, 86:1.2 (950.4)see also Luck, good and badnews, believers’ commission to preach the, 178:1.16 (1932.1), 193:0.4 (2052.4), 193:1.2 (2053.4)a definition, 140:10.7 (1585.5), 140:10.9 (1585.7), 141:6.2 (1592.4), 142:3.8 (1598.9), 143:1.7 (1608.4), 143:6.6 (1616.2), 165:3.8 (1820.7), 181:2.12 (1957.2), 191:5.3 (2043.1), 193:1.2 (2053.4)gospel of the, nondependence of, on death of Jesus, 186:5.4 (2002.5)Jesus’ prediction that the apostles will bravely go forth to proclaim the, 191:5.3 (2043.1)promise to be with those who spread the, 193:1.2 (2053.4)rejoicing in the future spread of the, 163:6.3 (1807.2)of the kingdom, comfort of, to the sick, 141:8.2 (1595.3)the morontia Jesus’ direction to Peter about carrying the, 191:1.2 (2039.2)people’s unpreparedness to receive from Jesus the, 137:8.18 (1537.5), 145:5.6 (1635.5)preaching of, beyond the Euphrates, 146:1.4 (1637.6)spread of, assured without Jesus’ presence, 163:6.3 (1807.2)transforming, of Jesus’ message, 159:3.10 (1766.6)night, to his apostles, Jesus’ last, 177:5.6 (1928.3)no act of, wholly lost, 48:6.7 (552.5)overcoming evil with, believers equipped for, post-Pentecost, 194:3.12 (2064.4)in Buddhist scriptures, 131:3.6 (1447.3)Jesus’ advice to Anaxand about, 130:2.4 (1430.2)admonition to apostles and evangelists about, 156:5.5 (1738.4)positive standard of, 159:5.10 (1770.2), 159:5.14 (1770.6)victory of the soul achieved by, 133:7.12 (1480.4)the real is the, and the good is the real, 102:3.15 (1122.11)Samaritan, and the neighborliness of man, 169:1.16 (1853.3)parable of the, 164:1.0 (1809.3–1810.2)Shepherd of the human flocks, God the, 131:4.4 (1448.3)Jesus’ declaration that he is the, 182:1.16 (1965.10)parable of the, 159:1.2 (1762.4), 169:1.2 (1850.9)sermon on the, 165:2.0 (1818.2–1819.8)standards of, relation of, to contemporary religious practices and traditions, 132:2.2 (1457.5)tidings of the kingdom, the preaching of, 136:0.2 (1509.2), 137:5.4 (1532.2), 137:7.13 (1535.5), 145:5.7 (1635.6)the truly, power of, vs. that of the most malignant evil, 159:5.10 (1770.2)the ultimate, derivation of, from time-limited evil, 54:6.10 (620.2)unconsciousness of the highest forms of, 170:3.9 (1862.6)will to all men, gospel’s message of, 142:2.2 (1597.2)among all men, the one way of realizing, 134:6.13 (1491.7)buoyance of, of Jesus and his followers, to be known by future generations, 159:3.10 (1766.6)of the early believers, basis of, 194:3.11 (2064.3), 194:4.6 (2067.1)of multitudes, no longer to be depended on by gospel preachers, 180:0.2 (1944.2)Goodnessof the Adjuster, the mortal’s possible consciousness of the, 109:5.2 (1199.3)appreciation of, 3:5.16 (52.2)attainment of, through grace, 28:6.22 (317.3)attractiveness of, importance of, 171:7.2 (1874.5)beauty, and truth, God the culmination of one’s pursuit of, 132:2.5 (1458.2), 195:6.17 (2078.3)choice of, in spiritual evolution, 132:3.8 (1460.1)a comprehensible element of Deity, 8:2.7 (93.1), 56:10.2 (646.3)a definition, 3:6.2 (52.5), 55:3.5 (625.4), 56:10.12 (647.3)divine, discernment of, as the ultimate beauty, 2:7.8 (43.1)equality of Father and Son in, 6:2.8 (75.5)exhibition of, by personalities of the Infinite Spirit, 56:10.17 (647.8)functioning of God-knowing souls on high level of, result, 132:3.8 (1460.1)perfection of, ability of mortals to discern, 4:3.6 (58.4)personality essential to understanding of, 1:7.3 (31.3)progressive knowledge of, in the morontia state, 101:5.13 (1111.3)pursuit of concepts of, results of, 28:6.22 (317.3)eternal, confidence the eventual triumph of, assured by faith, 140:8.8 (1580.3)eternal potency of, degree of, 48:6.7 (552.5)an evaluation of the quality of, in spirit personalities, 132:2.9 (1458.6)a factor in love, 140:8.31 (1583.5)a fruit of the spirit, 34:6.13 (381.7), 193:2.2 (2054.3)of God, about, 2:6.0 (40.5–42.1)abundance of, 131:2.3 (1444.3)encompassment of all souls by the, 131:1.5 (1443.1)the final, and the standard set by Jesus for human life, 141:7.9 (1594.3)greatest evidence of the, 2:5.5 (39.4)greatness and reality of the, consequences, 130:1.5 (1429.1)man’s joy in the, 14:4.13 (157.5)and man’s repentance, 48:6.8 (552.6), 131:10.4 (1454.1), 143:2.7 (1610.2), 149:6.4 (1675.5)significance of man’s distrusting the, 101:1.7 (1105.4)sublime trust in the, 101:3.6 (1108.5)God shares his, 4:4.4 (58.9)and greatness, nondivorceability of, 28:6.21 (317.2)the Hebrews’ emphasis on, 5:4.6 (67.4), 92:6.17 (1011.15), 191:5.3 (2043.1)human satisfaction in the partial attainment of, 132:2.8 (1458.5)infinite, a true spirit value, 4:3.6 (58.4), 180:5.9 (1950.4)inherent in Havona personalities, 3:5.16 (52.2)Jesus’ love for, 161:2.6 (1786.1)law of the conservation and dominance of, proclaimed on mansion worlds, 48:6.7 (552.5)and limitation of God’s power, 3:2.12 (48.4)a machine’s inability to cherish, 195:6.11 (2077.7)man’s ascent to, by spiritual love, 103:9.10 (1142.1)mastery of evil by the power of, 130:2.4 (1430.2)mercy springs from, 2:4.4 (38.4)the ministry of personalities composing the Trinity, 10:6.2 (114.3)one reverences, 101:8.1 (1114.5)only attractive when gracious, 171:7.2 (1874.5)origin of, in the Father, 8:2.7 (93.1)positive, vs. negative potential evil, 132:2.7 (1458.4), 188:5.2 (2018.1)quality of Jesus’, 140:8.32 (1583.6)a quest on pre-Paradise levels, 132:2.8 (1458.5)recognition of, vs. possession of, 56:10.12 (647.3)relation of, to health, sanity, happiness, 2:7.11 (43.4)to truth and beauty, 44:7.2 (507.3)and the relation of divinity reality to finite man, 1:4.5 (26.7), 56:10.20 (648.3)relation of love to, 5:4.6 (67.4)stabilizing influence of, 2:7.12 (43.5)true, the unconsciousness of, 131:8.5 (1452.3), 140:8.26 (1582.7)truth, beauty, and, 56:10.0 (646.2–648.4)experiential blending of, and Godlikeness, 44:7.4 (507.5)God the Supreme as, 117:1.7 (1279.5)values of divinity, a definition, 56:10.18 (648.1)worship of, and mortals’

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