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religion as unifying element of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)technique of changing the meanings of, from temporal to eternal, 89:10.4 (984.7)on Urantia, planetary rebellion’s relation to, 67:0.1 (754.1)experience, the great thing in all, the realization of knowing God, 133:4.5 (1474.5)Jesus’ acquirement of, 127:6.13 (1405.5)contribution to the values of, 196:0.3 (2087.3)realization of the possible bitterness of the remainder of his, 136:9.4 (1522.3)a new reality in, 0:5.10 (8.10), 155:5.5 (1728.7), 196:3.30 (2096.6)and realization of God, 1:2.3 (24.1)the religion of the spirit as demonstrated in, 155:5.5 (1728.7)unification of, philosophy as man’s attempt at, 196:3.30 (2096.6)universe insight not yielded by, 196:3.10 (2094.9)Urantian, and universal reality, 0:5.6 (8.6)fairness, Jesus’ great law of, 178:1.12 (1931.3)family, a human institution, 83:1.4 (922.7)Primates the immediate ancestors of the, 62:4.2 (707.1)father, love of, a reflection of the divine, 125:0.6 (1378.1), 148:4.10 (1661.1)feelings and emotions, Jesus’ experience of, 128:1.2 (1407.7)fellowship, genuine religion’s influence regarding, 99:4.1 (1089.9)flesh, growth in habit of eating, among primitives, 89:5.4 (979.3)forgetfulness, ascenders’ need to be fearless of, 34:7.8 (383.2)form, naked, Jews’ objection to the public exposure of the, 187:2.2 (2007.1)friendship, Jesus’ life the ideal of, 161:2.3 (1785.3)religion’s influence on, 99:6.2 (1092.2)gods, era of, in Rome, 98:3.8 (1081.2)government, evolution of, 70:0.0 (783.1–799.2)happiness, and the ideal marriage, 83:8.6 (930.2)heart(s), believing, ability of, to enjoy peace, 181:1.10 (1955.1)God’s speaking within the, 146:2.4 (1638.4)of Jesus, vs. the divine mind of Michael, 182:3.9 (1969.4)natural, deceitfulness of, 145:2.6 (1630.2)Universal Father’s presence in, 2:0.3 (33.3)heredity, loss of a single superior strain of, results, 49:1.7 (560.6)hero of the rebellion, 67:3.8 (757.1), 67:8.0 (761.8–762.4)history, man’s mistake of putting a miraculous interpretation on, 97:8.5 (1071.3)imagination, creative possibilities of, when in partnership with God, 132:7.9 (1467.5)impulses, stimulus of, toward attainment of spirit values, and Havona worlds, 14:6.38 (162.13)the individual, importance to Jesus of, 138:8.9 (1545.10)indwelling, spirit of, 1:3.2 (25.2)institution(s), basic, 69:1.0 (772.4–773.1)marriage a, 83:8.4 (929.7), 84:6.8 (939.3)religion the most unyielding of all, 92:2.1 (1004.4)intellect, an essential to function of adjutant mind-spirits as, 36:5.13 (403.1)Jesus, 129:4.0 (1424.5–1426.1), 141:7.7 (1594.1), 196:1.0 (2090.2–2091.9)knowledge, of greatest value, and the religious life of Jesus, 196:1.3 (2090.4)leaders, man’s tendency to revere his, 92:5.5 (1008.7)level(s) of development, red man the first to attain, 51:4.1 (584.3)man’s attainment of, and Adjuster indwelling, 52:1.6 (590.2)liberty, attainment of, through the recognition of truth, 141:7.6 (1593.7)life, continuation of, reason for, 132:3.7 (1459.7)a definition, 112:5.20 (1235.2), 196:3.4 (2094.3)origin of, past and present ignorance as to the, 84:1.5 (932.2)reason for the survival of, 132:3.7 (1459.7)the seven epochs of, 52:0.1 (589.1)spirit domination of a, results of, 34:6.13 (381.7)the three great drives of, 160:1.2 (1772.3)life experience, a cosmic cocoon, 117:6.8 (1289.1)of Jesus, characteristics 128:0.1 (1407.1), 129:4.2 (1425.1), 157:6.3 (1749.2), 187:2.9 (2008.1)limitations, reaction of creature faith to, 2:5.6 (39.5), 4:4.9 (59.5), 5:1.7 (63.5)living, religion’s purpose to stabilize and enrich, 101:10.5 (1116.6)longings, Jesus’ cleverness in detecting, 171:7.4 (1874.7)loyalties, difficulty of changing, a complication in evolution of political sovereignty, 134:5.8 (1488.6)an enumeration of, 196:0.7 (2088.2)machine, evidence of man’s not being merely a, 195:7.8 (2079.3)mind, ability of, to choose, 196:3.10 (2094.9)explanation of, 3:6.3 (53.1)first decision of, on Urantia, effect of, 62:7.3 (710.2)fusing of, with his Adjuster, usual time of, 47:8.3 (538.1)grasp of the divine by the, 3:5.16 (52.2)gravity responsiveness of, 42:11.4 (482.2)impossibility of discovery of mind of the universe by, 42:11.8 (482.6)Jesus’ mastery of his, 128:5.6 (1414.4), 129:1.14 (1421.4), 134:7.6 (1492.6)refusal to take advantage of the, 128:4.7 (1413.3)submission of, to the Father’s will, 136:9.5 (1522.4)need for philosophy to assume the reality of the, 101:5.8 (1110.11)progressive, possible discoveries of, 155:5.11 (1729.6)technique by the, of attempting to understand reality, 12:8.5 (140.1), 105:0.1 (1152.1)Thought Adjuster’s relation to, 7:5.4 (86.5), 34:5.6 (379.6), 107:1.3 (1177.4), 133:3.7 (1472.6)mind the divine Monitor’s residence, 6:4.6 (76.6), 196:3.34 (2097.2)of Jesus, working harmony of, with indwelling Adjuster, 134:1.7 (1484.4)misery, savage’s belief in spirits’ delight in, 89:0.2 (974.2)morals, personal religion’s precedence of, 102:8.6 (1128.2)nature, factors fostering the best vs. the worst in, 68:6.4 (770.1)inalienables of, 16:7.1 (192.8)Jesus’ assurance of the ascendancy of his divine over his, 134:8.5 (1493.4)understanding of, and sympathy for, 127:6.15 (1405.7)nature of Jesus, incarnation of the divine personality of Michael in the, 7:5.4 (86.5)self-evident in his consciousness, 128:1.8 (1408.5)not inherently sinful, 156:5.8 (1739.3)need, scientists and religionists on trial before bar of, 132:1.4 (1457.3)order of evolutionary life, type of mind ministration endowed with, 34:4.9 (378.3)perfected, a Jewish concept of the Messiah, 136:1.6 (1510.3)personality, ability of, to transcend time, 130:7.4 (1439.2)activated by unselfish ministry, an evidence of spiritual development, 100:2.2 (1095.6)bestowal of divine spirit as a focal point for, 133:7.6 (1479.6)a definition, 1:6.1 (29.7)part of the circuit conducting the Father’s love to his fellows, 117:6.10 (1289.3)perfectly unified, Jesus the, 100:7.18 (1103.6)source of, 6:8.5 (80.2)philosophies, lack of eternal salvation in, 133:4.4 (1474.4)physical senses of, number, 49:4.3 (564.5)potentials, diverse, expression of, provided for by plan of race evolution, 51:4.4 (584.6)necessity for wisdom in the utilization of, 81:6.14 (908.3)problems, and personal spiritual religious experience, 140:8.17 (1581.4), 196:3.1 (2093.6)progress, ancients’ understanding of evolutionary, 74:8.5 (837.4)intolerance inimical to, 71:3.2 (803.2)service of, scientists and religionists must justify themselves by devotion to, 132:1.4 (1457.3)ultimate goal of, 143:1.4 (1608.1)race(s), Adam’s and Eve’s contribution to the biologic progress of the, 76:6.4 (854.1)age of, 64:0.2 (718.2), 81:0.2 (900.2)assignment of angels to the service of the, 167:7.4 (1841.3)beginning of, and instinct to care for infants, 63:3.1 (713.1)creation of, a little lower than the simple types of angelic orders, 113:7.3 (1248.3)homeland of the, 79:0.1 (878.1)and influence of Creative Spirit of Nebadon, 16:6.2 (191.5)and knowledge of Universal Father, 4:5.7 (60.6)nine, remnants of, combined into the people of modern times, 114:6.9 (1255.8)the ninth, 76:4.1 (850.7)participation of Life Carriers in advanced evolution of the, 55:4.11 (627.9)secondary midwayers’ relation to, 77:8.4 (864.5)struggle of, through long ages, to reach its present position, 4:1.2 (54.5)relations, significance of, wisdom’s enhancement of insight into the, 71:7.2 (806.2), 147:4.8 (1651.2)relationships, marriage the most ideal of, 167:5.3 (1838.4)reproduction, trait determiners in sex cells of, 36:2.11 (397.11)resources, influence of, on civilization, 81:6.11 (907.8)rights, 70:9.0 (793.11–794.12)sacrifice, evolution of, 89:6.0 (980.6–981.5)never practiced by Badonan tribes, 64:3.1 (720.2)once a feature of weddings, 83:4.4 (924.7)persistence of, as religious ceremonial, 64:4.13 (722.1)substitution of animal sacrifice for, by Moses, 4:5.5 (60.4)salvation, the gospel’s teaching concerning, 170:2.8 (1860.3), 188:4.13 (2017.8)self, definition of, 133:7.9 (1480.1)and divine self, new relationships of, 13:1.21 (147.2)possible refusal of, to ascend to Paradise, 117:4.11 (1284.7)society, acceleration of evolution of, by Dalamatia teachers, 66:6.6 (750.1)China the onetime head of, 94:6.12 (1034.7)gospel’s portrayal of a new order of, 170:2.4 (1859.14), 195:0.3 (2069.3), 195:10.6 (2084.6)progressive, building of Paul’s, 170:5.16 (1865.6), 195:1.6 (2071.6)soul(s), evolving, possible experiences of, 132:2.6 (1458.3), 155:5.11 (1729.6), 155:6.3 (1731.1)surviving, secret of ascension of, 7:3.2 (84.2)species, narrative of the forward struggle of the, 68:0.0 (763.1)place of origin of, 62:1.3 (703.4)savage tribes of men in the dawn of, valued by Universal Father, 12:7.9 (138.4)stocks, blended anatomic animal vestiges exhibited by, 52:3.8 (593.7)progressive evolution of, 61:6.1 (700.2), 66:6.3 (749.5)of Urantia, the five basic, 81:4.1 (904.5)struggling, chief purpose of, 140:5.15 (1574.8)subject, present average age of the, at the time of the Adjuster’s arrival, 108:2.1 (1186.8)used in this contactual communication, the number of the destiny guardian of the, 113:2.6 (1243.3)survival, Adjusters succeed or fail only in terms of,

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