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196:0.2 (2087.2)quality of, different from that of the Son, 6:3.5 (75.10)and the Son’s mercy, 194:3.1 (2062.10)teaching about the, 141:4.0 (1590.4–1591.5), 159:4.2 (1767.4)Father-Partnership with the Soncoexistence of the Son and the Spirit with the, 142:3.8 (1598.9)and Son, effect on, of eternalization of Infinite Spirit, 22:7.8 (250.2)participation of, in creation of Seven Master Spirits, 16:0.10 (184.10)Son, Spirit, depiction of, by Master Spirit Number Seven, 16:1.2 (185.2), 16:3.14 (188.2)-Son association, represented by Conjoint Actor, 8:1.7 (91.4), 8:5.5 (96.1), 9:1.2 (99.1), 10:3.19 (112.3), 14:6.17 (161.4)Havona’s appearance from the union of, 104:4.13 (1148.12)partnership, evolution of, to Father-Infinite, 106:8.12 (1171.5)function of, with relation to Paradise absoluteness, and attributes of Third Source and Center, 8:3.1 (93.3), 9:1.2 (99.1)policies, Master Spirit Number Four’s relation to, 16:3.8 (187.5)relationship, familiarity of Jesus with the, 142:7.4 (1603.5)representation by Michael of the, 33:1.2 (366.3)revelation of the absolute oneness of the duality of the, 105:2.7 (1154.6)Seven Master Spirits’ relation to, 16:0.10 (184.10)-Son-Spirit, the absolute oneness of the Trinity of the, 105:2.7 (1154.6)Father-Relation to Jesusbusiness of the, 100:7.12 (1102.9), 119:6.5 (1316.2), 124:6.15 (1376.1), 125:6.7 (1384.3), 126:0.2 (1386.2), 128:7.14 (1418.6), 136:2.6 (1512.2), 137:1.6 (1525.3), 144:6.3 (1624.14), 145:4.2 (1634.2), 147:0.1 (1647.1), 148:3.0 (1659.3–7), 154:6.5 (1722.1), 158:1.6 (1753.2), 164:2.4 (1811.1), 176:3.6 (1917.2)character of the, Jesus’ desire to declare the real truth concerning the, 134:9.3 (1494.6)eternal, Jesus the divine representative of the, 157:6.5 (1749.4)in heaven, Jesus’ dependence upon his, 128:7.2 (1417.1), 130:5.3 (1436.4), 135:11.2 (1507.1), 136:6.8 (1519.1), 196:0.11 (2089.1)in his local universe, the Creator Son a, 33:3.4 (368.4)and I are one, Jesus in the Capernaum synagogue, 153:2.11 (1711.3)Jesus’ declaration to the apostles, 157:6.13 (1750.7)to the Jewish teachers, 164:5.2 (1815.3)Jesus’ confidence in the, 136:9.8 (1522.7), 157:6.13 (1750.7), 187:5.2 (2010.3)desire to live and work in manner approved by his, 136:4.13 (1515.7)spiritual communion with his, 134:9.2 (1494.5)reality of, Jesus’ refusal to offer proof of, 169:4.2 (1855.3)supreme revelation of the, 7:7.0 (88.7–89.5)Father-Relation to Manaffectionate, of all mankind, Isaiah the second’s portrayal of God as the, 97:7.13 (1070.2)time for embracing salvation granted the sinner by an, 65:5.4 (617.5)of all the Sons of God, man’s relation to, 40:6.3–8 (448.2–7), 149:6.7 (1676.1)-child relationship, the basis of Jesus’ teaching, 160:2.6 (1775.7), 177:2.6 (1922.4)discovery, of the divine Son, 136:2.7 (1512.3)mortal man’s possible experience of, 101:6.17 (1113.6)earthly, a child’s dependence for first ideas of the heavenly Father on his, 142:2.2 (1597.2), 142:5.2 (1601.2), 177:2.5 (1922.3)-endowed personalities, ultimate status spheres for, 13:0.6 (143.6)fragment(s), Divinington the home of, 13:0.6 (143.6), 13:1.4 (144.4)function of, 0:2.3 (3.16), 5:3.2 (65.4), 6:4.5 (76.5), 55:6.4 (630.7), 107:1.6 (1177.7)indwelling in creature minds, fact of, God’s presence determined by, 3:1.9 (46.1), 6:4.5 (76.5), 12:7.13 (139.2), 30:1.99 (333.7)role of, in repersonalization of survivors, 49:6.5 (568.8)-fused being, definition, 30:1.100 (333.8)mortals, goal of, vs. that of Son- and Spirit-fused mortals, 40:10.10 (453.5)potential finaliters, 40:10.11 (453.6)the great cause of man’s spiritual ascent, 117:6.26 (1291.3)in heaven, attitude of, toward his children on earth, 131:10.4 (1454.1), 142:7.16 (1605.1)endowment of man with power of choice by the, result, 130:1.6 (1429.2)God revealed as the, 193:0.3 (2052.3)is no respecter of persons, 3:1.12 (46.4), 117:6.22 (1290.8), 137:8.6 (1536.3), 143:1.5 (1608.2), 148:6.2 (1662.4), 166:4.11 (1831.2)method of the, of dealing with his creatures, 144:2.3 (1619.1), 163:3.4 (1804.1)not in hiding, 5:1.2 (62.4), 5:1.10 (64.1)presence of, in every sincere soul, 131:10.2 (1453.4)Spirit-fused mortals’ inclusion in personality circuit of the, 40:9.1 (450.3)Thought Adjusters the gift of the, 56:3.2 (639.2)Father-Willdoing the will of the, and the answer to prayers, 146:2.7 (1639.2), 180:2.4 (1946.2)will of the, Creator Son’s personification of the, an influence in healing, 149:1.7 (1669.6)dedication to doing the, a prerequisite to salvation, 166:3.4 (1829.1)desire to do, a factor in advancement of morality, 16:7.9 (193.8)the divine law, 148:4.3 (1660.2)infinity of the, repercussions of the, 105:5.4 (1158.4)Jesus’ interpretation of religion in terms of the, 196:0.10 (2088.5)promise to finish the service of, 158:7.4 (1760.1), 165:2.8 (1819.4)and Jesus’ use of the celestial hosts, 136:5.2 (1516.2)as law, vs. the Father’s will as the human’s, 141:2.2 (1588.5)man’s choosing of the, significance, 111:5.6 (1221.7), 117:4.14 (1285.3), 166:4.11 (1831.2)the Master’s predominant loyalty to the, 136:8.8 (1521.3), 140:8.14 (1581.1)regarding the termination of Jesus’ life in the flesh, 183:1.0 (1971.6–1972.1)Son of Man’s obedience to the, 136:8.5 (1520.6)technique of deduction of, by Ancients of Days, 28:4.10 (309.4)Fatherhoodabsolute, the Father’s retention of, 10:3.6 (111.4)of God, apostles’ preaching of, in Samaria, 143:6.6 (1616.2)and the brotherhood of man, believers’ need to accept both the, 52:6.7 (598.2), 143:1.4 (1608.1), 165:2.9 (1819.5), 170:2.1 (1859.11), 193:1.2 (2053.4), 195:10.21 (2086.7)gospel the, 194:0.3 (2059.3)religion’s revelation of the, 100:6.8 (1101.3), 140:4.7 (1572.7)Fatherlikenessachievement of, relation of, to success in the quest of the Infinite, 106:9.11 (1174.7)Fatherlinesssupreme, mercy as related to, 140:5.17 (1575.2)Fatherlyand brotherly love, 140:5.0 (1573.3–1574.9)love, attitude of, toward returning good for evil, 140:5.24 (1575.9)relationship, God’s, and limitation of his power, 3:2.13 (48.5)role, of Jesus, 127:6.12 (1405.4)Father’ shouse, Jesus’, many mansions in, 30:4.17 (341.7), 47:0.1 (530.1)the temple in Jerusalem, 125:1.1 (1378.3), 125:6.7 (1384.3), 171:4.7 (1872.4)Paradise, 11:3.3 (120.6)willingness of sinners to return to the, God’s rejoicing in, 159:5.16 (1770.8)name, 1:1.0 (22.4–23.3)plan, an analysis of the, 115:7.2 (1266.3)secret worlds, acquirement of status on, 13:2.5 (148.4)temple, in Dalamatia, fate of, 67:5.5 (759.3)Edenic, home of the tree of life, 73:6.5 (826.2)finding of, on transition world seven, 47:9.2 (538.7)FaultCalifornia four-mile vertical, 61:3.3 (696.7)the great eastern-Connecticut, 60:1.7 (686.3)Faultlessnessof Jesus, 141:7.14 (1594.8)FaunaAustralia’s peculiar, 64:1.5 (718.7)changes in, during early Oligocene period, 61:2.4 (695.2)marine, of Atlantic and Pacific, union of, 59:5.3 (680.5)of marine-life era, development of, 59:2.9 (675.8)primitive mammalian, overrunning of world by, 61:1.14 (694.6)Favordivine, Jesus’ belief as to relation of material prosperity to, 166:4.3 (1830.3)Jewish Messiah concept and restoration of, 136:1.4 (1510.1)means to gain, question of the boy Jesus as to, 125:5.5 (1382.7)Salem gospel’s assurance of, 94:11.13 (1040.4), 95:1.8 (1043.3), 96:7.7 (1060.7)surrender of notion of, as a prerequisite to religious peace, 134:4.10 (1487.7)of God(s), Egyptian idea of eternal, 111:0.6 (1215.6)how earned, according to Melchizedek, 92:4.7 (1007.7), 92:5.10 (1009.4), 93:4.3 (1017.5), 93:6.4 (1020.7), 94:0.1 (1027.1), 94:1.5 (1028.1)not the purpose of prayer, according to Jesus, 144:2.5 (1619.3)for sale, 167:5.1 (1838.2)primitive man’s effort to win the, (974.2) 89:0.2, 89:0.2 (974.2), 89:0.2 (984.4)winning the, bestowal of Paradise Son not necessary for, 4:5.6 (60.5)Favoritismabsence of, in plan of mortal survival, 40:10.5 (452.5)Jesus’ incapability of showing, 139:4.2 (1553.7)Fear(s)Adamic children’s freedom from, 76:4.6 (851.4)and anger, power of, 140:5.6 (1573.8)animal, mortal minds subjected to, 9:5.7 (103.5)in primitive religion, 52:1.7 (590.3)and apprehension, the apostles’, at Peter’s and John’s return from the tomb, 189:5.5 (2028.1)banishment of, by a strong personality, 148:2.2 (1658.5)basis of intellectual religions, 160:5.3 (1780.5)common, origin of, 68:3.1 (766.2)-consciousness, in the old religion, 180:5.12 (1951.1)a consequence of personality isolation, 184:4.6 (1985.1)of the dead, the ghost cults and, 87:0.1 (958.1)delivery of victims of, from their spirit of infirmity, 167:3.5 (1836.4)destruction of, by a courageous faith, post-Pentecostal, 194:3.11 (2064.3)and doubts, Jesus’ warning against, 165:5.5 (1824.1)effect of, on the creative imagination, 111:4.9 (1220.8)on the early tribes, 70:3.6 (787.6)on the evolving soul, 110:1.5 (1204.3)on man’s prayers, 91:1.6 (995.5)evolutionary religion’s origin in, 62:5.4 (708.2), 90:0.3 (986.3), 102:6.1 (1124.3)of existence, vs. the joy of living, 86:2.5 (951.7)of fire, early man’s, 69:6.4 (777.7)freedom from, in Buddhism, 131:3.2 (1446.4)Gautama’s effort to deliver men from, 94:7.3 (1035.3), 94:8.18 (1037.2)ghost, relation of, to large families, 84:7.17 (940.13)see also Ghost(s), fearof God, vs. adoration of God, 132:7.5 (1467.1), Скачать книгу