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between persons of the same sex, 160:2.4 (1775.5)with God, the gospel of the kingdom, 159:3.9 (1766.5)one of Peter’s strong characteristics, 139:2.6 (1551.2)primitive techniques of sealing, 66:5.22 (748.3)and religion, need for harmony between, 99:4.1 (1089.9)religion’s encouragement of, 99:6.2 (1092.2)socializing influence of, 160:2.5 (1775.6)some essentials of, 1:6.5 (30.4)Urantia aborigines’ idea of, 63:4.4 (714.2)Frog(s)age of, 59:5.0 (680.3–682.6)ancestors of the, 65:2.6 (732.4)ancestral, of humanity, close call of the, 62:3.9 (705.8), 65:3.3 (733.9)appearance of, on land, 59:5.6 (680.8)evolution of, into the reptile, 59:6.8 (683.5)family, mammals descendants of, 65:2.6 (732.4)in human evolution, story of the, 61:2.6 (695.4), 65:3.3 (733.9)loyalty of the tadpole the quickest way to become a, 100:1.4 (1094.6)reptiles descended from, 65:2.10 (732.8)sudden appearance of, importance of, 59:5.23 (682.6)survival of, reason for, 59:6.8 (683.5)Frugalitya discovery beneficial to early man, 69:2.2 (773.3)Jesus’ attitude toward, 140:8.3 (1579.5)as practiced by the Nazareth family during financial struggle, 126:5.1 (1392.8)Fruit(s)apostles to bear much, 180:2.1 (1945.4)-bearing, spiritual, need for progressive, 176:3.3 (1916.3), 180:2.1 (1945.4)corrupt, cause of, 153:4.4 (1714.3)of the divine spirit, bearing of, by Jesus’ faith, 176:3.3 (1916.3), 178:1.15 (1931.6), 180:2.1 (1945.4), 196:0.11 (2089.1)of divinity, 56:10.20 (648.3)experience of Godless religion, social, 102:7.4 (1126.4)of the Father’s spirit, 140:1.4 (1569.1)good, a good tree essential to, 135:6.7 (1502.5), 140:3.19 (1571.6), 153:4.4 (1714.3)of the land, Adam’s effort at substitution of, for blood sacrifices, 74:7.21 (836.10)of loving service, prerequisite to bearing, 180:1.4 (1945.1)message of Jesus and his disciples’ teachings to be judged by their, 142:5.2 (1601.2)natural, of inner personal experience, 170:5.12 (1865.2)of the religion of the kingdom, social nature of, 170:3.10 (1862.7)of the spirit, bearing of the, social service as the outgrowth of, 178:1.4 (1930.1)of God, 155:6.15 (1733.3)identity of, 34:6.13 (381.7), 176:3.2 (1916.2), 193:2.2 (2054.3)man’s manifestation of, 156:5.2 (1738.1), 176:3.5 (1917.1), 193:1.2 (2053.4), 194:3.1 (2062.10)a mighty social lever, 178:1.6 (1930.3)prerequisite to bearing, 142:6.7 (1602.6), 143:2.8 (1610.3), 152:6.3 (1705.3), 156:5.2 (1738.1), 180:2.1 (1945.4), 181:2.26 (1961.5)proof of Adjuster communion, 5:2.4 (64.7), 34:7.1 (382.1)religious experience’s yielding the, 99:5.6 (1091.5), 102:6.7 (1125.2)sincere and loving service, 178:1.6 (1930.3)the soul’s manifestation of, 140:10.6 (1585.4)true self-mastery, 143:2.8 (1610.3)yielding an increase of, 176:3.5 (1917.1), 176:3.8 (1918.1)of the trees, the Adamic diet, 76:4.4 (851.2)vendor, at Messina, result of his contact with Jesus, 130:8.3 (1440.3)of the vine, Jesus’ last drinking of the, 179:2.2 (1938.1)Fruitfulnesscompliance with the laws of, result, 166:4.9 (1830.9)righteous, faith’s promotion of, 155:3.7 (1727.7)Fulcralzone of Unqualified Absolute, on nether Paradise, 42:2.4 (469.4)Fulcrumman’s psychic, and the Adjuster’s spiritual lever, 108:5.8 (1192.3)material, of infinity, Paradise the, 9:3.8 (101.8)power-multiplying, Spirit of Truth a, 178:1.6 (1930.3)of social leverage, tact the, 156:5.18 (1740.5)Fullnessof the age, Father’s action at the time of, 176:2.5 (1915.2)of God, to be manifest to man, Jesus the, 128:1.10 (1408.7), 129:4.8 (1426.1)of joy, divine, prerequisite to experience of, 180:1.4 (1945.1)of the kingdom, early Christian concept of, 170:4.16 (1863.14)as the future age of light and life, 170:4.6 (1863.4)the Messianic concept of, 170:1.3 (1858.5)of time and cycles of eternity, adventures in growth forthcoming in, 118:0.12 (1294.12)for the material completion of seven superuniverses, 116:5.16 (1274.6)for Michael’s appearance on earth, 93:10.4 (1024.6)Fundsapostolic, division of, into six equal portions, 138:8.1 (1545.2)Jesus’ instructions as to giving alms from, 140:8.13 (1580.8)Matthew’s technique of making personal contributions to the, 139:7.8 (1560.4)for equipment of the women’s corps, 150:1.2 (1679.1)Funeral(s)customs, origins of some modern-day, 87:1.4 (958.6)purposes of some ancient, 87:1.5 (959.1), 87:2.4 (959.5), 87:2.6 (959.7), 87:2.7 (960.1), 87:2.10 (960.4)service and sermon, origin and purpose of the, 87:2.3 (959.4)wastes, ancient, great losses from, 87:2.10 (960.4)on worlds in light and life, 55:2.5 (623.5)Fungiretrograde evolution of, 65:2.3 (732.1)FusedAdjuster, nature of a, 40:7.1 (448.8), 107:2.1 (1178.2), 107:2.7 (1179.1)being(s), Ascendington the Paradise headquarters of the, 112:7.12 (1239.1)similarity of, to Paradise finaliters, 112:7.7 (1238.2)personality, signal for the, to leave the local universe, 112:7.5 (1237.7)FusionAdjuster, 112:7.0 (1237.3–1240.1)Adjusters, vs. liaison Adjusters, 109:3.1 (1197.3)ascender’s usual achievement of, in his local system, 112:7.3 (1237.5)the consummation of the plan of the eternal bestowal of divinity upon humanity, 112:7.14 (1239.3)danger to the personality’s eternal career over at time of, 5:1.11 (64.2), 111:3.1 (1218.9), 112:7.4 (1237.6)during physical life, the material body consumed by, 110:7.2 (1212.3)the first stage of Adjuster evolution attained at, 109:1.5 (1196.2)flash, translated souls not visible to mortals subsequent to, 55:2.7 (624.1)flashes in planetary atmosphere, occasion for, 55:1.6 (622.6)of human mind and Adjuster, usual time of, 40:8.1 (449.4), 47:8.3 (538.1), 112:7.3 (1237.5)influence of, on personality, 112:7.1 (1237.3)man’s, with his adjuster, a mystery, 112:7.2 (1237.4)mortals’ classification as ascending sons at instant of, 40:6.1 (447.5)prerequisites to, 110:7.1 (1212.2), 111:5.6 (1221.7), 112:7.11 (1238.6)the secret of Ascendington, 112:7.2 (1237.4)significance of, regarding the ascending mortal, 55:2.5 (623.5), 111:3.1 (1218.9)status of the mind of the Adjuster at the time of, 107:5.5 (1182.1)with an ascending personality, Adjuster’s status at, 107:2.7 (1179.1)Futurethe, 195:10.0 (2084.1–2086.7)ancients’ reason for desiring to know the, 87:5.14 (963.9)the angels of the, 114:6.10 (1255.9)-eternal unity of the Supreme, Havona the, 14:6.24 (161.11)eternals, the actualizing Deities, 0:7.1 (10.6), 0:9.5 (13.3)events, forecasting of, by universe authorities, 28:6.11 (315.4)existence, dream origin of belief in a, 86:4.2 (953.1)hope, a prophetic concept of the kingdom, 170:1.3 (1858.5)the, in interpretation of the present, 19:1.11 (215.8), 118:1.8 (1295.8)Jesus’ knowledge of the, 161:2.10 (1786.5)magic’s purpose to gain insight into the, 88:4.3 (970.8)unknown, romance of, 39:5.9 (438.2)

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