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is World Literature? Princeton: Princeton University Press.

      10 Dongala, Emmanuel. 1982. Jazz et vin de palme. Paris: Hatier.

      11 Fraiture, Pierre‐Philippe. 2013. V. Y. Mudimbe: Undisciplined Africanism. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

      12 Hourantier, Marie‐José. 1984. Du théâtre au théâtre‐rituel: contribution à une esthétique théâtrale négro‐africaine. Paris: L’Harmattan.

      13 Labou Tansi, Sony. 1977. Je soussigné cardiaque. Paris: Radio France Internationale.

      14 Labou Tansi, Sony. 1979. La vie et demie. Paris: Seuil, 1979. Translated by Alison Dundy as Life and a Half (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 2011).

      15 Labou Tansi, Sony. 1993. La parenthèse de sang (1981). Paris: Hatier.

      16 Le Lay, Maëline. 2014. La parole construit le pays. Théâtre, langues et didactisme au Katanga (République Démocratique du Congo). Paris: Honoré Champion.

      17 Liking, Werewere. 1979. La Puissance de Um. Abidjan: CEDA.

      18 Lobe, Max. 2016. Confidences. Carouge: ZOE.

      19 Lopes, Henri. 1982. Le Pleurer‐Rire. Paris: Présence Africaine.

      20 Mabanckou, Alain. 2005. “Ecrire sans la France: l’écrivain d’Afrique noire francophone et la langue française.” Le blog d’Alain Mabanckou, July 25, 2005. http://www.congopage.com/Ecrire‐sans‐la‐France‐l‐ecrivain‐d.

      21 Mabanckou, Alain. 2009. Black Bazar. Paris: Seuil.

      22 Miano, Léonora. 2010. Blues pour Elise. Paris: Plon.

      23 Miano, Léonora. 2013. La saison de l’ombre. Paris: Grasset.

      24 Midiohouan, Guy Ossito. 2002. Ecrire en pays colonisé: Plaidoyer pour une nouvelle approche des rapports entre la littérature négro‐africaine d’expression française et le pouvoir colonial. Paris: L’Harmattan.

      25 Miller, Christopher. 1990. Theories of Africans: Francophone Literature and Anthropology in Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

      26 Miller, Christopher. 1998. Nationalists and Nomads: Essays on Francophone African Literature and Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

      27 Moudileno, Lydie. 2006. Parades postcoloniales. La fabrication des identités dans le roman congolais. Paris: Karthala.

      28 Mudimbe, Valentin. 1973. Entre les eaux. Paris: Présence Africaine.

      29 Mudimbe, Valentin. 1988. The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy and the Order of Knowledge. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

      30 Mujila, Fiston Mwanza. 2014. Tram 83. Paris: Editions Métailié.

      31 Ngal, Georges. 1984. Giambatista Viko: ou, Le Viol du discours africain. Paris: Hatier.

      32 Nganang, Patrice. 2004. “Ecrire sans la France.” Africultures, November 10, 2004. http://africultures.com/ecrire‐sans‐la‐france‐3610/.

      33 Nganang, Patrice. 2007. Manifeste d’une nouvelle littérature africaine: pour une écriture préemptive. Paris: Homnisphères.

      34 Nganang, Patrice. 2011. Mont Plaisant. Paris: Philippe Rey. Translated by Amy Baram Reid as Mount Pleasant (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016).

      35 Oyono, Ferdinand. 1956. Une vie de boy. Paris: Julliard. Translated by John Reed as Houseboy (London: Heinemann, 1966).

      36 “Pour une littérature‐monde en français.” 2007. Le Monde. March 15, 2007.

      37 Selasi, Taiye. 2005. “Bye‐Bye Babar (Or: What is an Afropolitan?).” Lip. March 3, 2005. http://thelip.robertsharp.co.uk/?p=76.

      38 Tcheuyap, Alexie. 2005. “Poverty, Cinema, and Politics: The Trouble with Images in Cameroon.” In Cinema and Social Discourse in Cameroon, edited by Alexie Tcheuyap. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies. 1–20.

      39 Teno, Jean‐Marie. 1992. Afrique, je te plumerai. Cameroon: Les films du Raphia.

      40 Teno, Jean‐Marie. 2009. Lieux Saints. Cameroon/France: Les films du Raphia.

      41 Thomas, Dominic. 2002. Nation‐Building, Propaganda, and Literature in Francophone Africa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

      1 1 Le Lay (2014, 11). All translations mine unless otherwise indicated.

      2 2 For a contextualization of the emergence of engagement as a concept and its subsequent place in discussions of African literature, see Odile Cazenave and Patricia Célérier, “The Burden of Commitment,” in Cazenave and Célérier (2011).

      3 3 Pierre‐Philippe Fraiture points out the novel’s reference to the political realities of Congo as well as its inspiration in widespread ideas of liberation theology (Fraiture 2013, 173–174).

      4 4 Biyidi (1955, 133–140). Alexandre Biyidi is the birth name of Mongo Béti, which is a pseudonym.

      5 5 The term Françafrique is frequently used to describe France’s neocolonial relationship with its former colonies, including acts of political intervention intended to protect French economic interests. See François Xavier‐Verschave, La Françafrique: Le plus long scandale de la République (Paris: Stock, 2003). For a probing treatment in comic form, see Grégory Jarry and Otto T., Petite histoire des colonies françaises: tome 4: La Françafrique (Poitiers: Editions FLBLB, 2011).

      6 6 Tcheuyap (2005). Tcheuyap’s distinction brackets filmmakers like Claire Denis, who is French but spent much of her childhood in Cameroon. This is reflected in her choice of setting and subject matter in films such as Chocolat (1998) and White Material (2009).

       Anjali Prabhu

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