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26:5.2 (291.2)the sixth, 14:5.4 (158.7), 26:3.9 (289.2), 26:6.1 (292.1), 31:3.4 (348.1)the third, 14:5.4 (158.7), 26:3.6 (288.6), 26:9.1 (294.5)training courses of Graduate Guides on the, 25:1.5 (274.2)variation in, 14:1.9 (152.11)educational spheres of, number, 16:5.5 (191.3)number of worlds in, 24:0.10 (264.10)planets, velocity of, 14:1.12 (153.3)seven circuits of, arrangement of a billion worlds into the, 14:1.9 (152.11)bestowal of Eternal Son on the, character and purpose of, 7:5.5 (86.6)Infinite Spirit’s participation in, 8:4.3 (94.5)made real to creatures by the original Michael, 7:5.9 (87.3)and the Paradise Sons’ attribute of bestowal, 119:0.2 (1308.2)time of, 119:0.2 (1308.2)character of ascenders’ attainment on, 14:5.1 (158.4)clockwise processional of, 14:1.3 (152.5)divine glory of Paradise shed on the, 13:0.3 (143.3)experience of the first-born Michael on the, 7:5.8 (87.2), 21:0.4 (234.4)of time-space pilgrims on the, shared by Eternal Mother Son, 7:5.9 (87.3)function of primary supernaphim on the, 27:5.5 (302.4)of secondary supernaphim on the, 26:2.4 (287.3), 26:4.1 (289.4)of Seven Spirits of the Circuits in relation to, 17:5.1 (202.4), 26:2.6 (287.5)of tertiary supernaphim on the, 26:3.1 (288.1)maintenance of all spheres of, vs. current utilization of planetary capacity, 14:3.5 (156.2)modified Son-fused survivors to be found on the, 40:10.10 (453.5)part of the ten concentric stabilized units around Paradise, 14:1.10 (153.1)relation of Graduate Guides to pilgrims of time on the, 24:6.3 (270.1)of Havona Servitals to ascending souls on the, 25:1.5 (274.2)schools of the seven circles located on the pilot worlds of the, 25:4.14 (280.2)traversal of, with its fused soul of earthly origin, a goal of the Adjuster, 112:7.9 (1238.4)sixth circle of, achievement of ascenders on, 26:6.2 (292.2), 31:3.4 (348.1)spheres, basic life groups and subdivisions of, in, 14:4.1 (156.6)beauty and grandeur of, 14:3.7 (156.4)Eternals of Days’ individual development of, 18:2.3 (209.1)individuality of, 14:5.6 (159.2)planetary construction of, 14:3.6 (156.3)rulers of, 18:2.1 (208.6)tree of life native to, 73:6.3 (825.8)worlds, about, 14:3.0 (155.4–156.5)administration of, by Eternals of Days, 15:2.9 (166.8), 17:5.2 (202.5)arrangement of, 14:1.9 (152.11)creation of, 8:1.7 (91.4)life on, character of, 14:5.2 (158.4)see also Central, universeHavonalactivities, 14:5.0 (158.4–160.1), 14:6.2 (160.3)Havonersfuture, eternity-destiny of, unrevealed, 19:6.3 (221.5)as "material" creatures, 14:4.11 (157.3)and Paradise Citizens, results of trinitization by, 22:7.13 (251.3)Headof John the Baptist on a platter, 135:12.6 (1508.6)size, of Primates twins, 62:4.1 (706.5)wife, prerogatives of, in polygamy and plural marriages, 83:5.10 (926.8)Head-hunterprovision by the, of a scapeman for himself, 89:0.1 (974.1)Head-huntingfunctions of, 82:3.5 (916.1), 86:5.15 (955.3), 87:2.8 (960.2), 88:1.8 (968.3)Headquarterscity, Prince’s, characteristics of, 50:4.2 (575.3)of Onagar, location of, 63:6.7 (716.6)sphere, Life Carrier, activities on, 36:2.12 (397.12)superuniverse headquarters spheres, as power-energy regulators, 15:8.1 (175.4)worlds, beings at home on, 15:7.4 (174.4)of the constellations and systems, when created, 32:2.3 (358.5)increasing grandeur of, from Jerusem to Central Isle, 15:7.3 (174.3)of superuniverses, time of construction of, 15:0.2 (164.2)HealerJesus’ fame as a, extent of, 149:1.1 (1668.5)insistence that he not be referred to as a, 146:4.6 (1644.2)reputation as a, basis for his fame, 149:2.6 (1671.1)height of, 152:1.3 (1699.3)Healingof Amos the lunatic, 151:6.0 (1695.4–1697.1)belief in, by religious ceremonies, 86:3.3 (952.5)at Bethsaida, relation of, to advancement of the kingdom, 145:3.14 (1633.5)the blind beggar, 164:3.0 (1811.2–1813.3)Capernaum sundown, fame of, 145:3.12 (1633.3)of a double affliction of James of Safed’s son, 158:4.2 (1755.8)of the dropsical man, 167:1.4 (1834.2)by the Father, purpose, 167:1.5 (1834.3)Jesus’ spontaneous, three influences in, 149:1.4 (1669.3)of the leper at Iron, 146:4.3 (1643.4)of the nations, and leaves of the tree of life, 73:6.1 (825.6)of Norana’s daughter, 156:1.0 (1734.3–1735.4)the paralytic, 148:9.0 (1666.5–1667.2)phenomena, of Jesus, conditions necessary to repetition of, 152:1.5 (1700.1)on the Sabbath, Jesus’ query about, 167:1.4 (1834.2)supernatural, no miracles of, known to have occurred at Elman’s infirmary, 148:2.1 (1658.4)supposed, of Jairus’s daughter, Jesus’ explanation, 152:1.2 (1699.2)for their bodies, seekers for, 145:5.6 (1635.5), 147:2.2 (1648.4)the woman with the spirit of infirmity, 167:3.0 (1835.5–1836.5)Healthand care of the body, Garden schools’ instruction in, 74:7.4 (835.7)of the child Jesus, during the sojourn at Alexandria, 123:0.3 (1355.3)on return to Nazareth, 123:1.2 (1356.5)and efficiency, religion and solution of the problems of, 160:4.9 (1779.1)good physical, an essential of temporal life, 160:4.3 (1778.6)ideas of, of the people of Jesus’ time, 121:7.12 (1341.1)industrial and governmental attitude toward, in the continental nation, 72:7.2 (815.2)man’s understanding of, 100:4.3 (1097.7)not the smile of heaven, 166:4.10 (1831.1)a phase of the Sethite priesthood’s work, 76:3.5 (850.1)prayer’s influence on, 91:6.2 (999.5)relation of, to truth, beauty, goodness, 2:7.11 (43.4)and religious experience, 91:7.6 (1000.7)a result of the unification of physical systems, 100:4.3 (1097.7)and sanitation, Garden laws of, 74:7.13 (836.2)and vigor, of ancient peoples, 81:1.8 (901.3)Zoroaster’s god of, 95:6.2 (1049.5)Hearinghuman, extension of, during ages of light and life, 55:6.3 (630.6)mortal, limitations of, 44:1.1 (499.3)Heart(s)of Counsel, assignment of, to Divine Counselors, 28:5.4 (310.6)function of, 28:5.15 (312.2)new, Ezekiel’s reference to God’s promise to man of a, 145:2.7 (1630.3)Peter’s faults not of the, 139:2.6 (1551.2)searchers, Sanctities of Service as, 28:6.19 (316.6)Heatabsence of seasons of, on Jerusem, 46:1.4 (519.5)a definition, 42:4.5 (473.3)effectiveness of, to relieve pain, 90:4.6 (991.5)function of, 15:8.10 (176.5)gravity stability as affected by, 42:4.8 (473.6)internal, of Urantia, augmentation of, 57:7.3 (659.2)relation of, to light, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter, 42:4.1 (472.12)relationship of, to gravity, 41:9.4 (465.4)Heathendifference in attitude of Jesus and the Jews toward the, 121:7.2 (1339.7)religion of, vs. religion of Jesus, 143:1.2 (1607.4)so-called, Jesus to receive with open arms, 155:1.2 (1725.3)understanding of the Master’s teachings by, 156:2.4 (1736.1)Heatingof architectural worlds, 15:7.1 (174.1), 29:3.9 (323.7)of Havona spheres, 14:3.7 (156.4)Heaven(s)-appointed things, freedom from error of, 131:9.2 (1452.6)delights of, prerequisites to a mortal’s enjoyment of, 131:3.7 (1447.4)on earth, how present-day Urantians would describe planets of light and life, 55:3.1 (624.7)the first, Jerusem as, 47:10.2 (539.4)the mansion worlds as, 48:6.23 (553.4)God’s glory revealed in the, 131:2.2 (1444.2)of heavens, 1:0.1 (21.1), 2:1.1 (33.4), 48:6.23 (553.4), 178:3.4 (1934.6), 181:1.2 (1953.4)and hell, origin of idea of, 86:4.7 (953.6)marriage not made in, 83:1.4 (922.7)the seven, 48:6.23 (553.4)the third, of the apostle, 48:6.23 (553.4)Urantia idea of, exceeded by planetary era of light and life, 52:7.16 (600.5)and seven mansion worlds, 15:7.5 (174.5)of the Urantia prophets, first mansion world the, 48:6.23 (553.4)Heavenlybodies, belief regarding their relation to terrestrial events, 85:5.0 (947.4–6), 90:2.7 (988.3)country, apostles citizens of, 140:3.1 (1570.2)courts, soul’s chance of mercy before the, 133:4.12 (1475.5)family, the earthly family an illustration of the, 142:7.4 (1603.5)vs. kingdom, 170:2.12 (1860.7)Father, Jesus’ dedication to the revelation of the, 125:5.10 (1383.3), 127:1.7 (1396.4), 129:3.5 (1423.7), 136:9.6 (1522.5)Jesus’ portrayal of the love and mercy of a, 188:4.4 (2016.9)prayer attitude toward his, 123:3.6 (1360.1)submission of his sovereign will to that of his, 136:4.9 (1515.3)vs. king, 170:2.12 (1860.7)not a divided personality, 2:6.6 (41.4)not an indulgent parent, 147:5.9 (1653.3)omniscience of, 142:2.3 (1597.3)to religion, God is a, 1:6.2 (30.1)helpers, vs. earthly helpers, 108:5.5 (1191.6)kingdom, believers’ inference as to Jesus’ return to consummate the, 176:2.1 (1914.2), 196:2.5 (2092.3)citizens of the, children of earth as, 140:8.25 (1582.6)reproducers, a major division of celestial artisans, 44:0.7 (497.7), 44:2.0 (500.7–501.10)Hebraicfaith, taboo on pork by the, 89:1.5 (975.2)system, one of the sources of Christianity, 98:7.5 (1084.4)Hebrew(s)and the adoption ceremony, 70:3.8 (787.8)advanced social standards of the, 69:8.4 (779.3)advantages of, as the bestowal race, 122:0.2 (1344.2)affairs, post-exilic, priests’ destruction of the records of, 97:8.1 (1070.4)basis of religion of the, 5:4.6 (67.4)beginning of writing by the, time of, 74:8.9 (838.1)belief(s) of,

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