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Прадстаўляем вашай увазе кнігу «Ветлівыя словы».


Прадстаўляем вашай увазе кнігу «Куранятка».


Написал эту книгу молодой моряк, недавно вернувшийся из трёхлетнего плавания на фрегате «Северный Орёл». Из плавания своего он вынес замысел трёхъязычного Морского словаря (который вскоре будет создан и послужит русскому флоту много десятилетий) – и идею о переводе на русский одной из первых в мире детских книг. Ведь только за считанные годы до того несколько немецких писателей и педагогов решили, что для детей нужно создавать специальные книги, а не просто переделывать и упрощать для них книги взрослые. Первой такой книгой, вышедшей в 1776 году, считается сочинение «Друг детей», а второй – тот самый труд И. Г. Кампе «Детская библиотека». Русский «перевод» вышел всего через четыре года после издания немецкого прототипа. Только именовать его переводом нужно с большими оговорками. Ведь как раз по ходу дела Шишков и создавал язык русской литературы для детей: он вырабатывал в ней простой, почти «простонародный» слог – а в то же время слог чуткий и возвышенный; энергичный, задорный – но вместе с тем сердечный, трогательный; слог шутливый, озорной – и, одновременно, полный важных мыслей и серьёзных размышлений. До Шишкова так в России не писал стихов никто.



In 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer—a theologian and pastor—was executed by the Nazis for his resistance to their unspeakable crimes against humanity. He was only 39 years old when he died, but Bonhoeffer left behind volumes of work exploring theological and ethical themes that have now inspired multiple generations of scholars, students, pastors, and activists. This book highlights the ways Dietrich Bonhoeffer's work informs political theology and examines Bonhoeffer's contributions in three ways: historical-critical interpretation, critical-constructive engagement, and constructive-practical application. With contributions from a broad array of scholars from around the world, chapters range from historical analysis of Bonhoeffer’s early political resistance language to accounts of Bonhoeffer-inspired, front-line resistance to white supremacists in Charlottesville, VA. This volume speaks to the ongoing relevance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s work and life in and out of the academy.


Originally published in Spanish and edited by Cuban historian Daisy Rubiera Castillo and playwright and theater critic Inés María Martiatu Terry, this ground-breaking edited collection is the first work of its kind. It places the experiences of black and mulata women at the center of Cuban history. Including essays from a mix of well-known and newly published Cuban authors, the volume examines the lives of Afrocubanas from the late nineteenth century to the present. The volume’s contributors collect and interrogate the voices of black Cuban women and the political, cultural, social, and ideological contributions they have made to the history of their nation. One of the unique qualities of Afrocubanas is that the text is the product of a grassroots community working group in Havana. A number of antiracist organizations emerged to fight racial inequality in light of Cuba’s new economic challenges after the fall of its chief trading partner, the Soviet Union in 1991. But, the Afrocubanas Project (founded in the mid-2000s) is one of the few groups that challenges racism and sexism together. The members of the Afrocubanas Project hail from a variety of professions, ages, and sexual orientations. They share a collective interest in challenging negative stereotypes about black women. This volume merges their activism and scholarship to offer a counter discourse to existing narratives about black women in Cuba while also creating and disseminating new knowledge about Afrocubanas. There is no other published work in English devoted to analyzing the political and intellectual dimensions of black Cuban women’s thought across the island’s history. This text is essential reading for scholars and students of Africana Studies, Afro-Latin American Studies, Caribbean history, and courses focusing on black women in the Atlantic region.


Learning methods for the twenty-first century will include those which are student-centered, learning-focused, and digitally enhanced. Teaching will become learning management; the lecturer will become a learning guide, and students will become learning inventors. This book provides chapters describing a number of methods to be used in higher education in the twenty-first century. Some methods have been in existence for a period of time; others are literally at the front edge of development. Trying them out, piloting them, and experimenting with them for the benefit of the student is well worth the effort. It is best to be as prepared as possible for future changes rather than waiting to see what is going to happen. Those who try and are successful will be the leaders in learning management of the near future. In the digital world, being at the leading edge has definite advantages. No matter which method is used, it should focus on the student as learner with the faculty member as a learning guide. To survive in the twenty-first century, students will need to become continuous learners, developing with changes at an exponential velocity. Educators need to keep this critical concept in mind.


Migration is the most volatile sociopolitical issue of our time, as the current escalation of discourse and action in the United States and Europe concerning walls, border security, refugee camps, and deportations indicates. The essays by the international and interdisciplinary group of scholars assembled in this volume offer critical filters suggesting that this escalation and its historical precedents do not preclude redemptive counterstrategies. Encoded in narratives of affiliation and escape, these counterstrategies are variously launched as literary, cinematic, and civic interventions in past and present constructions of diasporic, migratory, or exilic identities. The essays trace these narratives through the figure of the “exile” as it moves across times, borders, and genres, transmogrifying into the fugitive, the escapee, the refugee, the nomad, the Other. Arguing that narratives and figures of migration to and in Europe and the Americas share tropes that link migration to kinship, community, refuge, and hegemony, the volume identifies a transhistorical, transcultural, and transnational common ground for experiences of mediated diaspora, migration, and exile at a time when public discourse and policy-making emphasize borders, divisions, and violent confrontations.


Paul Ricoeur and the Lived Body extends the scope of Paul Ricoeur’s reflections and analyses of the body as one’s own through explorations into the ethical, cultural, and affective dimensions of our corporeal existence. Starting with the fact that each of us has a place in the world by reason of our mode of incarnation as flesh, the contributors to this volume address a range of diverse themes in which the lived body figures. Edited by Roger W. H. Savage, this book investigates the construction of narrative identities and the social assignment of gender and race, the passions and an ethics of respect, affect theory, feeling, the carnal imagination, and the cultural and social milieu that comprises the conditions of our embodiment as subjects who have deeply held convictions and beliefs. By acknowledging that the lived body is irreducible to an object in the world, the essays in this volume have a common point: our assurance in acting and suffering is rooted in the mode of our incarnate existence as fragile yet capable human beings.