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revelationsHavona circuit, see Havona—Worlds and Circuits, circuitsmansion world, 47:6.0 (536.2–5)Master Spirit, 16:3.8 (187.5)see also Master Spirit(s)mind adjutant, 34:4.10 (378.4), 36:5.2 (401.6), 36:5.9 (402.6), 46:7.5 (528.3), 62:6.3 (709.4)see also Adjutant(s); Mind(s)—Adjutantsouter space level, see Outer space, levelsstage of light and life, see Light, and life-stage spirit existence, ascenders’ attainment of, 31:3.4 (348.1)superuniverse, see Superuniverse(s), number fourTriunity, see Triunity(ies)Foxhall peoplesabout, 64:2.0 (719.4–720.1)retention of remnants of earlier cultures by the, 64:2.4 (719.7)settlements of, present location of, 64:2.6 (719.9)survival of, in present-day Eskimos, 64:2.7 (720.1)Fracturesand dislocations, the shamans’ treatment of, 90:4.4 (991.3)Fragment(s) of Godindwelling of, in humans, 0:12.13 (17.2), 1:4.3 (26.5), 2:1.11 (35.4), 2:7.7 (42.8), 3:1.9 (46.1), 3:4.7 (50.5), 5:0.1 (62.1), 5:2.4 (64.7), 6:5.7 (78.3), 40:6.8 (448.7), 103:1.1 (1129.8), 103:2.10 (1131.9), 107:0.3 (1176.3), 107:2.9 (1179.3), 132:3.9 (1460.2), 134:4.7 (1487.4), 146:2.17 (1641.1), 169:4.12 (1857.3), 196:3.23 (2095.7)length of sojourn of, with man, 40:7.3 (449.1)see also Father—Relation to Man, fragment(s)Fragmentationabsolute personality not subject to, 6:5.6 (78.2)of Eternal Son’s personal nature, incapability of, 6:5.5 (78.1), 7:5.3 (86.4)of selfhood of Infinite Spirit, 6:5.5 (78.1), 30:1.101 (333.8)of Universal Father, 6:5.7 (78.3), 30:1.100 (333.8)Fragmented entitiesGod’s, a definition of, 1:3.6 (25.6), 6:4.5 (76.5), 30:1.100 (333.8), 107:1.6 (1177.7)FrailtiesJesus’ patience with man’s, 159:3.9 (1766.5)FranceAndonic tribes in, 63:5.3 (715.3), 64:1.6 (719.1), 64:2.6 (719.9)connection of, with England, 64:1.5 (718.7), 64:2.6 (719.9)the Neanderthalers in, 64:4.1 (720.7)onetime channel of Mediterranean extending across, 61:3.8 (697.3)strongholds of the blue man in, 80:5.5 (893.7)Frandalankscompared with reflectivity, 29:4.37 (328.6)functions of, 28:6.11 (315.4), 29:4.37 (328.6), 41:1.4 (456.3)a group of Master Physical Controllers, 29:4.11 (325.4), 29:4.36 (328.5), 30:2.107 (337.8)master, functions of, 29:4.2 (324.4)nature and characteristics of, 29:4.26 (327.2), 29:4.38 (328.7)Fraternalaffection, the essence of the love of the Supreme, 117:6.10 (1289.3)Fraternity(ies)family the fundamental unit of, 84:7.28 (941.9)human, of the apostles, forces of evil unable to prevail against the, 157:4.5 (1747.3)and the golden rule, 180:5.6 (1950.1)impulse, religion the source of man’s, 103:7.9 (1139.1)of the individual on worlds in light and life, 55:6.1 (630.4)international, the first, 70:7.19 (792.4)of seraphim and ascending mortals, 38:2.6 (419.6)social, an analysis of, 52:6.3 (597.4)understanding, in promotion of civilization, 71:5.3 (805.3)with various orders of celestial life, 47:4.2 (534.6)Fraternizationof ascendant mortals with beings of lower levels of existence, an ability retained, 44:0.18 (498.9)with descending Paradise Citizens, 26:3.1 (288.1), 26:11.3 (296.6)with numerous orders of beings on Paradise, 27:2.3 (300.3)with one another on mansion worlds, as one family, 30:4.10 (340.12)with reserve corps of superaphic chiefs of assignment, 27:2.2 (300.2)with spirit beings, an ability increasing through the morontia regime, 48:2.26 (545.1)with Spirit-fused mortals on mansion worlds, 37:5.2 (410.5)with Transcendentalers on Paradise, 31:8.4 (351.1)of a wide range of beings on Jerusem, 39:4.18 (436.4)of a Divine Counselor with perfecting mortals, 19:5.10 (220.5)of Father fragments and other beings of similar origin, on Divinington, 13:1.4 (144.4)with fellow apostles, Judas’s persistent refusal of, 193:4.2 (2055.5)of the hand that rocks the cradle, with destiny, 84:6.4 (938.8)of human associates with a Son of the Eternal Son on Urantia, and their characterization of his identity, 6:1.4 (74.3)of Jesus with children, 100:7.17 (1103.5), 138:8.9 (1545.10)with morontia personalities, following his resurrection, 189:2.1 (2022.5)of John the Baptist with the Nazarites, difficult for him, 135:2.4 (1497.6)of Paradise Companions with ascendant mortals and others, their sole mission, 25:8.3 (283.4)of races in the continental nation, 72:1.1 (808.4)of Solitary Messengers with a limited number of universe orders, 23:1.5 (256.7)of the Son with the indwelling fragment of his Father, during the remembrance supper, 179:5.6 (1942.5)of spirit beings with other types of such beings, fostered by Solitary Messengers, 23:4.1 (262.2)of students with others, part of training in Dalamatia, 66:7.6 (751.1)of Trinity-origin beings with brethren from worlds of space, on Ascendington, 13:2.4 (148.3)of unconsecrated ascetic herdsmen with Nazarites at Engedi, 135:2.3 (1497.5)of the Universal Father with the individual human creature, a mystery, 5:0.1 (62.1)of yellow and red men, 51:4.6 (585.2)Fratricidalstrife, sinfulness of, ethical consciousness’s unmasking of, 52:6.5 (597.6)FreeAssociators, function of, 48:3.8 (546.1)a group of Morontia Companions, 48:3.8 (546.1)and bond, in the Father’s kingdom, 137:8.6 (1536.3), 191:6.2 (2044.3)proletariat, of the first century Mediterranean world, 121:3.5 (1335.4)will, see Will, freeFreedomabsolute, vs. absolute slavery, 134:6.1 (1490.4)of choice, mortals’ range of, 163:2.8 (1802.4)a definition, 134:6.1 (1490.4), 195:6.16 (2078.2)of evolving man, fallibility a requisite for, 3:5.15 (52.1)and God’s possible foreknowledge of his children’s acts, 3:3.4 (49.3)in the knowledge of our Father’s eternal love, 127:6.6 (1404.5), 190:5.4 (2035.1)of men, in the knowledge of Paradise truth, 52:5.4 (596.2)of the person, in evolution of representative government, 71:2.10 (802.4)personal, woman’s greater, and divorce, 83:7.7 (929.1)of the present generation, reason for, 69:5.15 (777.3)purchase of, by superior slaves, 121:3.8 (1335.7)from responsibility, Jesus’ first, 125:0.1 (1377.1)of social, political, and religious activities, in evolution of statehood, 71:8.4 (806.17)of speech, in evolution of representative government, 71:2.13 (802.7)suppression of, led to secret writing, 97:9.20 (1074.2)of spirit existence, the struggle to attain the, 48:6.35 (555.3)from violence, society as a scheme for securing, 81:5.5 (906.3)Freewillaction, God’s sharing of, with those who may become his sons, 5:6.12 (71.7), 40:6.7 (448.6), 118:6.4 (1299.7)acts, of Creators and creatures, the evolution of spirit dominance dependent on the, 116:6.2 (1275.2)God’s, how conditioned, 4:4.3 (58.8)being(s), necessity for subjection to supersovereignty by, 134:4.9 (1487.6)unpredictability of decisions of, 12:6.5 (136.3)choice, eventuation of, in sin or righteousness, 54:0.1 (613.1)man’s, the importance of, 112:5.5 (1233.1)regarding Paradise career always possessed by man, 45:6.7 (516.5), 54:6.9 (620.1)respect by spirit world of ascenders’, 48:6.6 (552.4), 54:2.3 (614.8)co-operation with the Adjuster, a factor in attainment of ascending sonship, 40:7.2 (448.9)creativity, and freewill destructivity, 111:4.11 (1220.10)creatures, righteousness not automatic in, 21:3.14 (238.8)existence, inherent joy in, 28:5.16 (312.3)liberation of Universal Father, 0:7.8 (11.2)of personal creatures, and experiential variance of spiritual presence, 13:4.4 (150.3)selfhood, divine, characteristics of, 10:1.3 (109.1)sons, of the God of free will, choice of, 5:6.12 (71.7)spirit world, and character of the Eternal Son, 7:0.5 (81.5)Free-willnessof children of Deity, 118:6.2 (1299.5)divine, definition, 2:6.9 (42.1)fact of, established by choice to sin, 54:4.3 (616.2)of God, man’s ignorance of, results of, 3:2.7 (47.5)of Michaels, 21:3.3 (237.5)Fresh-waterage, a characteristic of, 60:2.5 (687.6)organisms, epochs of development of, 59:5.23 (682.6)learning to live in fresh water, 58:6.5 (669.6)Frictionabsence of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.2 (629.11)shield(s), atmospheric, as meteor protection, 57:7.10 (660.2)of transport seraphim, 39:5.12 (438.5)Friend(s)earth, ascendant pilgrims’ contact with, on mansonia number one, 47:3.6 (533.4)Ganid’s question about how to make, 130:7.2 (1438.5)of God, 1:5.8 (28.5), 5:4.13 (68.1)Jesus’ substitute for "kingdom," 170:2.24 (1861.6)of Jesus, those who will love one another, 180:1.3 (1944.6)Jesus the apostles’, 138:9.1 (1546.3), 180:1.6 (1945.3), 182:1.4 (1964.1)an inspiring, 138:7.6 (1544.5)a sympathetic, 127:1.2 (1395.6), 127:6.13 (1405.5), 154:6.9 (1722.5)of men and angels, Lucifer posing as the, 53:4.1 (604.3)and neighbor, Jesus a, 138:8.9 (1545.10)proof of the greatest love for one’s, 180:1.3 (1944.6)of publicans and sinners, Luke’s portrayal of Jesus as the, 121:8.8 (1342.3)Friendlinessof Jesus, 100:7.11 (1102.8), 141:7.12 (1594.6)of the real universe, 133:1.4 (1469.3)of spirit-born sons, 180:5.12 (1951.1)Friendship(s)apostles’ awareness of the continuance of, with the risen Jesus, 194:0.5 (2059.5)confidential, Jesus’ craving for, 126:3.14 (1391.4)with counsel, Nathaniel admonished to admix, 192:2.10 (2049.1)a crowning glory of, 160:2.8 (1776.2)devotion to, of Morontia and Paradise Companions,

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