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by the early Egyptians, 95:3.3 (1045.6)Geographiccenter of infinity, Paradise the, 11:9.2 (126.7)distribution of Urantia races at the opening of historic times, 81:4.1 (904.5)reasons for social classes, 70:8.7 (792.11)Geographycrude ideas of, held by peoples of Jesus’ time, 121:7.12 (1341.1)influence of, on early China’s development, 79:6.12 (885.9)significance of, in the bestowals of Melchizedek and Michael, 93:5.2 (1018.7)the youthful Jesus’ perplexing questions about, 123:6.6 (1365.1)Geologicchanges, effect of, on spread of early races, 80:2.1 (890.5)changes north of Mesopotamia, results, 78:7.1 (874.6)evolution, Life Carriers’ lack of control over, 65:8.2 (739.6)history book, truth told by stone pages of the, 58:7.0 (670.3–671.5)of Urantia, the real beginning of, 57:8.3 (660.5)Geologyrevelation’s co-ordination of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)GerarAbraham’s departure for, 93:9.2 (1022.5)GerasaJesus’ presence in, 134:9.1 (1494.4), 144:7.1 (1626.2), 152:7.1 (1706.2), 159:0.2 (1762.2)the seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)twenty-four apostles’ labor in, 144:7.1 (1626.2)GerizimJesus’ view of, from the hill of Simeon, 126:1.2 (1387.2)nonnecessity of worshipping God only on, 193:1.2 (2053.4)Germansdescendants of the Nordic races, 80:4.5 (893.1)GermanyDevonian rocks in, thickness of, 59:4.8 (679.1)lithographic stone of, time of deposit of, 60:2.6 (687.7)modern, two racial groups in, origin, 80:9.3 (897.6)Gesturealleged holiness and magic of, 88:6.4 (972.4)religion as man’s supreme, 196:3.30 (2096.6)Gethsemanecamp, establishment of the, 174:0.3 (1897.3)Judas’s prolonged absence from the, 182:0.2 (1963.2)last day at the, 178:0.0 (1929.1–1935.2)Peter’s return in sorrow to the, 184:2.9 (1981.3)secrecy as to the establishment of, 177:3.8 (1924.4)Jesus alone in, 182:3.0 (1968.2–1970.1)Jesus’ and his apostles’ sojourn in, 142:8.4 (1606.1), 147:2.2 (1648.4)visits of interested inquirers with Jesus at, 142:8.4 (1606.1)Ghost(s)administration of justice by, belief in, 70:10.10 (795.7), 89:1.2 (974.4)all tribes’ and races’ onetime belief in, 87:3.5 (961.1)belief as to disease and death being caused by, 90:3.5 (989.7)regarding the needs of a, 87:3.3 (960.7)in, and tombstones, 85:1.4 (945.2)cults, 87:0.0 (958.1–966.6)dream, evolution of society as influenced by, 68:3.2 (766.3), 86:4.1 (952.7)fear, about, 87:1.0 (958.3–959.1)ancestor worship a factor in the spread of, 87:3.2 (960.6)cardinal religious ideas and practices, origin of, in primordial, 92:3.2 (1005.4)the fountainhead of all world religion, 87:4.1 (961.2)modern man’s emergence from, 86:7.4 (956.7)monospiritism of, evolution into dual spiritism, 87:4.4 (961.5)as a motive for large families, 84:7.17 (940.13)as the origin of man’s efforts to regulate his conduct, 86:7.3 (956.6)positive and negative aspects of man’s struggle with, 87:0.2 (958.2)socializing influence of, 68:2.4 (765.1), 68:3.0 (766.2–6), 68:4.3 (767.3)in some present-day religions, 92:6.1 (1010.5)and the value of charms to early man, 69:9.10 (781.4)feasts, Romans’ celebration of twelve a year, 87:3.4 (960.8)fire as security against, 69:6.2 (777.5)gods, vs. nature gods, 85:6.4 (948.4)good and bad, about, 87:4.0 (961.2–962.1)destinies of, 86:4.7 (953.6)involvement of white and black magic in superstition of, 69:3.5 (774.4)hero, Thor a, 85:6.4 (948.4)homeland, a primitive concept of pseudo heaven, 87:1.1 (958.3)one origin of, 86:2.3 (951.5), 86:4.3 (953.2)placation, 87:2.0 (959.2–960.4), 104:0.2 (1143.2)primitive man’s various techniques of driving away, 87:6.11 (964.10)sanction of taboos, in tribal societies, 70:11.4 (797.2)-soul concept, 86:5.0 (953.8–955.5)-spirit environment, 86:6.0 (955.6–956.3)worship, creature fear, 66:5.13 (747.3), 87:3.2 (960.6)Giantismof green and orange races, 51:4.2 (584.4), 64:6.19 (724.9)Giantsof space, collision among, infrequency of, 15:8.6 (176.1), 57:6.4 (658.1)see also Dark giant(s), of spaceGibbon(s)ancestry of, 62:3.13 (706.4)raid, death of human twins’ mother in a, 62:5.10 (708.8)Gibraltaristhmus, cause of end of, and results, 80:2.4 (890.8)Mediterranean trough’s early protection by the, 80:1.1 (889.3)Strait of, closing of, and configurations of Mediterranean in Miocene age, 61:3.8 (697.3)Gideonand the Midianites, Jordan valley site of battle between, 124:6.6 (1374.6)Gift(s)and bribes, vs. sacrifices, 89:4.7 (978.4)divine, a term for Adjusters, 40:5.4 (445.5), 107:1.5 (1177.6), 107:7.6 (1184.1)of eternal life, Jesus’, 190:0.2 (2029.2)from the Father, enjoyed by all Urantia mortals, 5:1.5 (63.3)of foresight, an implied part of inherited ability, 160:4.11 (1779.3)of God, to all men and for all ages, definition, 175:1.5 (1906.2)faith the, 137:8.17 (1537.4), 143:2.7 (1610.2)to men and angels, Lucifer’s attempt to take away the, 54:2.4 (615.1)Thought Adjusters as, 2:1.7 (34.6), 160:4.9 (1779.1)of Life, an appellation of the Father, 1:1.4 (23.1)sacrifice, vs. debt sacrifice, 89:4.2 (977.4)of the spirit, believers’ prayer for preparation to receive the, 193:6.6 (2058.5)Gilboacamp, conference of John’s and Jesus’ apostles at the, 144:6.0 (1624.12–1626.1)encampment, 144:1.0 (1617.4–1618.4)Jesus’ spending of a day and a night on, 134:9.5 (1495.2)Saul’s defeat at, David’s explanation for, 97:9.13 (1073.3)effect of, on the standing of Yahweh, 97:9.6 (1072.4)see also Mount GilboaGileadthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Giraffeappearance of, in Africa, in Pliocene period, 61:4.4 (698.6)Girl(s)babies, destruction of, Christ’s influence on practice of, 195:3.5 (2073.9)murder of, 68:6.8 (770.5)Jesus’ belief concerning the education of, 127:1.5 (1396.2)Jewish, education limitations of, 127:1.5 (1396.2)Roman, release of, at twenty-one, 71:1.22 (801.10)Gischalaapostolic sojourn at, 146:0.1 (1637.1), 146:4.6 (1644.2)GiverGod a peace, 131:1.4 (1442.6)Jesus a truth, 130:1.1 (1428.1)of life eternal, a title of Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7)of living water, the Master declares himself to be, 162:6.2 (1795.6)Onagar directed his fellows in the worship of The Breath, 45:4.3 (513.6), 63:6.1 (715.8)Glacialadvance, third, and appearance of human beings, 61:6.3 (700.4)deposits of early trilobite strata, 59:1.16 (674.2)era, advantages to early humans of rigors of the, 65:2.16 (733.6)period, effect of, on animal life, 61:7.13 (702.3)great event of the, 61:6.1 (700.2)Glaciationappearance of, during climatic transition stage, 59:6.6 (683.3)sixth and last, time of, 61:7.6 (701.5)Glacier(s)fifth, action of, in North America, 61:7.5 (701.4)advance of, over Europe and Asia, and dispersion of Sangik tribes, 64:7.1 (726.8)distribution of Neanderthal race following withdrawal of the, in Europe, 64:7.9 (727.6)effect of, on the population of eastern Asia, 64:7.1 (726.8)first great, northward retreat of, time of, 61:5.6 (699.7)two, not extensive in northern Europe, 64:1.4 (718.6)fourth, European recession of, time of, 64:4.6 (721.4)northernmost retreat of, time of, 64:4.9 (721.7)southern advance of, and geographic distribution of humans, 64:4.5 (721.3)as local phenomena, 61:5.8 (700.1)nonproduction of, in early Oligocene period, reason for, 61:2.3 (695.1)North America’s first, period of advance and retreat of, 61:5.5 (699.6)obstacles to primitive man’s northward trek, 64:1.1 (718.3)second great, cause of, 61:5.6 (699.7)sixth and last, Andonic tribes’ reaction to appearance of, 64:7.17 (728.6)occurrence of Lucifer rebellion during the advance of, 61:7.8 (701.7)retreating ice of, and land passage used by red tribes to leave Asia, 79:5.6 (883.7)time and area of farthest southern extension of, 61:7.9 (701.8)time spans of advance and retreat of, 61:7.12 (702.2)third, and early Andonic migration, 64:1.4 (718.6)topographical changes produced by, 61:7.10 (701.9)Glad tidingsapostles’ proclamation of the, 138:1.1 (1538.3), 140:3.14 (1571.1), 141:8.2 (1595.3), 153:2.4 (1710.2)the dying Philip’s proclamation of the, 139:5.11 (1557.5)Gabriel’s message to Mary of, 122:3.1 (1346.4)importance of believers’ avoiding death so as to preach the, 181:2.15 (1958.2)of the kingdom, Jesus’ purpose to preach the, 137:8.14 (1537.1)Gladnesssoul of, Jesus a, 100:7.13 (1103.1)source of, 131:3.2 (1446.4)Gland(s)chemistry influence of, on spirit reception of mortals, 49:5.19 (566.7)ductless, and chemical reactions, 65:6.6 (737.6)Glantoniaa Satania neighbor, 41:2.1 (456.5)Gleam of righteousnessdiscernible in man’s soul, 101:10.7 (1117.1)Gleaming starsgravity the omnipotent strand on which are strung the, 11:8.1 (125.4)Globalgovernment, a definition, 134:5.14 (1489.5)handling of international affairs by, 134:6.8

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