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attempt to awe his people with a, 96:5.6 (1058.4)Jesus’ admonition against, 100:7.15 (1103.3), 157:2.2 (1745.1), 165:3.4 (1820.3)of the Lord, 149:6.0 (1675.2–1677.1)of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, 68:3.3 (766.4), 131:2.6 (1444.6), 149:6.5 (1675.6)vs. love, and Jesus’ mission, 149:6.5 (1675.6)man’s, influence of, on Adjusters, 108:6.2 (1193.1)is man’s chief enslaver, 142:0.2 (1596.2)in modern races, reason for, 76:4.6 (851.4)mortal, and the crude religion of evolution, 86:6.3 (955.8)motive power of, in evolutionary religions, 5:4.1 (66.5)of natural phenomena, mankind’s need to be delivered from, 92:7.11 (1013.6)not, (1103.3) 100:7.15, (1582.1) 140:8.20, 100:7.15 (1103.3), 100:7.15 (1649.3), 100:7.15 (1682.1), 100:7.15 (1704.2), 100:7.15 (1710.6), 100:7.15 (1829.2), 100:7.15 (1961.3), 140:8.20 (1582.1), 165:3.4 (1820.3)I am with you, 126:4.6 (1392.4), 131:2.6 (1444.6), 131:4.6 (1449.1), 140:9.3 (1584.2), 140:9.3 (2042.1)will help you, 159:5.5 (1769.7)only believe, 152:1.1 (1699.1)your sins are forgiven, 148:9.2 (1666.6)Pilate’s superstitious, of Jesus, 185:7.3 (1996.2)of possible transformation by the religion of Jesus, well founded, 195:9.6 (2083.2)and prejudice, of the Jewish leaders, 149:3.2 (1672.5)prerequisites to man’s freedom from, 131:1.8 (1443.4), 131:6.2 (1450.6), 160:2.7 (1776.1)Primates subjection to, 62:4.4 (707.3)in primitive man’s religion, 92:1.4 (1004.2), 194:3.2 (2062.11)religion of, identification, 52:2.3 (591.3), 64:4.12 (721.10), 155:5.3 (1728.5)-ridden, Jesus’ followers admonished to strengthen the, 190:3.1 (2033.1)-ridden woman, presence of, in Philadelphia synagogue, 167:3.1 (1835.5)of self-bondage, vs. liberty of self-mastery, 143:2.4 (1609.5)slavery of, religion’s emergence from, 12:9.5 (141.6)slavish, deliverance by Jesus from the bondage of, 149:6.2 (1675.3)social influence of, 68:2.4 (765.1)in solidification of early clans, 50:5.5 (576.8)superstitious, of natural man, 155:5.6 (1729.1)unreasoned, a definition, 48:7.4 (556.4)an unworthy motivation for religious living, 140:4.7 (1572.7)Fearlessnessof Jesus, 161:2.4 (1785.4)Fecundityelaborate ceremonials to insure, 82:3.15 (917.3), 83:4.4 (924.7)Federalbudget commission, election of, in the continental nation, 72:7.14 (816.5)chief executive, method of election of, in the continental nation, 72:9.6 (818.1)government, income sources of, in the continental nation, 72:7.8 (815.8)Feeble-mindedearly man’s worship of the, 85:6.2 (948.2)management of, in the continental nation, 72:4.2 (812.4)Feeble-mindednessconfounding a belief in demoniacal possession with, 77:7.7 (863.8)rarity of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.2 (629.11)Feeding the five thousandabout, 152:2.0 (1700.2–1702.1)consequences of, for gospel teaching and Jesus’ mission, 152:5.6 (1704.5), 152:6.5 (1705.5), 153:1.2 (1708.1), 153:1.2 (1708.3)Jesus’ reasons for engaging in, 152:6.6 (1706.1)later return of the twelve to the site of, 156:6.4 (1741.4)number of those with full stomachs at the, who persisted in following Jesus, 152:5.2 (1704.1)results of, immediate, 152:3.1 (1702.2), 153:1.6 (1708.5), 158:1.5 (1753.1), 169:0.2 (1850.2)significance of, as a miracle, 152:3.1 (1702.2)Feeling(s)a concomitant of religion, 101:5.9 (1110.12)a controlling influence in evolutionary development, 85:7.2 (948.7)of experience, vs. the experience of feeling, 101:5.9 (1110.12)mortal man not led Godward by his, 101:1.3 (1104.6)possible influence of, in religious experience, 100:5.5 (1099.3), 101:5.9 (1110.12)schools of, on the mansion worlds, 48:5.6 (551.1)Feetof first human beings, 62:3.2 (705.1), 62:5.2 (707.8)washing at the Last Supper, Jesus’ identification of his performance of, as a parable, 179:3.6 (1939.4), 179:3.8 (1939.6)reactions to, by the apostles, 179:3.1 (1938.3), 179:3.3 (1939.1), 179:3.5 (1939.3), 179:3.9 (1940.1), 179:4.2 (1940.4)Fellow(s)of the kingdom, Alpheus twins as, 139:10.6 (1563.7)men, God’s forgiveness, and man’s forgiveness of his, 146:2.4 (1638.4)Jesus’ desire to make no overpowering appeals to his, 129:3.5 (1423.7)influence over his, reason, 141:3.4 (1589.5)joyful and voluntary service of, part of Jesus’ kingdom idea, 170:2.12 (1860.7)loving service bestowed upon one’s, a great privilege, 142:4.2 (1600.3)preparation of believers to serve their, 131:10.5 (1454.2)servants with Jesus, in doing the Father’s will, 179:3.9 (1940.1)Fellowshipof believers, and attainment of divine sonship, 156:2.6 (1736.3), 170:2.24 (1861.6), 191:4.3 (2041.6), 194:4.6 (2067.1)divine, finite intellect’s assurance of, 5:0.1 (62.1)of the faithful, Jesus’ substitute for kingdom idea, 170:2.24 (1861.6)of the Father, drawing all men into the, 140:10.1 (1584.4), 170:3.9 (1862.6), 174:5.13 (1904.4)Jesus’, a definition, 157:6.14 (1750.8)of the kingdom, equality of all men in the, 181:2.14 (1958.1)personality essential to, 1:7.1 (31.1)prayer the expression of, 144:2.2 (1618.6)Femaleequality of mind endowment and spiritual status in male and, 49:4.4 (564.6)and male activities, early differentiation of, 68:2.6 (765.3)rule of the male, on some planets, 52:2.7 (591.7)Fern(s)family, sudden appearance of, 59:4.13 (679.6)-forest Carboniferous period, 59:5.0 (680.3–682.6)forests, replacement of, time of, 60:4.5 (692.3)of later reptilian age, 60:2.7 (687.8)a life feature of the coal age, 59:4.13 (679.6), 59:5.23 (682.6)Fertile crescentinvasion of eastern regions of, by Semites of the East, 96:2.1 (1054.6)migration to the islands by peoples of the, 80:7.9 (896.1)Fertilityof the bride, proof of, 82:3.7 (916.3)of the union, 83:4.8 (925.4)Festive gatheringsJesus’ encouragement of his apostles’ attendance at, 138:4.2 (1541.4)Fetish(es)bag, medicine man’s, not permitted to touch the ground, 88:3.3 (970.4)as a barter guard, 69:4.3 (775.3)belief in, 88:1.0 (967.3–968.5)charms, and magic, 88:0.0 (967.1–973.2)cult, 88:2.2 (968.7)evolution of the, 88:2.0 (968.6–970.1)personalities, kings as, 70:6.4 (790.1)practice, in guarding property, 69:9.12 (781.6)worship, Moses’ effort to control, 88:2.5 (969.3), 96:5.8 (1058.6)Fetishisma definition, 88:0.1 (967.1), 88:3.1 (970.2)and reincarnation, 88:1.4 (967.6)Feud(s)in Andonic clans, results of, 63:4.8 (714.6)between the churches of Jerusalem and Philadelphia, duration of, 166:5.3 (1831.6)Feudalismof European Middle Ages, a result of retrogression, 71:1.24 (801.12)FidelityJesus’ estimate of, 140:8.20 (1582.1)Fifthbestowal of Michael, 119:5.0 (1314.4–1315.3), 120:0.4 (1324.1)see also Bestowal(s)cosmic circle, 113:1.7 (1242.2)epochal revelation, 92:4.9 (1008.2)see also Revelation(s); Urantia—Religion and RevelationHavona circuit, see Havona, circuitsmansion world, about, 47:7.0 (537.1–5)fusion may take place on the, 47:8.3 (538.1)Master Spirit, 16:3.10 (187.7)see also Master Spirit(s)mind adjutant, 34:4.10 (378.4), 36:5.2 (401.6), 36:5.10 (402.7), 46:7.5 (528.3), 62:6.3 (709.4)see also Adjutant(s); Mind(s)—Adjutantsmortal epoch, signal for the inauguration of the, 52:4.8 (595.3)see also Epochal; Epochs, planetary mortalstage of light and life, see Light, and life-stage spirit existence, ascenders’ attainment of, 31:3.4 (348.1)superuniverse, see Superuniverse(s), number fiveTriunity, see Triunity(ies)Fig tree(s)appearance of, 60:3.7 (689.6)and coming of summer, 176:2.6 (1915.3)parable of the, 166:4.9 (1830.9)Fightthe good fight of faith, 159:3.8 (1766.4)for his rights, Jesus’ unwillingness to, 124:2.4 (1368.6)Fightingan absorbing pursuit of the Andonic clans, 63:4.7 (714.5)Finaliter(s)acting chief of, position of seat of, in the morontia temple, 55:1.2 (622.2)activity, in the grand universe, 40:10.6 (453.1), 56:8.2 (643.5), 117:6.6 (1288.5)ascendant, extent of experience of, 31:8.1 (350.4), 32:3.12 (362.1), 56:8.2 (643.5)career of, preliminary training necessary to, 14:6.40 (163.2), 27:2.2 (300.2)and the challenge of God the Ultimate, 27:7.10 (305.3)character of a, dependence of, on the Supreme, 117:4.8 (1284.4)chief of planetary corps of, as a ruler of a first stage light-and-life world, 55:4.6 (627.4)circles of the, 46:5.32 (527.1)companies, permanent members of, 31:7.1 (349.6)corps, ascending seraphim’s activity in the, 113:7.5 (1248.5)headquarters of Satania, 45:1.2 (509.5), 47:0.2 (530.2), 53:3.6 (604.1)nonmortal, guardians’ entry into, 31:4.1 (348.6), 39:8.10 (441.4)the seven, the representation of divinity response of the grand universe to potentials of outer universes, 31:10.10

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