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126:2.6 (1389.1)teaching of, as to the fate of man, 148:4.9 (1660.8)thinker, in Ephesus school, Jesus’ talk with the, 133:6.4 (1478.3)translation, of Hebrew scriptures, presentation to child Jesus of a, 123:0.3 (1355.3)the twenty believing, Jesus’ desire to ordain, 177:3.6 (1924.2)western, acceptance of Paul’s Christian teachings by, reason, 146:1.3 (1637.5)Greencoloration of material life on architectural worlds, 43:6.6 (492.6)man, Egypt’s domination by, 64:7.14 (728.3)Fantad, deliverer from darkness of the, 45:4.9 (513.12)indigo man’s destruction of, 64:7.14 (728.3)orange men’s extinction by the, 64:6.11 (724.1)strains of, in Andites, 78:4.3 (872.1)race, Chinese absorption of, results, 79:6.7 (885.4)enslavement of, by the yellow race, 51:4.6 (585.2)extermination of, 78:3.7 (871.3)persistence of, in Burma and Indo-China, 79:6.2 (884.5)strains of the submerged, in the Saharan indigo-black group, 78:1.10 (869.6)of Urantia, giantism in the, 51:4.2 (584.4)Greenlandand American life implantation, 58:4.2 (667.6)Andonites’ residence in, 64:7.17 (728.6), 78:1.5 (869.1)connecting link between America and Europe at one time, 59:5.20 (682.3)covering of, by ice flows, time of, 61:5.4 (699.5)and early land plants, 59:4.14 (679.7), 61:3.1 (696.5)influence of Gulf Stream on climate of, 59:1.17 (674.3)location of some of world’s oldest mountains, 60:4.3 (692.1)westward drift of, preparation for, 57:8.23 (663.1), 58:4.3 (668.1)Gregariousinstinct, origin of, 36:5.10 (402.7), 62:2.5 (704.4)propensity, relation of, to society, 49:4.7 (564.9), 68:2.4 (765.1)Grief(s)Jesus’ questioning the apostles’, in view of the dawning of the new day, 153:5.3 (1715.3)multiplication of, through Judas’s personality isolation, 193:4.12 (2056.10)a result of selfishness, 131:3.6 (1447.3)Universal Father’s, cause of, 4:3.5 (58.3)Grievancesfictitious, the cross and man’s complaints about, 188:5.10 (2019.3)Groaningat tomb of Lazarus, a possible cause of Jesus’, 168:1.4 (1844.3)Groomyear’s sojourn in bride’s family required of, 82:3.6 (916.2)Group(s)activities, of ascending pilgrims, 43:8.4 (494.3)affair, marriage originally a, 83:2.1 (923.1)associations, religion’s effect on, 99:4.1 (1089.9)conduct, man’s right to legislate regarding, 159:1.3 (1762.5)control, Edenic, Adam’s system of, 74:5.5 (833.5)custodians, function of, regarding personality resurrection, 112:3.6 (1230.4)deliberations, apostolic, Jesus’ provision for leadership in, 181:2.16 (1958.3)ethics, a definition, 43:8.3 (494.2)a superior development of the Chinese, 79:8.16 (888.9)guidance, up-to-date version of the gospel for each generation’s, 194:2.1 (2060.6)identity, development of consciousness of, 23:4.1 (262.2)judgment, a protection against dangers of personal bias, 159:1.6 (1764.1)loyalty, purposeful co-operation, 16:8.11 (194.11)marriage, a phase in the mating evolution, 83:5.2 (925.7)membership, an advantage of, 54:6.3 (618.6), 81:5.6 (906.4)potential, 10:5.2 (113.3)praying, effectiveness of, 91:5.2 (998.5)relationships, leadership provided for believers in their, 181:2.16 (1958.3)rights, necessity for the protection of, 81:5.6 (906.4)strength of, vs. that of the sum of their units, 68:1.4 (763.7)understanding, adjuncts to, 28:6.8 (315.1)worship, prayer’s expansion to the level of, 91:1.4 (995.3)Grove(s)of Daphne, Jesus’ avoidance of the, 133:8.1 (1480.6)Jesus’ praying in a, after laying down his tools, 137:8.3 (1535.9)veneration of their deities by the Hebrews in the, 85:2.4 (945.7)Growingold gracefully, importance of, 156:5.18 (1740.5)up, importance of, 156:5.18 (1740.5)Growthan association of actual and potential values, 100:3.6 (1097.3)and attainment, the cosmic integration of time-and-matter phases of the finite through, 106:1.1 (1163.14)the chief inhibitors of, 100:1.2 (1094.4)a definition, 100:3.5 (1097.2), 116:0.3 (1268.3)dependence of, on conscience, 100:1.5 (1094.7)in grace, 102:2.4 (1120.1), 147:8.5 (1656.6), 150:5.2 (1682.4), 176:3.5 (1917.1)man’s need to pray for, 91:8.10 (1002.2)not mere progress, 100:3.6 (1097.3)personality, confidence in the possibilities of, 75:8.7 (846.6)religious, prerequisites for, 100:1.5 (1094.7), 100:4.2 (1097.6)problems of, 100:4.0 (1097.5–1098.3)spiritual, result of, 100:4.3 (1097.7)suicidal character of overrapid, 39:4.12 (435.5)the unconscious nature of, 100:3.7 (1097.4)of values, importance of, 100:3.5 (1097.2)Grudge(s)bear against no one a, 131:2.11 (1445.5)degree of holding, 174:1.5 (1898.5)holding of, a weakness of character, 156:5.17 (1740.4)Jesus’ opposition to holding, 140:8.5 (1579.7), 141:3.8 (1590.3)Judas’s tendency to hold, 193:4.8 (2056.6)Thomas not a holder of, 139:8.8 (1562.2)Guardian(s)angel(s), accompaniment of her mortal associate back to service of time and space by, 25:8.10 (284.3)achievement of the seven circles of seraphic light by, 39:8.7 (441.1)appearance by a, before the archangels, 113:6.3 (1247.1)continuous ministry of a, to a member of the reserve corps of destiny, 113:1.5 (1241.7)a definition, 39:8.5 (440.7), 48:5.1 (550.2), 113:1.0 (1241.3–1242.3)ministry of, to all planetary types of mortals, 49:6.1 (568.4)possible future of, 31:4.1 (348.6)a reality, 113:1.1 (1241.3)angel(s) after death, 113:6.0 (1246.5–1247.8)as man’s, 113:5.4 (1246.3)of civilization of the continental nation, 72:11.1 (818.7)of destiny, achievement of the circles of Seraphington by, 113:7.5 (1248.5)assignment of reborn cherubim and sanobim as, 38:8.6 (423.6)and cherubim, 38:8.5 (423.5)the conduct of, at time of human’s death, 113:6.1 (1246.5)departure of, to the first mansion world, 113:6.2 (1246.6)experienced seraphim as, 39:8.6 (440.8)a highly prized seraphic duty, 113:7.7 (1249.1)individuals’, 12:6.8 (136.6)Infinite Spirit’s approach to men by the, 50:1.1 (572.3)ministry of, on nonfusion planets, 40:5.14 (446.5)one contrast between an Adjuster and a, 108:5.10 (1192.5)of three possible prerequisites to seraphim being known as, 113:2.1 (1242.4)personal, increasing assignment of, to advancing mortals, result of, 49:6.9 (569.4)a prerequisite to assignment of, 49:6.8 (569.3), 112:4.12 (1231.12)requisites for possession of, 30:4.11 (341.1)and third-period personalization of deceased mortals, 30:4.11 (341.1)and seraphic supervision of Urantia, 39:5.2 (437.1)significance of, 39:8.6 (440.8)many, on Urantia, previous experience of, 113:2.3 (1242.6)of mortal destiny, graduate, definition, 39:2.5 (430.1)of nonsurvivors, ability of, to serve again on the same planet, 113:2.4 (1243.1)participants in the Lucifer rebellion, present fate of, 113:6.10 (1247.8)permanent attachment of, to mortals, conditions of, 39:8.10 (441.4)required response of, to the dispensational roll call in behalf of nonsurvivors, 113:6.8 (1247.6)seraphim, are not mind, 113:4.1 (1245.1)arrival of, in great numbers on Urantia, 63:6.9 (717.1)ascendant career pursued by some, 39:8.10 (441.4)the custodian of man’s survival values, 113:6.5 (1247.3)difficult to understand the ability of the, to do their tasks, 113:3.6 (1244.7)an explanation of difficulties encountered in ministering to her mortal subject by, 111:7.4 (1223.6)functioning of, primarily in emergencies, 113:5.4 (1246.3)group, function of, with judgment Sons, 49:6.5 (568.8)Jesus’ prebaptismal utilization of his, 128:1.9 (1408.6)ministry of, to Jesus, on Mount Hermon, 134:8.8 (1494.1)time of advent of, on an inhabited world, 49:6.4 (568.7)unification and co-ordination of the Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth by the, 113:3.3 (1244.4)service acquirement by, on worlds of non-Adjuster fusion, 113:2.3 (1242.6)spirit, the early Egyptians’ belief regarding the, 111:0.5 (1215.5)Guardianshipof Jesus, responsibility for the, 123:2.2 (1357.6)Guarding angelministry of the, to the mortal regarding nonpersonal and prepersonal entities, 113:3.1 (1244.2)Guardsignorance of the, of Jesus’ resurrection, 189:1.2 (2021.1)at Jesus’ tomb, reaction of, to the unassisted movement of the stone door, 189:2.4 (2023.3)Jewish leaders’ bribing of the, 189:2.5 (2023.4)Guest(s)advice of Jesus about one’s, 167:1.5 (1834.3)friendship, definition and customs of, 70:3.9 (787.9)great number of, at the Cana wedding, 137:4.1 (1528.4)of honor, at Matthew’s banquet, Jesus the, 138:3.2 (1540.5)at Nathaniel’s breakfast, Jesus the, 166:1.1 (1825.3)Guidancefathers’ provision for their children’s, 142:7.9 (1604.4)spiritual, Scriptures’ purpose, 159:4.5 (1768.1)Guideunfailing, identity of man’s, 131:4.4 (1448.3)a wise, religion’s need to function as, in this changing world, 99:1.4 (1087.1)Guildof civilization, limited personal privileges conferred by the, 81:5.3 (906.1)Guiltblood, communal participation in, results, 89:5.9 (979.8)confession of, by innocent persons, 88:4.7 (971.1)of evil-doing, mercy’s effect on the, 188:5.2 (2018.1)fictitious, Jesus’ destruction of all, 103:4.4 (1133.4)hereditary, origin of Paul’s theory of, 121:6.5 (1339.1)in Jesus, Pilate’s finding of no, 185:3.7 (1991.7), 185:5.1 (1993.1), 185:8.2 (1996.6)of Jesus, Sanhedrists’ deliberations about, 184:3.13 (1983.5), 185:2.2 (1989.5), 185:2.10 (1990.6)of Judas, 186:1.4 (1998.2)man to refuse to harbor feelings of, following confession, 156:2.7 (1736.4)methods of determining, in primitive society, 70:10.6 (795.3), 84:4.7 (935.7), 88:4.7 (971.1), 90:3.6 (990.1)moral, a personal matter, 67:7.7 (761.6)not part of the normal child’s moral nature, 103:2.3 (1131.2), 103:2.6 (1131.5)Pilate’s seeking to escape his, 186:4.1 (2001.4)racial, atonement for, not the reason for the death on the cross, 188:4.1 (2016.6)the doctrine of original

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