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196:3.35 (2097.3)man’s sometime first experience of, 103:2.4 (1131.3), 193:0.3 (2052.3), 196:3.23 (2095.7)morality a prerequisite to, 196:3.25 (2096.1)mortal, and Thought Adjusters, 1:2.4 (24.2), 2:1.7 (34.6)and mortal perfection, 1:0.5 (22.2)mysticism and, 91:7.1 (1000.2)no word in human language for, 103:1.6 (1130.5)prayer as a spontaneous outburst of, 91:8.10 (1002.2)and proof of existence of God, 1:2.8 (24.6)relation of cosmology to, 56:10.8 (646.9)spiritual awareness of, possible gradual growth of a, 100:5.3 (1099.1)three levels of realization of, 5:5.11 (69.6)desire to know, a prerequisite to spiritual progress, 100:2.1 (1095.5)-knowing, ascenders’ self-consciousness of, 47:6.3 (536.4)assurances of eternal life already received by those who are, 176:3.2 (1916.2)faith described as, 101:8.2 (1114.6)-knowing beings, character of working of all things to, 54:4.7 (616.6)believers, duty of service to the brotherhood of, 178:1.5 (1930.2)increasing experience of socialization in the kingdom by, 184:4.6 (1985.1)career, man’s, and Jesus’ God-revealing bestowal, 193:0.3 (2052.3)creatures, God is the Father of all, 56:4.4 (640.3)supreme ambition of, 1:0.3 (21.3)experience, the finality of, identification, 196:3.3 (2094.2)individual, constant elevation of wisdom by the, 180:5.4 (1949.6)need of faith to become a, 102:6.5 (1124.7)leaders of the past, error to avoid while honoring, 155:6.7 (1731.5)man(men), the apostles all, 143:1.7 (1608.4)enabled by faith to bridge gulf between logic and the soul, 196:3.1 (2093.6)heroism of the, 143:1.7 (1608.4)and his spiritual experiences, 1:6.6 (30.5), 44:7.4 (507.5)men and women who have been born of the Spirit, and absence of conflict with mortal nature, 34:7.7 (383.1)mortal(s), attempts of, to communicate with the indwelling spirit, results, 133:4.10 (1475.3)craving of, to be finaliters, 14:6.39 (163.1)the Father’s and the Supreme’s aid to every, 117:6.27 (1291.4)and fruits of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)mind, the soul’s creation by the Thought Adjuster and the, 86:5.2 (954.1), 108:5.4 (1191.5)personality, unity of truth, beauty, and goodness, in the experience of the, 196:3.24 (2095.8)religionist, vs. the unbeliever, 103:8.5 (1140.5)soul(s), courage of the, to say, "I know," despite the unbelievers’ opposition, 102:6.5 (1124.7)spiritual influences experienced by, augmentation of, by the Spirit of Truth, 194:2.10 (2061.8)spiritualizing mortal, the partnership between the God-revealing Adjuster and the, 107:6.3 (1182.5)truth lovers, function of the golden rule in the kingdom of, 180:5.7 (1950.2)-knowingness, definition, 5:5.12 (69.7), 16:9.7 (196.3), 56:9.13 (645.8), 180:5.9 (1950.4)two demonstrations of, 155:6.14 (1733.2)proof of one’s knowing, 102:1.5 (1119.4), 131:1.6 (1443.2)recognition of the reality of, and advancement of civilization, 195:10.7 (2084.7)God(s)-and Manalone, to be worshiped, 101:8.1 (1114.5)approachability of, 5:1.8 (63.6)attitude of the, toward early evolutionary man, 40:5.11 (446.2)each soul a separate individual before, 140:8.26 (1582.7)as a Father, in appellations of many worlds, 1:1.5 (23.2)discoverability of, by individuals, 117:6.16 (1290.2)God loves not like a father, but, 2:6.4 (41.2)Jesus’ emphasis on concept of, to the individual, 141:4.1 (1590.4)man’s highest concept of God, 115:1.2 (1260.3)one of Jesus’ only two teachings about God, 169:4.11 (1857.2)personality bestowal the parental act of, 30:1.99 (333.7)precedence of, over all Deity phases, in dealing with humanity, 54:6.2 (618.5)a truth established by the cross of Jesus, 188:5.1 (2017.9)the Father, coherence of mortals in, through the Thought Adjusters, 2:7.7 (42.8)fellowship of the individual believer with, 170:3.9 (1862.6)our Paradise parent, 56:4.5 (60.4)and prayer, 5:3.4 (65.6)as a Father-friend, Jesus’ teaching that men should see, 143:6.4 (1615.5)first loved us, 131:1.7 (1443.3)the highest objective reality, man’s contact with, 196:3.21 (2095.5)subjective religious experience and, 103:9.5 (1141.3)universe value, man’s becoming a value able to seek, 112:7.6 (1238.1)is our refuge and strength, 131:2.3 (1444.3)and man, religion’s purpose to blend, 101:10.5 (1116.6)tensions between, how equalized, 0:11.13 (15.3)and man are directly related, 108:2.4 (1187.3)man worships, 5:3.5 (66.1), 169:4.13 (1857.4), 178:1.3 (1929.4)man’s choicest gift to, the dedication of the human will, 1:1.2 (22.5)and men need each other, 195:10.3 (2084.3)no respecter of persons, races, or nations, 156:2.4 (1736.1), 175:2.3 (1909.3)presence of, 0:8.9 (11.13), 1:2.3 (24.1), 5:2.0 (64.4–65.2), 8:5.0 (95.4–96.2), 131:2.4 (1444.4), 133:4.5 (1474.5), 155:6.16 (1733.4)in religion, 5:4.0 (66.5–68.3)rule of, within the hearts of men, the kingdom of heaven, 141:2.1 (1588.4)seen by man through religion, results, 102:2.8 (1121.1)in other religions, vs. character as found in "our religion," 131:10.8 (1454.5)worship of, effects of, vs. those of prayer, 102:4.5 (1123.5)reasons for, 16:9.14 (196.10)in spirit and in truth, by sincere worshipers, 143:5.6 (1613.4)God(s)-Nature and Attributesability of, to see both good and evil, 131:5.2 (1450.1)of all comfort, 2:4.1 (38.1), 148:6.11 (1664.3)attributes of, 1:3.8 (26.2), 1:7.3 (31.3), 2:5.10 (40.2), 3:0.0 (44.1–53.7), 131:1.2 (1442.4), 131:4.2 (1448.1), 161:1.1 (1783.3)cannot do the ungodlike thing, 118:5.1 (1299.1)wrong, 108:0.2 (1185.2)changeless, 1:7.4 (31.4), 2:2.3 (36.1), 4:3.0 (57.6–58.5), 4:4.1 (58.6), 12:7.5 (137.8), 19:6.8 (222.4)characteristics of, 1:3.0 (25.1–26.2), 1:5.0 (27.3–29.6), 2:0.0 (33.1–43.6), 4:4.1 (58.6), 5:4.10–13 (67.8–68.1), 12:7.6 (138.1), 131:4.2 (1448.1), 149:6.5 (1675.6)as a comforter, 131:4.5 (1448.4)everywhereness of, 3:1.0 (44.4–46.4), 118:2.0 (1296.3–1297.1)is existential, 117:6.21 (1290.7)the first truth and last fact, 102:6.6 (1125.1)forgiveness of, 2:4.2 (38.2), 131:1.8 (1443.4), 159:1.0 (1762.3–1764.2), 170:3.3 (1861.10)free will of, 0:3.24 (6.4), 0:4.10 (7.8), 2:4.3 (38.3), 3:1.2 (44.5)goodness of, 1:3.8 (26.2), 2:5.7 (39.6), 2:6.0 (40.5–42.1), 2:7.9 (43.2), 14:4.13 (157.5), 28:6.21 (317.2), 48:6.8 (552.6), 101:3.6 (1108.5), 130:1.5 (1429.1), 131:1.5 (1443.1), 131:2.3 (1444.3), 131:10.4 (1454.1), 143:2.7 (1610.2), 149:6.4 (1675.5), 150:5.5 (1683.2)greatness of, 2:1.1 (33.4), 2:2.1 (35.5), 2:5.7 (39.6), 3:1.2 (44.5), 5:0.1 (62.1), 28:6.21 (317.2), 97:1.10 (1064.1), 131:2.2 (1444.2)have attributes but the Trinity has functions, 104:2.4 (1145.5), 104:3.17 (1147.9), 118:10.4 (1304.6)immanence and transcendence of, 5:5.6 (69.1)impartiality of love of, for his creatures, 40:10.13 (454.2)is absolute truth, 102:6.6 (1125.1)energy, 3:2.3 (47.1)love, 1:3.8 (26.2), 2:5.1 (38.6), 3:4.7 (50.5), 6:3.1 (75.6), 8:4.2 (94.4), 54:4.6 (616.5), 56:10.20 (648.3), 105:2.6 (1154.5), 130:1.5 (1429.1), 134:4.1 (1486.4), 160:5.11 (1782.2)no respecter of persons, 1:4.6 (27.1), 2:3.1 (36.6), 12:7.8 (138.3), 133:0.3 (1468.3), 143:1.5 (1608.2), 148:6.2 (1662.4), 166:4.11 (1831.2), 181:2.14 (1958.1), 192:2.2 (2047.6)one, 56:3.0 (639.1–6), 56:3.1 (639.1), 131:4.2 (1448.1)spirit, 0:8.9 (11.13), 1:3.0 (25.1–26.2), 1:6.8 (30.7), 6:1.2 (74.1), 6:2.6 (75.3), 8:2.3 (92.4), 9:2.1 (100.3), 12:8.1 (139.4), 12:8.14 (140.10), 30:1.113 (334.7), 56:3.3 (639.3), 103:7.1 (1137.6), 130:4.7 (1434.6), 134:4.2 (1486.5), 143:5.6 (1613.4), 160:5.11 (1782.2), 169:4.2 (1855.3), 169:4.6 (1856.4), 169:4.11 (1857.2)limitlessness of, 3:4.0 (49.5–50.5)love of, about, 2:5.0 (38.6–40.4)for the individual, mercy characteristic of, 12:7.1 (137.4)of love, belief of the religionist of faith in a, 5:5.3 (68.6)Hosea’s resurrection of the concept of a, 97:4.5 (1066.2)Isaiah the second’s proclamation of a, 97:7.12 (1070.1)Jesus’ declaration that his Father is a, 143:1.6 (1608.3)revelation of a, significance, 5:4.6 (67.4)omnipotent, but not omnificent, 118:6.1 (1299.4)presence of, 3:1.3 (45.1), 3:2.15 (48.7), 8:5.0 (95.4–96.2), 131:2.4 (1444.4)reality of, 1:2.0 (23.4–24.8), 102:1.5 (1119.4), 161:1.4 (1784.1)righteousness of, 2:3.0 (36.6–37.4), 148:6.10 (1664.2), 166:1.5 (1826.2)sharing of all with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit by, 111:5.1 (1221.2)spirit of, characteristics of, Скачать книгу