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of Master Spirits, 11:4.2 (121.3), 16:0.12 (184.12), 29:1.3 (320.3)functions of Unqualified Absolute, 16:4.4 (189.5)journey of, through space, 12:8.2 (139.5)life not, 36:6.6 (404.4)-mass power, of the mesotron, 42:8.4 (479.2)morality not advanced by, 16:7.9 (193.8)mother, of space, 11:5.5 (122.5)need for civil government’s sometime use of, 140:8.4 (1579.6)organizers, and control of universe metamorphoses, 12:3.10 (132.4), 15:8.10 (176.5), 42:1.5 (468.2), 42:4.10 (473.8), 57:1.6 (652.2)Paradise, 42:1.0 (467.3–468.6)phenomena of nether Paradise, 16:4.4 (189.5)pregravity, 11:8.5 (126.1)pressures, on nether Paradise, variations in, 11:5.5 (122.5)primordials of, influence of the Absolutes on, 4:1.9 (56.1)of space, manipulation of, 9:1.1 (98.6)-space manifestations, Paradise the source-center of, 11:9.7 (127.5), 42:2.3 (469.3)the three levels of, 42:2.1 (469.1)transcendence of, by Conjoint Actor, 9:3.4 (101.4)unlimited, Unqualified Absolute is, 0:11.9 (14.7)Foreign potentatesLucifer’s designation of Ancients of Days as, 53:3.4 (603.5)ForeknowledgeGod’s divine, creative free will directed by, 4:3.4 (58.2)Jesus’, 161:2.6 (1786.1)ultimate, not an abrogation of finite volition, 3:3.4 (49.3), 118:7.1 (1300.5)Foresightand ability, 69:2.7 (773.8), 160:4.11 (1779.3)indispensability of, to the endurance of nations, 81:6.42 (911.7)precedence of insight over, in cosmic economy, 112:2.6 (1228.1)ForestsAndonites’ avoidance of, 64:1.3 (718.5)appearance of, 59:4.2 (678.3)expanding, European, and the Andites, 81:1.2 (900.4)spread of, following retreat of fourth glacier, 64:4.6 (721.4)Forewordabout, 0:0.1–4 (1.1–4)Forgivenessappearance of, in primitive religion, 89:2.5 (976.2)and the bonds of sin, 131:5.5 (1450.4)divine, acceptance of, a prerequisite to salvation, 150:5.2 (1682.4)and human synchrony of, 146:2.4 (1638.4)the inevitability of, 174:1.3 (1898.3)sin of eternally rejecting, 153:4.3 (1714.2)the ethical nature of the prayer for, 91:4.3 (998.1)Father’s, mediator not necessary to, 2:4.2 (38.2), 2:6.6 (41.4)and free-willness, divine, 2:6.9 (42.1)of God, the four steps in a believer’s reception of, 170:3.4 (1862.1)and our forgiveness of one another, 159:1.3 (1762.5), 170:3.4 (1862.1)God’s, a definition, 146:2.4 (1638.4), 170:3.3 (1861.10)of Jesus, a definition, 188:5.2 (2018.1)intention to teach, vs. condoning sin, 141:3.8 (1590.3)in social situations, 140:8.13 (1580.8)through faith in God, 138:8.2 (1545.3)Jesus’ sermon on, 159:1.0 (1762.3–1764.2)of love, vs. forgiveness of mercy, 188:5.2 (2018.1)of man for his neighbor, 2:4.2 (38.2), 174:1.5 (1898.5)a measure of a man’s maturity, 174:1.5 (1898.5)relation of, to salvation, 188:5.3 (2018.2)in Relation to Repentance, one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 150:6.1 (1683.3)of sin, 89:10.0 (984.4–985.1), 146:2.4 (1638.4), 156:2.7 (1736.4), 174:1.1 (1898.1)technique of man’s reception of, 89:10.6 (985.1)through repentance, as preached by Hosea, 97:4.5 (1066.2)Forgivingdisposition, Matthew’s appreciation of the Master’s, 139:7.4 (1559.8)quality of a compassionate father, 142:7.11 (1604.6)tolerance, a fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)Form(s)bestowal of Spirit of Truth free from, 194:3.10 (2064.2)and ceremonies, outworn, submission to, not required of a kingdom believer, 155:6.5 (1731.3)modification of, on passage from morontia to spirit, 30:4.20 (342.3)and patterns, mind dominance, 42:12.0 (483.1–484.3)valueless when lessons are learned, 48:6.32 (554.6)vows, and taboos, of the Latins’ religion, 98:3.2 (1080.4)Formalismthreat of, to Christianity, 195:9.10 (2083.6)Formalized religiondangers of, 99:6.3 (1092.3)discovery of barrenness of, as impetus to turn to the religion of Jesus, 195:9.7 (2083.3)FormosaAndite penetration of, 78:5.6 (873.2)Fortantidentity of, 45:3.7 (512.7)length of service of, on Jerusem, 45:3.7 (512.7)Fortitudea characteristic of man’s striving for supermortal ideals, 100:6.4 (1100.6)of Jesus on the cross, 187:3.2 (2008.3)Fortress of Antoniacontrast of, to the temple festivities, 162:4.2 (1794.1)headquarters of the Roman guards, 162:4.2 (1794.1), 189:2.4 (2023.3)the Jerusalem home of Pilate, 183:2.3 (1973.1)Fortunean associate of Titus in Crete, 130:6.5 (1438.2)the young man who was afraid, Jesus’ talk with, 130:6.3 (1437.3)Fortunesancient, a reason for distribution of, 69:5.14 (777.2)of Urantians, Jesus’ promise to follow, 176:2.3 (1914.4)Fortunetellerspresent patronizing of, 90:2.7 (988.3)Fortunetellingin Mesopotamia, 95:1.7 (1043.2)Forty-day(s)isolation, of Jesus, after baptism, character of the transactions of, 136:3.0 (1512.5–1514.1)Jesus tells the twelve about his, 141:1.3 (1588.1)John’s preaching for, 135:9.0 (1505.1–1506.2)sojourn of the morontia Jesus with other morontia creatures, 191:3.1 (2040.4)Forty-nineexperiential viewpoints manifested by Universal Conciliators, encompassing the circle of Supremacy with, 25:2.4 (275.4)realms of Vorondadek activities on spheres surrounding Salvington, and ascenders’ education, 35:7.1 (391.4)Reflective Image Aids, creation of, 17:4.1 (202.1)Spirits, cocreation of, by Master Spirits and ancestral Trinity, 116:4.3 (1272.2)completion of personalization of, result, 17:2.2 (199.6)fuller disclosure of reflectivity in, vs. Master Spirits and Paradise Deities, 17:3.3 (201.1)as liaison personalities of Majeston, 17:3.3 (201.1)origin of, 17:3.1 (200.5)and their associates, Majeston the center of the work of, 17:2.2 (199.6)time of creation of, 17:2.2 (199.6), 116:4.3 (1272.2)variations in nature and character of, and consequences, 17:3.1 (200.5)specialized forms of sensation possessed by Havona natives, 14:2.3 (154.5)spheres in each university cluster around Salvington, 15:7.7 (174.7)in Melchizedek University under jurisdiction of the finaliters, 36:4.7 (401.3)subsatellites of the Jerusem transition worlds, size of, compared to Urantia, 45:0.1 (509.1)technique of heating, lighting, energizing, and watering of, 46:1.9 (520.5)Universal Conciliators, origin of, 25:2.2 (275.2)Vorondadek worlds, revelators’ inability to portray pursuits of ascending pilgrims on, 35:7.3 (391.6)worlds of the seraphim in the Salvington circuit, 38:4.1 (420.2)ForumRoman, Jesus’ frequent appearance in the, 132:0.2 (1455.2)Fossil(s)absence of, in prelife rock layers, 57:8.13 (661.7)of the age of frogs, echinoderms the guide, 59:5.8 (680.10)beds, of fish, in California, 59:4.12 (679.5)Florissant, of Colorado, 61:2.4 (695.2)beds of early reptilian age, 60:1.12 (686.8)of early Carboniferous age, 59:5.17 (681.9)fresh-water, of the Morrison beds, of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming, 60:2.5 (687.6)of lithographic stone strata, in southern Germany, 60:2.6 (687.7)of mammalian dynasties, 61:0.3 (693.3)of marine-life era, profusion of, in North America, 59:0.9 (672.9), 59:3.10 (677.7)in the Proterozoic rock, 58:7.0 (670.3–671.5)trilobite, early uniformities and variations of, 59:1.14 (673.14)oldest rocks containing, location, 59:1.6 (673.6)types of, in the coal beds, 59:5.17 (681.9)Fossilization of trutha cause of, 99:6.3 (1092.3), 155:3.3 (1727.3)effects of, 48:6.33 (555.1)Fossilized religionJesus’ contrast of, with living experience in eternal truths of the kingdom, 155:5.13 (1730.1)Foster fathersof ascending mortals, Melchizedeks as, 46:5.14 (524.5)Foundation(s)of the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven, 157:4.5 (1747.3)of the peace of Jesus, 181:1.8 (1954.5)of religious faith, 102:0.0 (1118.1–1128.4)of Spiritual Progress of the continental nation, 72:3.6 (811.6)Founderof the Christian church, Peter the, 195:0.1 (2069.1)Four and twentyadministrators, function of Assigned Sentinels with, 24:5.3 (269.2)counselors, about, 45:4.0 (513.4–514.11)as the advisory-control body of Urantia, 76:6.3 (853.4)appearance of Jerusem citizens before, purpose, 45:7.7 (518.3)attachment of Adam and Eve to, time of, 76:6.3 (853.4)the elders of John’s vision, (378.5) 34:4.11, 34:4.11 (378.5), 34:4.11 (513.4)function and composition of, in the systems, 50:2.2 (573.3)of, in Satania, 45:4.1 (513.4)identification of members of the Jerusem, 45:4.3–21 (513.6–11)service of members of the Jerusem, as resident governors general of Urantia, 45:4.16 (514.6)of midwayer 1- 2- 3 the first on, 77:9.5 (866.4)Urantia the planet of origin of the Satania body of, 45:4.2 (513.5), 50:2.2 (573.3)Orvonton administrators, the commission sponsoring Part I, 31:10.22 (354.8)4-5-6 the firsta primary midwayer, 77:8.2 (864.3)Fourthbestowal of Michael, 39:1.15 (429.1), 119:4.0 (1313.4–1314.3), 120:0.4 (1324.1)see also Bestowal(s)cosmic circle, 113:1.7 (1242.2)see also Cosmic—Evolution, circles; Psychic circlescreatures of cherubim and sanobim, 38:7.6 (422.6)of Havona Servitals and conciliators, discernment of both material and spirit worlds by the, 44:0.17 (498.8)epochal revelation, 92:4.8 (1008.1)see also Скачать книгу