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(1491.5)Glorificationof the Father, a definition, 180:2.1 (1945.4)of Jesus by the Father, 162:7.5 (1797.2)by the Spirit of Truth, 180:6.4 (1951.5)of mediocrity, a danger of democracy, 71:2.2 (801.14)of the Son of Man, arrival of the hour for, 174:5.8 (1903.5), 180:0.3 (1944.3)when he returns, to be beheld only with the eye of the spirit, 176:2.4 (1915.1)Glorifiedform, of Jesus, in the garden, 189:4.10 (2026.4)Material Sons, 31:5.0 (349.1–349.3)midway creatures, 31:6.0 (349.4–349.5)mortals, 15:10.12 (178.12), 27:3.3 (300.6), 31:2.4 (347.3)Glory(ies)of the central Isle, 11:0.2 (118.2)of God, declaration of, by the heavens, 131:2.2 (1444.2)eye single to the, Rodan’s observation on Jesus’ acting with an, 160:1.11 (1774.3)Jesus’ statement that his hearers shall see the, 137:6.3 (1533.1), 168:1.12 (1845.3)that some love the glory of men more than the, 174:5.3 (1902.4)Lazarus’s life to make known the, 178:3.3 (1934.5)man to seek the, 175:1.10 (1907.2)manifested on earth, Simon’s query about, 193:3.2 (2055.2)shedding of, abroad in the world, 52:7.3 (598.6)working together of all things for the, 4:1.11 (56.3), 182:2.1 (1966.1)to God in Havona, 39:5.5 (437.4)of men, vs. glory of God, 174:5.3 (1902.4)power and, Jesus’ decision against a program of, 136:6.6 (1518.5)Gluttonya characteristic of the material-comfort era, 50:5.6 (577.1)man’s someday learning to enjoy nourishment without, 89:3.7 (977.2)Goal(s)of the ages, the mortal’s attainment of God, rest, and eternity of service, 24:6.1 (269.5)the world’s attainment of good will in the hearts of men, 77:9.10 (867.1)of ascending mortals, Paradise the eventual, 22:10.9 (254.6), 40:10.14 (454.3)for ascension candidates, Havona the, 14:6.11 (160.12)attainment, philosophical theorizing about, 106:7.4 (1169.3)possible periodic satisfaction of, 39:4.7 (434.7), 118:0.12 (1294.12)vs. creeds in religion, 99:5.7 (1091.6), 103:1.4 (1130.3)of destiny, the best route to the, sought by the young man who was afraid, 130:6.2 (1437.2)man admonished to look well to the, 84:8.6 (943.1)a new and exalted, presented by the gospel of the kingdom, 160:3.5 (1778.3)Paradise Corps of the Finality the, for fused Adjusters, 112:7.15 (1239.4)the final, 11:9.1 (126.6)a society’s push toward extinction or survival as its, 68:2.2 (764.5)the soul’s attainment of, results, 132:3.7 (1459.7)eternal, of angels, 39:8.1 (440.3)perfection our, 75:8.6 (846.5)of eternity is ahead, 32:5.8 (365.4)Providence and the march toward the, 118:10.23 (1307.4)of existence of all personalities, 12:8.13 (140.9), 141:5.3 (1592.1), 160:3.5 (1778.3), 195:0.4 (2069.4)final, of faith, results of man’s gaining of, 112:0.1 (1225.1)of intelligent life’s struggles toward higher values, the Universal Father, 130:4.8 (1434.7)of spirit personalities, 11:9.1 (126.6)of intellectual evolution, Urantia mortals’ relation to, 9:5.6 (103.4)vs. interpretations, in religion, 103:1.4 (1130.3)of living, spiritual attainment as the true, 170:2.6 (1860.1)wisdom’s enhancement of insight into the, 71:7.2 (806.2)of man, a definition, 1:0.5 (22.2), 131:9.4 (1453.2)more idealistic, redirection of energies toward, when faced with temptation, 156:5.4 (1738.3)of mortal ascension, 5:1.2 (62.4)believers, 170:2.19 (1861.1)personalities’ ability to judge worth-whileness of, 16:7.4 (193.3)of personality existence, spiritual nature of, 16:4.6 (189.7)religion’s concern with, 160:1.15 (1775.1), 195:6.5 (2077.1)the spirit is our, 160:4.1 (1778.4)supreme, of Havona citizens, 31:1.5 (346.6)of supreme perfection, 9:2.4 (100.6)of time, definition, 28:6.17 (316.4), 48:8.1 (557.16)of transcendent service beyond the present universe age, 48:8.3 (558.1)undiscovered, of idealistic spiritual realities, the pursuit of, and maturity, 160:1.4 (1773.1)universe, of ascendant evolutionary creatures, prerequisite to assurance of attaining the, 5:1.12 (64.3)of a universe created in imperfection, 75:8.6 (846.5)Gobicivilization, reason for passing of the, 79:1.2 (878.3)God(s)animal, Andonic drawings of, 63:6.3 (716.2)coming down to mate with mortals, origin of traditions of, 67:4.3 (758.1)convictions about, possible arriving at, through wise reasoning, 102:6.5 (1124.7)co-ordination and unification of supreme qualities of the Eternal in, 2:7.10 (43.3)false, origin of, 196:3.23 (2095.7)futility of argument regarding the reality of, 101:2.16 (1107.6)Ganid’s collections of teachings of the world’s religions about, 131:0.0 (1442.1–1454.5)Garden dwellers’ inclination to regard Adam and Eve as, 74:3.10 (831.7)household, of early peoples, 93:5.4 (1019.1), 95:7.2 (1050.7)John the Baptist’s test of faith in, 135:11.1 (1506.6)-knowing, one becomes, only by faith, 102:6.5 (1124.7)meanings of the term, 0:2.0 (3.14–4.12)the most real fact, friend, and truth, 102:7.10 (1127.4)the name given by man to his highest ideal, 102:8.4 (1127.8)one day alone with, 177:1.0 (1920.5–1921.4)prerequisite to one’s explaining, 102:6.6 (1125.1)purpose of, Lao-tse’s understanding of the, 94:6.6 (1034.1)religion’s creation of its own, in early evolution, 85:6.3 (948.3)-revealing, technique of man’s becoming, 193:0.5 (2053.1)the significance of the word, to the religionist, 100:3.2 (1096.7)things of, and things of Caesar, (1114.3) 101:7.5, 101:7.5 (1114.3), 101:7.5 (1474.3), 101:7.5 (1580.4), 101:7.5 (1899.2), 101:7.5 (1929.4), 101:7.5 (1956.5)triad, of many early peoples, 95:1.4 (1042.5), 104:0.3 (1143.3)unity of, how comprehended, 1:5.11 (29.1)God(s)-the Absolutethe Absolute, about, 0:10.0 (13.4–5)actualization of, 0:7.1 (10.6), 0:9.4 (13.2), 0:12.2 (15.8)concept of, qualified only in infinity, 56:9.7 (645.2)definition, 0:2.18 (4.12)enhanced revelations of, a possible result of emergence of God the Ultimate, 118:2.5 (1297.1)experiential actualization of, a future possibility, 0:9.4 (13.2)expression of the Father as, 0:7.5 (10.10)personalization of, on the level of the Deity Absolute, difficulty of visualizing, 106:6.1 (1167.6)the Paradise Father on more nearly infinite levels, 118:2.2 (1296.4)the personality completion of, 106:6.6 (1168.5)the Personalized Adjusters’ relation to the levels of, 109:7.3 (1201.4)possible trinitization-factualization of, 0:12.8 (16.5)technique used by, to make contact with universe creatures, 115:4.4 (1264.3)the third and last experiential Deity, 106:6.6 (1168.5)absoluteness of, in spiritual administration, 12:6.2 (135.12)function of, as absolute Deity, 10:4.1 (112.4)God(s)-Activitiesendowment of personality by, 30:1.113 (334.7)the Father, functions of, 14:6.6 (160.7), 56:4.3 (640.2)technique of manifestation of, 120:4.6 (1331.6)lovers, working together of all things for good to, 54:4.7 (616.6)manifestations of, range of, 26:11.5 (297.2), 56:4.5 (640.4)must always first find man that man may later find God, 118:5.3 (1299.3)possible coexistence of, with man, 0:5.3 (8.3)quest, function of evolutionary religions in the, 5:4.1 (66.5)a revealer, 2:6.5 (41.3), 107:6.3 (1182.5)seeking of, to find men, 120:2.8 (1328.5), 169:1.2 (1850.9)a teacher, 2:6.5 (41.3)God(s)-Adjusters and Divine Sonsthe actuality of, demonstrated by the presence of the Adjuster in the human mind, 1:2.3 (24.1)the Adjuster’s creation in man of the longing to be like, 107:0.5 (1176.5)dwelling of, in man, purpose, 3:1.4 (45.2), 148:6.10 (1664.2)family of, one of Jesus’ terms for the kingdom, 170:2.24 (1861.6)the Father, Adjusters a mystery of, 13:1.8 (145.3)fragment(s), indwelling man, 5:2.4 (64.7), 10:3.18 (112.2), 103:1.1 (1129.8), 107:2.9 (1179.3), 134:4.7 (1487.4)-hungry mortal mind, the presence of the Thought Adjuster in the, 101:1.5 (1105.2)lives within man, 2:5.6 (39.5), 108:6.0 (1192.6–1194.1), 160:3.1 (1777.2)Master Michaels as, in their universes, 21:5.8 (241.2)mortals as brothers in Christ and therefore sons of, 40:6.5 (448.4)the most inescapable presence, 102:7.10 (1127.4)not a doctrine but a living presence in the Master’s followers, 194:4.2 (2066.2)a part of, given to dwell within man, 5:1.12 (64.3), 160:4.9 (1779.1)presence of, Creator Son the first step on ascension to, 0:8.9 (11.13)most fully discovered in attempts at communion with the Adjuster, 5:2.3 (64.6)Paradise Sons’ constant access to the, 5:2.2 (64.5)whose spirit lives within, significance in human experience, 133:4.5 (1474.5)revealed by divine Sons, 1:1.3 (22.6)-seeking, proof of Adjuster presence, 1:2.5 (24.3)Sons of, universe creators, 1:0.1 (21.1)Thought Adjusters the gift of, 2:1.7 (34.6)God(s)-ConceptsBabylonian teaching as to man’s descendance from the, 74:8.6 (837.5)basis for man’s belief in, 102:1.5 (1119.4)of battles, ancients’ belief in a, 70:1.15 (784.11), 70:2.9 (785.14), 89:6.3 (980.8)beliefs concerning, before and after Jesus, 188:4.4 (2016.9)concept, after Moses’ death, 96:6.0 (1059.2–5), 142:2.4 (1597.4)in beliefs compounded from evolutionary and revelatory religions, 92:5.1 (1008.3)of Buddhism, 94:12.0 (1040.5–1041.5)evolution of the Hebrew, 4:5.5 (60.4), 94:11.8 (1039.7), 97:0.0 (1062.1–1076.6),

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