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to, 3:5.14 (51.13), 48:7.10 (556.10), 103:5.5 (1134.3)pure thinking and virtuous living as related to, 131:3.3 (1446.5)pursuit of, on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)and recognition of truth, 2:7.6 (42.7)relation of, to truth, beauty, goodness, 2:7.11 (43.4)relation of sensitivity to, 140:5.16 (1575.1)religion’s yielding of, 101:2.8 (1106.7)the satisfaction of, pleasure, 3:5.14 (51.13)a solitary life fatal to, 111:4.7 (1220.6)supernal, of Paradise, attainability of, in Amidist religion, 94:12.3 (1041.1)temporal, Adjusters’ delight in contributing to, 110:1.3 (1204.1)of the unified mind dedicated to doing the will of the Father, 133:7.12 (1480.4)yielded by the tamed mind, 131:3.6 (1447.3)HappyAdjusters are, when able to assist in struggles of time, 110:3.1 (1205.5)all loyal sons of God are, 89:10.6 (985.1)apostles instructed by Jesus to say, are the meek, 140:3.5 (1570.6)merciful, 140:3.9 (1570.10)peacemakers, 140:3.10 (1570.11)poor in spirit, 140:3.3 (1570.4)pure in heart, 140:3.6 (1570.7)they who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, 140:3.11 (1570.12)hunger and thirst for righteousness, 140:3.4 (1570.5)mourn, 140:3.8 (1570.9)are the meek, meaning of, 140:5.11 (1574.4)merciful, meaning of, 140:5.17 (1575.2)peacemakers, meaning of, 140:5.18 (1575.3)poor in spirit, meaning of, 140:5.7 (1573.9)pure in heart, meaning of, 140:5.12 (1574.5)they who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, meaning of, 140:5.20 (1575.5)hunger and thirst for righteousness, meaning of, 140:5.8 (1574.1)mourn, meaning of, 140:5.16 (1575.1), 160:2.9 (1776.3)Cain’s life in Mesopotamia not, 76:2.8 (849.2)community, Nathaniel’s and Thomas’s characterization of the apostles as a, 161:2.3 (1785.3)and dependable, John Mark’s life to be, due to early home life, 177:2.4 (1922.2)and effective person, motivation of a, 140:4.6 (1572.6)ending to the attempt to recruit the young Jesus to the nationalist cause, 127:2.9 (1398.1)family, Passover celebration of Annas and Zebedee relations as one, 129:2.8 (1422.5)father, in the parable of the prodigal son, 169:1.10 (1852.3)and God-revealing life of Jesus, of more importance than his tragic death, 143:5.11 (1614.5)-go-lucky character of the gods of Olympus, 98:1.4 (1078.2)hunting grounds, climatic change of, to deserts, 80:3.8 (892.2)as euphemism for afterlife, rites of initiation into, 80:5.6 (893.8)Jesus and Jacob, in their play, 123:1.4 (1357.1)made, by the birth of his sister Miriam, 123:2.3 (1357.7)seen at Cana wedding as more, than since age of thirteen, 137:3.7 (1528.3)Jesus’ statement that he would be, if certain of Simon’s adjustment to coming changes, 181:2.7 (1956.2)Joseph and Mary supremely, after returning to their home, 123:1.1 (1356.4)laborer, Jesus a, 136:0.1 (1509.1)Mary, following the double wedding, for a time, 128:7.10 (1418.2)in thinking she had her boy back after Jerusalem visit, 126:0.2 (1386.2)marriage, primitives’ efforts to ensure a, 83:4.4 (924.7)Mesopotamian seekers, in new truths, after conferring with Jesus at Jericho, 141:8.3 (1595.4)more, than others, Simon’s question regarding why some persons are, 149:5.1 (1674.3)person, positive motivation of, 140:4.6 (1572.6)playmates, two Zebedee brothers as boys, 139:3.5 (1553.1)primitive women considered selves fairly, 84:4.11 (936.4)and prosperous middle class, absence of, in Roman Empire, 121:1.8 (1333.1)results for social evolution, difficulty of obtaining on an isolated sphere, 52:6.2 (597.3)supremely, mind, one dedicated to doing the Father’s will, 133:7.12 (1480.4)personalities, the hosts of Havona, 48:4.16 (549.3)Thomas’s parents not altogether, in married life, 139:8.3 (1561.3)throng, behavior of, after Capernaum healing, 145:4.1 (1634.1)time had by Jesus and his cousin John, during a childhood visit, 123:3.4 (1359.5)Haransignificance of the city of, 93:5.4 (1019.1)Harassmentsof material existence, believers must learn how to escape, 156:5.12 (1739.7)mental, victims of, sought and received help from Jesus, 149:2.6 (1671.1)of mortal living, constructive technique for meeting the vicissitudes and, 156:5.13 (1739.8)petty, of life, the cross and man’s complaints about the, 188:5.10 (2019.3)Hardship(s)a father’s readiness to share his children’s, 142:7.10 (1604.5)grappling with, an inevitability for evolutionary creatures, 3:5.6 (51.5)inescapable, the God-conscious mortal’s attitude toward, 156:5.20 (1740.7)severest, noncomplaint of men and women at, beholding Jesus on the cross, 188:5.10 (2019.3)sustaining hope of spirit-born souls in, 34:6.13 (381.7)Harempurpose of a, 83:5.15 (927.1)Solomon’s large, 97:9.16 (1073.6)Harlotcommerce with, and eating with unwashed hands, 153:3.6 (1713.1)HarmonicsUrantians’ indifferent appreciation of, 44:1.15 (500.6)Harmonizersof mortal talents, spirit artisans as, 44:8.2 (507.7)Harmonyof associated spirits, celestial musicians’ employment of, 44:1.7 (499.9)association and kinship of, with beauty and rhythm, 44:7.2 (507.3)definition, 44:1.11 (500.2)hunger for, a cosmologic level of thought related to curiosity, 56:10.6 (646.7)perfect, between the Adjusters and guardian seraphim, 113:4.5 (1245.5)of the physical, mental, and spiritual, 110:6.4 (1209.4)the speech of Havona, 44:1.15 (500.6)supervisors, 26:3.4 (288.4)workers, function of, 44:7.0 (507.2–5)Harpof God, definition, 47:10.2 (539.4)Jesus’, his selling of, 127:4.10 (1402.3)tax collector’s threat to confiscate, 126:5.5 (1393.2)Jesus’ fondness for playing the, 123:6.5 (1364.8), 126:1.6 (1387.6), 127:4.10 (1402.3)playing of the, for neighbors, 126:2.6 (1389.1)youthful skill at the, 123:6.5 (1364.8)Harpoonan Andonite invention, 63:5.6 (715.6)Harvestfields are white for the, 143:6.1 (1615.2)Jesus’ first acquaintance with, 124:1.11 (1367.7)plenteous, but the laborers few, 150:4.1 (1681.8), 163:1.3 (1800.5)Hasteharrying, religionists’ seeming freedom from, 102:2.3 (1119.8)Hateand anger, control of, need for, 131:3.6 (1447.3)Pentecost’s influence on man’s ability to challenge, 194:3.12 (2064.4)changing love into, 177:4.11 (1926.4)the cross the symbol of the triumph of love over, 188:5.6 (2018.5)destroyed, not compromised or condoned, by true love, 188:5.2 (2018.1)destructive influence of, 140:5.16 (1575.1)evils of, to be challenged by love and forbearance, 194:3.12 (2064.4)is the shadow of fear, 145:3.4 (1632.3)vanquishing of, by benevolence, 131:4.6 (1449.1)Hatitathe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Hatredassociated with Jesus’ death, the work of evil men, 183:1.2 (1972.1)danger of, 140:6.4 (1576.4), 185:6.4 (1995.3)of Jesus without a cause, 180:3.2 (1947.1)un-Christlike, and persecution, of modern Jews, 175:2.2 (1909.2)Haughtyspirit, precedence of, to a fall, 131:2.6 (1444.6)Havonaage of, 115:5.2 (1265.1)ascent, reunion of probationary children and their parents in the, 47:2.8 (532.6)bestowal, of first-born Creator Son, 7:5.8 (87.2)enshroudment of, by dark gravity bodies, 14:1.14 (153.5)Eternal Son’s bestowal on, 7:5.7 (87.1), 119:0.2 (1308.2)key to, 26:4.15 (290.5)Paradise summary of relevant data about, 25:5.3 (281.4)possible sometime arrival of outer-spacers in, 14:6.41 (163.3), 55:12.2 (636.3)post-Grandfanda, modifications in organization of, 24:7.9 (271.8)seven functions of First Source and Center outside, 10:3.9 (111.7)space reports of, 15:9.9 (177.8)a vital factor this side of, 28:6.10 (315.3)watchers over, 12:6.8 (136.6)Havona-Beingsangelic specialists of, 26:3.1 (288.1)assignment of Universal Censors to, possible reason for, 19:4.2 (217.7)beings of, recipients of living treasures from Custodians of Knowledge, 27:5.5 (302.4)Census Directors stationed on pilot worlds of, 24:2.3 (267.1)citizens, the four supreme goals of, 31:1.5 (346.6)creatures, personality-pattern possibilities for Creator Son’s mortal children and spirit beings, 14:6.28 (162.3)Finaliters, Corps of, 30:2.136 (337.37), 31:1.5 (346.6), 31:10.6 (353.2)God the Supreme existent in, 56:6.2 (641.3)harmony supervisors’ field of service, 26:3.4 (288.4)headquarters of conjoint corps of Trinitized Sons, 22:8.5 (252.1), 31:7.4 (350.2)Infinite Spirit as known in, 8:4.3 (94.5)inhabitants, eternal status of existence of, 105:7.2 (1159.7)moral status of, 3:5.17 (52.3)pattern beings for other universes among, 14:4.18 (157.10)mystery enshrouding the spirit person of the Supreme Being, 55:12.5 (636.6)natives, contact of, with ascenders and descenders, result, 117:6.14 (1289.7)contributions of, to pilgrim spirits, 37:9.8 (414.13)diminishing numbers of, in central universe, 19:6.4 (221.6)the direct creation of the Paradise Trinity, 19:6.1 (221.3)endowments of, indescribable, 19:6.1 (221.3)existence of, parallel to other universe levels, 37:9.12 (415.4)finaliter corps open to, 19:6.3 (221.5)friendship of ascending mortals with, 19:6.2 (221.4)identity, 14:4.10 (157.2), 19:6.0 (221.3–222.4), 105:7.2 (1159.2)invisibility of, to senses of mortals, 14:2.4 (154.6)membership of, in finaliter companies, proportion of, 31:3.1 (347.4)never guilty of transgressing the will of Deity, 14:2.9 (155.3)noncreated origin of, 14:4.10 (157.2)number of, beyond human conception, 19:6.1 (221.3)possible experiential acquisitions of, 19:6.3 (221.5)as reversion directors, 48:4.9 (548.4)sensation stimuli of, number of, 14:2.3 (154.5)Solitary Messengers’ special relations with, 23:2.14 (258.13)status evolution of, speculation regarding, 19:6.4 (221.6)teaching function of, 31:1.1 (346.2)Trinity-origin beings, 19:0.7 (214.7)zone of residence of, when dwelling on Paradise, 11:3.3 (120.6)Original Mother Son’s bestowal made real to creatures of, 7:5.9 (87.3)personalities, vs. mortals in acquirement of righteousness, 3:5.16 (52.2)personnel of, undergoing reorganization related to outer space levels,

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