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119:5.1 (1314.4)on fourth bestowal, 119:4.2 (1313.5)on later bestowals, reason for, 33:4.7 (370.4), 119:4.5 (1314.2)on sixth bestowal, 119:6.2 (1315.5)on Urantia bestowal, 37:2.8 (407.8)an administrator, 33:4.4 (370.1)advice to, regarding Lucifer rebellion, by representative of Supreme Executive of Orvonton, 54:5.10 (617.10)agents for executing special requests of, 45:4.1 (513.4)announcement of, to Mary, 122:0.3 (1344.3), 122:3.0 (1346.4–1347.2), 128:3.9 (1412.3), 135:8.7 (1504.5)appears to Elizabeth, 122:2.0 (1345.3–1346.3), 135:0.1 (1496.1)approval of Melchizedek’s emergency bestowal by, 93:10.2 (1024.4)assumption of command of loyal Satania hosts by, 53:5.4 (605.8)authority for sponsorship of, Part II, Part IIIcabinet of, on Salvington, 33:8.4 (373.6)chief executive of Nebadon, 33:0.1 (366.1), 33:4.0 (369.4–370.5), 37:1.9 (406.11), 37:2.2 (407.2), 38:6.2 (421.5), 50:2.1 (573.2), 93:10.2 (1024.4), 119:1.2 (1309.3), 136:3.4 (1513.1)choice by, of Joseph and Mary as earth parents of Michael, 122:0.3 (1344.3)commander of the celestial hosts at tomb of Lazarus, 168:1.10 (1845.1)and conference on Michael of title of Planetary Prince of Urantia, 120:2.3 (1327.3)counsel of Melchizedeks with, regarding bestowal world, 122:0.2 (1344.2)decree of, on Adam’s inauguration, 74:2.8 (830.3)delay of, in counterworking the rebel propaganda, 53:4.7 (605.4)deputization of Melchizedeks in name of, occasion for, 35:2.5 (386.3)dismissal of the heavenly host by, after Lazarus’s resurrection, 168:2.8 (1846.7)and dispensational judgment of the realm, 120:2.4 (1328.1)establishment of direct contact with Ancients of Days by, occasion for, 55:10.4 (634.4)ex officio chairman of Salvington conclaves, 37:2.2 (407.2)exposure of rebel sophistries by, 53:5.6 (606.2)and the Father Melchizedek, Jesus’ conference with, 158:1.6 (1753.2)Father Melchizedek the first assistant of, 33:6.2 (371.4)function(s) of, 33:4.0 (369.4–370.5), 38:6.2 (421.5), 39:2.3 (429.7), 50:2.1 (573.2), 119:3.2 (1312.3)headquarters of, during early years of Lucifer rebellion, 53:5.4 (605.8)Immanuel as sovereign of, during Michael’s bestowal, 120:3.11 (1330.6)impression of, as to impending outbreak of Lucifer rebellion, 53:2.4 (602.7)inauguration of the Adamic dispensational resurrection by, 189:3.2 (2024.4)instruction of, regarding Jesus’ resurrection, 189:0.1 (2020.1)intelligence corps’ function with, 39:2.3 (429.7)Jesus’ converse with, regarding welfare of the universe, 136:3.4 (1513.1)postresurrection instructions to, 189:1.10 (2022.1)judicial mechanism of Nebadon under supervision of, 33:7.2 (372.6)vs. Lucifer, the case of, time of filing of, in Uversa supreme court, 53:9.3 (611.2)some results of the opening of, 53:9.4 (611.3)time of first hearing in the, 54:4.8 (616.7)Uversa courts have yet to hand down a decision in, 53:9.1 (610.6)mobilization of reserves on Edentia by, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.12 (608.8)and the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus, joint commanders of assembled heavenly hosts, 182:3.8 (1969.3), 189:3.4 (2024.6)pronouncement of judgment against Adam and Eve by, 75:7.1 (845.1)reaction of, to the words of Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster, 189:0.3 (2020.3)recording by, of first and last resurrection of a Urantia mortal in physical form, 168:2.8 (1846.7)re-establishment of personal communication with the Creator Son by, 136:3.4 (1513.1)regent of Nebadon in Michael’s absence, 33:2.5 (367.7)relation of, to archangel commission of Life Carrier transmutation, 65:1.8 (731.3)remaining of, on Urantia with the morontia Jesus, 189:3.4 (2024.6)reminder to Jesus by, of two ways of manifesting himself to the world, 136:4.6 (1514.7)as representative of the Creator Son in Lucifer rebellion, 53:4.6 (605.3), 67:3.1 (756.2)representatives of, at Salvington conclaves, 37:2.2 (407.2)responsibility of, for Son of Man about-to-be, 120:3.11 (1330.6)and restatement of the life of Michael on Urantia, 120:0.1 (1323.1)role of, in Adam’s resurrection, 76:6.2 (853.3)of Salvington, the Bright and Morning Star of Nebadon, 33:4.5 (370.2), 37:1.9 (406.11), 93:10.2 (1024.4)some characteristics of, 33:4.0 (369.4–370.5), 37:1.9 (406.11)vicegerent of the Master Son, 39:2.3 (429.7)Gadaralabors of Jesus’ followers in, 159:0.2 (1762.2)the seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)twenty-four apostles’ labor in, 144:7.1 (1626.2)Gadiaheffect of contact with Jesus on, 130:1.3 (1428.3)and Jesus’ discourse on Jonah, 130:1.0 (1428.1–1429.2)Gain(s)ill-gotten, rightful disposal of, 132:5.22 (1465.1)motive, as a civilizer, 70:3.5 (787.5)selfish, sin of prostituting divine talents for, 136:6.9 (1519.2)Gaiusidentification of, 133:3.11 (1473.4)Galantiaheadquarters, construction of, 46:5.25 (525.7)identification, 37:2.6 (407.6), 46:5.25 (525.7)GalatiaMatthew’s journeys through, 139:7.10 (1560.6)Galaxy(ies)alternate clockwise and counterclockwise flow of, 11:7.9 (125.3), 12:4.15 (134.4)the Milky Way, composition of, 15:4.8 (170.2)now forming in outer space, probable future habitation of, 12:2.6 (131.3), 112:7.16 (1239.5)organization of, an adventure belonging to the present universe age, 117:7.17 (1293.1)the seventh, Orvonton as, 15:3.4 (167.20)of space, march of, toward eternity, 118:10.23 (1307.4)of time, harmonious beauties of, embodied in the Supreme, 118:9.9 (1304.2)to be visible to Urantian astronomers with new telescopes, 12:2.3 (130.5)uninhabited, possible source of future Paradise pilgrims, 40:10.8 (453.3)Galilean(s)attitude of Jewish leaders toward the, 121:2.12 (1334.6)brethren, Jesus’ plea to Judas for loyalty to his, 138:5.1 (1542.2)carpenter, Ezra’s disdain for the, 137:2.2 (1526.2)cities, size and number of, 124:2.9 (1369.5)fishermen, reaction of, to Jesus’ warning, 158:7.6 (1760.3)Peter’s being chided about speaking like a, 184:2.7 (1981.1)the Pharisees’ concern over the influence of Jesus the, 172:3.14 (1882.7)priesthood, comparison of, with Judean scribes and rabbis, 123:5.12 (1363.5)Prince of the coming kingdom, Jesus as, 137:1.8 (1525.5)slaughter of a company of, while at worship, 185:1.5 (1988.4)stalwart, Jesus a, 152:3.2 (1702.3), 184:1.2 (1978.5)story of the strange, 128:4.5 (1413.1)unlearned, followers of Jesus, influence of, on the world, 195:6.9 (2077.5)Galileeapostles’ instructions to go into, 191:2.1 (2040.2), 191:5.6 (2043.4), 192:1.2 (2045.7)cities of, members of the seventy sent to, 163:1.6 (1801.3)comparison of, educationally, with Alexandria, 124:0.1 (1366.1)with Judea, 124:2.9 (1369.5)gentile influence in, at time of Jesus’ birth, 121:2.12 (1334.6)in Herod’s domain, 135:12.1 (1508.1)Herod’s promise of Jesus’ freedom from molestation outside, 156:6.8 (1741.8)Jesus’ postbaptismal return to, 135:9.9 (1506.2)promise to go before the apostles into, 181:2.27 (1962.1)recounting to Ganid and Gonod his early life in, 130:7.1 (1438.4)Joseph’s preference for, as a home for Jesus, 123:0.5 (1356.2)relations between Jews and gentlies in, 123:5.7 (1362.8)spread of Jesus’ fame over, 141:1.1 (1587.3)the youthful Jesus’ panoramic view of, 123:5.12 (1363.5)Gamalaapostolic visit to, on second preaching tour, 149:0.1 (1668.1)Jesus’ discourse on "fear of the Lord" at, 149:6.0 (1675.2–1677.1)John and his workers at, 159:2.1 (1764.3)Gamalieladvice of, regarding treatment of the Jesus sect, 194:4.10 (2067.5)identity of, 126:5.3 (1392.10), 194:4.10 (2067.5)Gamblerprimitive man a, 69:2.7 (773.8), 86:1.4 (950.6)Game(s)of the ages, sacred and superb, Adjusters playing the, 110:3.1 (1205.5)athletic, purpose of, 70:7.10 (791.3)of chance, origin of, 90:2.4 (987.8)competitive, as a form of self-gratification, 84:8.5 (942.6)introduction of, by Tut’s group, 66:5.29 (748.10)Scythopolis, Jesus’ reaction to the, 124:3.7 (1370.5)Gamma raysdefinition, 42:5.7 (475.3)place of, in the Orvonton scale of wave-energy octaves, 42:5.1 (474.5)GangesAndite movement in the valley of the, 79:2.4 (880.2)Bay of India, a climatic-transition refuge of marine animals, 59:6.9 (683.6)delta, modern, period of formation of, 79:2.1 (879.7)Dravidian culture centers in the valley of the, 79:3.6 (881.6)a locale of early agriculture and commerce, 81:3.1 (903.3)Gangeticcenter of Aryan-Dravidian culture, reinforcement of, from China, 79:4.4 (882.4)Gangster-nobilitythe onetime rulership of a, in Samaria, 97:9.20 (1074.2)Ganidadult influence of, 133:9.5 (1481.7)after-life reaction of, to contact with Jesus, 132:7.8 (1467.4)attitude of, toward brotherhood of man, 131:10.7 (1454.4)collection by, of world’s teachings about God, 130:3.5 (1432.5), 131:0.1 (1442.1)conclusion of, as to Jesus’ attitude toward personal combat, 133:1.5 (1470.1)contrast in ideas of Jesus and, regarding punishment, 130:5.4 (1436.5)curiosity of, as to Jesus’ interest in strangers, 130:2.6 (1431.1)effect of association with Jesus on, 130:0.7 (1427.7)effect on, of encounter with drunken degenerate, 130:5.4 (1436.5)experience of, in Antioch, with a disgruntled Indian, 133:8.3 (1481.1)farewell of, to Jesus, 133:9.4 (1481.6)identification of, 130:0.1 (1427.1)illness of, on Cyprus, 133:7.3 (1479.3)interest of, in the Jewish religion,

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