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Actor in the, 9:1.4 (99.3)gradual culmination of evolutionary expression in the, 116:5.17 (1274.7)a growing realm of power and personality, 116:0.4 (1268.4)harmony in the seven segments of, 18:3.3 (209.5)intellectual potential of the, Seven Master Spirits the source of, 16:6.1 (191.4)limited function of Master Force Organizers in the, 29:5.4 (329.4)living mechanisms, existence of, in the, frandalanks an example of, 29:4.38 (328.7)a living organism, 116:7.0 (1276.2–7), 118:9.4 (1303.5)Master Architects as superco-ordinators of the, 31:9.5 (351.6)master circuits of, source of, 34:4.5 (377.9)Master Physical Controllers’ field of activity, 29:4.0 (324.3–328.7), 41:2.1 (456.5)mastery by mortal ascenders of operation and administration of the, 48:8.2 (557.17)ministering spirits of, classification, 26:1.2 (285.3)ministry of God the Sevenfold to creatures of, 34:6.2 (380.3)only Father-fused creatures of the, subject to induction into Mortal Corps of the Finality, 30:4.31 (343.6)order of Michael’s knowledge of, 21:0.4 (234.4)Orvonton number in, 15:14.2 (182.1), 30:4.34 (344.2)a partial manifestation of the cosmos-infinite, 104:4.26 (1149.11)percentage of mind-gravity response originating in, 12:3.10 (132.4)permanent administrators of the, 0:8.11 (12.2)personalities of the, 30:0.0 (330.1–344.3)personality unification of Deity in the, 0:7.8 (11.2)pervasion of, by ancestral space potency of the Unqualified Absolute, 11:7.4 (124.5)philosophic question regarding the evolution of the, and that of the Supreme Being, 117:2.9 (1281.2)physical energies of the, vs. outer space forces, 12:2.4 (131.1)role of Universe Power Directors in control of, 16:4.3 (189.4)equilibrium of the, and power-control creatures of the Third Source and Center, 9:3.6 (101.6)-gravity capacity of the, compared with gravity pull of Paradise, 12:3.8 (132.2)possibility of complete unification in the, cause, 117:1.3 (1279.1)possible future function of the, 23:4.4 (262.5), 117:7.15 (1292.9)power control of, in Seven Master Spirits, 29:3.1 (322.4)predictability of reactions of spirit-gravity circuit of the, 7:1.8 (82.7)present, many forms and phases of reality of the, 106:0.2 (1162.2)of the present, vs. that of the future, 117:7.17 (1293.1)the present domain of the Almighty Supreme, 116:0.4 (1268.4)range of Master Spirits’ representatives in, 16:4.7 (190.1)the reciprocal evolution of the Supreme and the, 56:7.1 (642.1), 117:0.2 (1278.2), 117:7.12 (1292.6)registry number of Urantia, in the, 15:14.8 (182.7)regulators of master energy circuits of the, 29:2.10 (321.2)relation of Paradise Trinity to personality intelligences of the, 56:9.4 (644.6)and scope of Urantia papers, 13:0.7 (143.7)settlement of, in light and life, possible consequences of, 55:6.10 (631.6), 55:12.5 (636.6)Seven Master Spirits’ conditioning of seven segments of, 13:4.2 (150.1), 16:0.11 (184.11)seven superuniverses of, 15:2.2 (166.1)some characteristics of, 12:1.13 (129.11), 17:0.1 (197.1), 116:7.2 (1276.3)spirit intelligences of the, 4:1.7 (55.5)the Supreme Being’s function as God the Almighty in the, 116:0.5 (1268.5)Supreme Creators, association of Architects with, in first experiential Trinity, 31:9.14 (352.7)Third Source and Center representation in the, 9:8.6 (106.4)the total, concern of Paradise Trinity with the, 10:7.2 (115.4)the total evolution of the entire, a definition, 116:5.15 (1274.5)translation of cosmic consciousness from level of, to that of outer universes, 48:3.17 (547.2)Universal Censors’ operations in the, 19:4.8 (218.6)Unqualified Absolute pervades, 0:11.8 (14.6)watchers over, 12:6.8 (136.6)when settled in light and life, speculations regarding the Supreme’s relations to the, 56:7.6 (642.6), 117:7.15 (1292.9)Grandchildrenof Adamson, secondary midwayers’ status as, 77:5.1 (861.1)of Andon and Fonta, number of, in their lifetime, 63:3.2 (713.2)number perishing with them, 63:3.4 (713.4)Andonites’ attitude toward their, 63:4.3 (714.1)of corporeal staff, planetary status of, 50:3.5 (574.7)Jesus’ short-lived enjoyment of the, 128:6.12 (1416.5)man’s love for, a result of, 66:7.4 (750.6)of space, the Creator-Father’s, 14:6.11 (160.12)Grandeurof the Father’s character, desirable human attitude toward, 12:7.12 (139.1)love, expression of the, 5:1.2 (62.4)of Isle of God, 11:0.2 (118.2)Grandfandaaccommodation of spirit of worship since time of, 27:7.6 (304.4)activities of certain Paradise Citizens prior to times of, 26:11.2 (296.5)arrival of, on Havona, and creation of tertiary supernaphim, 17:5.3 (203.1)and inauguration of space reports of glory, 24:6.8 (270.6)associate of, registry for Havona finaliter volunteers presided over by, 31:1.1 (346.2)chief of Supreme Council of Destiny on Paradise, 31:10.9 (353.5)the days of, and the beginnings of the orders of glorified ascendant mortals, 15:10.12 (178.12)evolutionary home planet of, 24:6.8 (270.6)Gravity Messengers under exclusive jurisdiction of, 31:2.1 (346.7)identification of, 7:5.8 (87.2), 24:6.7 (270.5), 112:7.13 (1239.2)landing of, in Havona, and creation of secondary supernaphim, 26:2.7 (287.6)on outer Havona circuit, and arrival of Paradise pilgrims of eternity on inner circuit, 26:5.1 (291.1)Paradise chief of all orders of finaliters, 31:10.20 (354.6)times of, in relation to time of initial functioning of Seven Spirits of the Circuits, 26:2.6 (287.5)Grandsonsof First Source and Center, Creator Sons the, 10:3.10 (111.8)Granitedensity of, 58:5.5 (668.7)elevation of Hudson Bay region, stone composition of, 57:8.12 (661.6)origin of, 58:5.5 (668.7)in Urantia’s early outer crust, 57:7.5 (659.4)Graphmethods, Havona, comparison of, with Urantia techniques, 26:3.8 (289.1), 27:6.4 (303.2)Grasping big toeabsence of, in first humans, 62:5.2 (707.8)appearance of, in prehuman species, 62:2.1 (703.5)Grassesappearance of, in Cretaceous period, 60:3.20 (691.1)importance of, to evolution of the plant world, 60:3.19 (690.10)increase in varieties of, in Miocene period, 61:3.2 (696.6)Gratificationvs. objective lure, 100:0.2 (1094.2)sensuous, inability of, to confer happiness, 136:6.10 (1519.3)Gratitudeappearance of, in first humans, 62:5.4 (708.2)Jesus’ comparison of the Jews’, and the Samaritans’, 166:2.3 (1827.8)of men, a revelation of, 166:2.3 (1827.8)prayer as an expression of, 91:8.4 (1001.8)Grave(s)cloths, position of, in Jesus’ tomb Sunday morning, 189:4.6 (2025.7)the first land titles, 69:9.14 (782.1)man’s inability to get beyond the, according to the materialist, 102:0.1 (1118.1)ransom from, God’s promise of, 131:2.13 (1446.2)Gravitaa definition, 11:8.7 (126.3), 42:2.15 (470.6)domain, thirty energy systems of, 15:8.2 (175.5)Gravitationscientists’ possible measurement of force manifestations of, 133:5.4 (1476.6)space potency unaffected by, 11:8.8 (126.4)universe, a facet of time-space mechanism, 42:11.4 (482.2)human mind’s responsiveness to, 42:11.4 (482.2)Gravitationalcontrol, God’s everlasting grasp, 3:2.4 (47.2)force, inability of, to hold together atomic nuclei, 42:8.4 (479.2)Gravityand absolute zero, 42:4.6 (473.4)action, at high temperatures, a source of solar energy, 41:7.9 (463.9)in the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute, 106:3.5 (1166.3)action of, and departure of space traversers from material spheres, 29:4.1 (324.3)in the plane perpendicular to the mass, 11:8.9 (126.5)on power lanes and energy channels, 42:4.4 (473.2)adjustment of, on creation of new universes, 3:4.2 (49.6)atoms and electrons subject to, 41:9.2 (465.2)balance of power, of dark islands of space, 15:6.11 (173.1)bodies, dark, Havona surrounded by, 12:1.10 (129.8)the center of all, 1:2.10 (24.8), 3:1.7 (45.5), 10:3.11 (111.9), 33:2.2 (367.4), 56:1.3 (638.1), 105:3.4 (1156.1)circuits, material, Adjusters not subject to the, 107:6.6 (1183.1)the Paradise Deities’ action through their, 116:3.1 (1270.12)clutch of the sun, energy required for overcoming, 41:5.5 (461.1)and cold, function of, 15:8.10 (176.5)condensation, and explosion of dead suns, 41:7.15 (464.2)of younger stars, results of, 41:9.4 (465.4)contraction, maintenance of dying suns’ brilliance by, 41:8.2 (464.4)control(s), the energy of, changing of space-force into, 42:2.14 (470.5)Infinite Spirit’s dependence on three existential, 10:3.19 (112.3)of large suns over their electrons, 41:9.1 (465.1)spiritual, relation of, to time and space, 7:1.2 (82.1)of the sun, detachment of column of solar gases from, 57:5.6 (656.2)of universe mechanism, effect of, on universe expansion, 32:1.4 (358.1)convergence of universal lines of, in the Father, 11:1.4 (119.1)of dead suns, 15:6.14 (173.4)debt, and pattern, 0:6.11 (10.3)a definition, 11:8.1 (125.4)effect of antigravity on, 9:3.3 (101.3)of space on, 11:8.3 (125.6)-electric changes in large suns, and resulting collapse, 41:8.3 (464.5)energy, and function of Supreme Power Directors, 29:2.11 (321.3)and linear gravity, 42:2.12 (470.3)origin of, 29:5.5 (329.5), 42:2.14 (470.5)-explosion planets, explanation of, 15:5.5 (170.8)extension, Unqualified Absolute’s relation to, 11:8.9 (126.5)a factor in cohesion of atomic energy systems, 42:8.1 (478.5)forces, and nether Paradise, 0:3.13 (5.12), 12:3.6 (131.9)a function of, 29:5.5 (329.5), 57:2.4 (652.7)grasp of Eternal Son, and spirit values, 7:1.10 (83.2)Havona, equalization of, 14:1.15 (153.6)-heat contention, definition, 41:9.4 (465.4)nebular, possible duration of, 57:3.12 (654.5)laws, in creation and universe organization, 15:4.1 (169.1)linear, see Linear gravitylocal, 41:9.2 (465.2)material, relation of, to mind, 12:8.11 (140.7)and materialization of

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